Computational Intelligencein Gait Research

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5, SEPTEMBER 2009 687

Computational Intelligence in Gait Research:

A Perspective on Current Applications
and Future Challenges
Daniel T. H. Lai, Member, IEEE, Rezaul K. Begg, Senior Member, IEEE,
and Marimuthu Palaniswami, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Our mobility is an important daily requirement so may be fatal in certain cases. For example, 90% of adults with
much so that any disruption to it severely degrades our perceived cerebral palsy (CP) in the U.S. were alarmingly found to lack
quality of life. Studies in gait and human movement sciences, there- access to periodic health checks [1] even though more than half
fore, play a significant role in maintaining the well-being of our
mobility. Current gait analysis involves numerous interdependent of CP hemiplegics were known to require constant personal as-
gait parameters that are difficult to adequately interpret due to the sistance [2]. The elderly population is faced with gait disorder
large volume of recorded data and lengthy assessment times in gait progression, which increases the risk of death precipitated by
laboratories. A proposed solution to these problems is computa- falls and bone fractures [3]. Half of these fallers cannot get
tional intelligence (CI), which is an emerging paradigm in biomed- backup without assistance and if left unattended for more than
ical engineering most notably in pathology detection and prosthesis
design. The integration of CI technology in gait systems facilitates two hours run the risk of dehydration, hypothermia, pneumo-
studies in disorders caused by lower limb defects, cerebral dis- nia, pulmonary embolism (38% of deaths in hip fracture falls),
orders, and aging effects by learning data relationships through a rhabdomyolysis (toxic breakdown of muscle fibers), and pres-
combination of signal processing and machine learning techniques. sure ulcers [4].
Learning paradigms, such as supervised learning, unsupervised Gait analysis is the study of the biomechanics of human move-
learning, and fuzzy and evolutionary algorithms, provide advanced
modeling capabilities for biomechanical systems that in the past ment aimed at quantifying factors governing the functionality of
have relied heavily on statistical analysis. CI offers the ability to the lower extremities. This is crucial for the detection of gait dis-
investigate nonlinear data relationships, enhance data interpre- orders, identification of balance factors, and assessment of clin-
tation, design more efficient diagnostic methods, and extrapolate ical gait interventions and rehabilitation programs. In addition,
model functionality. These are envisioned to result in more cost- gait studies have contributed significantly to the design of artifi-
effective, efficient, and easy-to-use systems, which would address
global shortages in medical personnel and rising medical costs. This cial limbs (prostheses) for amputees and inspired artificial loco-
paper surveys current signal processing and CI methodologies fol- motor controllers used in exoskeletons and robotics. Clinicians
lowed by gait applications ranging from normal gait studies and rely extensively on gait analysis for diagnosis and treatment op-
disorder detection to artificial gait simulation. We review recent tions, but have been confronted by numerous complexities such
systems focusing on the existing challenges and issues involved in as high data dimensionality and volume, nonlinear data depen-
making them successful. We also examine new research in sensor
technologies for gait that could be combined with these intelligent dencies, complex and nonunique correlations (every person’s
systems to develop more effective healthcare solutions. gait is different), and quasi-temporal dependencies among mea-
sured gait parameters [5]. These complexities are compounded
Index Terms—Artificial gait, computational intelligence (CI),
elderly gait, gait analysis, gait disorders, gait event detection, by long recording times in gait laboratories, and increasing pa-
pathology detection, prosthetic control, sensor technology. tient populations result in delayed diagnosis leading to an in-
creased risk of disorder progression and further complications.
I. INTRODUCTION It is evident that classical gait analysis would benefit tremen-
UR society’s growing demand for a better quality of life dously from an infusion of more advanced analysis techniques
O is posed to change global economic and industrial per-
ceptions. Health is now perceived as a major necessity for a
such as computational intelligence (CI). CI is a fusion of learn-
ing mechanisms and computing specifically suited for powerful
fulfilling life. The area of gait and human movement science decision systems capable of interpreting and processing large
is gaining prominence with realization that movement disor- volumes of data. These techniques, which include supervised
ders warrant significant medical attention, incur high costs, and learning, fuzzy classifiers, and evolutionary optimization meth-
ods, have been applied to pattern recognition and system model-
Manuscript received November 30, 2007; revised April 1, 2008 and June 23, ing, thus making them suitable for gait studies. CI models built
2008. First published May 12, 2009; current version published September 2, through learning nonlinear data relationships promise more ro-
2009. bust, efficient, and cost-effective diagnostic, monitoring, and
D. T. H. Lai and R. K. Begg are with the Biomechanics Unit, Victoria Uni-
versity, Melbourne, Vic. 8001, Australia (e-mail: control systems requiring basic computing facilities, i.e., per-
M. Palaniswami is with the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic. 3010, sonal computers for implementation. These systems would re-
Australia. duce diagnosis times, aid in treatment selection, enhance patient
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at monitoring, reduce operation costs, and save countless lives. CI
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TITB.2009.2022913 has already gained popularity in other healthcare areas such as

1089-7771/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE

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Fig. 1. Plan view of the major gait events, depicting stance and swing phases,
and single- and double-support times (percent gait cycle), which are marked by
toe and heel contacts (illustration based on information in C. L. Vaughan, B. L.
Davis, and J. C. O’Connor, Dynamics of Human Gait. Champaign, IL: Human
Kinetics, 1992).

Fig. 2. Gait cycle showing the three major tasks and the corresponding sub-
tasks, namely, weight acceptance (initial contact and loading response), single-
the detection of cardiovascular and neuromuscular diseases [6], limb support (midstance, terminal stance, and preswing), and limb motion (ini-
[7], the study of protein structures for drug design [8], [9], and tial swing, midswing, and terminal swing).
more pervasive patient monitoring systems for tracking patient
recovery [10]. (see Fig. 1). Deviations in these relative timings are potentially
In this paper, we first review the fundamental gait biome- indicative of abnormalities or disorders [12].
chanics, gait pathologies, and common gait measurements in There are three major tasks in the gait cycle. Weight accep-
order to situate this body of research. We then describe the sig- tance occurs when body weight is transferred from one leg to
nal processing and CI methodologies that are integral to every another, which requires careful coordination and proper shock
intelligent system deployment, thus pointing out their strengths absorption because the leg that has just completed its motion is
and perceived limitations. This is followed by a perspective on in an unstable state. The next task is to support the entire body
recent applications of CI to gait studies, which now range from weight on a single leg (single-limb support), and the final task is
disorder detection to artificial gait where we highlight the issues, limb motion where the leg swings forward to advance the body.
system design, and reported performances. In the final section, These major tasks are further divided into eight subphases, as
we discuss the challenges and emerging technologies that are depicted in Fig. 2, beginning with initial contact (right foot for
predicted to be integrated in future gait systems. example) in the stance phase, the hip is flexed, knee extended,
and ankle in a dorsiflexed neutral position. This is followed by
II. NORMAL AND PATHOLOGICAL GAIT the loading response where both feet are on the ground and body
weight is transferred from one leg to the other. Midstance be-
Gait is a complex integrated task requiring precise coordina- gins halfway through single-limb support where weight passes
tion of the neural and musculoskeletal systems to ensure correct directly over the right leg while the left is in motion. The body
skeletal dynamics [11]. This is essential because the human me- is in terminal stance when the right heel begins to rise before
chanical system operates on two small bases of support (the feet) the left foot touches the ground. The second double support
with the center of mass about two-thirds of the body height from occurs when the left toe makes contact with the ground and
the ground. During motion, the body is primarily supported by a body weight is again briefly supported by both limbs (preswing
single foot (80% of the gait cycle, as depicted in Fig. 1), which phase). Then, the right foot leaves the ground (initial swing
implies a state of continuous imbalance requiring a sophisti- phase) and body weight is transferred this time from right to left
cated mechanism to ensure safe foot trajectory. Analysis of this (midswing phase) before finally advancing completely (terminal
mechanism has sought to understand movement control, alter- swing) forward and returning to initial contact.
ations due to diseases, and the effects of surgical interventions
and prosthetics use. B. Normal Gait
Research in healthy gait is important to determine the nor-
A. Gait Cycle
mal gait parameter ranges so that deviations could be used to
The gait cycle is defined as the interval between two succes- indicate disorders [13], [14]. Range determination has unfortu-
sive events, for example, heel contacts of the same foot. This nately been complicated by the fact that individuals possess a
periodic event is characterized by a stance phase (60% of the wide range of gait patterns. These variances make it difficult
total gait cycle), where at least one foot is in contact with the to categorize and diagnose pathological gait based on single-
ground, and a swing phase (40% of the total gait cycle) dur- range deviations, thus forcing clinicians to measure groups of
ing which one limb swings through to the next heel contact parameters over large subject populations.

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Nevertheless, previous studies have been performed on young ceiving sensory input, thus resulting in declines of visual acuity,
gait to relate immature walking to pathological gait changes de- perception of depth and shades, and proprioception. In addition,
noted by basic parameters such as walking velocity and stride muscle atrophy (muscle breakdown) can lead to myopathic gait
length [15]. Walking velocity, for example, increases progres- that affects major muscles in the pelvis and back causing waddle
sively with age, rapidly increasing from 0.64 to 1.14 m/s by gait patterns common in senior citizens.
year 7 before achieving an average of 1.38 m/s in adulthood. Elderly gait disorders lead to injuries (usually from falling)
Parameters such as single- and double-support times remain al- that incur expensive medical costs and high mortality rates. The
most constant across age brackets while other ranges depend on elderly risk fractures in the distal radius, proximal humerus,
specific gait cycle phases [4], [16], [17]. and tibia, hip, and vertebrae when they fall because their bones
are weakened by osteoporosis (reduced trabecular bone density
C. Clinical Gait Disorders with age). For example, 32% of a sample of community dwelling
Clinical gait disorders afflict all age groups and can arise from elderly persons were found to have sustained a fall at least
pathologies in the lower extremities such as patellofemoral pain once a year, with 24% of them suffering serious injuries [30].
syndrome [18], [19], knee osteoarthritis [20], and tendon rap- An estimated 30% of people aged 65 and above or 50% of
ture [21], which result in antalgic gait patterns. These patterns individuals over the age of 75 years sustain a fall at least once a
resemble limping movements due to pain in weight bearing year, which is sufficient to cause serious injury [31].
structures such as the knee joints and ankle joints, and is char-
acterized by a short stance phase as weight is shifted quickly
from the injured limb. Gait data are recorded from motion analysis systems (e.g.,
Pathologies such as CP [22]–[24], Parkinson’s disease [25], Vicon and Optotrak), force platforms [e.g., Advanced Mechan-
dementia [26], and stroke [27] lead to apraxic gait patterns ical Technology, Inc. (AMTI), and Kistler], foot pressure (e.g.,
where there is loss of ability to move properly. This is due to Tekscan), and electromyography (EMG; e.g., Noraxon) for mus-
the disruption of the human locomotion control and sensory cle activity. The following categorizes the frequently recorded
feedback system, which controls balance allowing safe negoti- data in gait analysis.
ation of the environment. The third general disorder is ataxic
gait, where the gait is unsteady and uncoordinated causing the A. Anthropometric Data
feet to be pointed outward. This is normally encountered when Physical human measurements (anthropometric) such as
a person suffers loss of proprioception (sense of relative limb height, weight, and limb length provide fundamental informa-
positions) due to cerebral disease or chemical intoxication, e.g., tion in gait studies. Most gait experiments are, however, con-
alcohol and medicine [28]. ducted on subject groups with similar anthropometric measures
to isolate their effects on gait biomechanics.
D. Elderly Gait Disorders
Elderly gait disorders arise from age-related changes in the B. Spatiotemporal Data
locomotor control mechanisms for balance and stability. Se- Basic gait analysis measures spatiotemporal quantities such
nile gait results from normal aging, which is characterized by as walking speed, stride and step lengths, step width, stance and
a broad stance and reduced walking velocity. Balance disor- swing times, and cadence. Timing data such as the timing of
ders caused by cerebral disruptions lead to patterns such as foot placement, stance, swing, single- and double-support times
frontal lobe gait caused by injury of the frontopontocerebellar can be measured using stopwatches and foot switches while
tract (Arnold’s bundle), which connects the frontal lobe to the simultaneously observing the gait cycle [32]. Cadence or the
cerebellum. Damage to the upper motor neurons in the corti- number of steps per unit time can be easily counted while using
cospinal tracts results in limb weaknesses such as hemiparesis, it with stride length provides average walking speed. Temporal
paraparesis, and quadriparesis [29]. Age-related declines in the data can be measured by stopwatches and spatial data with
vestibular system (e.g., loss of labyrinthine hair and nerve fibers) measuring tapes, while commercial systems, e.g., GAITRite
cause sensory ataxic gait where the brain is prevented from re- [13], can measure both simultaneously. Table I depicts example

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parameter ranges expected in the healthy population across the ing intrasubject variabilities. In the following, we examine some
age groups. of these methods in greater detail.

A. Statistical Analysis
C. Kinematic Data
Statistical methods model gait variables as random variables
Kinematic measurements relate to the motion of body seg-
drawn from an unknown distribution P (x). Several measure-
ments, joints, and other body landmarks of interest. These mea-
ments of this variable are used to calculate statistical descrip-
sures yield joint/segment angles, angular range of motion, dis-
tors of P (x) such as moments and cumulants. In the case of a
placement, and velocity and acceleration values along various
discrete distribution, the moment about the point k is
axes. Measures of toe trajectory and clearance over the walk- 
ing surface are examples of kinematic measurements from body µn (k) = (x − k)n P (x). (1)
landmarks. Markers are usually attached to anatomical points
of interest and monitored using motion capture systems [16]. The differences between these descriptors could be used to clas-
sify groups of data.
D. Kinetic Data
B. Signal Transforms
Kinetic variables include foot force measurements such as
Signal transforms extract signal components that may be
ground reaction forces (GRFs) and moments (torques): two vari-
used to highlight differences between groups of signals. These
ables most frequently examined in gait analysis. GRFs are reac-
transforms can be applied to data from continuous gait cycles
tion forces measured from foot contact with force platforms,
modeled as a time-series or digital (gait) signal. Though this
notably Kistler platforms (piezoelectric) and AMTI systems
approach is only beginning to be accepted in gait studies, appli-
(strain gauge) [13]. Force platform outputs provide three or-
cation of signal transforms will highlight distinctive character-
thogonal force components, namely the horizontal mediolateral
istics of a gait group due to signal variation over time (capturing
(M/L) force or M/L shear component, the horizontal anterior–
quasi-temporal dependencies).
posterior force, and the vertical force component, and their re-
The popular discrete Fourier transform is used to represent a
spective moments.
digital signal as a sum of fundamental functions given as [38]

E. EMG Data 
X (k) = x (n) e−j ω k n (2)
Muscle activation levels denoted by the number of motor unit n =1
action potentials (MUAPs) can be assessed by EMG record- where the angular frequency is ωk = 2πk/N for k, n =
ings. Gait EMG is recorded using either needle or surface EMG 1, . . . , N . Fourier transforms provide information on frequency
electrodes with the latter being noninvasive and preferred. Sev- components in the signal, and the Fourier coefficients could be
eral factors affect EMG signal acquisition such as electrode used to characterize a signal.
location, electrode size and shape, electrode spacing, presence The wavelet transform is generally applied to nonstationary
of fat or other tissues, muscle area, and crosstalk from other signals providing frequency and position information of a signal
muscles [33]. x(t) with respect to a mother wavelet function ψ(t) [39]
1 t−u
F. Combined Data ψ(t) = √ ψ . (3)
s s
Motion data are frequently collected in conjunction with force
and EMG data before being processed to derive useful features. Here, s and u represent scale and translation parameters, respec-
These data may be combined using anthropometric measures tively. Wavelet transform coefficients are obtained by convolu-
to calculate internal joint moments or energy and power in the tion of the signal x(t) with these wavelets giving
ankle, knee, and hip joints using inverse dynamics [34]. There 1 t−u
have also been attempts to combine information from two or W x(u, s) = √ x(t)ψ ∗ dt. (4)
s −∞ s
more biomechanical measurement systems into an integrated
output to allow visualization of the motion and associated forces This is then the wavelet√transform of x(t) at scale s and position
[35]–[37]. u, while the factor 1/ s is a normalization factor to preserve
the energy in the transform. The wavelet coefficients give signal
information on the type of frequency components and where
IV. GAIT DATA PREPROCESSING they occur in x(t) [40]. The discrete wavelet transform (DWT)
When employing CI, raw gait data should be preprocessed is more commonly used in computer applications where dyadic
to extract more concise information, which better represent the grid for the scale s and translation u defined as
biomechanical system or gait disorder. Data preprocessing or
(sj , uk ) = (2j , k2j : j, k ∈ Z) (5)
information extraction is a vital component of CI systems be-
cause they act as information filters reducing the amount of raw is applied. One may use different scales and translation val-
data under consideration, removing noise artifacts, and averag- ues but the dyadic grid gives a uniform and systematic way of

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viewing x(n). The DWT is calculated using matrix multipli-

cation or digital filter banks (Mallat’s algorithm [39]). Sev-
eral wavelet families have been proposed ranging from the
Haar, Daubechies, Coiflet, Symmlet, and Mexican Hat to Morlet
wavelets, each with different properties depending on the appli-
cation at hand. The Daubechies 4 (Db4) is known to be suitable
for signals that have linear approximation over four samples
while Db6 is appropriate for quadratic approximations over six
samples [39].

C. Predictive Linear Modeling

A more recent technique is to mathematically model the gait
signals and utilize model coefficients as information descriptors.
The gait signal, for example, could be modeled by a linear
predictor such as the autoregressive moving average (ARMA)
assuming that it is a wide-based stationary random signal. The
ARMA assumes a linear causal filter H(z) with the following
transfer function characteristic:
q −k
B(z) k =0 bk z
 Fig. 3. Diagram depicts the gait data preprocessing using statistical [46],
H(z) = = p . (6)
A(z) 1 + k =1 ak z −k wavelet [47], and AR [48] analysis on the same raw gait signal (MTC data).
Scatterplots show two extracted attributes from each technique plotted for 23
subjects [10 elderly with balance impairments (+1) and 13 elderly with normal
The inverse z-transform yields the difference equation gait (−1)]. It can be seen that statistical descriptors are features with poorest
separability while AR coefficients are linearly separable.

x(n) = bk w(n − k) − ak x(n − k) (7)
k =0 k =1

where x(n) is the estimated value of the nth sample and

w(n) is known as the innovation process [38]. The scalars
ai and bj are model coefficients that depict the relationship
between inputs w(n) and the estimated output while the sum-
mation indices indicate the number of previous samples used Fig. 4. Gait disorders, balance impairments, and locomotion are examples of
in the estimation of x(n). The coefficient values depict aver- biomechanical systems that can be represented by a nonlinear function f (x).
Gait parameters are used to represent inputs while system outputs may consist
age dependencies of x(n) on previous samples, i.e., x(n − 1), of the type of disorder, the next gait event, or the next limb position. CI offers
x(n − 2), . . . , x(n − p), and have primary use in estimation of new methods to estimate f (x) while accounting for issues such as large data
discrete signal autocorrelation and power spectrum values [38]. volumes, complex gait relationships, and noisy measurements.
If q = 0 and b0 = 1, the ARMA model reduces to the more
common autoregressive (AR) process of order p. AR model co-
efficients are estimated using methods such as the Yule–Walker,
Burg [41], covariance, and modified covariance methods. The CI or artificial learning includes supervised, fuzzy, evolution-
potential of this modeling technique has not been keenly ex- ary algorithms to unsupervised and hybrid learning with the first
plored in gait studies with few attempts including the design of three paradigms being the most commonly deployed today. The
a postural stability criterion [42], capture of shape deformations primary motivation of using CI in gait analysis is to model a
in gait [43], and modeling of energy transfers during normal biomechanical system f (x) by learning data relationships be-
walking [44] and recently in a hybrid intelligent falls detection tween inputs and outputs possibly corrupted by external noise
system [45]. η(t) (see Fig. 4). The model could represent, for example, a dis-
Fig. 3 provides a comparison between three different prepro- criminator between gait disorders, a predictor of gait succession,
cessing techniques for extracting information from gait signals or even a gait event generator.
used to detect tripping gait patterns in the elderly [46]–[48]. The Inputs consist of raw or processed gait data (Section III)
calculated statistical descriptors, wavelet coefficients, and AR represented by Θ = {xi , yi }N i=1 , where xi ∈  denotes data of

coefficients represent the long minimum toe clearance (MTC) either a subject or walking trial while vector elements represent
gait signals (512 values) by a smaller number of values (4–8 val- data attributes, e.g., hip joint angle or walking velocity. These
ues). Suitable preprocessing, e.g., AR, may produce linearly feature vectors may be preclassified by assigning labels yi ∈
separable features while nonseparable features, i.e., statistical {. . . , −2, −1, 1, 2, . . .} with the integers denoting class types,
and wavelet, can be classified with CI techniques. e.g., healthy gait, CP gait, or elderly tripping gait. The system

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models. The SVM classifier was the first SRM implementation

that used kernel methods to deal with nonlinear problems [56],
which is implemented as a linear separating hyperplane in non-
linear (feature) space

f (x) = wi φi (x) + b (8)

where wi and b are the hyperplane weights and bias while φ(x)
is a nonlinear function. The hyperplane parameters were de-
termined by the solution of a convex mathematical program
constructed on the basis of margin (distance to hyperplane)
Fig. 5. Flowchart depicts design of the CI model in a general intelligent gait maximization between both classes. The SVM has been shown
system. to be a powerful classifier possessing good generalization ca-
pabilities even for small to medium datasets. The selection of
outputs may consist of these labels, e.g., disorder detection or optimal model parameters is still very much combinatorial or
some decision rule. heuristic today, and thus is an active research problem.
Estimation of the biomechanical model f (x) using CI gener-
ally follows an iterative design process (see Fig. 5) where input B. Fuzzy Theory
data are partitioned into training, validation, and test data. Using Fuzzy theory describes knowledge-based aspects of data by
a preselected CI technique, training data are used to build (train) allowing varying degrees of uncertainty to be attached to ele-
the model, validation data are used to determine the model’s ments in the form of membership grades. These grades assigned
goodness of fit, while test data gauge the model performance to through membership functions signify a degree of belongingness
new data (generalization). CI model parameters can be system- to a group. For example, assuming a score si assigned to an el-
atically adjusted during this time, and the process terminated ement i, the membership grade mi calculated using a logistic
once the best performing model determined by a preselected function is given as
criterion, e.g., classification accuracy, is found.
eas i +c
mi = (9)
A. Supervised Learning eas i +c + 1
The most common CI is supervised learning where feature for scalars a and c. In classification, fuzzy memberships are
vectors are first labeled by a clinician (supervisor). The learning useful for data with vague classifications [57] and allow prior
objective is to estimate the function that best mimics the rela- data knowledge to be incorporated into the learning tech-
tionships between these feature vectors and the respective labels nique. Fuzzy-rule-based classifiers are constructed using a set
over the dataset. Supervised learning includes artificial neural of metarules, for example,
networks (NNs) [49], radial basis function (RBF) networks, “If knee pain is high, disorder is knee osteoarthritis”
support vector machines (SVMs) [50], and other distance-based
classifiers [51]. Fuzzy rules are, therefore, useful for incorporating linguis-
The NN paradigm inspired by Rosenblatt’s perceptron [52] is tic information that cannot be expressed numerically otherwise.
the most prolific technique in gait studies [53] with architectures Drawbacks, however, include the requirement for optimal mem-
ranging from feedforward networks, which include the single- bership selection, more complicated implementation, and diffi-
layer perceptron and multilayer perceptron (MLP), to recurrent culty in defining the number of linguistic variables.
or feedback networks including Hopfield networks [54]. NNs
are trained using iterative algorithms, most notably the back- C. Evolutionary Computation
propagation algorithm [55] and algorithms such as conjugate
The principal concept here revolves around evolution in bi-
gradient descent, quasi-Newton or trust-based methods. Most
ological systems as exemplified by genetic algorithms (GAs),
NN architectures have been implemented in standard comput-
particle swarm optimization (PSO), and ant colony optimization
ing packages, e.g., MATLAB.1 This paradigm remains popular
algorithms [58]. Though not widely deployed in gait studies
due to the ease and availability of implementations but suffers
yet, we believe evolutionary concepts hold great potential for
from high input data bias, local minima (the final classification
gait parameter sensitivity and feature selection studies. In these
rule depends on initial conditions of the optimization algorithm),
techniques, the main problem is decomposed into subproblems
and risk of poor generalization performance.
known as particles or genes, and each subproblem is solved
The limitations of NN prompted Vapnik [50] to propose struc-
to achieve a local criterion. The best subproblem solutions
tural risk minimization (SRM), which is a theory that enforced
(biggest improvements to the global problem) are then com-
the selection of the optimal learning model from a subset of
bined according to a metric, and the process is continued until
the global optimum is reached. Secondary evolutionary elements
1 such as mutations (simulated by randomly dropping subproblem

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solutions) and crossovers (mixing particle variables) in GA are studies looking at discovering distinct CP gait types in children
incorporated to ensure algorithm convergence. [60].
In PSO, for example, the main problem is broken into particles
that are defined by position Xi (subobjective function values)
E. Hybrid Systems
and velocity Vi (iterative step size) for the ith particle. The
velocity is generally defined as Hybrid systems are a combination of several learning
paradigms resulting in techniques such as hybrid classi-
Vit+1 = wVit + p1 (gbest − Xi ) + p2(pbest − Xi ) (10)
fiers, semisupervised learning, and mixtures of experts and
where w is an inertia weight, p1 and p2 are the scalars, pbest is knowledge-based systems. Hybrid classifiers combine two or
the best position of the particle, and gbest is the best position more CI methodologies for pattern recognition, with the most
of all particles (global best). common being fuzzy supervised learning. The NN paradigm,
Evolutionary methods offer elegant methods to study rela- for example, has been fuzzified in almost every aspect from
tionships between gait attributes but potentially suffer from the knowledge-oriented neuro-fuzzy classifier and fuzzifica-
uncertain and slow convergence, local minima, and high com- tion of the backpropagation algorithm (metalearning) to fuzzy
putational complexity. SOMs [61]. In fuzzy SVMs (FSVMs), membership functions
such as the probit, logistic, and trapezoidal functions alter the ef-
D. Unsupervised Learning fect of outliers on the hyperplane position by penalizing training
errors differently [62]. Good knowledge of the data distribution
Unsupervised learning removes the presumption of labels and
facilitates membership function selection while suboptimal se-
attempts to learn structures within the data based on a predefined
lections degrade generalization performances and induce long
metric. Clustering techniques are the more common methods
training durations.
that focus on data structures obtained through the optimization
Semisupervised learning constructs a CI model with labeled
of a metric, e.g., Euclidean distance, and include, for example,
data and uses distributional information of unlabeled data to
k-means and fuzzy c-means [59]. In k-means clustering, the
improve the model. Early work improved nearest neighbor clas-
distance between all feature vectors is computed and the number
sifiers by distance metric minimization [63] while recent work
of preselected cluster means Cj is found by grouping vectors
focused on metric estimation in kernel spaces [64]. More re-
close to each other. Specifically, the algorithm minimizes
cently, an information theoretic measure, i.e., maximum entropy,
was used on unlabeled data to adjust a generative classifier built
q(C) = d(xi , Cj ) (11) from labeled data [65].
n i=1
More complex systems such as mixtures of experts or expert
where d(xi , Cj ) is the distance (usually Euclidean) and the systems consist of several cascaded CI techniques. For example,
solutions are the centroids (means) Cj . Classification of new a system for detecting gait disorder types could consist of highly
data can be achieved by finding the closest centroid. Kohonen specialized CI techniques (local experts) for detecting different
self-organizing map (SOM) is another well-known method that gait disorders. The local decisions are then combined using a
uses the concept of NN weights to display cluster relationships global function to derive the overall decision or model.
within data [54]. Table II summarizes the potential applications, implemen-
A general difficulty of unsupervised learning is defining the tation methods, computational complexities, and interpretabil-
learning objectives accurately so that the algorithm learns the ity of the results for each learning paradigm. Interpretability
expected relationships. As such, we believe this technique to refers to how relevant the CI outputs are to the observed biome-
be more suitable for investigative gait studies [5], for example, chanical systems, with the easiest being fuzzy techniques and

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unsupervised learning the hardest since learning objectives have

to be properly defined. The reliability of these techniques is
application-dependent and usually measured by accuracy on a
test set or correlation with expert opinion.


Feature selection is applied in conjunction with a selected CI
method to remove redundant information and improve model
accuracy. It consists of feature reduction and dimension reduc-
tion [66] where feature reduction removes several feature vec-
tors (pertaining to individual subject data), which is an unlikely
step in gait studies due to the often small subject sizes (<300)
available. Dimension reduction, on the other hand, removes fea-
ture vector attributes, which is more applicable to gait studies
due to the small subject sizes and the diversity of gait mea-
surements. Techniques such as the following allow detection of
influential gait parameters over redundant ones. Fig. 6. Taxonomy of current and future CI applications in gait studies. In
1) Principal component analysis (PCA): PCA projects fea- general, the difficulty of application increases from left to right, while the
tures onto a smaller dimensional space creating orthogonal system design, data analysis, and computational complexity in each subcategory
increase from top to bottom.
components with maximum variance [67]. This transfor-
mation constructs principal components Pk , which are
linear combinations of the original feature vectors as of observed gait patterns, which is an intricate task more so for
follows: nonlinear dimensional reduction methods.
Pk = ak 1 x1 + ak 2 x2 + · · · + an xk n (12)

where i a2k i = 1. Data are first normalized to zero mean The increased diversity of CI in gait can be observed by
and unit variance before application of the PCA algorithm. applications ranging from the detection of gait disorders, gait
2) GAs: This evolutionary method can be applied with a CI modeling to biometrics, prosthetic control, and artificial gait
classifier, e.g., clustering or SVM [68], [69], to determine simulation (see Fig. 6). In this section, we examine a selection
separability of individual attributes. The algorithm itera- of the more recent applications (details given in Table III) while
tively retains only the most separable attributes using the noting that work on earlier systems has been documented in [5],
principle of “survival of the best fitted.” [40], [53], [72], and [73].
3) Hill climbing/descent: Assuming p number of attributes,
this method (also known as forward–backward selection)
A. Normal Gait Studies
begins by selecting the best single attribute with a classifier
choice. The attribute with highest accuracy is retained A fundamental study to illustrate the potential of CI was to
and combined in step with the remaining p − 1 attributes. demonstrate recognition of normal gait. This led to detection of
The set with the highest accuracy is the optimal attribute motion from inertial sensors and video capture data, where, for
set [70]. The descent method is the reverse that starts example, Aminian et al. [74] employed an NN to detect level,
with all p attributes, and subsequently, removes those with downhill, and uphill walking from accelerometers located at the
poorer performance. hips and pelvic bone. It was found that statistical descriptors of
4) Linear classifiers: Analysis of single attribute separabil- acceleration data provided detection accuracies of 84%–100%
ities may be conducted using simple thresholding meth- depending on the activity. Barton and Lees [75] employed the
ods, e.g., area of receiver operating characteristics (ROC) NN to identify normal walking, leg length difference, and leg
curves, and linear classifiers, e.g., linear discriminant anal- weight difference using joint kinematics. Data were collected
ysis (LDA). These techniques provide insights to the use- from reflective markers positioned at the shoulder, hip, knee, and
fulness of an attribute as being representative of the biome- ankle joints to determine hip and knee angles. The joint angles
chanical system or a discriminator of gait patterns. measured over a series of gait cycles were treated as digital sig-
Further dimension reduction techniques such as factor analy- nals, and Fourier coefficients were used as NN inputs. Recently,
sis, independent component analysis, multidimensional scaling, Barton et al. [76], [77] proposed a gait index to quantify gait
and information theoretic methods [71] remain promising for normalcy derived from 43 gait variables fed into an SOM. The
gait studies. These reduction methods are implemented offline inputs consisted of 18 subjects and 129 gait cycles per subject,
due to the high computational requirements; however, proper while the output results were plotted on a curve to measure gait
testing is required to avoid overfitting the model to initial data. deviations from normalcy.
A bigger research challenge lies in interpreting the biomechan- Studies into the biomechanics of gait have been instrumen-
ical relationships between the “optimal” attributes and the class tal in understanding gait pathologies and formulating treatment

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strategies. While mathematical models have captured physical pendencies between the six EMG recording locations during
dynamics, the numerous input variables to a locomotor system motion.
make their interaction difficult to characterize. In this case, CI
techniques have been used to model the implicit interactions
between the locomotor variables. Wang [78] employed a GA B. Gait Event Detection
to solve a multicriterion analysis optimization problem used to In some studies, detecting gait events is crucial; for exam-
model heel–toe running. The proposed algorithm used a Pareto ple, in functional electrical stimulation (FES) research, accu-
optimality criterion as opposed to classical weighted sum ap- rate gait phase detection is required to correctly apply electri-
proaches. The evolutionary method meant that the scheme could cal nerve stimulation. Ng and Chizeck [82] first investigated
be solved more efficiently using parallel computing where each fuzzy rules to detect five gait events, i.e., weight acceptance,
computer solved a subproblem (gene). Prentice et al. [79] had midstance, terminal stance, and early and late swings in para-
applied NN to learn the relationship between nerve activations plegic subjects from inertial sensor data. These fuzzy rules were
and the resulting gait patterns based on the assumption that shown to be more accurate than lookup tables; however, the
kinematic movement plans were related to muscle activations. system was susceptible to intrinsic errors such as misdetec-
The time series of knee and hip kinematic measurements were tions of gait phase transition due to delays and incorrect tran-
used as NN inputs and the outputs were activations of eight sition anticipation during gait phase change. Williamson and
muscles recorded using EMG. Dejnabadi et al. [80] applied Andrews [83] had used uniaxial accelerometer signals as in-
harmonic analysis, PCA, and NN to analyze interjoint coor- puts to design a rule-based detector using rough sets (RSs) and
dination during variable walking. Their model could predict adaptive logic networks (ALNs), which is a decision tree con-
knee angles based on cadence and stride length for healthy structed from linear piecewise functions. Though the RS method
subjects and knee arthroplasty patients, but required many gait was the more accurate of the two techniques, their study re-
cycles at different walking speeds to adequately train the NN. vealed that gait phase transitions were harder to detect than gait
Raw EMG data inputs and a dynamic recurrent NN (DRNN) events themselves. Following this, a fuzzy controller employ-
have recently been used to model lower limb coordination in ing foot force information [84] to derive a rule base set was
the thigh, shank, and foot elevation angles [81]. The DRNN developed. This incorporated the uncertainty in transition phase
was selected because it captured the history of temporal de- detection, which not only improved overall detection accuracies

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but also allowed detection of unexpected gait events in-between More recent work has investigated specific disorders and a
transitions. more focused research objective for pathology detection. Toe
Lauer et al. investigated the more intricate disorder of CP in walking, for example, is a disorder indicative of more serious
children, using a neuro-fuzzy network to detect gait events us- pathologies such as CP, myopathy, and neuropathy but could
ing leg quadriceps muscle EMG readings [85]. The digital EMG be idiopathic (unknown etiology), which makes it challenging
readings (sampled at 300 Hz) and waveform derivatives were fed to detect. Armand et al. [97], [98] have applied fuzzy decision
into an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) moder- trees to ankle kinematics in an effort to identify toe walking
ated by three IF–THEN rules. These rules were required because phases based on muscle strength and range of motion scores.
the ANFIS was memoryless, and control was needed to ensure The subjects were observed with video and their gait was clas-
detected gait events logically matched sequential gait phases. sified into three groups from which 83 fuzzy rules were built to
Hansen et al. [86] examined detection of heel strikes and liftoffs classify them. Further analysis of these rules provided insights
from Sural electroneurogram, which is an important applica- to toe-walking biomechanics, where, for example, weakness in
tion in work on using FES to treat ankle footdrop disorders. the quadriceps explained the cause of toe walking while weak-
Experimental studies conducted over long periods (>300 days) ness in the tibalis anterior muscle was detected by excessive
and various footwear revealed that an ALN system for event plantarflexion in the swing phase.
prediction suffered at the most 4% accuracy degradation. While In pediatric CP, the challenge is to detect the type and severity
this was promising, it should be noted that subject variability of the gait (types I–IV, hemiplegia, or diplegia) so that timely in-
was not considered since the study was performed on a single tervention measures could be applied to the child [60]. O’Malley
subject. et al. [99] attempted automatic classification using fuzzy clus-
More recently, gait recognition has been used in biometrics, tering and demonstrated that healthy and CP children could be
i.e., automatic recognition of a person from physiological or differentiated using stride length and cadence. Kamruzzaman
behavioral characteristics [87] for identity verification. Unlike and Begg [100] found that SVM models provided better de-
fingerprint and iris identification, gait is unobtrusive and can tection compared to the statistical-based LDA and NNs using
be detected from greater distances allowing smoother secured the same two temporal–spatial parameters. Toro et al. [101] re-
access to buildings and equipment, e.g., automated teller ma- cently applied cluster analysis on sagittal kinematic data from
chines (ATMs). Most recognition is based on gait images, where the hip, knee, and ankle to investigate the number of gait types
dimension reduction algorithms such as radon transforms and in children with CP. They found 13 distinct clusters, which
Krawtchouk moments [88], Gabor functions and multitensor were visually validated and consisted of gait with excessive
analysis [89], and gait normalization [90] have been used on flexion at the hip in stance (crouch gait), degree of ankle plan-
2-D and 3-D silhouette images to extract discriminative infor- tarflexion (equinus gait), and other varying flexion angles. This
mation. CI techniques are now being deployed to classify these finding seemed to challenge the general type I–IV classifica-
information, as seen in, for example, Lu and Zhang’s [91] appli- tions of CP children and demonstrated newer results with CI
cation of ICA to processed silhouette multiple-view images and techniques.
detection with a genetic fuzzy support vector classifier. Their Studies in knee pathologies have focused on detection and
system required an additional product of sums algorithm to fuse study of related biomechanical factors, where, for example, en-
the classifications, which is a debatable technique since individ- semble NN classifiers have recently been used to detect knee
ual view classifications may not be entirely independent. osteoarthritis from knee flexion and moment data [102]. The col-
lective performance of individual NNs substantially improved
detection of the knee pathology compared to individual MLP
classifiers. Lai et al. [103] applied SVMs to detect individuals
C. Gait Disorder Detection with patellafemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), which is a disorder
Efforts to diagnose gait disorders resulted in criteria, e.g., of the knee with unknown etiology. The SVM was trained using
Gillete index [92], for measuring gait normalcy/deterioration. 30 features comprising rearfoot GRFs and kinematic data, of
Without these quantifications, reassurances of successful patient which 6 features pertaining to the rearfoot kinematics and peak
recovery and rehabilitation remained difficult especially when GRFs were found to distinguish PFPS from normal gait. This
patients had high expectations of gait improvement following study marked an initial attempt at explaining the biomechan-
surgical interventions. Recent research is looking at the possi- ical relationships of optimal selected features by a particular
bility of CI in disorder detection and evaluation of treatment feature selection algorithm. Levinger et al. [104] then inves-
measures. tigated the recovery of single-knee osteoarthritis from surgery
Early work by Bekey et al. [93] had demonstrated that EMG using eight spatiotemporal features for preoperative, and 3 and
inputs could distinguish normal from pathological gaits when 12 months postoperative subjects. The best two features were
used with NN. GRFs were used with NN by Holzreiter and related to single- and double-support time symmetries indicat-
Kohle [94] and Wu et al. [95], [96] to detect ankle arthrodesis ing that temporal footfall measures changed the most and were
with varying degrees of success. These studies provide proof important to monitor in postoperative recovery. The SVM pre-
of concepts for the use of CI in pathology detection, mostly dicted healthy gait patterns after 12 months of recovery, which
consisting of applying NNs directly to preclassified kinetic or coincided with patient knee scores, indicating that it had po-
kinematic measurements. tential to be used for rehabilitative monitoring. However, the

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proposed system required further collection of subject data in AR and SVM system [48] demonstrated higher detection accu-
more frequent time intervals to improve recovery predictions. racies in a significantly smaller number of steps (32 gait cycles
or less than a minute of walking) without the need for feature
selection. The authors demonstrated that in the case of MTC
D. Gait Screening for Prevention signals, a linear predictor model better captured quasi-temporal
Monitoring and screening for at-risk gait is becoming impor- information that allowed faster detection (smaller number of
tant as detecting early warning signs would enable preventive gait cycles). These results are encouraging since prior studies
measures such as exercise and diet regimes to be prescribed. had indicated that falls-risk gait patterns were not evident until
Unfortunately, progression of most disorders such as knee os- substantial walking had taken place [111].
teoarthritis and elderly balance impairments occurs slowly over
time complicating efforts to detect or quantify changes. This
is, however, set to change with the application of CI toward E. Gait Prosthesis and Artificial Gait
predictive, interpolative, and extrapolative investigations. The understanding of biomechanical factors in normal gait
In geriatric studies, emphasis has been placed on balance has allowed development of artificial gait systems such as neural
control studies, which are indicative of falls-risk gait in the el- protheses and robot navigation. In these areas, much modeling
derly. Begg and Kamruzzaman [105] have looked at changes work remains to be completed and CI is only just finding favor in
between young and elderly gait using SVMs applied to joint place of partial differential equation modeling or other explicit
angles, GRF, and stride-phase features. Analysis revealed that techniques.
kinematic features provided better detection accuracies, while Neural prosthesis for walking refers to systems for producing
feature selection revealed that 3 out of 24 features (knee range artificial gait when sensory and motor control is disrupted due
of motion, normalized double-support time, and horizontal peak to paralysis (brain injury, stroke, or spinal cord injury) [112]. In
push-off force) provided the best detection. Wu et al. [106] these protheses, neural activity from the cerebral cortex is trans-
used kernel PCA to extract features from eight spatiotempo- lated to gait control signals for lower limb motion, which is a
ral and 27 kinematic features, which were classified with an highly complex process that requires advance signal processing
SVM. They showed that smaller transformed feature sets pro- algorithms. These highly nonlinear and redundant systems have
vided better separability between young and elderly gait. Hahn started to benefit from CI such as NN to reproduce the complex
et al. [107] studied the center of mass of the body to detect control required by approximately 30 muscles and 15 joints in
elderly subjects with balance impairments and trained a three- the lower extremities [113]. Strategies consisting of RBFs and
layered feedforward NN with spatiotemporal and EMG data. NN have been used to control elbow flexion/extensions and fore-
Their NN model was able to predict the M/L motion of the arm pronation/supinations [114] and could be directly applied
center of mass achieving similar trends where the velocity and to lower limb motion. More exciting work has begun toward in-
displacement of the center of mass in the elderly with balance vestigating brain-controlled interfaces (BCIs) for the prospects
impairments were more pronounced than healthy elderly and of controlling gait prostheses (see recent survey [115]), an area
young adults. which would require immense CI contribution due to the diverse
Detection of elderly tripping (major type of elderly fall) gait nerve signal-to-motion relationships.
patterns is a complex issue, which has seen recent CI involve- Apart from healthcare applications, CI has been used to
ment. Begg et al. [108] applied NNs to MTC data collected model artificial gait controllers. It has been recently proposed in
during the swing phase of the gait cycle after earlier stud- robotics that animal-legged locomotion is more suitable to nego-
ies suggested that the MTC was a sensitive falls-risk predic- tiate terrains than traditional wheels or tracks [116], prompting
tor [11], [109]. Hassan et al. [110] applied fuzzy logic to map researchers to examine central pattern generators (CPGs) and
relationships between statistical descriptors of MTC histograms adaptive gait simulators. CPGs are thought to control locomo-
and falls-risk gait achieving good classification performance. tion, respiration, and heartbeat in animals [117] and have been
MTC variability in a series of gait cycles has been modeled previously modeled by neural oscillators. Kim and Lee [118]
by statistical descriptors [46], and wavelet analysis [47] and proposed a hybrid GA and NN CPG where the GA selected
SVMs where 512 gait cycles were required to produce high CPG model parameters while the NN reproduced the gait pat-
accuracies (>90%) (Table IV). Khandoker et al. [47] applied terns. Earlier work used fuzzy NN controllers to model biped
the hill-climbing algorithm to select optimal wavelet features human locomotion in combination with dynamic and linearized
achieving good detection accuracies. Following this, a hybrid walking models to simulate liftoff, stride, and touchdowns [119].

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F. Exercise and Sports interfaces so that they provide clinicians or researchers with
Sports biomechanics has only recently indulged in CI appli- more cost-effective and efficient analysis tools.
cations with work focusing mostly on the use of NN and expert On the other side of the spectrum is the rush to adopt CI while
systems for analyzing the performance of cricket bowlers, soc- disregarding the original objective of clinical treatment, which
cer players, and shot putters [120]. In cricket, expert systems aims to optimize a patient’s gait and not to achieve normal gait
were used to recognize bowling patterns and relate them to the as defined by biometric models. Maximizing gait functionality
type of bowl, while in soccer, the SOM was used to show that the to the appropriateness of the environmental surroundings should
distance and accuracy of kicks could be captured by joint angle be the major goal of these intelligent systems. This is exception-
motions. In athletics, Yan and Wu [121] have analyzed shot-put ally challenging as learning goals must be carefully designed,
throws to predict release angle and putt speeds. Reports of CI notions of acceptable gait must be developed, and biasing a par-
applications in running and other track events have been scarce, ticular CI model to data must be avoided. These constraints open
thus indicating room for further research in this field. up further research problems in the CI field as newer learning
In exercise programs, Su et al. [122] have attempted to predict paradigms are required.
oxygen uptakes during moderate treadmill exercises using a More ambitious gait applications such as predicting disease
Hammerstein system (static nonlinear block with dynamic linear progression (prognosis) and rehabilitation rates would benefit
system) modeled by a support vector regressor. Evidence of CI tremendously from CI. These endeavors require long-term data
applications are still lacking in this area, but we are optimistic collection, strenuous patient monitoring, and proper databases
that its potential for exercise monitoring, sports training, and for systematic data storage, factors that are paramount for train-
physiotherapy would be useful in the future for the well-being ing and validating CI systems.
of our mobility. The lack of subject diversity, excessively long recording
times, and unnatural walking environments imposed in gait lab-
oratories could be alleviated with emerging sensor-based tech-
nologies [123]. These technological integrations would allow
VIII. FUTURE CHALLENGES AND APPLICATIONS portability, continuous monitoring, and cost-effective solutions
for current gait studies. The challenge now is to integrate CI
A. Further Challenges techniques with these technologies onboard the hardware, so
Despite successes in engineering applications, the uptake of that successful offline applications could be made real time.
CI for gait applications such as disorder detection, rehabilitation
monitoring, and risk prediction has been slow. This is attributed
to black-box CI techniques, which frustrate the clinician’s abil- B. Sensor Technology for Gait Studies
ity to graphically visualize the relationships between disorder Sensor technologies have become more prominent in personal
and the CI model. While high performance accuracies (e.g., healthcare, promising revolutionary devices that provide better
>90%) have been touted to demonstrate CI viability, the inabil- gait recording, more mobility (wireless sensor packages are
ity to directly correlate the model to the relevant biomechanical portable), navigation in natural environments, and biofeedback.
factors has caused clinical concern. Further research should be Besides several engineering issues such as power consumption,
emphasized on feature analysis methods such as dimension re- detection accuracies, security, and privacy, these devices pose
duction to link and quantify the CI model to the underlying additional research challenges such as sensor selection, sen-
biomechanics. Clinicians should be aware that CI techniques sor mounting, information processing, and patient acceptance.
learn implicit data relationships, which seldom can be quanti- Sensor selection requires knowledge of the gait variable to be
fied as in explicit modeling; hence, a different approach should measured while motion artifacts affect the quality of recorded
be adopted when trying to analyze the results. For example, if information. In addition, device construction (size, weight, and
the application is gait disorder detection with NN, focus should robustness) is important for general patient acceptance, where
be on gait data selection to improve detection and not question- individuals are unlikely to use bulky devices or devices that in-
ing the model’s learning capabilities because the NN is limited terfere with their natural motion. In these area, CI dimension
to the supervisory information provided. reduction methods could pinpoint important gait parameters,
We have previously presented a general design methodology thus minimizing the number of sensors required resulting in
in Fig. 5; however, successful deployment still requires expert cheaper and lighter devices, while onboard CI implementation
knowledge and experience. Though extensions to multiclass would allow real-time device biofeedback, e.g., corrective gait
problems have been attempted, differentiating pathological gait training.
patterns rarely excludes the subject from disorders not learned Early work by Miyazaki [123] monitored stride length and
by the intelligent system. This is further complicated by the walking velocity using a piezoelectric gyroscope and a data
heterogenous gait patterns in any disorder, which necessitates a logger. Gyroscopes, which measure angle variation, were also
system with a high degree of robustness to subject variability. used by Najafi et al. [124] to detect postural changes to deter-
These improvements would require deeper research into in- mine potential elderly fallers. A portable logger was attached
put gait features, newer signal processing techniques, and more to the waist, and a wavelet transform was applied to the pre-
advanced CI paradigms. The challenge is to design CI imple- processed gyroscope readings to infer postural body transitions.
mentations deployable on personal computers with easy-to-use The differences between transform coefficients facilitated the

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[108] R. Begg, R. Hassan, S. Taylor, and M. Palaniswami, “Artificial neural
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Conf. Intell. Sens. Inf. Process., Chennai, India, 2005, pp. 518–522. in electrical and computer systems and the Ph.D.
[109] R. Begg, R. Best, L. Dell’Oro, and S. Taylor, “Minimum foot clearance degree from Monash University, Melbourne, Vic.,
during walking: Strategies for minimisation of trip-related falls,” Gait Australia, in 2002 and 2006, respectively.
Posture, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 191–198, 2007. He is currently a Research Fellow with the Biome-
[110] R. Hassan, R. Begg, and S. Taylor, “Fuzzy logic -based recognition of chanics Unit, Victoria University, Melbourne. His
gait changes due to trip-related falls,” in Proc. IEEE-EMBS Conf., 2005, current research interests include application of sig-
vol. 1, pp. 4970–4973. nal processing and computational intelligence for gait
[111] R. Baker, “Gait analysis methods in rehabilitation,” J. NeuroEng. Reha- analysis, and wireless sensor networks for healthcare
bil., vol. 3, p. 4, 2006. engineering applications. He has authored or coau-
[112] G. Lyons, T. Sinkjaer, J. Burridge, and D. Wilcox, “A review of portable thored more than 25 peer-reviewed publications. He
FES-based neural orthoses for correction of foot drop,” IEEE Trans. is currently a Reviewer for the International Journal of Computational Intelli-
Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng., vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 260–279, Dec. 2002. gence and Applications.
[113] D. Popovic and M. Popovic, “Design of a control for a neural prosthesis Dr. Lai is a currently a Reviewer for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS OF INFOR-
for walking: Use of artificial neural networks,” in Proc. 8th Semin. Neural MATION TECHNOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE. He has been actively involved in the
Netw. Appl. Electr. Eng., 2006, pp. 121–128. organization of several conferences and workshops.

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Rezaul K. Begg (M’94–SM’06) received the B.Sc. Marimuthu Palaniswami (S’84–M’85–SM’94)

and M.Sc.Eng. degrees in electrical and electronic en- received the B.E. (Hons.) degree from the Univer-
gineering from Bangladesh University of Engineer- sity of Madras, Chennai, India, the M.E. degree from
ing and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh, the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, the
and the Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering from M.Eng.Sc. degree from the University of Melbourne,
the University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K. Melbourne, Vic., Australia, and the Ph.D. degree
He was with Deakin University and BUET. He from the University of Newcastle, Callaghan, N.S.W.,
is currently an Associate Professor with the Biome- Australia.
chanics Unit, Victoria University, Melbourne, Vic., He is with the University of Melbourne for more
Australia. He has authored or coauthored more than than 16 years. He has authored or coauthored more
120 research papers. He is a regular reviewer for sev- than 180 refereed papers. He was an Associate Editor
eral international journals. His current research interests include biomedical for the Journal of Computational Intelligence in Finance. He is also the Sub-
engineering, biomechanics, and machine learning. ject Editor for the International Journal on Distributed Sensor Networks. His
Dr. Begg has been actively involved in organizing a number of major inter- current research interests include support vector machines (SVMs), sensors and
national conferences. He has received several awards for academic excellence, sensor networks, machine learning, neural network, pattern recognition, and
including the International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information signal processing and control.
Processing (ICISIP) 2005 Best Paper Award, the Vice-Chancellor’s Citation Dr. Palaniswami received the Foreign Specialist Award by the Ministry of
Award for Excellence in Research at Victoria University, the BUET Gold Medal, Education, Japan, in recognition of his contributions to the field of machine
and the Chancellor Prize. learning. He was an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL

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