ALCPT37 (Form 37)

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ALCPT37 (Form 37)

Part 1

1) Which of these is often kept in a tank?

2) What number is between 16 and 18?

3) She likes both of this bicycle. How many bicycles is she looking at?

4) Captain East was worried about the welfare of his men. How did he feel about their welfare?

(Welfare means is taking interest about the men health, happiness and their interest)

5) Who sits in a cockpit?

6) She asked for his ideas. What did she want?

7) Greg Belle said “I’m sorry but my father is not at home.” Who was not at home?

8) The gas was compressed during the experiment. What happened to the gas?

(Compressed means squeezing the gas to smaller space)

9) Todd got knocked over by a big wave. Where was he?

(Knocked = Hit)

10) David drove over a bumpy road. What was the road like?

(Bumpy means got hump)

11) Vera made a list of their duties. What was on the list?

12) Rhodes asked a reading about degree Celsius (°C). What did he asked about the water?

(Degree Celsius (°C) always mean the temperature of the water)

13) The book has many chapters. What is a chapter?

14) Meg will make it to the meeting. What will she do?

15) As the orange fell, its speed increases. What happened as the orange fell?

(Speed increases means from slow to fast ex. 0km/h -100km/h)

16) Roberto discussed the concert. What did she do?

17) Soon it will be time for lights out. What will happen then?

18) The parents rescued their child. What did they do?

(Rescued =Saved)

19) Bert was going but he changed his mind. What did he do?

20) Mrs Baker is trying to cut down on her eating. What is she trying to do?

21) Did you mean to do that?

22) On his trip through Washington. Bob glance at the Whitehouse. What did Bob do?

(Glance means to take a fast look)

23) What time did he get up, Vick asked. What did Vick want to know?
24) This house has lots of storage space. What did it have?

25) Mrs Boil measured the trunk of the tree. What did she measured?

(Trunk is the main area of the tree where the branches grow)

26) Tedd took part in a play last night. What did he do last night?

27) Jack wants to start a fire. What does he need to use?

28) Robert wrote down the idea. What did he do?

29) She smashed the bug with her foot. What did she do?

30) The thermostat is not working properly. What is not working correctly?

(Thermostat is a thing that that control temperature ex. in an oven)

Part 2

31) Mary went away when Sid arrived.

32) My sister isn’t sick.

33) The lieutenant put the book on the table.

34) The book isn’t interesting.

35) Terry went to the library.

36) They were unable to predict the weather.

(Predict = Guess)

37) Wanda got a pair of shoes which were cheap.

38) Bob explained the problem.

39) Alex walked towards the woman.

40) Mrs Clarke would like to finish her work this morning but she won’t be able to.

41) Bryan is at ease.

42) Kelvin has a marvelous memory.

(Marvelous = Good)

43) Jack succeeded at his first job.

(Succeeded means did very well)

44) The bus is covered with dirt.

45) Mr Fisher had a lot of trouble in his factory.

46) They were held up by the traffic.

47) We don’t know if she will come.

48) The woman will help the police.

49) Laura is the same size as Trudy.

50) Cadet M was too late to catch the train.

51) The pharmacy is close to the barber shop.

(Pharmacy is a place where they sells medicine)

52) Mr Baker didn’t understand the idea.

53) Her television is in a very bad state.

54) John computed the range before shooting at the target.

(Computed means using the computer to help him aim)

55) Drop around after class and the professor will help you with the problem.

56) The books were carried to the post office by George.

57) Fred didn’t wants to go to school yesterday but I made him go.

58) The instructions on the bulletin board told all the guards to return their weapons.

59) According to my sister, the date of the exam is May 10 th.

60) The house was quiet.

Part C

61) What did you buy?

Some clothes.
What did the man buy?

62) What did Mrs Batt do for a living?

She writes story.
What does Mrs Batt do?

63) Well, what do you think it will do?

I don’t know but it looks like it might clear up today.
What is being discussed?

64) What is he doing with the article?

He’s changing it.
What did the man mean?

65) What kind of oil should be use?

I like light one.
What did the man mean about the oil?

66) Is Lieutenant Cock a good speaker?

Well, she speaks with great precision.
What does the woman say about the Lieutenant?

(Precision means loud and clear)

67) Why did you want to buy that sofa?

Because it is comfortable.
What did the woman say about the sofa?

68) Why is she so sad?

Everywhere she goes, people laugh at her.
Where do people laugh at the woman?
69) What is you city famous for.
It’s a seaport.
What is his city?

70) What’s the matter?

That man tried to grab my pocket book.
What had happened?

71) I hear that Major Roy is joining you.

Yes, can you tell me his characteristics?
What does the man want to know about Major Roy?

(Characteristics means what kind of person)

72) Do you like Professor Lox lectures?

Yes, he expresses himself very well.
What did the woman say about Professor Lox?

(Expresses means how he talks)

73) Harry, will you please switch on the light.

Certainly Linda, I would be glad to.
What will Harry do?

74) Who is going to serve the food?

Lee is.
What will Lee do?

75) Did John knock?

Yes, he knocked three or four times.
What was John trying to do?

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