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20210511-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.


As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the constitution.

* Gerrit, what do you mean with “THE LIVING DEAD”?

**#** INSPECTOR-RIKATI®, “THE LIVING DEAD” can refer to people who are living
but are deemed death, such as brain death. It can refer to people who are living but really are like
zombies more as if they are death, lacking any ability to make “informed” decisions, and there
are those who have passed on and no longer are part of the living but lives on in the
mind/memories, etc, of others. In particular dictators and other vile power holders who may have
been responsible for horrendous killings will remain to be remembered, albeit not in a particular
commendable manner. We also have those who died not because they were at an old age for their
life to be terminated but because of how society may have caused their deaths.

CDC Reports 2 More Infant DEATHS Following

Experimental COVID Injections During Clinical Trials

As I am a great grandfather with great grandchildren the aged of these boys who died after being
jabbed it is terrible to me those children ended up death, not realizing this would happen when
they were showing being jabbed.
Let their images remind everyone as being the “LIVING DEAD” while we remember them!
p1 11-5-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
They may no longer live a life to old age but at least let us remember them and more over let us
work to seek to prevent other children as well as adults to follow into their path to die from

Often we hear about how vaccinations reduced “measles” and saved so many lives, but it
reminds me on other out of context taken graphs to promote “global warming” (now referred to
as “climate change”.

As Virginia Stoner so excellently exposed the misuse of graphs exposed in their proper setting
would rather indicate that it was an improvement in sanitary conditions and reduction in child
labour, etc, that might actually have been the catalyst that less children died from measles.
As I so much wrote about previously the scam that “vaccines are safe” has been well exposed to
be a mantra that was not scientifically proven at all. The same with the claim that vaccines do not
cause autism, where all long the scientist were well aware that there was a relationship of autism
and vaccinations.

I urge you to check out the following articles:
Lies, Damn Lies and Truncated Graphs — Virginia Stoner Writing & Art
Lies, Damn Lies and Truncated Graphs
Death and the COVID-19 vaccines — Virginia Stoner Writing & Art
Death and the COVID-19 vaccines
The Deadly COVID-19 Vaccine Coverup — Virginia Stoner Writing & Art
The Deadly COVID-19 Vaccine Coverup
Microsoft Word - Holland (
Herd Immunity and Compulsory Childhood Vaccination: Does the Theory Justify the
Covid has emboldened our modern censors | The Spectator
Covid has emboldened our modern censors
COVID vaccine deaths: the numbers point to a catastrophe « Jon Rappoport's Blog
COVID vaccine deaths: the numbers point to a catastrophe
preprint paper (
This is a preprint, a preliminary version of a manuscript that has not completed peer review
at a journal. Research Square does not conduct peer review prior to posting preprints. The
posting of a preprint on this server should not be interpreted as an endorsement of its
validity or suitability for dissemination as established information or for guiding clinical

p2 11-5-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
“Pro Vaccine” Canadian Prof & Viral Immunologist Explains His Concerns With COVID Vaccines

Acquisition of natural immunity, which targets multiple components of the virus, may reduce the risk of
re-infection not only with covid-19, but also with variants that can bypass spike protein-specific (vaccine)
immunity…It’s just a matter of time before we will have variants that can bypass this narrow immunity
conferred by all of these vaccines….Natural immunity is very broad…And we know now there’s lots of
published reports that this is protective.

So if a new variant infects, chances are that the immunity you have is going to blunt that infection, where
as if you have that narrowly focused immunity conferred by the vaccine, and this variant has evaded that
spike protein specific immunity, those people are going to be at much greater risk of more severe disease
than those who acquire the new variant, but have this broad acting natural immunity.

“Pro Vaccine” Canadian Prof & Viral Immunologist Explains His Concerns With COVID Vaccines

This is something many in the field have been sharing. Dr. Suneel Dhand, an internal medicine
physician based in the United States recently explained that vaccines aren’t required if one has
acquired antibodies from infection, which, according to him, are much more effective than the vaccine.

ActiveCampaign I’m not aware of any vaccine out there which will ever give you more immunity than if
you’re naturally recovered from the illness itself…If you’ve naturally recovered from it, my
understanding as a doctor level scientist is that those antibodies will always be better then a vaccine,
and if you know any differently, please let me know.

Vaccine expert and Harvard professor of medicine Dr. Martin Kulldorff recently tweeted that:

“After having protected themselves while working class were exposed to the virus, the vaccinated
Zoomers now want Vaccine Passports where immunity from prior infection does not count, despite
stronger evidence for protection. One more assault on working people.”

There are multiple studies hinting at the point the professor makes, that those who have been infected
with COVID may have immunity for years, and possibly even decades. For example, according to
a new study authored by respected scientists at leading labs, individuals who recovered from the
coronavirus developed “robust” levels of B cells and T cells (necessary for fighting off the virus) and
“these cells may persist in the body for a very, very long time.” There are also studies that suggest
infection to prior coronaviruses, which prior to COVID-19 circled the globe infecting hundreds of
millions of people every single year, can also provide protection from COVID-19, something Bridle also
emphasizes as mentioned above.

This is why Bridle states that, “It’s crazy in Canada, we’re not bothering to test people for preexisting
immunity before vaccinating them.” Dhand also mentions in his video that antibody testing is standard
procedure at their practice. Instead of PCR testing, which is controversial in of itself, why aren’t we testing
for antibodies?

So those being vaccinated now are, whether they realize it or not, part of the phase three
experiment, they part of a vaccination experiment and the companies have openly acknowledged this
in their reports to the regulatory agencies, because, for example, there’s a minimum period of time for
which they have to track things like the safety of the vaccine.

p3 11-5-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
And indeed they’ve even indicated that. So most people, you know, we’re used to as scientists, usually
being able to see published scientifically peer-reviewed data before the vaccines are rolled out. And
this won’t happen for probably for about two more years.

And the reason for this is because it’s going to take that long to complete the phase three clinical
trials, because a phase three clinical trial, it can not be declared complete until they have monitored
the safety of the vaccine for multiple years. – Bridle

Bridle also states that because of the fast rollout of these vaccines, and the lack of long term safety data,
there are concerns. This type of rushed rollout has happened before, he pointed to the swine flu
pandemic as an example. One of the vaccines that was manufactured and distributed in Europe,
“Pandemrix AS03” caused, for 2 years after the vaccine was used, a 14-fold and 7-fold increase in the
diagnosis of narcolepsy in children, teens and adults. This is a chronic sleep disorder with
overwhelming fatigue which is accompanied by a loss of muscle tone, likely due to “autoimmunity
against neurons in the brain.”

He also questions the effectiveness of the vaccine, pointing out again, that there are many unknowns

Dangers of Clots and Death From Experimental Covid Shots Published in Medical Journals Before
Distribution of Jabs - LewRockwell
Dangers of Clots and Death From Experimental Covid Shots Published in
Medical Journals Before Distribution of Jabs

* I understand you were in the armed forces and studied about nuclear, chemical and biological
warfare, do you have a concern about the CCP (China) development of any biological weapons?
**#** I am indeed. After all, when it comes to biological weapons than the death toll will be the
so called collateral damage of women and children and the elderly who are not part of the
warmongering or on the battle field. To me biological warfare is a cowardly war mongering. It is
bad enough for a soldier on the battlefield to die in terrible conditions, such as when there is a
biological, chemical or nuclear attack, but to some degree, they are often prepared for this and
may have equipment to defend themselves, such as appropriate gasmask, etc. However, others
not deployed on the battlefield will likely suffer horrendously.
Documents reveal China discussed weaponisation of coronaviruses prior to pandemic

In The Netherlands I grew up with my parents having an emergency kit for all in case a war was
to eventuate. But, those 2 young boys and numerous others like them, didn’t deserve to die and
while they may have been proud to be vaccinated unlikely were they aware that this could kill

In my view every parent should consider before any child is jabbed will I take the risk my child
might be death as result of the jabbing? Parents in general will unlikely take this consideration at
all because they might be brainwashed that it is safe to have a child jabbed with “POISON”. (As
the WA Government legislated for this).

p4 11-5-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
URGENT! 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are
Bioweapons and Discuss What to do About It
Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO
48-Year-Old Surgeon DEAD after Mocking “Anti-vaxxers” and Writing His Own
Obituary after Moderna COVID Injections - Vaccine Impact

p5 11-5-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://

“The Ginger of God”

Here are some excerpts from the obituary:

Well, that’s it. I have completed my shift as the great American cliché. In the spirit of what turned
out to be my last New Year’s letter, my wild and crazy life has again taken a new, unexpected turn
with my shocking and unexpected, yet fabulous, exit. Yes, I have joined the likes of Princess Diana,
John Belushi, and Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter in leaving while still at the top of my game as
an iconic superhero who seemed almost too good to be true.

I will admit that I originally got married for the husband jokes and had kids for the dad jokes. It did
not disappoint. The jokes I mean, but Amy and the kids were pretty good too.

I know it’s impossible to believe, but I, the Ginger God of Surgery and Shenanigans, have fought
my last cow (you’re welcome Tim) and ridden off into the glorious sunset after re-enlisting with a
new unit. Due to the unknown and cosmic nature of my next mission, this will be our last
communication. My whereabouts are now top secret, but let’s just say I have made some new
friends by the names of Elvis and Kenny.

Never mind he left behind not only a wife, but also 3 children aged 10 to 14 who now are
without a father!

And this is what parents should keep in mind that if they risk to be jabbed with a “POISON” and
die as result they very well may leave behind any child who then have to go through life without
this parent.
Likewise, do they really consider what it will be if their child dies after the “jabbing”? In
particular any parent having only one child may be without any child thereafter, and merely can
have a child’s bedroom with toys and clothing to look at! And, if there are siblings they may
have to endure to have their dead sibling no more around!
People generally will ignore this risk of death and afterwards faced to realise they really should
have taken a better consideration as to what ultimately was best of any child in their care.
Politicians and now their supporters such as many medical doctors are likely not interested in the
death of your loved one! In my view their own personal goals is all that matters.
p6 11-5-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Covid has emboldened our modern censors | The Spectator
Covid has emboldened our modern censors
Ms Minshall's comment is, ironically, misleading — Twitter isn't inviting people to 'make up their own
minds', it is labelling statements as incorrect and banning users from interacting with it. Given that public
health authorities across the world have got a lot wrong during this pandemic — this time last year UK health
authorities were advising against masks and until last summer Public Health England wasn’t
even counting the deaths properly — this seems a dodgy standard. Later on, Facebook’s
representative told the Lords that an army of fact-checkers, most of whom will not have had any medical or
scientific training, essentially have the final say on what is or isn’t deemed ‘false’ on the world’s biggest
social network.
Social media censorship is nothing new of course. For years now Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have been
gradually tightening their policies around hate speech and misinformation in response to various moral panics
about bigotry, bile and bunkum on their platforms. But the Covid pandemic has pushed them well beyond
what even they would have previously been comfortable with. There was an elitist assumption at the
beginning of the pandemic that people are idiots and so shouldn’t be left to navigate the Covid debate for
themselves. This led to incredible pressure being piled on social media giants to filter, fact-check and censor.
As recently as 2018, Mark Zuckerberg insisted that Facebook would not censor conspiracy theories, even
Holocaust denial, because it was not Facebook’s business to rule on what is true. Now Facebook, Twitter and
the rest are censoring not only Covid-denying loons but also eminent scientists who just so happen to dissent
from official orthodoxy.
This is a disaster for freedom of speech. These corporate giants essentially own the modern-day public
square. What’s more, at a time when citizens are being asked to put up with unprecedented restrictions on all
their other liberties, freedom of speech must not be compromised. Even where there is a strong consensus on
a specific course of action — like lockdown — dissent is still vital. If nothing else, it forces the powers that
be to present their evidence and refine their arguments. In times of crisis, free speech matters more not less.
And yet Big Tech took the precise opposite message from the pandemic. Covid became a pretext on which it
has further tightened its grip .

While I understood that medical doctors used to be deemed very trustworthy, regretfully there
are in my view far too many rotten apples who have so to say sold out their patients for their own
egoistic persons benefits. The question now is how many more citizens will accept this or will
stand up and defy this elaborate deception and hold those responsible legally accountable?

In my view a World Wide “White” Colour Revolution would be the best way to
universally combat this New World Order dictatorship. Perhaps you may not care
about yourself, but then at least care about your family members, and others.

This document can be downloaded from:

It appears to me that around the world many are rising up against this tyranny and while there
always will be cowards sitting on the sideline let any reader not be one of them. After all, the
health and wellbeing of your loved one may just depend upon you being a coward or stand up to
protect them!

We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.

Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)

MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Our name is our motto!)
p7 11-5-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://

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