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ISSN 0031-918X, The Physics of Metals and Metallography, 2016, Vol. 117, No. 12, pp. 1226–1236.

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2016.

Original Russian Text © I.I. Gorbachev, V.V. Popov, A.Yu. Pasynkov, 2016, published in Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie, 2016, Vol. 117, No. 12, pp. 1277–1287.



Calculations of the Influence of Alloying Elements (Al, Cr, Mn, Ni, Si)
on the Solubility of Carbonitrides in Low-Carbon Low-Alloy Steels
I. I. Gorbachev*, V. V. Popov, and A. Yu. Pasynkov
Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. S. Kovalevskoi 18, Ekaterinburg, 620990 Russia
Received April 12, 2016; in final form, June 10, 2016

Abstract—Based on the CALPHAD method, a thermodynamic description of the Fe–M–V–NB–Ti–C–N

system (where M is Al, Cr, Mn, Ni, or Si) has been constructed and, using this description, the solubilities of
carbonitrides in austenite for low-alloy low-carbon steels with V, Nb, and Ti have been calculated using
10G2FB steel as an example. The influence of the alloy composition and temperature on the composition
and amount of carbonitride phases and on the concentration of these elements in the solid solution has been

Keywords: thermodynamics, steels, solubility, complex carbonitrides, CALPHAD method, phase equilibrium
DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X16120061

INTRODUCTION The amounts of the above elements in steels can

In microalloyed low-carbon steels, the key role in vary in fairly wide limits. At the same time, our pre-
the formation of the service properties belongs to addi- liminary computations showed that in the amounts in
tions of the carbonitride-forming elements, such as which they usually are present in the low-alloy steels,
titanium, niobium, and vanadium. Therefore, it is the character of the influence of these elements on the
important to know the influence of these elements on solubility of carbonitride phases does not change qual-
the phase composition of the steel and to evaluate the itatively. Therefore, for definiteness, we oriented
solubility of carbonitride phases in austenite. In order toward the compositions of real industrial low-carbon
to facilitate the solution of this problem to researchers steels, such as 10G2FB or 10G2FBYu produced in
and specialists in the field of thermodynamic simula- Russia at a number of metallurgical enterprises.
tion, based on the algorithm [1], we developed a spe-
cial program IMP Equilibrium [2] for calculations of
phase equilibria in steels. Using this program, we have CONSTRUCTING
investigated the solubility of carbonitride phases in THE THERMODYNAMIC DESCRIPTION
austenite in a number of steels alloyed with carboni-
tride-forming elements [3–9]. In these works, the To construct a thermodynamic description of the
steels were simulated by systems that contained three Fe–M–V–Nb–Ti–C–N systems in this work, we
to six components, which, in addition to Fe, C, and N, selected, as the base, the Fe–V–Nb–Ti–C–N system
included one to three carbonitride-forming elements, used in [9] to investigate the formation of carboni-
namely, V, Nb, and/or Ti. However, since the modern trides in the low-carbon low-alloy steels with V, Nb,
steels with a carbonitride strengthening can contain and Ti. We have already used this description when
more than ten elements, there is a need in the con- conducting kinetic calculations [10, 11], where it
struction of more complex thermodynamic descrip- showed good reliability. For the compatibility of the
tions, which include these elements. In this work, we thermodynamic models, we constructed the descrip-
propose a thermodynamic description of Fe–M–V– tion of the Fe–M–V–Nb–Ti–C–N systems on the
Nb–Ti–C–N systems (where M is Al, Cr, Mn, Ni, or basis of the CALPHAD method [12]. When conduct-
Si) and, based on this description, investigate the ing calculations, we have only taken into account con-
influence of these elements on the solubility of carbo- densed phases; for their description we used the Hil-
nitride phases. The selection of these elements is by no lert–Staffonsson sublattice model [13] generalized by
means accidental, since they are present in almost all Agren and Sundman for the case of several sublattices
steels in some amount. They can remain in steel as [14]. According to [14], the expression for the Gibbs
technological impurities or can be added on purpose. energy of a phase is written as follows as a function of


the mole fractions of each ith element in the sth sub- and
lattice Yi s : ⎡ −5 − 15 − 25

g ( τ) = − 1 ⎢τ + τ + τ ⎥ for τ > 1, (4)
l A ⎣ 10 315 1500⎦
Gf = ∑∏ (Y )0G Ihf0 + RT ∑a s
I0 I0 s =1 11692 ⎛ 1 ⎞
N A = 518 + ⎜ − 1⎟ . (5)
× ∑ (Y i
ln Yi s + Y Vas ln Y Vas ) (1)
1125 15975 ⎝ p ⎠
The magnitude of p depends on the structure. For
i =1
the bcc structure, p = 0.4; for the fcc, hcp, and β-Mn
+ mag
Gf + ∑ ∑∏ (Y )L IZ . structures, p = 0.28.
Z > 0 IZ IZ For the phases that do not experience ferromag-
Here, R is the universal gas constant, T is the tempera- netic or antiferromagnetic ordering at a certain tem-
ture, Va stands for a vacancy, as is the number of moles perature, the value of magG f is taken to be zero.
of sites in the sth sublattice per one mole of formula The solid solutions and cubic and hexagonal car-
bides, nitrides, and carbonitrides were considered to
units of the phase, and Yi s is the mole fraction of the be compounds with two sublattices, the first of which
ith component in the sth sublattice of the phase f. The was filled with metallic atoms, and the second, by
parameter 0G If0 means the Gibbs energy of 1 mole of interstitial atoms and vacancies. For the seven-com-
the formula units of a compound with the same crystal ponent system Fe–M–V–Nb–Ti–C–N, these phases
structure as that of the phase f, which corresponds to are described by the formula (Fe, M, V, Nb, Ti) a1 (Va,
the element of the array I0, which determines a single C, N) a2 ; the bcc α solid solution (ferrite) has the sub-
element for each sublattice;
I0 ∏
(Y )0G Ihf0 is the prod- lattice formula (Fe, M, V, Nb, Ti)1(Va, C, N)3; i.e.,
a1 = 1, a2 = 3; for the phases in which the metallic
uct of the corresponding elements of the matrix Y .
atoms form an fcc lattice (austenite, cubic carbides,
I1 means an array that determines these variants of the nitrides, and carbonitrides), a1 = 1, a2 = 1; for the
distribution of atoms in the sublattices for which one compounds with an hcp lattice of metallic atoms (hex-
sublattice contains atoms of two elements, whereas the agonal solid solution, carbides, nitrides, and carboni-
other sublattices contain atoms of only one element; trides), a1 = 1 and a2 = 0.5.
and ∏ I1
(Y ) stands for the product of the correspond- Since in this work we investigate the solubility of
ing elements of the matrix Y . Unlike the zero-order cubic carbonitrides in austenite, below, we give the
array, I1 is called the first-order array. The arrays of parameters only for the fcc structures, as well as for the
higher orders (IZ) correspond to various combinations phases that can appear in the equilibrium with austen-
of a larger number of elements from different sublat- ite in the low-alloy steels.
tices. The parameters LIZ characterize the energy of
interaction of the components of the corresponding Fe–Al–V–Nb–Ti–C–N
element of the array IZ. The processing of the Al–C–Fe system using the
According to [15], the contribution of a magnetic CALPHAD method was carried out in [17], where a
ordering to the Gibbs energy of a phase is described number of the thermodynamic parameters of this sys-
based on the Inden model proposed in [16]. According tem were evaluated via first-principles calculations.
to [15], the contribution to the Gibbs energy caused by However, in a later work on Al–C–Fe [18], it is noted
magnetic ordering is given by the following expression: that the set of the parameters proposed in [17] badly
describes the expansion of the austenite field upon the
G mf = RT ln (β + 1) g(τ), (2) addition of carbon to the Al–Fe system. Furthermore,
it is indicated in [18] that the extrapolations based on
where τ = T/TC, TC is the critical temperature of the the available evaluations of binary systems give an
destruction of the magnetic order (the Curie tempera- underestimated solubility of Al in austenite and this
ture for the ferromagnetic materials or the Néel tem- drawback cannot be corrected using any parameters of
perature for the antiferromagnetic materials), and β is the third order. Therefore, the authors of [18] per-
the average magnetic moment per atom in Bohr mag- formed a reestimation of the parameters for the fcc
netons. phases in the Al–Fe and Al–C systems based on first-
The function g(τ) is represented by the polynomials principles calculations. As a result, the following val-
ues were obtained for the Al–C system (hereinafter,
⎡ −1 ⎛ ⎞
g(τ) = 1 − 1 ⎢79τ + 474 ⎜ 1 − 1⎟
only those parameters are indicated, which have not
been given in our previous works [3–9]):
A ⎣140 p 497 ⎝ p ⎠
(3) FCC
G Al:C = 81000 + G Al
+ G CGrafit ; (6)
⎛ ⎞⎤
× ⎜ τ + τ + τ ⎟⎥ for τ ≤ 1
3 9 15

⎝ 6 135 600 ⎠⎦ LFCC

Al:C,Va = − 80000 + 8T . (7)


1228 GORBACHEV et al.

0.10 structed according to the value of the product of the sol-

ubilities of Al and N in γ-Fe suggested in [23]
log([%Al][%N]) = 1.95 − 7400 T . (11)
N, wt %

For this reason, we have attempted to reestimate
0.04 1350°C FCC
the parameter G Al:N . It is noted in [22] that, in the case
0.02 1200°C of a small content of Al in the alloy, the solubility of N
in γ-Fe is almost independent of the amount of Al.
Therefore, upon the optimization of the value of
0 0.05 0.10 0.15
Al, wt % G Al:N , the significance of the experimental point that
corresponds to the temperature of 1050°C was taken
Fig. 1. Solubility of AlN in γ-Fe: (d) experimental data into account to a lesser degree. Furthermore, it turned
[22]; dotted line represent calculations based on the data out that, without allowance for the temperature
on the solubility product [23]; dashed lines represent cal-
culations using expression (9); solid lines represent calcu- dependence of this parameter, it is not possible to
lations using (12). reach satisfactory agreement with the data of [22, 23].
As a result of the optimization, we have obtained the
following expression:
Hereinafter, the coefficients of the polynomials
have such a dimensionality that the parameters G and G Al:N = − 2.555 × 10 + 16667T + G AlN .
L be expressed in joules. (12)

In [18], the parameter LFCCAl,Fe:Va was also calculated,

The results of calculations of the solubility of AlN
but later the authors of [19] reestimated this parameter in γ-Fe using (12) (they are represented in Fig. 1 by a
(with taking into account the description proposed in solid line) show much better agreement with the
[18] as well) to obtain experimental data of [22] and the value of the solubil-
ity product [23] than the calculations using (9). How-
Al,Fe:Va = − 104700 + 30.65T
LFCC ever, the attempt to use this parameter in the case of a
+ (30000 − 7T )(Y Al − YFe ) (8) system with a larger number of elements leads to anom-
alously high concentrations of Al in cubic nitrides. We
+ (32200 − 17T )(Y Al − YFe ) .
assume that this is caused by a lack of experimental data
and/or by high errors in the results based on which we
The parameters (6)–(8) are compatible with the
description of the Fe–V–Nb–Ti–C–N system we attempted to estimate the parameter G Al:N . Therefore,
constructed in [9], and they were used for the calcula- the value we obtained should be rejected.
tions performed in this work.
The thermodynamic description of the Al–C–Ti
The optimization of the Al–Fe–N system was per- system based on the CALPHAD method was pro-
formed in [20], where the parameters for the Fe–N
posed in the recent work [24]. The data on the systems
system were taken from [21] (just as in our work [9])
and, for Fe–Al system, from the personal communi- Al–C, Al–Ti, and C–Ti in it were taken from [18],
cations due to M. Seiersten and J. Tibballs. The only [25], and [26], respectively. Thus, the description con-
structed in [24] is compatible with the one we used in
parameter that should be estimated was G Al:N . It was [9] for the subsystem Ti–C–N, as well as with the
noted in [20] that, since the content of Al and N in parameters for the Al–C system we accepted above.
γ-Fe is never very large simultaneously, its value can
be selected rather arbitrarily. Therefore, it was selected At the moment of the publication of the work due
from the general considerations so as to exceed the free to Witusiewicz et al. [25], there were several alternative
energy of the formation of the AlN phase as follows: descriptions of the Al–Ti system. These were taken
into account in [25]; however, it was noted in this work
G Al:N = 20000 + G AlN
; (9) that none of the descriptions reflect the contemporary
experimental data. Therefore, in this work, а reestima-
G AlN = − 345837 + 359.862 T
tion of the parameters of the Al–Ti system was per-
− 54.3087 T ln( T ) + 8.56 × 10 −4T 2 (10) formed. In particular, for the fcc structure, the follow-
−1 −2
ing expression was obtained:
+ 2.326 × 10 T − 1.26 × 10 T .
6 8

However, the results of the calculations (Fig. 1) Al,Ti:Va = − 119185 + 40.723T .

LFCC (13)
performed using this value differs noticeably both from
the experimental results [22] (which were also taken The expression (13), as well as the parameters for the
into account in [20]) and from the line of solubility con- fcc phase in the Al–C–Ti subsystem proposed in [24],



was accepted in this work to carry out calculations in the [35], but both in [33] and in [34] a number of the
Fe–Al–Ti–Nb–V–C–N system as follows: parameters for the Fe–Cr–C system were re-esti-
mated with taking into account new data on the solu-
LAl,Ti:C = − 110000 − 75000 (Y Al − Y Ti )
bility of chromium carbides. However, other research-
− 110000 (Y Al − Y Ti ) . ers subsequently considered the description by Lee
[34] to be more suitable, and this description was used
An evaluation of the Al–N–Ti system was per- as the basis for constructing descriptions of other sys-
formed in [27, 28]. Although in those works the tems as, e.g., in work [36] on the C–Cr–Fe–Ni–O
authors used different descriptions of the Al–Ti sys- system. Based on Lee’s description [34], the authors
tem (moreover, neither was based on [25]), they are of [37, 38] have re-estimated some parameters for the
potentially compatible with our description: both use Fe–Cr–C system with taking into account new exper-
the same description of the Ti–N system [29] as in [9], imental data. Unfortunately, the values of the param-
and of the Al–N system [20]. However, in both [27] eters obtained were not given in [37]; therefore, in this
and [28] the description of the δ phase (TiN1–x) was work, we used the refined description of the Fe–Cr–
based only on the parameters for the binary subsys- C system proposed in [38] as shown below:
tems, i.e., the parameters LFCC FCC
Al,Ti:N and LAl,Ti:Va,N were FCC
G Cr:C = 1200 − 1.94T + G Cr
+ G CGrafit; (18)
not evaluated, but were accepted to be equal to zero.
At the same time, the authors of [27] proposed Cr:C,Va = − 11977 + 6.8194T ;
LFCC (19)
their own value of the parameter G Al:N in the follow-
ing form: Cr,Fe:Va = 10833 − 7.477T + 1410 (YCr − Y Fe ) ; (20)

= 70000 + 10T + G AlN Cr,Fe:C = − 69534 + 3.2353T .

LFCC (21)
G Al:N . (15)
In contrast to [20], where the value of this parameter
was taken to be fairly arbitrary, in [27], this value was Cementite
evaluated based on the data of [30] for the Gibbs energy The sublattice formula is as follows: (Fe, Cr)3(C)1;
of the transition from the field of the metastable
δ-(Ti,Al) into the stable two-phase field of δ-TiN + G Fe:C = − 10195.860754 + 690.949887637T

AlN. However, the estimation was carried out under (22)

− 118.47637T ln T − 0.00007T + 590527 T .
the assumption of the ideal mixing of Al and Ti in the
first sublattice of the fcc phase, whereas, judging from
the value of the parameter LFCC Al,Ti:Va (13), these ele- M23C6
ments are by no means ideally mixed up. This circum- The sublattice formula is as follows:
stance indicates the existence of a systematic error in (Fe, Cr)20(Fe,Cr)3(C)6;
parameter (15). Nevertheless, since no better estimate
has been proposed to date, we use precisely this value M 23C 6
G Fe:Fe:C = 15000 + (23 3)G Fe:C
− (5 3)G CGrafit; (23)
when constructing the description of the Fe–Al–V–
Nb–Ti–C–N system and conducting calculations. M 23C 6
G Cr:Cr:C = − 521983 + 3622.24T
Analogously to the Al–Ti system, the authors of (24)
[25] have analyzed the available information for the − 620.965T ln T − 0.126431T 2;
Al–Nb system [31] and made a reestimate of the M 23C 6
G Fe:Cr:C = (20 23)G Fe:Fe:C
M 23C 6
+ (3 23)G Cr:Cr:C
M 23C 6
; (25)
parameter LFCC Al,Nb:Va . In our work, we used just this
value: M 23C 6
G Cr:Fe:C = (3 23)G Fe:Fe:C
M 23C 6
+ (20 23)G Cr:Cr:C
M 23C 6
; (26)

Al,Nb:Va = − 69684 − 40679 (Y Al − Y Nb ) .

LFCC = LCr,Fe:Fe:C
(16) 23 6
LCr,Fe:Cr:C 23 6

The value of the parameter LFCC = 6609 − 43600 (YCr − YFe ) ;
Al,V:Va was taken

Cr:Cr,Fe:C = LFe:Cr,Fe:C = 991 − 6540 (YCr − Y Fe ) . (28)

from [32] LM 23C 6 M 23C 6

Al,V:Va = − 69800 + 15T − 8000 (Y Al − Y V ) .

LFCC (17) The best-known evaluation of the Fe–Cr–N sys-
tem in the CALPHAD method was carried out by
Frisk [39]. This treatment is based on the description
Fe–Cr–V–Nb–Ti–C–N of the Cr–Fe system proposed in [35]; in our previous
The thermodynamic description of the Fe–Cr–C description of the Fe–V–Nb–Ti–C–N system [9],
system was suggested in the works on the Fe–Cr–Ni– the parameters for the Fe–N subsystem were taken
C system by Hillert and Qiu [33] and by Lee [34]. Both from [39]. Thus, the description proposed by Frisk
works are based on the estimation of the parameters satisfies the requirements of compatibility. Further-
for the Fe–Cr–C system carried out by Anderson more, the thermodynamic parameters obtained in this


1230 GORBACHEV et al.

work were later approved in a number of higher-order better correspondence to experimental data on the sol-
systems and today are considered to be fairly reliable. ubility of NbN in austenite. Upon the reestimation of
For these reasons, in this work, to describe the LFCC
Fe,Nb:va , the values of other parameters in the Fe–
Fe‒Cr–N subsystem, we used the parameters sug-
gested by Frisk shown below: Nb–C system were taken from the work devoted to the
Fe–Nb–Ti–C–N system [51] and were fixed. The
G Cr:N = − 124 460 + 142.16T latter is especially important, since this ensures the
(29) compatibility of the description presented in [45] with
− 8.5T ln T + G Cr + 1 2 G N2 ;
the description of the Fe–V–Nb–Ti–C–N system we
constructed in [9].
Cr:N,Va = 20 000;
LFCC (30) In this work, the following parameters were used
for the Fe–Mn–Nb–C subsystem:
Cr,Fe:N = − 128930
+ 86.49T + 24330 (YCr − YFe ) ; = 13.659T + G Mn + G CGrafit;
G Mn:C (37)

Cr,Fe:N,Va = − 162516.
LFCC (32) Fe,Mn:va = − 7762 + 3.865T − 259 (Y Fe − Y Mn ) ; (38)

The parameter LFCC

Cr,Ti:va was taken from [40] as Fe,Mn:C = 20 082 − 11.6312T ;
LFCC (39)
Mn:C,va = − 41333;
LFCC (40)
Cr,Ti:va = 66300 − 27.7T , (33)
Mn,Nb:va = 6305.5;
LFCC (41)
and the parameters for the fcc phases in the Fe–
Fe,Nb:va = − 6176 − 2.04T ;
Cr–V–C subsystem were taken from [41], refined in LFCC (42)
[38] as shown below except for the parameter LFCC
Cr,Fe:C :
Mn:va = − 1620;
Tc FCC (43)
Cr,V:C = 35698 − 50.0981T ;
LFCC (34)
Fe,Mn:va = − 2282 − 2068 (Y Fe − Y Mn ) ;
Tc FCC (44)
LFCC = − 9874 − 2.6964T
β Mn:va = 1.86.
(35) FCC
− (1720 + 2.5237T )(YCr − Y V ) .
The authors of the recent work [50] constructed a
The only optimization of the parameters for the
description of the Fe–Mn–Nb–N system as in [45]
Cr–Nb–C system was carried out in [42]. Therefore,
based mainly on the data for binary subsystems. The
we have taken the parameter LFCC
Cr,Nb:C from that work as parameters for Mn–N were taken from the work of
shown below: Qiu and Guillermet [52]. However, Qiu also proposed
the description of the three-component system
Cr,Nb:C = − 23000.
LFCC (36) Fe‒Mn–N [53]. Similar to our work [9], the parame-
ters for the Fe–N system were taken in it from [21]
and, for the Fe–Mn system, from [46] (just as in [45]),
Fe–Mn–V–Nb–Ti–C–N which makes it possible to use the description of the
When selecting the thermodynamic descriptions of Fe–Mn–N system suggested in [53] in the present
the subsystems that include Mn and C, both relatively work as follows:
old estimations, e.g., those carried out in [43] (for the
Fe–Cr–Mn–C system) and in [44] (for the Fe–Mn–
G Mn:N = − 75940 + 292.226T
V–C system) and new ones [45] (for Fe–Mn–Nb–C), − 50.294T ln T + 265051 T ;
can be used. Other conditions being equal, it is better
to use newer descriptions, since, as a rule, they con- Mn:N,va = − 69698 + 11.5845T ;
LFCC (47)
sider all of the recent experimental data. Therefore, in
this work, we used the description constructed in [45]. Fe,Mn:N = 53968 − 38.102T
It is based on the same description of the Fe–Mn sys- − 28787 (YFe − YMn ) .
tem [46] as in the work due to Huang [44] and on rees-
timations of the Mn–C and Fe–Mn–C systems per- The parameter
formed in [47, 48], respectively. For the Fe–Mn–Nb
subsystem, the authors of [45] used the set of parame- Mn,V:va = − 11 820
LFCC (49)
ters proposed in [49], except for the parameter was taken from [44].
Fe,Nb:va ,, which was re-estimated in [45]. However, We could not find any estimates of the parameters
the authors of [45] in the work [50] devoted to the esti- of interaction with Mn and Ti for phases with the fcc
mation of the Fe–Mn–Nb–N system again reexam- structure in the literature; therefore, these parameters
ined the value of this parameter in order to obtain a were taken to be equal to zero.



Fe–Ni–V–Nb–Ti–C–N posed in [60], which makes it incompatible with our

Unlike the systems with Al, Cr, and Mn, the ther- description of the Fe–V–Nb–Ti–C–N system. For
modynamic information concerning the system with Ni these reasons, we cannot use the parameter
is much more scarce. In particular, this concerns esti- LFCC
Nb,Ni,Ti:va , which was calculated in [58], but can use
mates of the parameters of interactions with C and N. the parameters for the Ni–Ti system. Some different
The optimization of the parameters for the values of the parameters for this system were also
Fe‒Ni–C system was executed in a work that is obtained in other studies, but in the context of our
already fairly old work [54], but other estimates of this work, they do not possess any special advantages;
system were not carried out from those times. Never- therefore, we decided to use the newest description of
theless, the description proposed in [54] can be used in the Ni–Ti system obtained in [58] as follows:
the present work, since, first, the authors of [54] have
Ni,Ti:va = − 121925
used the same parameters for the Fe–C system as in LFCC
[9] and, second, is based on the same values of the (60)
energies of the pure elements as those given in the + 16.994T − 32 260 (Y Nb − Y Ni ) ;
now-standard database SGTE [55]. Finally, the
= − 4670;
description presented in [54] has been approved upon Tc Ni,Ti:va (61)
estimating other systems and has been used until now
β Ni,Ti:va = 0.
(albeit with some modifications due to Lee that con- (62)
cern the liquid phase [56]). From [54], we used the
following parameters: The parameters of interactions of Ni and V in the
fcc phase were taken from [61] as follows:
G Ni:C = 45000 + 1.88T + G Ni
+ G CGrafit; (50)
LNi,V:va = − 36365.6 + 3.75677T
= − 12 054.335 + 3.27413T
+ (11082.1315 − 4.45077 ) (YFe − Y Ni ) (51) + (11860.7 − 9.0302T ) (Y Ni − Y V ) (63)
+ ( − 10647.5 + 7.00954T ) (Y Ni − Y V ) .
− 725.805174 (YFe − Y Ni ) ;

Fe,Ni:C = 49 074 − 7.32T − 25800 (Y Fe − Y Ni ) ; (52)

LFCC We do not know other works in which these esti-
mates were made.
= 633;
Tc Ni:va (53)
= 2133 − 682 (YFe − YYNi ) ;
FCC Fe–Si–V–Nb–Ti–C–N
Tc Fe,Ni:va (54)
The thermodynamic description of the Fe–Si–C
β Ni:va = 0.52;
(55) system was presented in [62]; in [63], reestimations
β Fe,Ni:va = 9.55 + 7.23 (YFe − Y Ni ) were made for a number of the parameters of the fcc,
(56) bcc, and liquid phases. The description presented in
+ 5.93 (YFe − Y Ni ) + 6.18 (YFe − Y Ni ) .
2 3
[63] satisfies the requirements of the compatibility
Works devoted to evaluating the parameters of the with what was constructed in the present work; it is
interactions of Ni with N in fcc Ni are currently based on the Gibbs energies of pure elements given in
absent; therefore, the appropriate parameters were the SGTE [55] and uses the same parameters for the
taken to be equal to zero. Fe–C system as in [9]. Therefore, we used the param-
The evaluation of the Fe–Nb–N system was eter of interaction of Fe, Si, and C in the phases with
undertaken in [57] based on the same description of the fcc lattice estimated in [63]
the Fe–Ni system as in [54]; this estimation is com-
patible with our description of the subsystem Fe–N Fe,Si:C = 226100 − 34.25T − 202 400 (Y Fe − YSi ) .(64)
subsystem in the Fe–V–Nb–Ti–C–N system [9]. For Unfortunately, this is the only parameter we suc-
these reasons, we used the parameters calculated in ceeded at integrating into our description, since in the
[57] for the simulation of the Fe–Ni–V–Nb–Ti–C–N potentially interesting works, where the thermody-
namic estimate of systems with silicon is conducted,
LNb,Ni:va = − 70 007.4 − 7.39665T
e.g., for the Ti–Si–N [64] or Nb–Si–Ti [65] systems,
+ (96115 − 23.07497 ) (Y Nb − Y Ni ) ; there are no parameters that describe the interaction
of the elements in the fcc phase. This is due to the fact
Nb,Ni:va = − 1200 + 760 (Y Nb − YYNi ) ;
Tc FCC (58) that, in these systems, a phase with an fcc structure is
not equilibrium. In these cases, the corresponding
β Nb,Ni:va
= 0.
(59) parameters are evaluated based on studies of systems
The Nb–Ni–Ti system was considered in [58], but with chemical elements that can form phases with the
the authors used in it the description of the Nb–Ni fcc lattice; however, we could not find such works to
system proposed in [59] and of the Nb–Ti system pro- date, except for [63].


1232 GORBACHEV et al.

(V, Ti)N culations were carried out for the range of the compo-
0.03 sitions that correspond to the low-carbon low-alloy
steels in the range of temperatures that involves the aus-
tenite field and can represent a practical interest. As the
0.02 base, we selected the tube steel of grade 10G2FBYu
F, wt %

produced at a number of enterprises in Russia accord-

ing to the State Specifications TU 14-3-1573-96 and
0.01 0.02% Al TU 14-158-146-2004. The composition of the steel is
0.035% Al given in the table.
0.05% Al The following concentrations of the elements were
0 assigned for the calculations: 0.1 wt % C; 0.01 wt % N,
900 950 1000 1050 1100 0.035 wt % Nb, 0.1 wt % V, and 0.01 wt % Ti.
T, °C
It can be assumed a priori that Al will compete with
Nb(C, N) Ti in their tendency to become bound with nitrogen;
the first will attempt to bind it into AlN and the second
will attempt to bind it into cubic nitride or carboni-
0.03 tride. Note that the affinity of N to Ti is higher than to
Al. To better demonstrate the cases in which alloying
with Al can affect the carbonitride formation, the
F, wt %

0.02 amount of Ti was selected at the lower boundary spec-

0.02% Al ified by the above TU.
0.01 0.035% Al In the investigated range of compositions and tem-
0.05% Al peratures, two carbonitride phases coexist in equilib-
rium with austenite; one of them is closer in composi-
900 950 1000 1050 1100 tion to Nb(C,N) and the other is closer to (V, Ti)N.
T, °C These are the designations used for these phases in
Fig. 2, which displays the results of the calculations of
AlN the dependence of the equilibrium phase composition
0.03 of steel 10G2FBYu on the temperature and on the
amount of Al in the steel.
0.02% Al
0.035% Al The results of the calculations given in Fig. 2 show
0.02 0.05% Al that Al can noticeably influence the formation of car-
F, wt %

bonitrides, even in the case of the small amount in

which it is present in this alloy. The presence of Al in
0.01 the solid solution in γ-Fe changes the solubility of car-
bonitrides of the V, Nb, and Ti (see the parameters (6),
(7) and (13)–(17)), but mainly its effect lies in the for-
0 mation of the AlN phase. The formation of AlN affects
900 950 1000 1050 1100 the amount of (V,Ti)N especially strongly; the greater
T, °C the amount of Al in the alloy and, correspondingly,
the greater amount of nitrogen is bound to AlN, the
Fig. 2. Dependence of the weight fraction of the second smaller the fraction of (V,Ti)N in it. It is also interest-
phases on the temperature and amount of Al in 10G2FBYu ing to note that, in the presence of AlN, the amount of
steel. (V,Ti)N in the alloy grows, rather than decreases. This
dependence is apparently caused by binding into
(V,Ti)N of nitrogen supplied from dissolving AlN.
OF THERMODYNAMIC CALCULATIONS The calculations carried out also show that the
fraction of (V,Ti)N is in fact independent of the
Based on the previously developed algorithm [1] amount of Al in the system at temperatures at which
and the above-considered thermodynamic descrip- AlN becomes completely dissolved. It can also be seen
tions, we performed a number of the calculations of from Fig. 2 that the amount of Al in the system has a
the phase equilibrium, in which we investigated the very insignificant effect on the solubility of the nio-
influence of Al, Cr, Mn, Ni, and Si on the solubility of bium carbonitride in the entire temperature range
carbonitrides in low-carbon low-alloy steels. The investigated.
steels were simulated by the system Fe–M–V–Nb– The other alloying additives, e.g., Cr, Mn, Ni, and
Ti–C–N, where M = Al, Cr, Mn, Ni, or Si. The cal- Si, can be present in the steel in a larger amount (the



900°C (V, Ti)N 1000°C (V, Ti)N

0.05 0.05

0.04 0.04

0.03 0.03
F, wt %

F, wt %
0.02 Cr 0.02 Cr
Ni Ni
0.01 Mn 0.01 Mn
Si Si

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Amount of element, wt % Amount of element, wt %

900°C Nb(C, N) 1000°C Nb(C, N)

0.05 0.05

0.04 0.04

F, wt %


F, wt %
0.02 Cr 0.02
Ni Cr
0.01 Mn Ni
0.01 Mn
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Amount of element, wt % Amount of element, wt %

Fig. 3. Dependence of the weight concentrations of the Fig. 4. Dependence of the concentrations of the second
second phases on the amount of alloying elements in phases on the amount of alloying elements in 10G2FBYu
10G2FBYu steel at 900°C. steel at 1000°C.

content of Mn can reach almost 2 wt %). In order to temperatures, although the appearance of M23C6 car-
compare the degree of their influence, we plotted the bides could be expected. Thus, only two cubic carbo-
dependences of the equilibrium phase composition of nitrides are in equilibrium with austenite. As can be
steel 10G2FBYu on the amount of these elements
seen from the results of calculations, the following can
(up to 2%). Just as for Al, the steel was simulated by
the Fe–M–V–Nb–Ti–C–N system, where M = Cr, be noted: first, in the entire investigated range of com-
Mn, Ni, or Si. The composition of the system was positions, the fraction of carbonitride phases linearly
taken to be the same as for Al. The results of calcula- depends on the amounts of Cr, Mn, Ni, and Si; and,
tions are given in Figs. 3–5. second, all these elements have an insignificant effect
In contrast to the system with Al, the other ele- on the formation of carbonitrides in this steel. The
ments, i.e., Cr, Mn, Ni, and Si, do not form new strongest effect is caused by silicon. However, in the
phases in the investigated range of compositions and limits of the chemical composition of steel 10G2FBYu

Composition of the steel 10G2FBYu (wt %) according to the specifications TU 14-3-1573-96

Al C Cr Mn N Nb Ni Si Ti V

0.02–0.05 0.09–0.12 ≤0.3 1.55–1.75 ≤0.012 0.02–0.05 ≤0.3 0.15–0.5 0.01–0.035 0.08–0.12


1234 GORBACHEV et al.


0.05 This work was carried out under the State Task of
FASO of Russian Federation according to the theme
0.04 “Spin” (no. 01201463330) and was supported in part
by the program of Basic Research of the Ural Branch,
F, wt %

0.03 Russian Academy of Sciences (project no. 15-9-2-44)

and by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research
0.02 (project no. 16-38-00164 mol_a).
0.01 Mn
1. V. V. Popov and I. I. Gorbachev, “Analysis of solubility
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 of carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides in steels using
Amount of element, wt % methods of computer thermodynamics: I. Description
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1100°C Nb(C, N) dure,” Phys. Met. Metallogr. 98, 344–354 (2004).
0.05 2. Certificate of State Registration of Computer Program
Cr 2011618874 (IMP Equilibrium, November 15, 2011).
0.04 Ni 3. V. V. Popov and I. I. Gorbachev, “Analysis of solubility
Mn of carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides in steels using
F, wt %

0.03 Si methods of computer thermodynamics: II. Solubility of

carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides in the Fe–V–C,
0.02 Fe–V–N, and Fe–V–C–N systems,” Phys. Met.
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0.01 4. I. I. Gorbachev and V. V. Popov, “Analysis of solubility
of carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides in steels using
methods of computer thermodynamics: III. Solubility
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 of carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides in the Fe–Ti–
Amount of element, wt % C, Fe–Ti–N, and Fe–Ti–C–N systems,” Phys. Met.
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5. I. I. Gorbachev and V. V. Popov, “Analysis of solubility
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Fig. 5. Dependence of the weight concentrations of the methods of computer thermodynamics: IV. Solubility
second phases on the amount of alloying elements in of carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides in the Fe–Nb–
10G2FBYu steel at 1100°C. C, Fe–Nb–N, and Fe–Nb–C–N systems,” Phys.
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6. I. I. Gorbachev and V. V. Popov, “Thermodynamic
specified by the TU, the influence of this element is simulation of the Fe–V–Nb–C–N system using the
also very insignificant. CALPHAD method,” Phys. Met. Metallogr. 111, 495–
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7. I. I. Gorbachev, V. V. Popov, and A. Yu. Pasynkov,
CONCLUSIONS “Thermodynamic simulation of the formation of car-
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A critical analysis of the available information con- logr. 113, 687–695 (2012).
cerning the Fe–M–V–Nb–Ti–C–N system (M = Al, 8. I. I. Gorbachev, V. V. Popov, and A. Yu. Pasynkov,
Cr, Mn, Ni, or Si) has been carried out, and a compat- “Thermodynamic simulation of the formation of car-
bonitrides in steels with V and Ti,” Phys. Met. Metal-
ible thermodynamic description of this system and logr. 113, 974–981 (2012).
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9. I. I. Gorbachev, V. V. Popov, and A. Yu. Pasynkov,
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