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Name: _____Gustavo Lapo_____________________

Complete the sentences with the double comparative of the adjectives in brackets:

1. The _more_____ (much) you study, the _better_____ (good) you get.

2. After graduating, young adults find it __more and more____ (difficult) to get a job.

3. It’s getting __harder and harder____ (hard) to find a rewarding job due to the high unemployment rate.

4. The _longer_____ (long) parents have to stay at work, the _more and more_____ (much) children need

preschool teachers to look after them.

5. Students are getting __more and more fat____ (fat) every year and it’s harming their chances of getting a


6. The _lower_____ (low) the enthusiasm, the _worse_____ (bad) the work.

7. In the labour market creativity is becoming _more and more valued_____ (valued).

8. The greater unemployment rate is making people feel __more and more frustrated____ (frustrated)

9. The more quieter_____ (quiet) I get, the _fewer_____ (few) mistakes I make.

10. Portugal as well as the rest of the world is becoming _more and more developed _____ (developed).

11. The Portuguese economy is getting _poorer and poorer_____ (poor).

12. High grades are _more and more required_____ (required) nowadays.

13. The _sooner_____ (soon) you arrive, the __better____ (good) will be the reward.

14. The more books you read, the _ more intelligent____ (intelligent) you become.

15. The postsecondary teachers’ future is looking __brighter and brighter____ (bright).

16. Flexible working hours, prospects of promotion and security are factors that are becoming __more and

more important____(important) when people choose a job.

17. Jobs are _harder and harder_____ (hard) to find.

18. The _higher_____ (high) the qualifications, the _better_____ (good) the job.

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