Marketing Plan of Ncba&e

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National College of Business Administration & Economics

(School of Business Administration)



AHSAN BAIG (2172007)

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................2

MISSION STATEMENT................................................................................................................2

TARGET MARKETS......................................................................................................................3

PRODUCTS AND SERVICES.......................................................................................................4

DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS.......................................................................................................5

COMPETITIVE PROFILE..............................................................................................................5

PRICING STRATEGY....................................................................................................................6

MARKETING STRATEGY............................................................................................................6


ACTION PLAN...............................................................................................................................8

FINANCIAL PROJECTION...........................................................................................................8


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In 1994 NCBA&E was founded as a private institute, the institute was ranked as second best
university in business administration back in 2015 and now it is ranked on 5 th number and is also
listed under Higher Education Commission HEC. NCBA&E is a business group working in
more than one city. They have their branches in Multan, DHA Lahore, Township campus,
Sargodha campus. The campus offers BBA (Hons) program, MBA, M-Phil, Media Studies but
the main campus is in Lahore and they are just offering BBA morning and MBA morning and
evening programs and also weekend programs though evening programs are very crucial for the
students who also do job because in this way they will find time to manage and work as well.
The best part is that as they cater not only elite but also middle class that helps them to cover
their most of aspects, by providing them scholarships program also the students with percentage
of 75 and onwards they will be on 100% scholarship which is really beneficial for every class.
Thus, this plan is made to deliver the message to everyone who has any kind of interest in
business fields so we can enhance their abilities. To study online, by sitting in your room and
studying is also unanimous, to more prioritize our business institute because students with a
good grade will definitely opt for a better business school. This plan suggests the better bond
between a student and a teacher, and better ways to get affiliated by our name.
Here the institute takes the mission in a long run that by “blending the students effort and
informational system and by changing his/her life in a positive way”, by doing so it does not
affect only students but also the institute in doing their work and making their goals more clear.
The university’s mission is to provide education to everyone so that they can achieve something
great in life by doing this they add value to the lives of people. Because right now they already
are having their different branches but by doing so we will cover different aspects also because
we don’t only cater one category here we have middle, elite, Muslims, Christians, diversified
students from different cities i.e. not only form one province, by providing hostel facilities will
also be beneficial that by doing so students will live there and attend college and on weekends
they’ll go to their houses.

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If we talk about target market then NCBA & E is a university that targets both the elite class and
the middle class. The target audience of NCBA&E e-marketing is both the students who have
recently done their intermediate or BSC and the parents of these children because both are
searching for a good university when their children just completed their intermediate. The gender
will be both the male and the female for selecting the target audience. The age group for students
will be from 18 years to 28 years and for parents the age group will be from 30 years to 60 years.
For selecting our target audience we will cater the people with high income as well as with low
income because NCBA&E provide scholarship to those people who have very good marks in
intermediate and also to those who cannot bear their expenses of education.
But most important point is that their target audience will be the one who are interested in doing
following programs:
 BBA (hons) 4 years program
 BS Computer Science 4 Years Program
 B.Com. ( Hons.) 4 Years Program
 BS (Hons.) Management Program 4 Years
 M.Sc. Management (Morning/ Evening) – 2 Years Program
 M.Com. (Morning/Evening) – 2 Years Program.
Because these are thee programs that NCBA&E offers. They will target only those cities in
which their campus is because it will be easy for people to reach. Psychographic-ally, if we talk
about their attitude, lifestyles and values then for e-marketing we will cater those people who are
well mannered and their attitude towards studies is very serious and lifestyle should be good not
too much stylish and not too much illiterate. We will target those who are currently in
intermediate and the one who recently done it. They are not only targeting Muslims but also
people from different religions.
The institute not only provides bookish material but relies on the proper innovative way and to
flourish their skills in a very good way. As NCBA&E is a university which provides services of
education and do grooming of students so that they can become a good human being and to
promote students to achieve something in life and life-long learning to meet the needs of current

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era. So the service of NCBA&E is to provide education to all the people either they are rich or
they are poor. NCBA&E has hired professional professors for this service and always take care
of students if they face any problems they can easily consult to their teachers.
Moreover, the environment of this university is very good and they provide a high level of
education to students. As we all know that technology advancements are increasing day by day
so education has become basic need of people either male of female so getting education these
days is very important. And NCBA&E fulfill the need of people by providing education to not
only the people who can afford but also to the people who cannot afford the fees but wanted to
study, by offering them scholarship.
As we all know that educated people and non-educated people are not same. People with having
education are completely different. Their way of talking, their way of communicating, their way
of dealing in different situation is so good. So education brings change in the personalities of
people. Now we need education badly because it is the demand of this time. Education gives us
knowledge of the world and if you are un-educated then you are nothing and our religion Islam
also talks about education.
Furthermore, as I describe above NCBA&E university’s mission is to provide education to
everyone so that they can achieve something great in life by doing this they add value to the lives
of people. Their Service is giving education but not only education they are giving mental peace
to the students by engaging them in different activities like sports, musical events, arts, debates,
creativity, trips, visits to different companies. They are not only celebrating Muslims events but
also Christmas for minorities. The classroom is so cleaned having air conditioners and projectors
for class lectures. They are satisfying students by providing them satisfying environment. They
engage people in different kind of educational activities and motivate them to do. They also
motivate students to take part in cultural activities on spring festival.
If we talk about distribution channel then we will convey our message through social media for
e-marketing. In those channels we will talk about the services that we are offering to them. We
will use organic ways for reach to the people. We will advertise our message via social media.
When people are free from their exams and waiting for the result then they spend their most of

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the time on social media so we will advertise our ads o Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and
other social media platforms. We will also get data like phone numbers and E-mail addresses of
those students from government and we will send those students emails of our service and we
will send them text messages on the phone.
In email we will send mail to the students as well as their parents so that they come to know
about our service. We will give them discounts if they contact earlier. We will keep updating our
website so that when people search for it then they will get information easily. We will make an
ad of our university in which we will tell people about the educational facilities and we will
advertise it on TV, radio as well as on YouTube. We boost our posts on Instagram and Facebook
too that it will reach to the target audience.
Our competitors are the different private universities of the city such as COMSATS, UMT, UOL
and UCP. These are very good universities but they are not giving scholarships on the criteria as
NCBA&E is giving. Keeping that scholarship for long is not easy in those universities and their
criteria of getting scholarship is also not easy. The USP of NCBA&E is that it gives scholarship
easily on the basis on the previous marks and maintaining that scholarship in this university is
very easy. Our competitors also offer educational services. Our fee structures are almost same. If
we talk about strengths of the competitors then their infrastructure is their biggest strength.
As we all know that people go for the beauty so their buildings are so big and beautiful but
NCBA&E’s building is not so big and beautiful but still they don’t compromise on the education
level. If we talk about the weakness of the competitors then their marking system is very strict
they fail students just to earn more money. Because if they fail students then they have to study
that subject again and they we get fee again by those students, their motive is to earn money not
just to provide education. There are so many students who are transferred from those universities
because of their poor grading system.
The customer need that is not being served by educational institute is the learning. Students study
for the sake of getting grades not for learning. It is due to teachers also not motivating students to
learn something new according to the current era. Students do assignments quizzes from the
internet and also the syllabus is also not that kind of that helps in learning. NCBA& E can

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improve educational level by “conduct meaningful evaluations, Offering Constructive
feedback/Suggestions, providing meaningful professional development, and providing adequate
resources, providing a mentor, establishing ongoing and open communication”. As we all know
that world is running and we are facing advancements on daily basis so we should improve our
education level like other developed countries. We should not put burden on students and we
should give them education for the purpose of learning not for the purpose of getting good
In the case of pricing strategy the marketing plan we are going to release will costs us more as
compared to the cost in the normal time. In the time of pandemic, the cost of marketing plan will
include the cost of advertising on newspaper, internet and television. So, in the start we will also
decrease our profit margin in order to have more market share. In order to gain more customers
we will lessen the margin as market share is more important than the profit margin.
There are many channels through which we can communicate our product and service to our
customers. But choosing the right channel is very much important as the right one gives you the
maximum outcome.
As our target audience is students and the parents so, we know the students are the savvy of the
technology and social media so, in order to target or pursue them we can use ads on social media
like Instagram, Facebook and you tube. In which we advertise the benefits of studying in
NCBA&E and the scholarships it offers to their students and also the career growth they will get
after studying in NCBA&E.
But for the targeting of parents, the strategy that we must use is advertising in newspaper. It will
include the programs we offer and the fee packages, which are lesser than the other universities
who offer the same courses and programs. The fee is not only the benefit provided to the
students of NCBA&E. But the quality education provided by the professional and experienced
teachers who not only provide them with theories and concepts of the book, also gives them
strategies to enter in tangible market and how to survive and grow in that very society.

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As NCBA&E had already penetrate in the market of education as the channel that promote it
very much is good word of mouth. It had already gained a respectable position in the market.
Now the goal of university is to gain its customer so that it fulfills its duty as an institute to
provide as much education to the students as possible. Even to those who do not afford it by
offering different kind of scholarship.
The main objective of this marketing strategy is to gain as much customers as possible. The
objective of this marketing strategy is not limited to the gaining of customer but also the
retention of this customer.
The target market of NCBA&E is not only the undergraduate students but also the students who
had graduation degree and looking for the master degree, also master students and M.Phil.
Students are looking for the degree of M.Phil. & Ph.D.
So, the students who had their degree of graduation form this vey university are also the target
market of NCBA&E. so, while deciding their future the first place that comes in their mind must
be NCBA&E.
The action plan of NCBA&E will be to market their services to a large extent. For this strategies
must be implemented to gain better marketplace and set a benchmark so that the institution is
known among the fine institutes. The marketing action plan will include advertising in
newspapers, social media and through pamphlet. This will make place for our institution in the
market. Secondly it will also create awareness in order to get more customers’ loyalty.
Financial projections are the backbone of your business plan. Projections can also be a guide to
help your business grow without running out of cash. To generate and support additional
revenues, additional cash is always required. Financial projections help you assess what
additional assets are needed to support increased revenue and the potential impact on your
balance sheet.
Because of corona virus we may face less admission in this year so we may face loss this year
like registration fee and admission fees. Due to corona virus people do prefer to work through
internet. Salaries chart has also changed due to corona virus we may face loss so, we will pay

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less salaries. Furniture cost is zero these days because furniture is not in use yet. advertising
costs are high because everyone use internet these day and people want to seek knowledge
through internet instead of going outside so furniture cost is zero and internet subscription are

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