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Was life better for kids before the internet?

Hi, my name's Sarah. I come from England and my question is, was life better
for kids before the internet?

I would say absolutely yes. I think now everybody is just so obsessed with the
internet, with social media, posting pictures on Instagram and Facebook. It's all
about how many likes you get, and I think it's really unhealthy for the younger
generations nowadays. I think it's, yeah, it's really bad. I remember when I was
a kid, you would go play outside in the woods, in the parks, down by the river.
Nobody was ever glued to their phone. You socialized more, you had more fun.
Whereas now I just feel like everything has to be posted or take a picture of.
Everybody's always connected in some way of technology. I think when you're a
kid, you shouldn't be worrying about that sort of thing. You should just be
running around with your friends, enjoying your childhood.

Are there street food vendors in your country?

What do they sell?

Hi, my name is Alex. I'm talking to you from Vienna, Austria, and the question I
have here is, are there street food vendors in your country, and what kind of
food is sold?

Yes, there are a lot of street food vendors in Austria, especially in Vienna. All
kinds of food, especially Asian food, specifically Chinese food, which is amazing

I honestly love Asian food. Whatever comes from Asia, I will eat it. Even the
really spicy stuff, even though I personally can't handle spice that well, but I'll
eat it anyway, which is probably not the smartest thing to do. There is a lot of
Turkish food, like kebabs and so on, which, if you're in a rush and you want
something cheap and something that'll fill you up for the rest of the day,
definitely go for kebabs. They're really good here.

And, of course, living in Austria, I can't avoid to talk about Austrian sausages.
The sausages here are really famous. There's so many kinds of different
sausages. It's incredible. Especially a certain kind of sausage called the
Käsekrainer, which is basically sausage filled with cheese. It is absolutely
delicious and if you ever come here, definitely try it. You will not be
disappointed. And so yeah, let me know what kind of street food vendors you
Are you good at saving money?

Hi, my name is Anthony and I'm from England. And this question is, are you
good at saving money?

And I'm okay at saving money. I do have a separate savings account to my

regular bank account and they always try to keep three months' wages in there
as backup. So just in case there's an emergency or I lost my job, I feel
comfortable that I know I've got at least three months' safety net to kind of tide
me over until I can find a new job.

And I had to use it recently because in one week, I've had some bad luck. I had
a leaky pipe in my apartment and the transmission broke on my car. So it was
expensive to get both of those things fixed. And I was lucky that I had my
savings to fall back on. So right now, my savings, I don't have so much, but I'm
going to slowly start building them again and make sure I have a little bit of
money saved over each month, just to make sure that I can keep those savings
topped up.

What kind of music do you like?

Hello, I’m Diego from Mexico, and today, I’ll be talking about my favorite music.

I think music often changes with what kind of mood you’re in. So, I don’t know,
when you’re happy you want to listen to certain music. When you homesick you
want to listen to certain music. And, you know, when you’re going out partying
with friends, you like to listen to other types of music.

In my case, I like a little bit of everything. I can go from … this is a guilty

pleasure … from anything like, as cheesy as Disney songs, to any as crazy like
trance and techno. Lately, I really like trance music, especially this Dutch DJ
Arvin VanBuren. And I went to see him to a concert two months ago, and it’s
really good. It’s really good music. It has a lot of vocals, and the beats are just

So, I guess my favorite music today is Trance.

What do you remember about high school?

What do I remember about high school? I haven't thought about this at all, so I
guess whatever I say is going to be the things I already remember.

And the first thing that comes to mind is lunchtime, playtime, the break in the
morning and the afternoon, 15 minutes usually. In the hour with lunch, we took
about 10 to scarf down some lunch, and then we would be outside.

I grew up in England, so it's kind of surprising me that we were outside so much

at lunchtime, because you imagine it would be raining all the time. I guess we
were outside when it was raining, but generally we'd just ... I think the weather
was pretty good when I grew up. And we would be outside playing sport,
running around kicking balls, knocking each other over, making up dangerous
games to try and injure each other.

I was at the same high school from 11 to 18. Maybe that's not called high school
in other places, but that's what I remember most, is just playing violent sports
with my friends. I went to an all-boys school, so it may have been more violent
than other schools, but it was fun and I survived.

What is your best quality?

Hello, this is Nuri from Korea, and the question is what is your best quality?

I think I have many good qualities. The best one would be being optimistic
always. Nobody can discourage me if I’m determined to be optimistic. I always
try to see the bright side because if you start looking at the dark side, you can’t
do anything, so even if I look at the dark side, that will not change the
circumstance, so I always try to be optimistic. It makes me do things better, and
it makes me deal with people better. That’s the best quality of mine.

Have you ever had a bad job?

Diego: Hello, this is Diego from Mexico.

Silvia: Hi, I'm Silvia from Guatemala.

Diego: And I want to ask you a question. Can you tell me about your worst job
Silvia: Yeah, I had a really bad job. I was there for two months. Have you seen
the movie The Devil Wears Prada?

Diego: Yes.

Silvia: Well, that movie reminds me of my job.

Diego: Really?

Silvia: Imagine.

Diego: Why?

Silvia: Because my boss was the devil. He was. Actually, it was a very
exhausting job, and you had to be there by seven a.m. until five. I never left
after five. I always. I'm sorry, I never...

Diego: before five.

Silvia: before five. I always left around six, and still you had to go on Saturday
half a day

Diego: Oh, and what was this job for?

Silvia: Actually, it's a clothing chain in Guatemala. It's quite famous, so they
have around 80 stores, and the job was in marketing, and the boss was just ...

Diego: too demanding.

Silvia: Yeah and even a little bit, how do you say, like the way of treating people
was not nice at all. Like he would even tell you, like, "Are you stupid or what?"

Diego: Wow, that sounds horrible

Silvia: It is horrible. So that's why the Devil Wears Prada is one of my favorite
movies. It just reminds me of my job.

Diego: Oh!

Silvia: I even had nightmares of my boss after quitting.

Diego: Wow!

Silvia: Imagine. It was a really bad job.

Should kids get paid to do chores?

Hi, my name is Alex. I'm from Vienna. My question today is should kids get paid
to do chores?

Which is a really interesting question and honestly, I'm not quite sure if they
should. I think generally speaking, there are two schools of thought for this. One
would be that yes, kids should get paid to do chores, mostly because that will
prepare them for their future lives as professionals. That basically if you do a
task or a service, you will get paid for it accordingly.

The other school of thought would be no, they shouldn't get paid to do chores.
Because basically if you're in a family, usually you do chores without getting
paid for them. I mean, you don't pay your dad to drive you to school. You don't
pay your mom to do your laundry and so on and so on. Basically it'll give you a
better sense of understanding of doing tasks for other people without expecting
something in return. But I think that's a little too philosophical.

For me, I'm not sure. I never got paid to do chores as a kid. I think a good
mixture of both is probably the right answer. What do you think?

What is your country's busiest and liveliest city?

My country's busiest or lively city. I first had to think for a minute about what my
country is. I've lived in a dozen countries. I spent half my life in England, but I've
been living in America ... The U.S. I shouldn't really say America. Living in the
U.S. for five years. I'm going to go with the U.S. Although then it's a question of
what this country's liveliest busiest city is. I think every corner of the country has
its own big lively city, but I spent most of my time here in New York. It's
generally considered the place to go, and it's one of the busiest places I've ever
seen outside a Tokyo train station at rush hour, specifically around Times
Square, which is a terrible place.

Now I hate it. I try not to go there. I was a tour guide in New York for a few
years and just used to take people there for a few minutes and tell them
basically to avoid it. It's busy. It's dirty. It's a place to get your wallet stolen.
There's much better places to be. I find that in most big busy cities. I'm a small
city guy.
What is a good movie you saw recently?

Hi, this is Cess, I'm from the Philippines. My question is what is a good movie
you saw recently?

I watched Joker three days ago. Actually, I'm a fan of superhero movies, that's
why I watched it. Also, this movie starred Joaquin Phoenix and I watched some
of his movies and I know that he's a brilliant actor. This movie was really good.
It's mind blowing. Usual superhero movies, there are a lot of actions, but on this
one, this is more of a drama. They call it cinematic art. This is about the
character build-up of the character named Joker. If you know, Joker is a villain,
so he's a bad guy. Here, it showed what happened to him, why he became the
bad guy, and it's a different perspective compared to other Joker movied and I
loved it. So what is a good movie you saw recently?

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