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Lahore Grammar School

Name:______________ Date: ______________ Class:IX Sec.:pre___

Subject: ICT Total Marks: /45

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes


Write the details above.

Write in dark blue/black pen or pencil.

Handwriting must be neat and readable.

Must read the question and the instructions carefully.

You may use a pencil for any diagrams or graphs.

Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

If working is needed for any question it must be shown in the space below
that question.

Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks.

Material provided:
Q1: Choose the correct option (10 marks)

1. Which solutions are not reached through proper algorithms or work planning?
a) Prepared solution
b) Candid solution
c) Strategies solution
d) Best solution
2. _______ is a graphical representation of an algorithm.
a) Matrix
b) Graph
c) Flow chart
d) Solution
3. Which symbol in the flow chart is used to either start or end the flowchart?
a) Terminal
b) Connector
c) Process
d) Decision
4. __________means to test if the required solution in there.
a) Verification
b) Algorithm
c) Validation
d) Flowchart
5. In a _______ error, the solution is working but not giving required results.
a) Random error
b) Logical error
c) Syntax error
d) Runtime error
6. Which of the following belongs to 5 ws?
a) Why
b) Where
c) When
d) All
7. Which light of the traffic signal represents the solution of the problem?
a) Red light
b) Green light
c) Yellow light
d) None
8. The process of understanding the problem is called
a) Defining a problem
b) Problem analysis
c) Identify problem
d) All
9. Which symbol is used in flowchart for input/output?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) 5
10. A finite number of steps to solve a problem is called?
a) Testing
b) Analyzing
c) Algorithm
d) Flowchart

Q2: Short answer of the following questions. (15 marks)

1. Define problem solving. 1 mark

2. Why it is important to define a problem. 1 mark
3. What do you know about 5 ws? 1 mark
4. What is flow chart? 1 mark
5. Define decision symbol. 1 mark
6. What is use of connector symbol in flow chart? 1 mark
7. Define algorithm 1 mark
8. Write any three advantages of an algorithm. 3 mark
9. Differentiate between flow chart and algorithm. 2 mark
10. Write three advantages of flowchart. 3 mark

Q3: Long questions (20 marks)

1. Draw a flow chart to find out the volume of cube. 4 marks

2. Draw an flow chart to assign a grade to a subject based on a total marks and obtained
marks. 5 marks
3. Write an algorithm to find the area of trapezium. 3 marks
4. Write an algorithm to find the simple interest rate. 3 marks
5. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of an algorithm. 5 marks

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