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Pressure-Volume Graphs
Independent Study Task

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Pressure-Volume Graphs

Pressure-volume graphs (PV graphs) illustrate various

different processes that can happen to a gas.

PV diagrams are important to master for our Engineering

unit as we will use them to illustrate fuel cycles and
calculate work done for …

moments car
batteries hydraulics
of inertia engines
Not quite right…
The correct answer involves gases expanding,
contracting and changing temperature…

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Pressure-Volume Graphs

Correct You will investigate petrol and diesel engines. First

you will master the underlying principles of PV diagrams in
this lesson.

I was checking that you were paying attention.

I’ll let you know when you get questions wrong.

When you are correct, you will just progress on to
something new on the next page.

Let’s go
Ideal Gas Law Recap
The ideal gas law;

pV = nRT

Which statement is incorrect?

a change in volume is caused by work done

nR is a constant for a closed system

units: p (Pascals), V (m3), T (oC), n (moles)

internal energy depends only on temperature

Not quite right…

When a gas expands it does work

When a gas is squashed, work is done to the gas

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Not quite right…

pV = nRT
n is the number of moles of gas
R = 8.31 J mol-1 K-1 the gas constant

For a closed system the gas is trapped and so n

stays constant

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Not quite right…
An ideal gas has no inter-molecular forces

All the internal energy is from the kinetic energy of

the particles

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Ideal Gas Law Recap

What is room temperature in Kelvin?

-298K 298K

-273K 323K

273K 423K
Not quite right…
Convert 25oC in to Kelvin…

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Ideal Gas Law Recap

What is atmospheric pressure?

1 x 105 Pa 1 x 108 Pa

1 x 106 Pa 1 x 109 Pa

1 x 107 Pa 1 x 1010 Pa
Not quite right…
I thought you might
have a familiarity with
this one.

A lobster at the bottom

of the ocean has 50m
of water pressing down
from above.

You have 8500m of air

pressing from above…

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Ideal Gas Law Recap

What is atmospheric pressure?

1 x 105 Pa 1 x 108 Pa

1 x 106 Pa 1 x 109 Pa

1 x 107 Pa 1 x 1010 Pa
Not quite right…
Now you are just guessing.

Bad lobster

Write the answer down

when you finally guess

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Ideal Gas Law Recap

pV = nRT
A sealed balloon changes pressure, volume and
temperature. It changes from p1 V1 T1 to p2 V2 T2

Which statement is correct?

p1V1T1 = p2V2T2 p1V1 = p2V2

V1 V2 p1V1 p 2V2
= =
T1 T2 T1 T2
Not quite right…

pV = nRT
nR is a constant as the amount of gas stays the same

Try rearranging to make nR the subject…

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The First Law of Thermodynamics
Q is positive if heat
energy is transferred
to the system
Q = ∆U + W
W is the work done by
∆U is the internal energy change, it the gas, it is positive if
is positive if the gas gains kinetic the gas expands
energy i.e. temperature increases

The First Law of Thermodynamics
Q is positive if heat
energy is transferred
to the system
Q = ∆U + W
W is the work done by
∆U is the internal energy change, it the gas, it is positive if
is positive if the gas gains kinetic the gas expands
energy i.e. temperature increases

A balloon is supplied 1000J of heat energy and also

compressed by 200J of work.

What is the change in internal energy?

∆U = 200J ∆U = -200J

∆U = 800J ∆U = -800J

∆U = 1200J ∆U = -1200J
Not quite right…
Q = ∆U + W

A balloon is supplied 1000J of heat energy and also

compressed by 200J of work.

The gas is heated and work is done on the gas

Q = 1000J W = -200J

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Isothermal Processes

The temperature stays constant for an isothermal


Which statement is correct?

Q = 0 so ∆U = -W

∆U = 0 so Q = W

W = 0 so Q = ∆U
Not quite right…
Q is positive if heat
energy is transferred
to the system
Q = ∆U + W
W is the work done by
∆U is the internal energy change, it the gas, it is positive if
is positive if the gas gains kinetic the gas expands
energy i.e. temperature increases

Which term refers to the temperature change?

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Isothermal Processes

pV = nRT

The temperature stays constant for an isothermal


Which statement is a simplification of the ideal gas

law for an isotherm?

p1 p2
= p1V1 = p2V2
V1 V2

p1 p2 V1 V2
= =
T1 T2 T1 T2
Not quite right…
pV = nRT
p1V1 p2V2
T1 T2

What happens to the equation if T1 = T2?

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Isothermal Process Graphs
p1V1 = p2V2 = constant =nRT

On a graph this is equivalent to y.x = constant i.e. y = k/x

p p

y = k/x


Compared to the green line, what would a

hotter temperature isotherm look like?

Red line

Blue line

Green line – the same

Directly proportional
Not quite right…
pV = nRT

If the temperature is greater then the product of p and V

will be greater. Which line does this describe?

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Adiabatic Processes

Q = ∆U + W

No heat energy is lost or gained by the system with

an adiabatic process.

Which statement is correct?

Q = 0 so ∆U = -W

∆U = 0 so Q = W

W = 0 so Q = ∆U
Not quite right…
Q is positive if heat
energy is transferred
to the system
Q = ∆U + W
W is the work done by
∆U is the internal energy change, it the gas, it is positive if
is positive if the gas gains kinetic the gas expands
energy i.e. temperature increases

Which term refers to the temperature change?

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Adiabatic Processes

∆U = - W
change in internal energy = - work done

𝛾 𝛾
p 1V1 = p 2V2

Which statement is incorrect?

no heat energy is lost or gained

the temperature remains constant

if work is done by the system, it expands

if work is done on the system, it contracts

if the gas is compressed, it gets hotter

if the gas expands, it gets cooler

Not quite right…

Which statement is incorrect?

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Adiabatic Process Graphs
Isothermal process: pV = constant
Adiabatic process (for hot air): pV1.4 = constant

The green line is for an isothermal process.

Which line could be an adiabatic process?

Red line

Blue line

Yellow line

Pink line
Not quite right…
Isothermal: p = k/V

Adiabatic: p = k/V1.4

As V increases, p will have to decrease more

rapidly for the adiabatic process

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Constant Pressure Processes
W = p∆V

Which statement is incorrect?

Work done is the area under the graph

V1/T1 = V2/T2

If the volume increases then the gas is heated

Q = ∆U + W can be simplified for constant pressure

Not quite right…
Look carefully at the equations for ideal gas, the
first law of thermodynamics and work done.

p1V1 p2V2
T1 T2

Q = ∆U + W
W = p∆V

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Constant Volume Processes

Work done, W = 0
The first law; Q = ∆U + W becomes Q = ∆U

Which statement is incorrect?

Cooling the gas decreases the internal energy

Heating increases the temperature

Increasing the temperature increases the pressure

p ∝ 1/T
Not quite right…
The internal energy U of an ideal gas depends only
on the temperature

For constant volume processes, the ideal gas law

simplifies to;

p1 p2
T1 T2

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pressure x volume

Multiplying p x V gives which units?

Nm-3.m3 ≡ N

Nm-2.m3 ≡ Nm

Nm-3.m3 ≡ J

Nm-3.m2 ≡ J
Not quite right…
Look carefully and try again…

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pressure x volume
Nm-2.m3 ≡ Nm
Nm ≡ J


Work done from p-V graphs
Recall that for constant pressure, work
done is the area under the graph

W = p∆V
Area =
work (J) V

In general:
W = p(V) dV
Area =
work (J) V

Work done from p-V graphs
Engine cylinders go through engine cycles as they rotate and
pistons move in and out, gases burn and are exhausted etc

We can show engine cycles on p-V graphs

Work done from p-V graphs

How can we calculate the work done in this engine cycle?

Add the area under 1→2→3→4→1

Add the area under 1→2→3

Add area under 1→2→3 minus area 3→4→1

Add area under 3→4→1 minus area 1→2→3

Not quite right…
How can we work out the shaded area?

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Work done from p-V graphs

– =
Subtracting the areas gives the work done per engine cycle.

Just what you were thinking, right?

p-V diagrams

Which change gives an increase in the internal

energy of the gas?

E to X

F to X

G to X

H to X

Not quite right…

p 1 V1 pV
= 2 2
T1 T2

“Internal energy” means the temperature for an ideal gas.

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Not quite right…

p 1 V1 pV
= 2 2
T1 T2

“Internal energy” means the temperature for an ideal gas.

F→X is an isotherm so constant temperature

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Not quite right…

p 1 V1 pV
= 2 2
T1 T2

“Internal energy” means the temperature for an ideal gas.

G→X is an adiabatic expansion. The gas loses internal energy
to do work

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Not quite right…

p 1 V1 pV
= 2 2
T1 T2

“Internal energy” means the temperature for an ideal gas.

H→X the pressure decreases at constant volume, so the
temperature must decrease

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p 1 V1 pV
= 2 2
T1 T2

“Internal energy” means the temperature for an ideal gas.

E→X the gas expands but stays at the same pressure – so it
must increase in temperature

p-V diagrams

Which statement is correct for the cycle pictured above?

4→1 Work is done by the air

2→3 Energy is supplied to the air by heating only

3→4 The temperature of the air rises

1→2→3→4→1 The area enclosed is the power output

Not quite right…

4→1 no work is done by the air as the volume

doesn’t change W = P∆V

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Not quite right…

3→4 is an adiabatic expansion, so the air cools

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Not quite right…

The area enclosed by 1→2→3→4→1 is the work

done (J) by the gas in one cycle not power (W)

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2→3 the gas expands so it does work.

For this to occur at constant pressure the gas must
be heated
p-V diagrams

The air valve is forced out by the water pressure and the air in
the bottle expands. The expanding air forces the water out of
the neck of the bottle at high speed; this provides the thrust
that lifts the bottle high into the air.

The air under pressure expands adiabatically.

Estimate the work done by the expanding air

75 ± 5 J

150 ± 10 J

300 ± 10 J

330 ± 10 J
Not quite right…
Each square;
0.5 x 105 x 0.5 x 10-3
= 25J

Find this area

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p-V diagrams

How do we show A→B is isothermal?

1.20 x 1.0 = 0.25 x 4.8

1.20 / 1.0 = 0.25 /4.8

1.20 x 1.01.4 = 0.25 x 4.81.4

A→ B isn’t isothermal
Not quite right…
For an isothermal process;

p1V1 = p2V2 = constant

Read the number carefully from the graph

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p-V diagrams

How do we calculate the work done for B→C?

Only possible using the trapezium rule or integration

4.8 x 105 x 0.39 x 10-3

4.8 x 105 x (0.39 – 0.25) x 10-3

(4.8 – 1.0) x 105 x (1.20 – 0.39) x 10-3

Not quite right…
The area under p-V graph link shows us the work done

B→C is a horizontal line – so calculate the rectangular area

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What is the work done for a full cycle A→B→C→D→A?


+ –


+ +


+ –
Not quite right…

How to work out the area shown above?

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More help
+ –

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Q /J W /J ∆U /J

A→B -188

B→C +235 67

C→A +168

A→B→C→A +47 0

Apply the first law of thermodynamics to work out Q for A→B

Q = +235J Q = +188J Q = +168J Q = +141J

Q = +121J Q = +67J Q = +47J Q = +20J

Q = –235J Q = –188J Q = –168J Q = –141J

Q = –121J Q = –67J Q = –47J Q = –20J

Q = 0J
Not quite right…
A→B is an isothermal process so ∆U = 0

Q = ∆U + W

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Q /J W /J ∆U /J

A→B -188 -188

B→C +235 67

C→A +168

A→B→C→A +47 0

Apply the first law of thermodynamics to work out ∆U for A→B

∆U = +235J ∆U = +188J ∆U = +168J ∆U = +141J

∆U = +121J ∆U = +67J ∆U = +47J ∆U = +20J

∆U = –235J ∆U = –188J ∆U = –168J ∆U = –141J

∆U = –121J ∆U = –67J ∆U = –47J ∆U = –20J

∆U = 0J
Not quite right…
A→B is an isothermal process so ∆U = 0

Q = ∆U + W

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Q /J W /J ∆U /J

A→B -188 -188 0

B→C +235 67

C→A +168

A→B→C→A +47 0

Apply the first law of thermodynamics to work out ∆U for B→C

∆U = +235J ∆U = +188J ∆U = +168J ∆U = +141J

∆U = +121J ∆U = +67J ∆U = +47J ∆U = +20J

∆U = –235J ∆U = –188J ∆U = –168J ∆U = –141J

∆U = –121J ∆U = –67J ∆U = –47J ∆U = –20J

∆U = 0J
Not quite right…
Use the first law of thermodynamics

Q = ∆U + W

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Q /J W /J ∆U /J

A→B -188 -188 0

B→C +235 67 +168

C→A +168

A→B→C→A +47 0

Apply the first law of thermodynamics to work out Q for C→A

Q = +235J Q = +188J Q = +168J Q = +141J

Q = +121J Q = +67J Q = +47J Q = +20J

Q = –235J Q = –188J Q = –168J Q = –141J

Q = –121J Q = –67J Q = –47J Q = –20J

Q = 0J
Not quite right…
B→A is isothermal but C→A is steeper, suggesting
it is adiabatic

If C→A is an adiabatic process, this means that…

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Q /J W /J ∆U /J

A→B -188 -188 0

B→C +235 67 +168

C→A 0 +168

A→B→C→A +47 0

Apply the first law of thermodynamics to work out ∆U for C→A

∆U = +235J ∆U = +188J ∆U = +168J ∆U = +141J

∆U = +121J ∆U = +67J ∆U = +47J ∆U = +20J

∆U = –235J ∆U = –188J ∆U = –168J ∆U = –141J

∆U = –121J ∆U = –67J ∆U = –47J ∆U = –20J

∆U = 0J
Not quite right…
Use the first law of thermodynamics

Q = ∆U + W

Go back
Q /J W /J ∆U /J

A→B -188 -188 0

B→C +235 67 +168

C→A 0 +168 -168

A→B→C→A +47 0

Work out Q for the cycle A→B→C→D→A

Q = +235J Q = +188J Q = +168J Q = +141J

Q = +121J Q = +67J Q = +47J Q = +20J

Q = –235J Q = –188J Q = –168J Q = –141J

Q = –121J Q = –67J Q = –47J Q = –20J

Q = 0J
Not quite right…
Use the first law of thermodynamics

Q = ∆U + W

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These questions have lots of guidance hiding
behind the wrong answers. Try one…
You Choose
AQA Equation Sheet

Revisit a question where I got

lucky and guessed correctly

Clever brain maths from the

Carnot cycle (beyond A level)
The Carnot Cycle

A theoretical ideal thermodynamic cycle proposed by French

physicist Sadi Carnot in 1824.

The mathematical treatment involves lots of algebra and calculus.

You are going to do just one small element of the fun maths.

The maths ultimately shows that the efficiency is only dependent

on the two temperatures the gas moves through higher TH and
lower TL.

Bring it on
The Carnot Cycle

What are processes 1, 2, 3 and 4?

1 adiabatic, 2 & 4 isothermal, 3 constant pressure

1, 2 & 3 isothermal, 4 constant volume

1 & 3 adiabatic, 2 & 4 isothermal

1 & 3 isothermal, 2 & 4 adiabatic

Not quite right…
Adiabatic processes are always steeper than
isothermal processes on a p-V graph

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The Carnot Cycle

How do you use the areas under each curve to

calculate the total energy per cycle?

Area1 + Area2 – Area3 – Area 4

Area1 + Area2 + Area3 + Area 4

Area1 + Area2 + Area3 – Area 4

Area1 – Area2 – Area3 – Area 4

Not quite right…

How to use the other areas to work out the shaded area?

Go back
The Carnot Cycle

Part of the maths involves finding the area under

the adiabatic sections of the cycle (2 & 4)

Here are our friendly starting point equations;

Work = p(V) dV

pVγ = constant

pV = nRT
The Carnot Cycle
Work = p(V) dV

but pVγ = constant

Work = constant 1/Vγ dV

Integrate and use the limits…

1 constant constant 1 constant constant

W= – W= –
γ–1 Vc γ–1 Vbγ – 1 γ–1 Vc 1–γ Vb1 – γ

1 constant constant 1 constant constant

W= – W= –
1 –γ Vc γ–1 Vbγ – 1 1 –γ Vc 1–γ Vb1 – γ
Not quite right…
Does this help?

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The Carnot Cycle

Work, W = 1 constant constant


1 –γ Vc Vbγ – 1

Next substitute for “constant”: pcVcγ = constant

and pbVbγ = constant

then use: pcVc = nRTL

and pbVb = nRTH
And simplify

nR nR
W= (pc/Vc – pb/Vb) W= (TH –TL)
γ–1 γ–1

nR nR
W= (1/TH –1/TL) W= (1/TL –1/TH)
γ–1 γ–1
Not quite right…
Does this help?

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The Carnot Cycle
Well done, you have found the work done in adiabatic
processes 2 & 4 – this is the trickiest bit of algebra in the
Carnot Cycle

W2 = (TH –TL)

The work done or energy extracted from the cylinder is

proportional to the difference in temperature between
two reservoirs.

When you include the two isothermal processes to

calculate the efficiency, the equation is elegantly simple.

The whole derivation is on the final five pages of this

presentation – scroll down if you are interested…
Efficiency of a Carnot engine
The Carnot cycle makes an engine. The p-V diagram below sketches the operation of a Carnot engine,
where the “working fluid” that expands and contracts within the cylinder is an ideal gas.


2 TH
d 3 TL
0 c
0 V

Here the high temperature TH and the low temperature TL are temperatures as measured on an ideal
gas thermometer, that is
T = .
One cycle of the Carnot engine acts as follows:

• Leg 1: Isothermal expansion at high temperature. As the gas expands, it lifts a big pile of sand —
that is, it does work |W1 |. We’ve seen that expansion normally sends the temperature down. To keep
the same temperature, the gas must absorb heat |Q1 | from its surroundings.

• Leg 2: Adiabatic expansion. As the gas expands, it lifts a big pile of sand — that is, it does work |W2 |.
The expansion sends the temperature down. Because it’s adiabatic, no heat is absorbed or ejected.

• Leg 3: Isothermal compression at low temperature. As the gas contracts, it lets down a small pile
of sand — that is, work |W3 | is done on the gas. We’ve seen that compression normally sends the
temperature up. To keep the same temperature, the gas must eject heat |Q2 | into its surroundings.

• Leg 4: Adiabatic compression. As the gas contracts, it lets down a small pile of sand — that is, work
|W4 | is done on the gas. The compression sends the temperature up. Because it’s adiabatic, no heat
is absorbed or ejected.

|Q1| expand |W1|
at temperature TH

adiabatic |W4| adiabatic |W2|

compression: expansion:
temperature rises temperature falls

at temperature TL
|Q3| |W3|

Overall, the gas absorbs some heat and ejects some heat. The gas does some work and some work is
done on it. The “net work done by the gas” is the work done by the gas minus the work done on the gas.
We’re interested in getting as large a net work as possible for a given amount of heat absorbed. That is,
we’re interested in getting a large
net work done by gas |W1 | + |W2 | − |W3 | − |W4 |
efficiency = = . (1)
heat absorbed by gas |Q1 |
(James Watt had a similar measure that he called “duty”: the work in foot-pounds generated by a bushel
of coal. I actually prefer the name “duty” to “efficiency”, but we’re stuck with “efficiency”.)

To find the relevant quantities, remember that the work done by a quasistatic fluid is
p(V ) dV.

[[This formula applies only if the gas can be considered at equilibrium while the volume is changing. If there
are currents in the gas, then one cannot even define a pressure in the way we’ve been using the term! Such
currents will generally result in internal friction which throws off the work and heat calculations we’ll do
soon. If the piston experiences friction rubbing against the cylinder walls, then the force will not be the same
as pressure × area. In short, this calculation will find the efficiency of an “ideal engine” using the working
fluid of an “ideal gas”. Real engines with friction and currents and so forth will be less efficient.]]

Leg 1: On this isothermal expansion leg, the temperature is TH so
p(V ) = . (2)
The work done by the gas is then
Z b
W1 = p(V ) dV
Z b
= dV
a V
Z b
a V
= N RTH ln(V )
= N RTH ln (3)
Remember that Vb > Va , so this quantity is positive, as expected. (In leg 1, the gas does work by lifting

The heat absorbed merely counteracts the effect of the work done, so

|Q1 | = |W1 |. (4)

(This derivation relies upon the already-stated fact that the energy of a given sample of an ideal gas is a
function of temperature alone, not of temperature and volume.)

Leg 2: On this adiabatic expansion leg, the pressure and volume are related through

pV γ = constant = pb Vbγ = pc Vcγ . (5)

Before I calculate the work, I’m going to find a relation between temperature and volume that will turn out
to be useful later:

pb Vbγ = pc Vcγ
pb Vb Vbγ−1 = pc Vc Vcγ−1
N RTH Vbγ−1 = N RTL Vcγ−1
= (6)

We’ve already said that an increase in volume will result in a decrease in temperature (for example, in
releasing air from a bicycle tire), and this equation tells us quantitatively what that temperature change is.

With this piece of bookkeeping out of the way, we go ahead and find the work done by the gas:
Z c
W2 = p(V ) dV
Z c
= constant γ
b V
= constant V (−γ+1)
−γ + 1 b #
1 constant constant
= −
−γ + 1 Vcγ−1 Vbγ−1
" #
1 pc Vcγ pb Vbγ
= − γ−1
−γ + 1 Vcγ−1 Vb
= [pc Vc − pb Vb ]
−γ + 1
= N R [TL − TH ]
−γ + 1
= (TH − TL ) . (7)
Once again, and again as expected, this quantity is positive.
Leg 3: In the isothermal compression leg, the calculation of work done by the gas is performed exactly
as it was in leg 1, but of course with different variables plugged in. Referring to equation (3) we find
W3 = N RTL ln . (8)
Because Vd < Vc , this quantity — the work done by the gas — is negative. The work done on the gas is
Vd Vc
|W3 | = −N RTL ln = N RTL ln . (9)
Vc Vd

Furthermore, just as in leg 1,

|Q3 | = |W3 |. (10)

Leg 4: In the adiabatic compression leg, the calculations are performed exactly as they were in leg 2,
but of course with different variables plugged in. Referring to equations (6) and (7) we find
= (11)
W4 = (TL − TH ) . (12)
As expected, this quantity is negative and
|W4 | = −W4 = (TH − TL ) . (13)

With all of the relevant quantities known we can go ahead and calculate the efficiency
|W1 | + |W2 | − |W3 | − |W4 | |W2 | − |W3 | − |W4 |
efficiency = =1+ .
|Q1 | |Q1 |
But our calculations show that |W2 | = |W4 |. (In retrospect, this is obvious for an ideal gas. We didn’t
need to evaluate W2 and W4 . But lots of things are obvious in retrospect. I am not ashamed.) Using our
calculated values for |W3 | and Q1 , we find

|W3 | N RTL ln(Vc /Vd ) TL ln(Vc /Vd )

efficiency = 1 − =1− =1− .
|Q1 | N RTH ln(Vb /Va ) TH ln(Vb /Va )

We seem to have found the final answer. But there’s one more simplification that can be performed.
Comparing equations (6) and (11), we find
 γ−1  γ−1
TH Vc Vd
= =
TL Vb Va
Vc Vd
Vb Va
Vc Vb
= .
Vd Va
The two natural logs in the expression for efficiency are equal!

Our final result for the efficiency of an ideal Carnot engine using an ideal gas as a working fluid is the
remarkably simple
efficiency = 1 − . (14)
This efficiency is independent of the details concerning volume and depends only on the two temperatures
concerned. To get a high efficiency (always a good thing) one wants the highest possible TH and the lowest
possible TL .

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