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March 31, 2021

To: Heather Huggett (VP, Instacart LLC)

From: Faizan Shaikh (Project Manager, Technically Creative LLC)
Subject: Progress report on “Instacart Useability Manual”.

The purpose of this proposal is to create an instruction manual on using the Instacart delivery
application installation, ordering and maintenance procedures. This project is being assembled
on the request of Instacart Inc and Technically Creative LLC is the party responsible for project
completion. Project initiation took place on February 24, 2021 with an anticipated final draft
submission date of May 5, 2021. Apart from project tasks that have been completed the proposed
dates for tasks in question are subject to change only if a situation may arise where Instacart LLC
needs a review extension on a specific project phase.

Progress form February 24, 2021 to March 31, 2021

Covid-19 has been one of the worst pandemics that USA has encountered in history, resulting in
hundreds and thousands of innocent deaths. Due to the horrific covid-19 repercussions Instacart
LLC has decided to compile an instruction manual in conjunction with Technically Creative
LLC, not only to streamline application usability but also help mitigate covid-19 exposure by
having essential product delivered for a small fee through the application. Upon addressing the
project initiation tasks, research team at Technically Creative LLC were able to compile a
proposal draft including some key aspects of the project, along with a timeline of compilation
phases, mentioned in this progress report.

Choosing a Topic
Given the project criteria the process of topic creation was obvious. Granted, multiple essential
platforms do exist, yet none have any usability reference material through the means of an actual
manual, aside from trial an error learning instances. An “Instacart Usability Manual” topic would
capture every end user interest especially addressing app execution. Task reviewed and
completed during February 24, 2021 to March 1, 2021.

Researching the Topic

Researchers at Technically Creative LLC were able to align some credible resources driven form
internet databases, usability hypothesis and application development criteria provided by
Instacart LLC. The general research scope includes detailed aspects of application usability
installment and troubleshooting. Task reviewed and completed during March 1, 2021 to March 8,
Creating an Outline
When creating a manual questioning the technical usability of a product it is imperative to
incorporate every aspect from device requirements to audience and usability instances. The
“Instacart Usability Manual” follows a chronological pattern ranging from introduction that
includes Instacart LLC background information, execution device requirements, product search
criteria, order placement steps, order cancellation steps, troubleshooting instances and a FAQ
section. Researchers at Technically Creative LLC have constructed an outline with key usability
aspects containing chapter headings and subheadings in favor of content comprehension. Task
reviewed and completed during March 8, 2021 to March 22, 2021.

Creating the Cover Page

As an essential part of their core duties, the graphic design team at Technically Creative LLC,
have created an eye-catching cover page to the manual using, industry leading graphic modules.
The cover page includes a creative topic display along with computer generated images based
around the application idea. Task reviewed and completed during week of March 22, 2021 to
March 31, 2021.

Progress Expected from April 1, 2021 to May 5, 2021

Outstanding tasks needing completion and a timeline to them is as follows mentioned in

• Introduction and conclusion
• Compilation of chapters 1 through 6
• Rough draft
• Peer Review
• Final draft

Preparing Introduction and Conclusion

As a part of creating the introduction portion of the project, task managers at Technically
Creative LLC have compiled an adequate research base containing background information into
Instacart LLC. The conclusion aspect of the project will incorporate partial information form the
introduction along with some key details from the remainder of the manual body.

Compiling chapters 1 through 6

At Technically Creative LLC we have assigned our most skilled and experienced managers to
encompass the most detailed and extensive task of the project involving compilation of core
chapters of the project. Given that the outline and research has been reviewed and completed the
chapter creation process should be first instinct to our talented team of individuals.

Preparing Rough Draft

Upon completion of the manual, a rough draft will be forwarded to our underwriters who will
perform a rigorous proofread of the entire manual in accordance with the compiled research and
review notes provided by Instacart LLC.

Performing Peer Review

A client centered usability test will be conducted through a beta version of the manual at
Instacart LLC by making copies available. During this process end user comprehension and
usability concerns will be the scope in relation to the manual.

Preparing Final Draft

Once the usability test is complete and all end user concerns are addressed, a final draft will be
compiled and forwarded to Instacart LLC.

Project Phase Estimated date of completion

Introduction and Conclusion April 1, 2021 to April 5, 2021
Chapter Compilation April 6, 2021 to April 12, 2021
Rough Draft April 13, 2021 to April 19, 2021
Peer Review April 20, 2021 to April 26, 2021
Final Draft April 27, 2021 to March 5, 2021
Table 1 Project phase timeline

At Technically Creative LLC our approach has been client centered since day one and we take
pride in our services. As a part of this collaborative effort with Instacart LLC we are delighted to
be a part of this project adding to the greater good of this nation. We understand the critical need
behind this project and our production teams are working effortlessly to fulfill the project
deadline. Feel free to contact project coordinator, Faizan Shaikh via email at to clarify any details mentioned in the progress report.

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