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Summer project

Summer project AE

- Always willing to help - Cooperative - Sometimes cooperative

Contributions/ and do more - Usually offered - Sometimes offered -Seldom cooperative
participation - Offered useful ideas useful ideas useful ideas - Rarely offers useful ideas
Attitude - Always displays - Generally displays - Rarely displays - Is disruptive
positive attitude positive attitude positive attitude

- Extensive contributions - Frequent contributions - Minor contributions -Does not contribute

Working with other/ to group to group to group to group
cooperation - Works extremely well - Works well with others, - Sometimes argues - Argues with teammates
with others, never argues rarely argues

- Tries to keep people

working together. - Sometimes focuses on - Does not focus on the
-Focuses on the task and the task and what needs
Focus on task/ - Almost always focused task and what needs to be
what needs to be done to be done
commitment on the task and what done
most of the time - Must be reminded to
needs to be done - Lets other do the work
- Very self-directed keep on task

- Participated in all
group meetings - Participated in most - Participated in some - Participares in few or no
- Assumed leadership role group meetings group meeting group discussions
Team role fulfillment
as necessary - Did most of the work - Did some of the work - Did little or no work
- Did the work that was assigned by the group assigned by the group assigned by the group.
assigned by the group

- Always listens to, shares - Rarely listen to, share

with, and supports the Usually listens to, shares with, or supports the
Communication/ efforts of others. with and supports the -Little talking or efforts of others.
listening - Provided effective effort of others. disruption of others - Frequent talking
Information sharing feedback to other - Provided some effective - Provided no feedback
members feedback to others to others


Made with iDoceo 6 domingo, 9 de mayo de 2021

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