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Output: A Summary and Reflection to the Article “What Is Science?

” by John Ziman

John Ziman pointed out in his discussion that science has a particular attribute that makes it distinct and

unique among all the other branches of knowledge. He even asserted that science speaks information,

while others like religion and poetry, speaks emotion, but still, both give out sensible ideas. But his

argument here is not just concerned about what kind of content these disciplines express, but how

those are being established. Ziman stated that science is a piece of public knowledge, but despite it, it is

not just simply being published. It must first survive a critical study period that follows a specific

methodology and should be tested by competent individuals to prove its logic. Science undergoes in a

long evaluation before it can be universally accepted. It is indeed different, because unlike in other

branches of knowledge, there are no rules nor methods in seeking ideas, just like in literature, making it

free from scrutiny. "What is Science?," Ziman quoted that this question is puzzling rather than

mysterious. We all know that Science seeks “what is out there” therefore, our role is to seek “what is in

science,” and in my opinion, for us to fully understand what science really is, we must look first at those

people who are drawn to these disciplines. I have come to realize Ziman is undeniably correct, science

indeed is where intellectual, psychological, and sociological intersect. Intellectual, owing to the fact that

scientist needs to be actively curious concerning subjects that tend to spark in-depth discussion,

psychological, for the reason that scientist needs to be more open on hearing opposing views and to the

possibility that they may be wrong, therefore, they must be open to learning from others, and

sociological because scientists conduct such investigations aiming to create new knowledge that will

improve the lives of the public. In conclusion, in order for us to understand the nature of science, we

must first look at the scientists, because if truth to be told, scientists are the heart of science, their

advanced knowledge changed the way how we see the world and without their contribution and

discoveries science wouldn't be like as it is today

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