SSW Block Permit Cover

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To : Permittee : HK & CHINA GAS CO. LTD.

致 持准許證人
Your Permit Ref : SSW/SK/HH/18B/HPN SSW Permit ID : W029725

Excavation Permit No : KL/HH/GAS/W029725


In exercise of the authority vested in me under Section 10A(1) of the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance
(Cap. 28), an excavation permit is hereby issued to you, authorizing the making and maintaining of excavation(s)
complying with all criteria of Small Scale Works (SSW) prescribed below, and of details described below, subject to
the conditions accompanying this permit.
本署現行使《土地 雜項條文 條例》 第 章 第 條授予的權力,批准貴機構進行和維持完全符合下述小
( ) ( 28 ) 10A(1)
Criteria of SSW :
小型工程的準則 :
(I) The total aggregate area of a SSW incident of excavation(excluding the extent for permanent reinstatement
necessary in consequence of that SSW incident of excavation) shall not exceed 4 sq. m; and
每項小型工程的挖掘總面積(不包括因該小型工程的挖掘所引致的永久修復的範圍)不得超過 平方 4
(II) The total aggregate length (measured along the longest side) of excavation (excluding the extent for
permanent reinstatement necessary in consequence of that SSW incident of excavation) shall not exceed 6
m; and
(III) Each SSW incident of excavation shall be completed within the following specified time limits :
(i) for excavation not affecting carriageway, the time limit for excavation and reinstatement shall not
exceed 48 hours; or
(ii) for excavation affecting carriageway, the time limit for excavation and reinstatement shall not exceed
24 hours.
(excluding the period of inclement weather which includes the hoisting at the Hong Kong Observatory of (a)
the No. 3 visual storm warning or above and (b) rainstorm warning)
每項小型工程必須在以下訂明的時限內完成 :
(i) 如挖掘工作不影響行車路,每項小型工程的挖掘及修復工作不可超過48小時; 或
(ii) 如挖掘工作影響行車路,每項小型工程的挖掘及修復工作不可超過24小時。
Making and/or maintaining of excavation(s) not complying with any one of the criteria of SSW prescribed above are
not covered by this permit.
進行和 或維持不符合任何以上所規定的小型工程準則的挖掘工作,即不屬於此准許證所批准的挖掘工程。
[Note: If you need to make and/or maintain excavation(s) not complying with any one of the criteria of Small Scale
Works prescribed above, you shall apply for a normal excavation permit or other type of excavation permit as
「注意:如貴機構想進行和 或維持超出任何以上所規定的小型工程準則的挖掘工作,必須申請一張常規挖掘
In accordance with Section 10M(2) of the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance, you are notified that the public
officer of the rank of Chief Technical Officer or Engineer acting as a delegate of the Director of Highways' power
under section 10M(1) has made assessment on the duration of the excavation permit issued to you with the result of
the assessment as follow :
根據《土地 雜項條文 條例》 第 章 第
( 條,本署通知貴機構本署一名職級屬於總技術主任或工程師而
) ( 28 ) 10M(2)
以路政署署長轉授人身份行事的公職人員根據第 條所授權力,就發給貴機構的挖掘准許證的持續期的 10M(1)
The Validity Period is from : 19/06/2018 to : 19/12/2018

file://C:\Documents and Settings\user1\桌面\W029725.xml 2018/6/21

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