Navdeep Singh Sandhu Student Number: 100363419

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Navdeep Singh Sandhu

Student number: 100363419

Anthropology 2320- Paper Proposal

The topic that I have choose for my paper proposal is the origin of the rice agriculture in China.

As in the old world it was the most important crop in the human history and helped in the

evaluation of life. Rice Agriculture was the key trait in Chinese civilization. The main argument

in my paper will the that why Lower Yangtze valley is considered as region for the origin of rice

agriculture in China and the role of Middle Yangtze Valley. It will also South China in this

debate and will relate the conditions of Lower and Middle Yangtze River Valley with South


My paper will also include the changes that were made in the societies due to origin of

Agriculture in China.

So, the format of my paper will be that I will give the heading to the paragraphs according to the

content in them. So, first of all would be the:

 Introduction paragraph

In this paragraph I will give the basic detail about my topic and the basic features of my topic.

Then it will include the argument that I am going to talk about in this paper.

 Domestication and cultivation of Rice.

 Origin of agriculture that how is was developed.

 Tools that were used by the old people for harvesting and reaping.

 Yangtze river Valley

 Middle Yangtze River Valley

 Pengtoushan Site

 Discoveries at Pengtoushan Site

 Comparison of tools and Houses at Pengtoushan Site with the site of Hemudu.

 Environment Comparison between Middle and Lower Yangtze valley

 Lower Yangtze Valley as the origin of Rice Agriculture in China

 Hemudu Site

 Reasons to Support Lower Yangtze Valley

 South China

 Cave sites and Shell Mounds in South China

 Tools at sites in South China

 Reason for why fishing was Considered Main activity in South China.

 Comparison of Middle and Lower Yangtze Valley with South China.

 Changes made by agriculture in Societies

 Influence of the Changes

 Conclusion

So, these are the main points that I will consider while writing the paper. I will take the help

from the journal articles and some books related to this topic. Moreover, I will also take some

help from lecture notes and lecture slides.

Below are the references of the articles that I going to use for my research:

Gross, B. L., & Zhao, Z. (2014, April 14). Archaeological and genetic insights into the origins of domesticated rice.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(17), 6190-6197.
Retrieved from

Higham, C. F. (1996, March). A Review of Archaeology in Mainland Southeast Asia. Journal of Archaeological
Research, 4(1), 3-49. Retrieved from

Huggan, R. D. (1995, March). Co-Evolution of Rice and Humans. GeoJournal, 35(3), 262-265. Retrieved from

Makibayashi, K. (2014, December). The Transformation of Farming Cultural Landscapes in the Neolithic Yangtze
Area, China. Journal of World Prehistory, 27(3/4), 295-307. Retrieved from

Spengler III, R. N. (2015, September). Agriculture in the Central Asian Bronze Age. Journal of World Prehistory,
28(3), 215-253. Retrieved from

Underhill, A. P. (1997, June). Current Issues in Chinese Neolithic Archaeology. Journal of World Prehistory, 11(2),
103-160. Retrieved from

Wenming, Y. (1991). China's Earliest Rice Agriculture Remains. Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Bulletin, 118-
126. Retrieved from

Zhao, Z. (2011). New Archaeobotanic Data for the Study of the Origins of Agriculture in China. Current
Anthropology, 52(S4), S295-S306. Retrieved from

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