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Discussion Members:

1. Helmi 1847040014
2. Yusuf Denilson Rolinsa 1847041028
3. Andi Nurul Afifah 1847042018





Helmi : What solutions can be given to teachers who are less knowledgeable in technology,
while online learning requires technology in the learning process?

Hardiyanti Ridwan : There are several things teachers who are clueless can do in dealing with
online learning, namely:

1. Take the training

2. Often Exercise at Home,

3. Finding Out Learning Support Applications,

4. Following the Teacher Sharing Collaboration Movement,

5. Improve Competence and Quality

Yusuf: What do educators need to prepare to deal with the learning process during this

Hardiyanti Ridwan: Things that need to be prepared by educators to face the learning process
during this pandemic include:
1. Must be able to take advantage of media technology

2. Creating a Planned Online Learning

3. Make Students Stay Concentrated

4. Delivering Advice to Students

5. Encourage parents to be active in assisting children's needs in the learning process.

6. Summarize the teaching materials

7. Interactive Learning Methods

8. Providing the Best Internet Provider

Andi Nurul Afifah: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a crisis in education, including
educators, and actually before the pandemic, we actually faced problems with teacher
competence. Many teachers teach not because of their passion or desire but simply to work. Now
with an online learning system, most teachers are required to be creative so that children don't
feel bored and interested in learning. So my question in article 2 is, If teaching is not a calling or
a desire, of course this will be a burden and in the end the teacher is not motivated to be creative
and only teaches in moderation. What do you think is a good solution to the problem? Ifah

Hardiyanti Ridwan : Increasing teacher competence can be started by increasing teacher work
motivation. Motivation is an impulse that arises in a person who moves him to do something
(Mangkunegara, 2011). Teacher work motivation is the motivation that a teacher has to always
work hard and face all problems in the hope of achieving the best results. Ardiana (2017) states
that there are two teacher motivations, namely internal motivation and external motivation.
Internal motivation includes encouragement to work, career advancement, a sense of
responsibility at work, interest in assignments, and drive to excel. Meanwhile, external
motivations include interpersonal relationships, honoraria, supervision of school principals, and
working conditions.
Conclusion : As educators, the things that must be prepared in the face of online learning to the
fullest like Must be able to take advantage of media technology, Creating a Planned Online
Learning, Make Students Stay Concentrated, Delivering Advice to Students, Encourage parents
to be active in assisting children's needs in the learning process., Summarize the teaching
materials, Interactive Learning Methods, and Providing the Best Internet Provider. Teacher work
motivation in the learning process during this pandemic is the motivation that a teacher has to
always work hard and face all problems in the hope of achieving the best results. Ardiana (2017)
states that there are two teacher motivations, namely internal motivation and external motivation.
Internal motivation includes encouragement to work, career advancement, a sense of
responsibility at work, interest in assignments, and drive to excel. Meanwhile, external
motivations include interpersonal relationships, honoraria, supervision of school principals, and
working conditions.



Helmi: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the SAVI approach during online

Hardiyanti Ridwan: Advantages

1. Generating students' full integrated intelligence by combining physical movement with

intellectual activity.

2. Students do not forget easily because students build their own knowledge.

3. The atmosphere in the learning process is fun because students feel cared for so that students
do not get bored quickly to learn.

4. Fostering cooperation because students who are smarter are expected to help those who are
less intelligent.

5. Bring up a better, more attractive and effective learning atmosphere

6. Able to generate creativity and improve students' psychomotor abilities.

7. Maximizing the acuity of student concentration.

8. Students will be more motivated to learn better.

9. Train students to get used to thinking and expressing opinions and dare to explain the answers;
and 10. Is a variation suitable for all learning styles.


1. Demands the existence of a perfect teacher so that they can integrate the four components in
SAVI as a whole.
2. Requires complete learning facilities and infrastructure that are comprehensive and tailored to
their needs, so that it requires a very large cost of education. Especially for the procurement of
sophisticated and interesting learning media. This can be fulfilled in advanced schools.

3. Because students are accustomed to being given information in advance so that students have
difficulty finding answers or ideas on their own.

4. Takes a long time especially when students are weak.

5. Requires changes to fit the current learning situation.

6. The SAVI model is still relatively new, so many teacher teachers do not know and understand.

7. The SAVI model tends to the activeness of students, so that students who have a low level of
intelligence make students feel inferior.

Yusuf : Why does the SAVI approach need to be mastered by educators, what is the reason and
how is it applied during a pandemic?

Hardiyanti Ridwan : Savi's approach is the latest student-centered approach. this is in

accordance with the principles of the curriculum that we use today. By using the SAVI approach,
students' learning styles can be developed properly. for its own application during a pandemic, it
can be said to be less effective. because in its application requires complete and adequate
facilities and infrastructure.

Andi Nurul Afifah : Why did you bring up this topic as the topic of your article discussion, is
it important for an educator to know or understand the content of the article's topic, explain why!

Hardiyanti Ridwan : Educators are important in knowing this SAVI approach, why? Because
one of the learning approaches that can help students maximize their learning styles is the SAVI
(Somatic, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual) approach. This learning approach helps students to
learn according to their individual learning styles so that students can understand what they are
learning easily. In addition, knowing the different learning styles is expected to help teachers
guide and present learning approaches that make students easier, fun and effective in improving
learning outcomes.

Conclusion : Savi's approach is the latest student-centered approach. this is in accordance with
the principles of the curriculum that we use today. By using the SAVI approach, students'
learning styles can be developed properly. Educators are important in knowing this SAVI
approach, why? Because one of the learning approaches that can help students maximize their
learning styles is the SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual) approach. This learning
approach helps students to learn according to their individual learning styles so that students can
understand what they are learning easily. In addition, knowing the different learning styles is
expected to help teachers guide and present learning approaches that make students easier, fun
and effective in improving learning outcomes.

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