Blackstone Fortress Explorers Custom

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Gerak Swarmhunter

Move 3 Defence W8 Agility W8 Vitality W8

Bonesword: 4+ range D2, add wound after possible re-rolls
pulse carbine: 2+ range 2-3 W8 range 4 W8; 4+ surpressing fire: D8 against all hostiles in field
Knife and shield: + Range D6; if sucessfull D2 defence till end of turn

Hound Master:
Start every exploration with one kroot hound
2+ order all kroot hounds each separatly to move, charge or onslaught; move like an explorer; add
all slain hostiles to inspiration roll
Fieldcraft: See Daryak (Secret Vault)
Secret Agenda: Slay a huge tyranid (Into the hive!)
Inspired: Agility W2, Bonesword 3+ Pulse carbine 6+: photon grenade launcher: stun one hostile, 2
Kroot hounds

Kroot hound:
Wound 2, Move 4, Agility W2, Defence W6, Vitality W8, Attack range one W8, vitality roll if
hostile is slain
Follow the master: Can only take actions from hound master
Conceled: W2 defence roll in cover

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