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Form 38 (ALCPT 38)


1) Mr. William went to the barber shop to get a haircut then he went to the post office
to get some stamps. Where did Mr William go after getting a haircut?

ANS: He went to the post office.

( This mean that Mr William go and cut his hair first and after that he went to post
office later to buy some stamps)

2) John participated in a play last night. What did he do last night?

ANS: He participated in a play.

(Participated = To get involve)

3) Tom lives in a residential area. Where does he live?

ANS: He lives in a residential area.

(Residential area = Place where people live)

4) Bob and Bill are getting together for lunch. What will Bob do?

ANS: Bob will meet Bill for lunch.

(Get together = Meet)

5) This hat fits me all right. I will take it.

(This mean the hat is just right for me and I will take it)

6) Martin knows more than the other man and has become the head of the group.

(This mean Martin is in charge of the group because he knows more that the rest of

7) An airplane goes out every hour.

(Goes out = Take off)

8) John considers his work a pleasure.

(This mean John is happy with his work.)

9) Mr Miller knows what the population of New York is.

(Population = People. Mr Miller knows how many people is staying in New York)

10) Every six months, Mr Brown takes his car to the mechanic for an inspection.

(Inspection = To check. Once ever six months, Mr Brown takes his car for the
mechanic to check)

11) Bill arrived at the lab just in time.

(Just in time = On time)

12) Jim mailed a letter to his wife yesterday after class. What did Jim do?

ANS: He mailed a letter to his wife yesterday after class.

(Mailed = Post)

13) This engine is very loud. What does it do?

ANS: It makes loud sound.

14) One of the students bought a portable typewriter. What kind did he get?

ANS: He gets a portable typewriter.

(Portable = Something that is easy to carry)

15) Will this plane be delayed?

(It means will the plane be landing or taking off late)

16) The mechanic asked Joe what is the capacity of the fuel tank. What did the
mechanic wants to know?

ANS: He wants to know the capacity of the fuel tank.

(Capacity = Size)

17) Before he can do anything else, John needs more data. What does he need?

ANS: He needs more data.

(Data = Information)

18) Henry was pleased with the acceleration of the car. What did he like?

(Acceleration = speed increasing ex. from 0 km/h-100 km/h)

19) The salesman told John he could try out the car. What can John do?

(Means to test the car)

20) Red spent a great deal in the south. How much time he spend there?

(Great deal means long time).

21) He killed the disease animal.

(Disease animal means animal that carry sickness)

22) Joe’s friend said, “I have an extra room.”

23) We will provide you will pencils and paper.


24) You will soon have an opportunity to speak English.

(Opportunity = Chance)

25) The electric power failed last night.

(Failed= Not working)

26) Take your time.

27) The organizations set up a training schedule.

(It means the company set up a training plan)

28) I get up every morning at seven.

29) Will you get through with your handwork soon?

(It means when you will finish your homework)

30) Would you like to revise this paper?

(Revise = Study)

31) Mary bought a pair of shoes for 4dollars plus 20 cents tax. How much did the shoes
cost without the tax?

(Without = Minus)

32) The tree will obstruct the view. What will the tree do?

(It means the tree is blocking the view)

33) What can a person usually find in a classified ads section of the newspaper?

(Classified ads section is the section where they advertise jobs vacancy)

34) There are empty seats at the rear of the theatre. Where are the empty seats?

(Rear = At the back)

35) Bill must leave at once. When Must Bill leave?

(At Once = Straightaway)

36) Ben didn’t want to go to school yesterday but I made him go.

37) I will take the bus next time.

38) I had just left the office when you called.

39) I wished the rainy season were over.

40) Dennis said she would rather have snow than rain.

(She prefer snow compare to rain)

41) I saw him in the vicinity of the Base Exchange.

(Vicinity = Around the area)

42) Since the time of World War 1, incredible progress has been made in the
development of production of this weapon.

(It means since WW1, great improvement have been made to this weapon)

43) We had a flat on the highway.

(It means the tire was punctured on the highway)

44) Drop around after class and the instructor will help you with the problem.

(Drop around = Come After)

45) Harry made up his mind in a hurry.

46) The car lost the right front tire. What did the car lose?

47) The doctor wants to check John’s pulse. What did the doctor want to check?

48) How did you know the table is not level?

(Not level = Not straight)

49) Man is able to survive at very high altitude. What can he do there?

(Man can live at cold places (ex. high in the mountain)

50) He could feel the plane vibrating. What was the plane doing?

51) We are having a thunder shower. What are we having?

52) Did you find out what cause his illness?

53) Carol kept working on the problem until she’s exhausted.

(Exhausted= Tired)

54) If Jim had had the money, he would have loan it to Larry.

55) The temperature was around 70 degrees and it was a foggy morning.

(Foggy means slightly smoky and hazy)

56) Sylvia poured the coffee.


57) Did you finish your assignment last night?

No, I had a party last night.
Q: Why didn’t the students finished the assignment?

58) What did you tell them?

That the situation is critical.
Q: What does the man mean?

(Critical = Dangerous)

59) Are you ready to go?

I will be as soon as I change my shirt.
Q: What is the man going to do?

60) What is your city famous for?

It is a seaport.
Q: What is his city known for?

(Seaport means places where ship docks)

61) Are you going to buy his car?

Well, first I want to make sure that it is a good one.
Q: What is the man going to do?

62) Do you want to go the cafeteria for lunch?

I can’t, I haven’t got a cent.
Q: What does the woman mean?

63) Do you know what your mark on the test?

Yes, our instructor told us.
Q: What does the man mean?

64) What’s that?

It is an example of modern art.
Yes, but what is it constructed off?
Q: What does she want to know?

(Constructed means made of)

65) Where should we meet tomorrow?

I think the corner would be good.
I was going to say the post office, but now I think we better meet right here.
Q: Where will the man and woman probably meet?

66) How much do I owe you?

That’s a dollar and a half.
Here are two one dollar bill. Keep the change.
Q: What has happened?

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