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Fanling Rhenish Church

Secondary School

S5 Listening Exercises (Part A)

Book 1

Date Marks

S.5 / Eng. Lang. / Listening Exercise (Part A) / Book 1 1
Exercise 1

S.5 / Eng. Lang. / Listening Exercise (Part A) / Book 1 2
S.5 / Eng. Lang. / Listening Exercise (Part A) / Book 1 3
S.5 / Eng. Lang. / Listening Exercise (Part A) / Book 1 4
S.5 / Eng. Lang. / Listening Exercise (Part A) / Book 1 5
Exercise 2

The management company at Bella Vista housing estate wants to improve the facilities and environment
for residents. You are Taylor Cheung. You are assisting the public relations team to conduct research on
residents’ opinions of the estate.

You will have a total of four tasks to do. Follow the instructions in the Question-Answer Book and in the
recording to complete the tasks. You will find all the information you need in the Question-Answer Book
and the recording. You now have two minutes to familiarise yourself with Tasks 1- 4.

S.5 / Eng. Lang. / Listening Exercise (Part A) / Book 1 6
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S.5 / Eng. Lang. / Listening Exercise (Part A) / Book 1 11
Exercise 3

You are Lily Foo, a Secondary 5 student at Dragon High School. You are helping to organize a cake
baking competition.

In Part A, you will have a total of four tasks to do. Follow the instructions in the Question-Answer Book
and in the recording to complete the tasks. You will find all the information you need in the Question-
Answer Book and the recording. You now have two minutes to familiarize yourself with Tasks 1 – 4.

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Exercise 4
You are Amy Chen, a Secondary 6 student at Tai Po College. You are doing a project about healthy
lifestyles with your classmate Vincent.

In Part A, you will have a total of four tasks to do. Follow the instructions in the Question-Answer Book
and in the recording to complete the tasks. You will find all the information you need in the Question-
Answer Book and the recording. You will have two minutes to familiarize yourself with Tasks 1–4.

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S.5 / Eng. Lang. / Listening Exercise (Part A) / Book 1 22
Exercise 5


Your school is holding a fund-raising campaign to help an animal charity. You are Ben Woo. You are
helping to organize the fund-raising campaign.

In Part A, you will have a total of four tasks to do. Follow the instructions in the Question-Answer Book
and in the recording to complete the tasks. You will find all the information you need in the Question-
Answer Book and the recording. You now have two minutes to familiarize yourself with Tasks 1–4.

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Exercise 6

Cindy Chan is a member of a school team that is preparing to take part in a charity fashion design
competition for local students. You are going to hear three recordings of different people speaking about
the competition and the team’s preparations.

In Part A, you will have a total of three tasks to do. Follow the instructions in the Question-Answer
Book and on the recording to complete the tasks. You will find all the information you need in the
Question-Answer Book and on the recording. You now have two minutes to familiarise yourself with
Tasks 1–3.

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S.5 / Eng. Lang. / Listening Exercise (Part A) / Book 1 35
Exercise 7

Part A Situation Books for Brats is a publishing company that specializes in books for teenagers. You will hear several
conversations between people who work for Books for Brats, as well as an episode of a podcast.

In Part A, you will have a total of four tasks to do. Follow the instructions in the Question-Answer Book and in the recording to complete

the tasks. You will find all the information you need in the Question-Answer Book and the recording. You now have two minutes to

familiarize yourself with Tasks 1-4.

Task 1
Simone Warwick is the general manager of Books for Brats. She is holding a meeting with two editors, Ralph
Wong and Freddie Doyle, to discuss some manuscripts they have recently received from authors hoping to
get published. Listen to their discussion and complete the missing information in the spaces below. One has
been provided as an example. You now have 30 seconds to study the task. At the end of the task, you will
have one minute to tidy up your answers. How Ralph, Freddie and Simone feel about the

Ralph feels (1) because his manuscript was (2) .

Freddie feels (3) because his manuscript is (4) .

Simone feels (5) because there were (6) .

Manuscripts submitted by authors

Title Genre Accepted ? Reason

Understanding the Non-fiction Yes Educational books sell well


(7) (8) No (10)


(11) (12) No (13)


S.5 / Eng. Lang. / Listening Exercise (Part A) / Book 1 36
Task 2 (12 marks)
Listen to the second part of the meeting, in which Simone gives Ralph and Freddie some more detailed
information about the new book she wants to publish. Listen and fill in the missing information in the
spaces below. You now have 30 seconds to study the task. At the end of the task, you will have one
minute to tidy up your answers.

Understanding the World

Author: (14) , a professor of (15)


 Chapter 1 is entitled (16) ‘ ’ and deals with

(17) .

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

 Chapter 2 is entitled (18) ‘ ’ and deals with
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

(19) .

 Chapter 3 is entitled (20) ‘ ’ and deals with

(21) .

Publication details

 Number of pages: (22)

 (23) Formats in which the book will be available (Tick one or more options)

A. paperback

B. hardback

C. e-book

 Print run: (24)

 Publication date: (25)

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

S.5 / Eng. Lang. / Listening Exercise (Part A) / Book 1 37
Task 3 (12 marks)
Simone has left the office for the day. She is calling Freddie to check on some of the work he has been
doing. There are three parts in this task. In Part A, you have to correct some sentences. In Part B, you
have to give feedback on a book cover and in Part C you have to complete a text. You now have 30
seconds to study this task. At the end of the task, you will have one minute to tidy up your answers.
Part A
Each line of the text below may have one mistake. Correct the mistakes as shown below. If the line
is correct, then put a tick () in the right-hand column. The first has been provided as an example.

Eastern (example)
Written by a professor at the University of Western Australia, Understanding the World is

(26) an engaging book about the wonders of the planet we all call home.

(27) It contains lots of fun and exciting facts in fields such as astrology, biology and technology.

(28) Pre-order Understanding the World before 15 November and you’ll get 20% off!
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Part B
Complete the feedback notes for the book cover. Use no more than THREE words for each.

(29) Change this to __________________ (30) Replace this with ________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________

(32) Change this to ____________________

(31) Replace this with ________________

S.5 / Eng. Lang. / Listening Exercise (Part A) / Book 1 38
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Part C
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Complete the text. Write one or more words in each gap.

If your students are interested in learning more about science in their

(33) ______________________, Understanding the World is the perfect book for them! This

highly (34)__________________ book makes scientific facts easy to understand but doesn’t

(35) _______________________ any of the content.

Special discount for schools: Order (36) _____________________ or more and get


students are interested in learning more about science in their (33)

d get (!


S.5 / Eng. Lang. / Listening Exercise (Part A) / Book 1 39
Task 4(11 marks)
Simone Warwick is appearing on the podcast Books, Books, Books to talk about Books for Brats and her
job. Listen to the interview and answer the questions below. Please note you do not need to answer in
complete sentences. You now have 30 seconds to study the task. At the end of the task, you will have
three minutes to tidy up your answers.

When did Simone start Books for Brats?


Why did Simone start Books for Brats?


What aspect of her job does Simone like and what aspect does she not like?

(40) Like: reading manuscripts

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

(41) Dislike:

Give two reasons why Simone writes to all the authors who send in manuscripts?



According to Simone, what is the most common mistake new writers make?


According to Simone, what three qualities does an editor need?


(46) attention

(47) a love for the

How many people work at Books for Brats in total?


Answers written in the margins will not be marked.


S.5 / Eng. Lang. / Listening Exercise (Part A) / Book 1 40

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