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The Founding of Rome (Evaluated Activity)

Indicator 4.1.3 Provides facts about Rome.

I. Underline the correct answers.

1. Who were the ones with the privilege of voting in Ancient Rome?

a. male citizens with money and properties

b. plebeians
c. Female, farmers and slaves
2. What was the name of the first Roman code of law?

a. Code of Rome
b. Twelve Tables
c. Our new Republic
3. After whom was Rome called?

a. Romulus
b. Remus
c. A Troyan prince
4. Which cultures developed Ancient Rome?

a. Greek and Egyptian

b. Asiatic, Troyan and Egyptian
c. Latin, Etruscan and Greek
5. Who saved the twins Romulus and Remus?
a. Mother wolf
b. A plebeian
c. The Queen
II. Identify on the blanks the following sentences as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Type your

answers in blue.

1. ____Aeneas fought in the Trojan War.

2. ____With the Roman code, only the Patricians could vote.

3. ____The Patricians were farmers, artisans, and merchants.

4. ____The Etruscan were sea traders.

5. ____The Etruscans were hard rulers.

6. ____Plebeians paid taxes and served in the army.

7. ____Romans had two important legends: one about the prince of Troy, and the other

about Romulus and Remus.

8. ____Latins lived near the Etruscans in Africa.

9. ____In 509 BC the Romans drove the Etruscans out of the city.

10. ____Before the code, representatives who were elected came from the upper class.

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