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Patient Admission & Simple

Future Tense

1. Denik Natalianingrum
2. Putri Ayuningsih
3. Rasmini
4. Siti Rohmah
5. Lelatul Maslahah
Table Of Contents

1 Conversation
Welcoming a new patient 4 Practice
Playing a role as a nurse

Word Power
2 Medical Term 5 Language Focus
Yes/no question,
WH question

3 Useful Expressions
6 Practice
Grammer Focus
Table Of Contents

7 Reading Exercise

8 Simple Future Tense

Welcoming a new patient
Conversation: Welcoming a new patient

Ahmed has gotten fever for two days. His temperature increases. His parents finally decide to bring him to the
hospital. After arriving in the hospitals, his mother is in the admission room to register ahmed. After that ahmed is
being examined by a doctor helped by a nurse.

Front officer : Welcome to Commonwealth Hospital. Can i help you, mom?

Mrs. Ali : Yes, i’d like to register my son. He has gotten fever for two days. And his temperature gets higher
Front officer : Has he ever been hospitalized or visited a doctor here?
Mrs. Ali : Never.
Front officer : Okay, so we need to fill in the admission form for the patient’s medical record.
Mrs. Ali : Sure.
Front officer : What’s your son’s name?
Mrs. Ali : Ahmed
Front officer : When was he born?
Mrs.Ali : June 15, 2000.
Front officer : Where is your address?
Mrs. Ali : Saint Avenue street, number 4.
Front officer : May i have your phone number as a parent?
Mrs.Ali : Sure, 08786992.
Front officer : Okay. So the complaint is fever, anything else?
Mrs. Ali : No.
Front officer : Okay then, so please wait while your son is being examined by our doctor.
Mrs. Ali : Okay.
Word Power
Medical terms
Aberration Deviation from the normal pattern. Penyimpangan dari pola normal.

A disorder characterised by an absence of

Gangguan yang ditandai dengan tidak adanya
low-density beta-lipoprotein, presence of
beta-lipoprotein densitas rendah, adanya
Abetalipoproteinaemia acanthocytes in blood, degeneration of retinal
acanthocytes dalam darah, degenerasi pigmen
pigments, malabsorption, and neuromuscular
retinal, malabsorpsi, dan kelainan neuromuskuler.

Abeyance A state of temporary abolition of function. Keadaan penghapusan sementara fungsi.

The physical, mental, or legal competence to Kompetensi fisik, mental, atau hukum untuk
function. berfungsi.

Ketidakcocokan dengan kehidupan, tanpa

Abiotic Incompatibility with life, without life

An age- dependent manifestation of a genetically Manifestasi yang bergantung pada usia dari sifat
determined trait yang ditentukan secara genetik

An antibody that seems to inhibit reproduction of Antibodi yang tampaknya menghambat reproduksi
trypanosome; found in rats. tripanosom; ditemukan pada tikus.

Ablate To remove or to destroy the function of Untuk menghapus atau menghancurkan fungsi
Ablution An act washing or bathing Tindakan mencuci atau mandi
Word Power: Medical terms
Word Meaning Translation
Abasia Inability to walk Ketidakmampuan untuk berjalan
Pengurangan atau penghapusan gangguan
A reduction or elimination of public health
Abatement kesehatan masyarakat seperti asap, suara bising,
nuisances such as smoke, lound noise etc.

Abaxial Lying outside the axis of anybody or part Berbaring di luar sumbu siapa pun atau sebagian

The part of the body between the chest and hip Bagian tubuh antara daerah dada dan pinggul
region (the front or anterior portion) (bagian depan atau anterior)
Abdominogenital Relating to abdomen and genital organs Berkaitan dengan perut dan organ genital
Abdominopelvic Relating to the abdomen and pelvis Berkaitan dengan perut dan panggul
An operation performed on the abdominal wall Operasi yang dilakukan pada dinding perut untuk
for cosmetic purposes tujuan kosmetik
Movement of a body part away from the Gerakan bagian tubuh menjauh dari bidang
median plane of the body. median tubuh.
Aberrant Differing from the normal. Beda dari biasanya.
Abnormal Not normal Tidak normal

To remove the embryo of foetus from the mother’s Untuk mengeluarkan embrio janin dari rahim ibu
womb before it is viable sebelum layak

Abortifacient An agent that produces abortion Agen yang menghasilkan aborsi

Abortigenic Producing abortion Memproduksi aborsi

Removal (spontaneous or induced) of an embryo Pengangkatan (secara spontan atau diinduksi)

Abortion or foetus from the uterus before it reaches the embrio atau janin dari rahim sebelum mencapai
stage when it can survive outside the womb tahap saat ia dapat bertahan hidup di luar rahim

Abrachia Congenital absence of arms Tidak adanya lengan bawaan

Abrachiocephaly Congenital absence of arms and head Tidak adanya lengan dan kepala bawaan

A collection of pus, usually associated with Kumpulan nanah, biasanya berhubungan dengan
redness, swelling and pain kemerahan, bengkak, dan nyeri
The incorporation or soaking in of substances Penggabungan atau perendaman zat (padat, cair,
(solids, liquids, gases, light or heat) by a system gas, cahaya atau panas) oleh suatu sistem

Menghindari penggunaan komponen makanan,

To refrain from the use of certain components of
Abstinence alkohol, obat-obatan tertentu atau dari hubungan
diet, alcohol, drugs or from sexual intercourse

Removal of the superficial layers of skin or Pengangkatan lapisan superfisial kulit atau selaput
mucous membrane, usually seen as a skin wound lendir, biasanya terlihat sebagai luka kulit

1. Penyalahgunaan atau penggunaan apapun

1. Misuse or excessive use of anything
secara berlebihan
Abuse 2. Harmful or offensive treatment (physical or
2. Perlakuan yang merugikan atau menyinggung
sexual) of an individual
(fisik atau seksual) seseorang

Anterior Toward the front of the body Menjelang tubuh bagian depan
A family of rod-like bacteria causing disease in Sebuah keluarga bakteri seperti batang yang
man menyebabkan penyakit pada manusia
An eruption of pus filled cavities on the palms and Letusan rongga berisi nanah di telapak tangan dan
Bacterid soles, as an allergic reaction to bacterial infection telapak kaki, sebagai reaksi alergi terhadap infeksi
at a distant site bakteri di tempat yang jauh
Untuk menyebabkan pencernaan atau
Bacteriolyze To cause the digestion or dissolution of bacteria
pembubaran bakteri
A single celled microorganism that mutiplies by Mikroorganisme bersel tunggal yang mutiplies
cell division dengan pembelahan sel
Balanoplasty Surgical reconstruction of glans penis Rekonstruksi bedah untuk glans penis
Balanoposthitis Inflammation of the glans penis and prepuce Radang kelenjar penis dan kulup
A disease caused by Balantidium coli; with Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh Balantidium coli;
Balantidiasis symptoms of diarrhea, dysentry, abdominal pain, dengan gejala diare, disentri, sakit perut, dan
and weight loss penurunan berat badan

The process of differential staining of

Proses pewarnaan diferensial kromosom sel untuk
chromosomes of cells to reveal the characteristic
mengungkapkan pola karakteristik pita yang
Banding patterns of bands that permit identification of
memungkinkan identifikasi kromosom individu dan
individual chromosomes and recognition of
pengenalan segmen yang hilang
missing segments

The entire unpaired subdivision of the brain, that Seluruh bagian otak yang tidak berpasangan,
Brain stem
forms a stalk like connection yang membentuk koneksi seperti tangkai

Making changes in attitudes and behaviour of a Melakukan perubahan sikap dan perilaku
Brain washing person through various forms of psychological seseorang melalui berbagai bentuk tekanan
pressure psikologis
A by-product of miling of wheat, containing Produk sampingan dari penggilingan gandum,
approximately 20% of complex sugars; usually mengandung sekitar 20% gula kompleks; biasanya
taken in the form of cereal or special bran products, diambil dalam bentuk sereal atau produk dedak
Adds fibre to diet khusus, Menambahkan serat ke dalam makanan

1. The female organ or milk secretion 1. Organ wanita atau sekresi susu.
2. The pectoral surface of the thorax 2. Permukaan dada di dada
The process of taking air into and out of the lung Proses mengeluarkan udara masuk dan keluar
through the nose paru-paru melalui hidung

Dilation of bronchioles (the internal structures of the Pelebaran bronkiolus (struktur internal paru-paru)
lungs ) associated with production of thick sputum berhubungan dengan produksi sputum yang kental

Bronchiolitis Inflammation and swelling of the bronchioles Peradangan dan pembengkakan pada bronkiolus
X-ray khusus untuk memvisualisasikan saluran
Bronchogram A special X-ray to visualize the lung airways
udara paru-paru
Diperoleh dengan menggosok permukaan area
Obtained by rubbing the surface of the affected
Brush biopsy yang terkena dengan kuas untuk mendapatkan sel
area with a brush to obtain cells for examination
untuk pemeriksaan
An injury caused by heat or fire, or any chemical Cedera yang disebabkan oleh panas atau api,
agent like acid or alkali atau bahan kimia seperti asam atau alkali

To create new flow from one structure to the Untuk membuat aliran baru dari satu struktur ke
other through a channel struktur lainnya melalui saluran

An operation for delivering a child by cutting Operasi untuk melahirkan anak dengan memotong
through the well of the abdomen and the uterus sumur perut dan rahim

A substance obtained from tea or coffe, used as Zat yang diperoleh dari teh atau kopi, digunakan
a stimulant sebagai stimulan

Calcaneus The bone that forms the heel Tulang yang membentuk tumit
Cardiomyopathy A diseased heart muscle Otot jantung yang sakit
Calcification Deposition of calcium salts Deposisi garam kalsium

A condition characterized by the deposition of Kondisi yang ditandai dengan pengendapan

calcium salts in various tissues garam kalsium di berbagai jaringan

Cepahl/o Head Kepala

Chrom Color Warna
Deep Closer to the center of the body Lebih dekat ke tengah tubuh
Farther from the point off attachment or point
Distal Lebih jauh dari titik lampiran atau titik acuan
of reference
Derm/o Skin Kulit
DOB Death of Birth Kematian Lahir
Enter/o Intestine Usus
Gastr/o Stomach Perut
Hem/o, Hemat/o Blood Darah
Lateral Toward the side of the body Ke arah samping tubuh
M/F Male/female Pria / wanita
Marital Status Widow/widower/married/unmarried Janda / duda / menikah / belum menikah
My/o Muscle Otot
Myel/o Spinal cord Sumsum tulang belakang
Onych/o Nail Kuku
Oste/o Bone Tulang
Phag Eat or swallow Makan atau telan

Phleb/o Vein Pembuluh darah

Posterior Toward the back of the body Ke arah belakang tubuh

Pulm/o, Pulmon/o Lungs Paru-paru

Superficial Closer to the surface of the body Lebih dekat ke permukaan tubuh

Synov/i Synovial fluid, joint, or membrane Cairan, sendi, atau selaput sinovial

Thromb/o Clot Menggumpal

Vas/o Vessel or duct Saluran

Useful Expressions
For Asking Patient’s
Useful Expressions
The following are some useful expressions used for asking patient’s information.
To Ask Name what is your name? To Ask Occupation, What is your occupation?
what is your complete name? Title, & Education Your occupation, please.
what is your surename? Do you have any academic title?
may I know your name? What do you do?
Where do you work?
To Ask Age How old are you? What is your title?
When were you born? What is your last education?

To Ask Address What is your address?

Where do you live?
Your address, please.

To Ask Phone Your phone number, please. To Ask Marital Status Are you married?
May I know your phone number? May I know your marital status?
Can I have your phone number?
What is your phone number? To Ask Health Do you have any health
Do you have a mobile phone number? Insurance insurance?
Will you use health insurance?
To Ask Next Of Kin Who is your next of kin?
May I know your next of kin?

To Ask Reason For What brings you in this hospital?

Contact Who sends you to this hospital?
What makes you come to this hospital?
Why do you come to the hospital?
What are you suffering for?
What seems to be the trouble?
Playing a role as a nurse
Practice: Playing a role as a nurse
Work in pairs, prepare, nurse-patient interview. One student as a nurse: Ask the patient to complete
the Patient Admission Form. Another students as a patient: readily complete patient admission form.
Language Focus
Yes/No Question &
WH Questions
b. Examples with do/does/did: d. Examples with have/has/had:
Doesn’t he live in London?
Answer: yes, he does/no, he doesn’t.
Have/has/had + S + V3
Do you like coffe? Have you examined the patient?
Answer: yes I do/no, I don’t. Answer: yes, I can/no, I can’t.
Did eat any spicy food? Has he been well?
Answer: yes, she did/no, she didn’t. Answer: yes he has/no, he hasn’t.

c. Examples with modals:

Can you open your mouth, please?
Answer: yes, I can/no, I can’t.
Will you attend the seminar?
Answer: yes I will/no, I won’t.
May I have your phone number?
Answer: yes, you may/no, you may not.
Must I take all the medicine?
Answer: yes, you must/no, you mustn’t.
Could you please take a glass of water for me?
Answer: yes I could/no, I couldn’t.
1. Yes/No Question
A question in which the answer is yes/no. Yes/no question uses to be, modal, or auxiliary
before a subject of sentence. Look at the following formula!

To be/modal/auxiliary + subject + verb +

Positive sentence
To be/modal/auxiliary + not + subject + verb
Negative sentence
+ (object)

a. Examples with to be :
1) For nominal sentence 2) For continuous tenses 3) For passive voice
To be + S + To be + S + Ving To be + S + V3 + O
Are you reading a book? Is the prescription given to you?
Is it your book? Answer: yes, I’m/no, I’m not. Answer: yes, it is/no, it isn’t
Answer: yes it is/no, it is Was she studying last night at Are the dishes washed?
not. 8? Answer: yes, they are/no, they
Are you hungry? Answer: yes, she was/no, she are not
Answer: yes, I am/no, I am wasn’t.
WH Questions
Is a question initiated with wh-question and the answer is more informative and clear.

What : apa When : kapan

Who : siapa (menanyakan subjek) Why : kenapa
Whom : siapa (menanyakan subjek) How : bagaimana
Where : di mana/ke mana

a. Asking a subject b. Asking object/complement/adverb:

Who/what + Verb +
QW + auxiliary + S + V1
Example: Example:
Who accompanies you? What do you feel?
Who wrote this letter? Why are you so pale?
What happens? When will the exhibition end?
Grammar focus
Practice: Grammar Focus
Translate the following sentences into English!
1. Apa yang Anda rasakan?
2. Apakah Anda pernah dating kemari?
3. Dimana apotek terdekat?
4. Siapa yang memeriksamu?
5. Bisakah kau menunjukkan lukanya?
6. Sudah berapa lama kamu batuk?
7. Apakah kamu merasa pusing?
8. Berapa jenis obat yang dokter beri?
9. Apakah aku harus kembali lagi menemui dokter lagi?
10. Kenapa kamu sedih?
Reading Exercise
Reading Exercise

Physician Referral Letter In Indonesia is

known as Surat Rujukan. A patient with physician
referral letter comes to a hospital with various
reason. Read the following example of the

Dear dr. Joko Pranata: Dear dr. Joko Pranata:

ANYTOWN FACILITY is pleased to announce its recent FASILITAS ANYTOWN dengan bangga mengumumkan
acquisition of the ultra-premium ACUSON Sequoia™ akuisisi baru-baru ini atas sistem ekokardiografi ACUSON
C512 echocardiography system for our Cardiology Sequoia ™ C512 ultra premium untuk Departemen Kardiologi
Department. kami.

The Sequoia C512 system will provide us with maximized Sistem Sequoia C512 akan memberi kami informasi diagnostik
diagnostic information and increased exam efficiency yang dimaksimalkan dan peningkatan efisiensi pengujian
through significantly advanced acoustic imaging. Using melalui pencitraan akustik yang sangat canggih. Dengan
proprietary transmit and receive ultrasound technology, menggunakan teknologi transmisi dan terima ultrasound yang
Siemenshas elevated the performance of the Sequoia dipatenkan, Siemens telah meningkatkan kinerja platform
ultrasound platform by combining new system architecture ultrasound Sequoia dengan menggabungkan arsitektur sistem
and transducer technologies. As a result, we have a better baru dan teknologi transduser. Hasilnya, kami memiliki
instrument to evaluate all of our patients with. instrumen yang lebih baik untuk mengevaluasi semua pasien
Our Sequoia system supports all routine applications for
adult, pediatric and neonatal cardiology as well as Sistem Sequoia kami mendukung semua aplikasi rutin untuk
cardiovascular imaging. Additionally, we are able to kardiologi dewasa, anak, dan neonatal serta pencitraan
perform a breadth of imaging capabilities including kardiovaskular. Selain itu, kami dapat melakukan berbagai
transthoracic, transesophageal, stress echo, intracardiac, kemampuan pencitraan termasuk transthoracic,
intraoperative and 3D cardiography, as well as routine and transesophageal, stress echo, intracardiac, intraoperative dan
investigational contrast agent imaging, vascular and 3D cardiography, serta pencitraan agen kontras rutin dan
abdominal imaging. investigasi, pencitraan vaskular dan perut.

And, with the new syngo® Arterial Health Package, we can Dan, dengan Syngo® Arterial Health Package yang baru, kami
evaluate cardiac risk factors and quantify cardiovascular age dapat mengevaluasi faktor risiko jantung dan menghitung usia
with automated intima-media thickness measurements. kardiovaskular dengan pengukuran ketebalan intima-media
Additionally, the new mitral valve assessment applications otomatis. Selain itu, aplikasi penilaian katup mitral yang baru
allows for a rapid 3D/4D evaluation of mitral valve memungkinkan evaluasi 3D / 4D yang cepat untuk morfologi dan
morphology and pathology. patologi katup mitral.

Finally, with the DIMAQ™ integrated ultrasound workstation Terakhir, dengan area kerja ultrasound terintegrasi DIMAQ ™ yang
completely embedded into the platform’s architecture, we sepenuhnya tertanam ke dalam arsitektur platform, kami dapat
can digitally capture a complete patient study, including secara digital menangkap studi pasien yang lengkap, termasuk
demographics, static images, dynamic clips, measurements demografi, gambar statis, klip dinamis, pengukuran dan
and calculations, and then store in the native DICOM file penghitungan, dan kemudian menyimpannya dalam format file
format for instant access and review on the system. DICOM asli untuk akses instan dan meninjau sistem.

We invite you to contact us at 000.000.0000 [contact phone] Kami mengundang Anda untuk menghubungi kami di
with any questions you might have regarding our new 000.000.0000 [telepon kontak] jika ada pertanyaan yang mungkin
imaging capabilities with the Sequoia C512 system. In Anda miliki terkait kemampuan pencitraan baru kami dengan
addition, we welcome an opportunity to personally sistem Sequoia C512. Selain itu, kami menyambut baik
demonstrate the system’s diagnostic imaging capabilities for kesempatan untuk secara pribadi mendemonstrasikan kemampuan
you. pencitraan diagnostik sistem untuk Anda.

Sincerely, Hormat kami,

Albert White Albert White

Answer the following question!

1. Why is this letter issued?

2. Who issues the letter?
3. Why is he letter addressed to dr. Joko
Simple Future
Simple Future Tense

The simple future is a verb tense that’s used to talk about things that
haven’t happened yet.

Example :
This year, Jen will read War and Peace. It will be hard, but she’s
determined to do it.

Use the simple future to talk about an action or condition that will begin
and end in the future.
Formula :
Perbedaan “Will” And “Be Going To”

Kata “will” dan “be going to” sama-sama memiliki makna/arti yang sama yaitu “akan”.
Tapi apa yang membedakan ?
1. Will
Will biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang akan terjadi di masa
depan, will juga biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan harapan dan menawarkan
bantuan will biasanya diikuti dengan verb 1.

Untuk kalimat negative: will + not = won’t

It will not warm up for several days
The snow won’t melt soon
Untuk question: will + Subject+ V1
Will it be icy tomorrow?
how will you get here?
2. Be Going To
Be going to juga sering digunakan untuk mengekspresikan prediksi
tentang masa depan dan menyatakan sebuah rencana yang sudah ada
sebelum pembicaraan terjadi. Pada informal speech, going to sering di
singkat menjadi ‘gonna’

Untuk kalimat negative: be + not + going to.

Untuk kalimat question: be + subject + going to

Snow is going to continue all week.
The roads are going to be icy.
I’m not going to go out.
Is the storm going to be dangerous?
I’m going to paint my room tomorrow.
Sebuah tindakan sukarela bila menawarkan untuk Menggunakan "will not" or "won't" ketika kita menolak untuk
lakukan untuk orang lain. secara sukarela melakukan sesuatu.
Contohnya: Contoh :
I will get the mail, so you can give it to Mr. Smith. I won't do all the housework myself!
I will call the police, don’t worry, you are safe. I won’t go to your party.

Kata "Will" biasanya digunakan dalam kalimat janji.

Menanggapi keluhan orang lain atau permohonan I will make you a cake when you arrive.
bantuan. Misalnya: I promise I will not tell them about the presents.
I will bring you the basket of fruit when I get them.
I will make sure they will call you back to response your Kata “Will” juga digunakan untuk menyatakan keputusan yang
question. diambil secara cepat atau spontan :
I’m so hungry. I think I will buy some food.
My brother called me. I think I will go now.
Meminta seseorang membantu atau untuk melakukan
sesuatu bagi kita. “Will” juga bisa digunakan untuk menyampaikan sebuah
Misalnya sebagai berikut: ancaman :
Will you help me fill the cup of coffee? If you don’t stop following me, I will call the police.
Will you tell Andrew to call me back when he gets here? You won’t stay still, aren’t you? I will call your parent here.
Kata "Be Going To" Untuk Menyatakan Rencana
I am going to have holiday in Hongkong
She is not going to meet the CEO today.

Selain itu, “going to” juga dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan tanda-tanda bahwa sesuatu akan terjadi.
Look, he’s going to go left. His left blinker is on.
I bet Indonesia is going to win. The score is 4-0.

Kata "Will " Atau "Be Going To" Untuk Menyatakan Prediksi
Kedua kata "Will" atau "Be Going to" dapat mengekspresikan ide prediksi umum tentang masa depan . Prediksi
tebakan tentang apa yang mungkin terjadi di masa depan. Dalam "prediksi" kalimat , subjek biasanya memiliki sedikit
kontrol atas masa depan. Dalam kedua contoh berikut, tidak ada perbedaan dalam makna yang disampaikan.
• The year 2222 will be a very interesting year.
• The year 2222 is going to be a very interesting year.
• I think the traffic will be crowded tonight

Contoh lain di mana “will” dan “going to” dapat digunakan secara bersama adalah:
• I think the traffic going to be crowded tonight
Kedua kalimat ini sama-sama memprediksi bahwa arus lalu lintas akan padat di malam hari
Verbal And Nominal

1. Nominal future tense

(+) Subject + will be + complement (noun or adjective)
(-) Subject + will not be + complement (noun or adjective)
(?) Will + subject + be + complement (noun or adjective)?

(+) She will be here soon
(-) She will not be here soon.
(?) Will she be here soon?

(+) We shall be late tomorrow.

(-) We shall not be late tomorrow.
(?) Shall we be late tomorrow?
2) Verbal future tense
(+) Subject + will + base verb (v1)
(-) Subject + will not + base verb (v1)
(?) Will + subject + base verb (v1)?

Contoh :
(+) You will go to the library next weekend.
(-) You will not go to the library next weekend.
(?) Will you go to the library next weekend?

(+) I shall buy a new book tomorrow.

(-) I shall not buy a new book tomorrow.
(?) Shall I buy a new book tomorrow?

(+) Rina will clean her room next Sunday.

(-) Rina will not clean her room next Sunday.
(?) Will Rina clean her room next Sunday.
Time Signal








Simple Future Tense
Example :
1. I am sure we will pass the exam. (Aku yakin kita akan lulus ujian.)
2. I don’t think the test will be very difficult. (Aku pikir tesnya nggak akan sulit.)
3. She will be angry if I am late. (Ia akan marah jika aku terlambat.)
4. They will come here soon. (Mereka akan segera datang ke sini.)
5. I wonder where we will be 30 years from now. (Aku penasaran kita akan ada di mana 30 tahun dari sekarang.)
6. He is going to wash his car. (Ia akan mencuci mobilnya.)
7. Look at the clouds. It is going to rain soon. (Lihatlah awan-awan itu. Akan segera hujan.)
8. I am going to buy something for lunch. (Saya akan membeli sesuatu untuk makan siang.)
9. She is going to be nice to you because of the gift. (Ia akan baik kepadamu karena hadiah tersebut.)
10. We are going to be the players. (Kita akan menjadi pemain.)

Mengapa ada yang ditambahkan BE, ada yang tidak? Coba perhatikan contoh soal Simple Future Tense di atas. Ada
yang menggunakan kata kerja (VERB) ada juga yang tidak. Kalau sudah menggunakan kata kerja jadi tidak perlu
ditambahkan BE lagi. Hanya dilengkapi dengan WILL atau IS/AM/ARE GOING TO saja.
Sedangkan kalimat tanpa kata kerja, yang berisi kata benda (noun), sifat (adjective) atau keterangan (adverb) ya
perlu ditambahkan BE. Sehingga dilengkapi dengan WILL BE atau IS/AM/ARE GOING TO BE.
1) A: There's someone at the door 6) A: I'm cold.
B: I …………….. (get) it. B: I …………. (turn on) the fire.

2) Joan thinks the Conservatives …………

(win) the next election 7) A: She's late.
B: Don;t worry. She ……….. (come).

3) A: I'm moving house tomorrow

B: I ………….. (come) and help you
8) The meeting ……….. (take) place at 6pm.

4) If she passes the exam, she ……….. (be) very

happy. 9) If you eat all of that cake, you ……… (feel) sick.

5) I ……….. (be) there by four o'clock I promise. 10) They …………. (be) home at 10 o'clock.
6.My mom …… accompany me to the market
a. will
1.They……….accompany me tomorrow b. be
a. will
c. is
b. will not
d. are
c. is
7. We will…….this task together
d. are
2.I will …….. to your party a. did
a. come b. doing
b. came c. do
c. comes d. does
d. coming 8. Diana will…….a new car tomorrow
3.I will …… myself a. drove
a. eating b. drives
b. ate c. driving
c. eat d. drive
d. eaten 9. Chika will…….a delicious food for me
4.They will…….my birthday here a. cooking
a. celebration b. cooks
b. celebrate c. cooked
c. celebrating d. cook
d. celebrates 10. Sinta will……… astory about an elephant
5. My daddy will……..tomorrow morning a. write
a. calls
b. wrote
b. call
c. writing
c. called
d. writes
d. calling
Answer Key
1. A

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. D

9. D

10. A
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