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Landscape and Urban Planning 58 (2002) 171–179

Strategic land-use allocation: dealing with spatial relationships

and fragmentation of agriculture
Gerrit J. Carsjens*, Wim van der Knaap
Land Use Planning Group, Wageningen University, Gen. Foulkesweg 13, 6703 BJ Wageningen, The Netherlands


In The Netherlands, a debate continues to take place on how to allocate the available space among several types of land use.
The rural area is under constant pressure from urban developments. Multi-purpose land use is becoming more and more
Land-use allocation problems can be identified as complex planning problems, with a large number of stakeholders
involved. Therefore the decisions made with respect to land use must be clear and transparent to these stakeholders. Various
methods have been developed to support land allocation issues. Typically, however, the analysis of topological relationships,
initiated by biophysical and socio-economic processes, and the spatial configuration of different land uses, is often neglected,
especially for agricultural planning. Neglecting the spatial configuration and these relationships can result in spatial
fragmentation of land use, thus endangering sustainable land use.
This paper focuses on a method to address land-use allocation issues where the topological relationships are taken into
account. The method is implemented in a Geographical Information System (GIS). Two cases for Dutch agriculture are
discussed. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Land-use allocation; Rural area; Fragmentation; Agriculture; Topological relationships

1. Introduction agricultural purposes with farms scattered around is

now used for aggregated agricultural use, ecological
In The Netherlands there are many opportunities to development, and recreational purposes. Various types
study cases on multi-purpose land use. Land uses of land use are often competing for the same locations,
change regularly and there is therefore on-going especially in highly urbanized areas (e.g. Van der
debate on how to divide the available space among Valk, 2000). For many locations, there is a regular
several types of land use. The segmentation and the transformation in land use with a growing multi-
layout of the available space are continually changing. purpose objective.
Different land users are more often sharing the same Land-use allocation problems are complex planning
space. For example, land that was once used only for problems. Often, a large number of different stake-
holders is involved in the planning process. Therefore,
the decisions made with respect to land use must be
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ31-317-4848-40; clear and transparent to these stakeholders. Decisions
fax: þ31-317-4821-66; URL:
E-mail addresses:
about the land use for a specific location, among other
(G.J. Carsjens), things depend on, the suitability of the land for a
(W. van der Knaap). specific type of use. This can be assessed by a

0169-2046/02/$20.00 # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII: S 0 1 6 9 - 2 0 4 6 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 2 1 9 - 5
172 G.J. Carsjens, W. van der Knaap / Landscape and Urban Planning 58 (2002) 171–179

suitability analysis. A suitability analysis predicts the on, among other aspects, preserving and developing
potentials for the land and constraints on this land for a natural areas contiguous to and within agricultural
defined use (Steiner et al., 2000). It provides objective production areas. Hence opportunities exist to examine
data sets for these potentials and constraints, which the specific combinations of extensively and inten-
influence any decisions on sustainable land use. Suit- sively used zones of agricultural land within regions or
ability analysis techniques integrate three factors of an even farms. However, decisions about locations for
area: location, development activities, and biophysi- nature development must be evaluated with respect to
cal/environmental processes (Miller et al., 1998). their significance for future agriculture use. Topological
Various methods have been developed to support relationships are important elements to consider when
suitability or land allocation issues (e.g. Eastman evaluating these issues.
et al., 1993; Stoorvogel et al., 1995; Geertman and This paper will discuss integrating topological rela-
Ritsema van Eck, 1995; Ren, 1997). However, the tionships in a method of evaluating land potential for
geographical descriptions of land use concentrate future agricultural use. This method is illustrated with
almost entirely on size, location, and the number of two cases in The Netherlands.
land units. The analyses of topological relationships
that are the results of the biophysical/environmental
and socio-economic processes, and the spatial config- 3. Allocation method
uration of different land uses, are either neglected or
very limited. In addition to the land-use characteris- 3.1. Background
tics, the topological relationships have a direct influ-
ence on the suitability of a location. The suitability of any location depends on the
demands for the specific type of land use. The char-
acteristics of a location must meet these demands, or
2. Objectives criteria, to finally be suitable for the particular type of
land use. Multi-criteria techniques can be applied for
A research project at Wageningen University was classifying and weighing the criteria. Multi-criteria
started in order to explore the possibilities of Geo- techniques are particularly useful where there are large
graphical Information System (GIS)-based tools to numbers of criteria, with different dimensions to be
support local and regional land-use allocation issues handled (Voogd, 1983; Jankowski, 1989). GIS and
(Carsjens and Van der Knaap, 1996; Carsjens and multi-criteria techniques can be linked together and
Smits, 1997; Van der Knaap and Carsjens, 1999). A fully integrated (Pettit and Pullar, 1999). Methods
main area of the research is how topological relation- based, for instance, on loose coupling make use of a
ships can be integrated in a method to support land-use file exchange mechanism between the GIS and multi-
allocation for strategic planning, focusing especially criteria tools outside GIS (Jankowski, 1995). Topolo-
on agricultural land use. gical relationships are best derived and preserved within
Dutch agriculture is characterized by specialization, a GIS environment, in which multi-criteria techniques
intensive land use, high yields, and environmental and are fully integrated, as applied in the allocation method.
sustainability problems and their resulting dynamics This combination of GIS and multi-criteria techniques
(Hoggart et al., 1993; Hoggart et al., 1995). In the is chosen, because some other techniques that can
next decades, Dutch agriculture must focus on the handle topological relationships, for example, Cellular
environmental quality and livability of the rural area Automata (e.g. Itami, 1994; Ligtenberg et al., 2000)
(Verkaik, 1998). Dutch agriculture will need to change give results that are difficult to replicate.
into a pluralist sector adapting spatial developments The potentials and constraints of farmland are the
and developments for non-agricultural activities, such direct results of the physical and socio-economic land
as recreation and nature development (Verkaik, 1998). evaluation criteria (e.g. soil type and farm production)
Dutch land-use planning deals with socio-economic as well as spatial criteria. These spatial criteria repre-
and management problems of current farming with sent the geometrical and topological characteristics of
respect to both nature and environment. It focuses locations. For agriculture on farm level this concerns,
G.J. Carsjens, W. van der Knaap / Landscape and Urban Planning 58 (2002) 171–179 173

for example, the shape and size of parcels, the spatial especially with respect to phase 2. Given the high
configuration of the road network, the distance costs of relocating farm buildings, and the decreasing
between parcels and farm buildings, and the distance number of farms, we make the assumption that the
between farm buildings and nature conservation areas. current locations of farm buildings are also the poten-
Rather than focus on the current status of farming, the tial locations for future farms. These then are the
method focuses on farming for the future, and evaluates starting points for the analysis of the potential of each
current farming from this perspective. Prospective farm location. The spatial land configuration, in relation to
types are derived from land-use scenarios and future these locations, is an important management issue,
prospects for Dutch agriculture (e.g. Oosterveld, 1999; especially for dairy farming (see also the first case).
Nijssen and Van Scheppingen, 1995; Van der Ploeg, An appropriate spatial land configuration is more
1995). These prospective farm types are, in fact, the sustainable since it can reduce tillage, transport, and
reference classes for the evaluation of current farms. We machine costs and can minimize the feeding of silage
analyze the characteristics of a current farm from the and concentrates as a result of better grazing condi-
perspective of the characteristics of a prospective farm tions and grazing management. It also results in few
type. In order to compare the present farms with the working hours, more flexible time-management, and
prospective farm types, the current trends of the char- better working conditions (Nijssen and Van Scheppin-
acteristics are extrapolated for a specific timeline of gen, 1995). The spatial land configuration at farm level
research, for example, 15 or 30 years. primarily concerns the shape and size of the parcels
Three phases are distinguished in the allocation and the distance between the parcels and the farm
method that has been developed (also shown in Fig. 1). buildings. Fragmentation of farmland is a problem in
(Dutch) agriculture. Generally, a distinction is made
 Phase 1: Excludes areas that are restricted by law or between farmstead parcels and field parcels. A farm-
other limitations. stead parcel includes all the conjoined land upon
 Phase 2: Analyzes the remaining locations for which the farm buildings are located. The remaining
future agriculture, integrating multi-criteria evalua- farmland consists of field parcels. However, the size
tion (MCE) techniques. and shape of the parcels are continually changing as a
 Phase 3: Tests and evaluates the result. result of changing land ownership or farm manage-
ment. Consequently, the current geometry of the
3.2. Agricultural aspects parcels is unsuitable for this research. Rather than
utilizing the current parceling, we have selected larger
Several aspects of the proposed method are impor- farmland units, with boundaries that we assume are
tant when it is applied for agricultural land use, fixed within the planning timeline of 15–30 years.

Fig. 1. Scheme of the three phases of the method (for explanation see text).
174 G.J. Carsjens, W. van der Knaap / Landscape and Urban Planning 58 (2002) 171–179

These boundaries are, for example, large roads and

waterways, built-up areas, and nature conservation
areas. The problems these internal aspects pose on
a farm are illustrated by the first case, in which the
study focuses on the development potentials for dairy
In addition to the internal topological relationships
between a farm and its parcels, there are other impor-
tant spatial relationships between a farm and its
environment. The location of farms in relation to each
other within a region can influence the development
prospects for each farm. The distance between each
farm and the nature conservation areas, recreational
accommodations and/or the main infrastructure and
the processing industry is another important relation-
ship to consider. These and other external topological
relationships are illustrated by the second case, in
which the opportunities for pig farming on a regional
scale are evaluated with many restrictions, that include Fig. 2. Location of the study areas in The Netherlands.
environmental criteria, and criteria from both proces-
sing industries and animal health.
scattered forested areas, several brooks, wooded linear
elements and small towns. Approximately 60% of the
4. Cases area is farmland. About 90% of the farmland in the
study area is used for dairy farming, and is covered
4.1. Introduction with grass and maize. The study area contains rela-
tively small-scaled landscape types with a fine-grained
The results of the two cases present different aspects pattern of wooded elements as hedgerows, lanes, and
of the integration of topological relationships in the estates. Large nature areas in the north and south flank
land-use allocation process, and are partly based on the study area. Regional planning for the area aims at
thesis research (Steggink, 1999; Van den Bor, 1998). developing natural areas within the agricultural pro-
The first case, at the farm level, focuses on dairy duction area. Therefore, the significance of the area for
farming. Dairy farming is the most important sector future dairy farming must be evaluated.
within the Dutch agricultural economy and is scattered Phase 1 of the allocation process excludes areas not
throughout the Dutch countryside (see e.g. Hoggart suitable for dairy farming. Those areas are, for
et al., 1995). The study area is located in the Leijen instance, nature conservation areas, built-up areas,
area in the south of The Netherlands and covers and main infrastructure. The remaining land is divided
approximately 125 km2. The second, regional level in larger farmland units by defining the fixed bound-
case focuses on pig farming in the province of Noord- aries (see Section 3.2). The farmland units are sub-
Brabant in The Netherlands. This study area covers divided into grid cells. In this case, grid cells of 625 m2
approximately 5000 km2. Fig. 2 illustrates both study are used. Each grid cell is then evaluated individually
areas. during the second phase of the method. In this phase,
three steps are defined.
4.2. Farm level
1. In the first step, each dairy farm is evaluated for its
The Leyen area is dominated by sandy aeolic soils. future potential. Several future dairy farming types
The current landscape of the study area is a mosaic of are identified, and the possibilities that dairy
agricultural land of different reclamation stages, farming may be eliminated altogether. Two
G.J. Carsjens, W. van der Knaap / Landscape and Urban Planning 58 (2002) 171–179 175

Table 1
Characteristics of two future dairy farming types

Characteristics Intensive farm type Extensive farm type

Total area (ha) 70 25

Total milk production (kg) 10  105 20  104
Number of dairy cows 120 25
Milk production/cow/year (kg) 8.5  103 7.5  103
Percentage farmstead parcel of total area (%) 70 50
Preferred parcel form Rectangle and length/width < 3 Rectangle and length/width < 3

examples of future dairy farms are presented in buildings on it are selected in this process. The
Table 1. Each typology for future dairy farming farmstead parcels are constructed around each
has its own characteristics with respect to the total farm with proximity buffers. The size and shape of
area of agricultural land required, the size and a farmstead parcel depends on the characteristics
number of parcels, the number of cows, and the of the prospective farm type (see Table 1), and the
degree of mechanization. presence of fixed boundaries (see Section 3.2). We
2. In the second and third step, the topological assume that grid cells within a potential farmstead
relationships are analyzed. Step 2 focuses on the parcel have a higher probability to be claimed by
accessibility of farmland to nearby farm buildings. future dairy farming than grid cells outside a
For each grid cell, the five nearest farms are farmstead parcel. The height of this probability
selected that lie within a radius of 2500 m of the corresponds to the future potential of a farm. The
grid cell. If distances are larger, the assumption is potentials of grid cells in overlapping farmstead
made that no extra profit will be gained. The parcels are added up. The resulting values
distances between each grid cell and the five represent the probability of a grid cell to be part
selected farms are then calculated, using the of a future farmstead parcel. Fig. 3 shows an
current road network. Proximity buffers around example of a resulting map.
the road network provide the distance from a grid
cell to the nearest road. The calculated distances, The results of the previous steps are combined in an
that represent the accessibility of a grid cell, are overall classification of each grid cell for each farm
added up by weighted summoning. The future type. These results can then be integrated with other
potentials of the farms provide the weights. The aspects, such as the biophysical aspects, using MCE
result represents the significance of each grid cell, techniques. The combination of this information leads
as field parcel, for future dairy farming. to conclusions as to what areas are the most significant
3. Step 3 focuses on another important spatial for future dairy farming.
characteristic for dairy farming, the potential
farmstead parcel. Generally, the land adjacent to 4.3. Regional level
the farm buildings requires the least transport
costs. For dairy farming, the daily nursing of the The second case focuses on pig farming in the
dairy cows is bounded to the farm buildings, provinces of Noord-Brabant and the north part of
because of the highly mechanized and computer- Limburg in The Netherlands, an area with approxi-
ized milking and feeding machines. Furthermore, mately 8 million pigs at 8900 pig farms. In 1997, a
farmers prefer a mixture of fresh grazing grass, swine fever crisis threatened Dutch pig farms. Several
silage and concentrates, to maintain a consistent thousands of pigs had to be killed in order to control
high milk quality and milk production. The daily the disease. As a result of this and other crises (BSE,
nursing activities require that the cows be near the foot and mouth), a discussion started about the future
farm buildings, as well as enough acreage for of Dutch livestock production. The discussion was
grazing. Only grid cells of land units with farm especially focused on the treatment of animals, and the
176 G.J. Carsjens, W. van der Knaap / Landscape and Urban Planning 58 (2002) 171–179

Fig. 3. Potential farmstead parcels for a highly productive dairy farming type (left), and an extensive dairy farm type (right). Dark colors
represent farmland with a high probability to be claimed by future dairy farming.

environmental problems related to the sector. The and areas without pig farms (pig-free corridors). The
Minister of Agriculture, Nature Management and areas overall have to alternate. The pig farms must be
Fisheries commissioned a think-tank to advise him concentrated in specific clusters due to spatial and
on the future of the Dutch livestock production sector. environmental reasons, as well as the aspects related to
They concluded that a radical restructuring of the animal health. Only a selected number of farms are
structure and working methods of the sector is allowed in a cluster. Several criteria were formulated
required (Ministry of agriculture nature management to meet these objectives, that include a minimal width
and fisheries, 2001). Immediately after the swine fever for pig-free corridors of 1000 m and the maximum
crisis, several new policies and plans were developed number of pigs allowed within one cluster of 1 million.
(Ministry of agriculture nature management and fish- These and other criteria are shown in Fig. 4. We used
eries, 1997, 1998a,b). the allocation method to analyze the consequences of
One of the topics in the new policies and plans is to the new policies and plans for future pig farming in the
create areas where pig farming is allowed (clusters), study area, and to determine the most suitable areas for

Fig. 4. Definitions and characteristics of pig farming zones (EHS is the Dutch acronym for main ecological structure). Source: Ministry of
agriculture nature management and fisheries, 1998b.
G.J. Carsjens, W. van der Knaap / Landscape and Urban Planning 58 (2002) 171–179 177

Fig. 5. Excluded areas.

allocating the clusters. The first phase in this case protection areas, vulnerable areas, the productive
excludes areas not suitable for pig farming. Those capacity of each farm, the concentration of farm-
areas are, for instance, nature conservation areas and buildings, and finally the locations of related industries.
built-up areas. An example of a resulting map is given Analogous to the first case, several future pig-farming
in Fig. 5. types are identified. Each pig farm is evaluated for
The result of the previous phase is a map where its future potential, with respect to these future pig-
areas are identified in which pig farming might farming types. These future potentials of pig farms
develop (areas that are not excluded). The next phase are then integrated in some of the criteria, such as, the
aims to identify the most suitable remaining areas for concentration of farm-buildings. For each criterion, a
allocating the clusters. Different spatial, biophysical, separate map is produced in phase 2 of the allocation
and socio-economic criteria are used to determine method. All these maps, taken together, produce the
which locations are most suitable for pig farming. areas most suitable for allocating the clusters. The
These include the acidification of the environment, maps are combined using MCE techniques, where
the problems with the growing manure production, the each map is given a specific weight. A sensitivity
preservation of valuable landscapes, environmental analysis looks at the sensitivity for changing values of,

Fig. 6. Example of a resulting land suitability map. Dark colors represent suitable areas for the allocation of clusters.
178 G.J. Carsjens, W. van der Knaap / Landscape and Urban Planning 58 (2002) 171–179

for instance, applied weights. An example of a result- showed that sufficient and reliable data is necessary
ing map is shown in Fig. 6. One of the conclusions of to support the decision process. It is obvious that the
this case was that 38% of the pig farms in the study larger the area, and the greater the level of detail
area should be eliminated, given the spatial criteria of involved, or the number of different land uses to be
Fig. 4. combined, the greater the necessity for more data.
With more data the analysis and the evaluation pro-
cesses become less transparent. The computer proces-
5. Discussion sing time will expand in direct relation tot the amount
of data.
Both cases demonstrate the potential of the pro- The user-interface of the GIS application demands
posed method to address the topological relationships expert-knowledge of ArcInfo. The possibilities to use
in the planning process. On the farm level, the dairy the application in practice are therefore limited. Cur-
farm case illustrates how spatial relationships influ- rently the method is being developed for transfer to the
ence the importance of farmland for dairy farming, more user-friendly GIS ArcView program. This also
and also illustrates how to deal with those relation- offers possibilities to use the Internet (e.g. Kluskens,
ships. On the regional level, the pig farming case 2000). These developments are important because the
demonstrates the interaction between the socio-eco- Dutch planning practice lacks suitable information
nomic aspects and the environmental processes with and computer technology (ICT) instruments to support
the overall spatial limitations. For both cases, the strategic spatial policy and land-use allocation pro-
results provide some insight into the relative impor- cesses, especially with respect to planning for future
tance of farmland, given the future prospects of pre- agriculture (NRLO, 1999).
sent farms. These prospects are an important starting
point from which to evaluate the future situation for
different farm types. The results of the method can Acknowledgements
be used in planning processes to assess the claims of
future agriculture in combination with other land use Funding for this study was provided by the Delta
claims. research program of Wageningen University and
The proposed method offers many opportunities to Research Centre. The authors also wish to thank
analyze various scenarios by altering the specific Marijke van den Bor and Frank Steggink for their
starting points and the applied criteria. The starting contribution.
points and limiting conditions that are defined for the
allocation process are conveniently arranged. This
offers an opportunity for the early participation of References
stakeholders who are involved in the planning process.
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