Invisible Handsv1.3English

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Version 1.

True Power lies in the Imagination of the Mind

Instructions between brackets are always information for the DM to read. Text in this
colour must be read to the Heroes, at the right moment. Whatever the DM does with the
information between brackets (tell it to the heroes or keep it to himself), is up to him/her
to decide. Introductions, epilogues and interludes are, of course, read to the Heroes.

Always study a mission up front, to avoid misapprehensions. Every mission has a lot of
text and explanation, and it is easy to forget something essential now and then.

Every mission has a wandering monster (if the Heroes rest or look for traps). Other
information is: quest xp (the amount of experience the Heroes can earn when completing
a quest), monster xp (the amount of xp that all monsters are worth, in total, excluding the
wandering monsters), trap xp (the amount of xp you can earn if the Heroes find and
disable every trap in the level) and the total xp (sum of preceding three). Wandering
monsters, healing… can add to this total, but it is important for the DM to have the xp of
each monster at hand in order so the game does not slow down.

Every room/corridor of importance has a room number (bold red) which is explained at
the bottom of the instructions of the level. Also mentioned in these instructions are the
relevant monsters in the room.

Important abbreviations: AC (armour class), HP (hit points), SP (spell points) XP

(experience points).

All tiles (for use in the levels) can be found in the complete downloadable package.

Because this campaign has to follow a rigid story, there is a certain limitation to the
freedom of choice of Heroes. We use a system of slots. There are four slots that are
filled with one Hero each. For every slot you have a choice between some Heroes.

Slot 1: Regdar, Morkahn, Turdek, Soveliss (Fighter Slot)

Slot 2: Mialee (Mage Slot)
Slot 3: Lidda, Soveliss (Thief Slot)
Slot 4: Jozan, Soveliss (Priest Slot)

In other words, Mialee is one of the four Heroes that have to join the game. The other
three slots pose a choice. E.g., if you chose Soveliss for slot 1, you automatically play
with the combination of: Soveliss, Mialee, Lidda, and Jozan. This guarantees a certain
balance in the group. It is very important that these slots are filled at the start of the
campaign, because the story uses these slots (we use classes to determine who says what
in conversations).
There are different kinds of traps. All traps that require dice throwing are traps that
damage you (exceptions: star die), AC is ignored in these cases. All manner of Dart
Traps belong to this category. We explain a few traps here, which are used in the
campaign, but might be confusing at first sight (only use these instructions if you have
trouble understanding a trap explained in the missions):
 Charm Trap (Mission 8): DM controls Hero for one turn (his next, because this
Hero’s turn ends when stepping into the trap) during the turn of the Hero (not
during the turn of the DM) and the player who normally controls the Hero has to
wait a turn to regain control.
 Ice Patch (Mission 9): Hero must skip a turn and is unconscious. This means that
monsters will only attack him when they have no other choice (see player’s
guide), and the AC of the Hero drops by 2.
 Trap of Hopelessness (Mission 10, Mission 15): Penalty attack -2 for struck Hero
until the next monster dies. It does not matter who kills the next monster, or
where and which monster.
 Acid Trap (Mission 12): this works like an attack from a cave spider, only this
time the AC is ignored and the Hero suffers amount of thrown ‘swords’ as
 Confusion Trap (Mission 13, Mission 14): The Hero has to throw a star die every
turn, until no star is thrown, then the influence of the trap is stopped. For every
turn the Hero does throw a star, he must attack the nearest Hero with the weapon
he carries and his turn is immediately ended.
 Incineration Trap (Mission 15): this works like an attack from a king spider. This
is a stronger version of the acid trap.
 Balor Life Trap, Morcar Mana Trap (Mission 16): Both enemies start at a
standard level (which you can find on the monster cards). By stepping into these
traps, their strength grows (always write the current HP and SP down) up to an
upper limit of 25HP for the Balor and 20 SP for Morcar.

What do you need to play this Campaign?

1. Dungeons and Dragons Board Game
2. Heroquest Board Game
3. Optional: Heroquest Expansion Sets (Wizards of Morcar!)
4. Extra Cards and Tiles (included in the full package of this campaign)
5. D6, D10, D20 (for treasure lists)
6. Game Rulebook (included in full package): Player’s Guide, DM Guide,
Treasure Lists, Shoplists & Item List, Monster Manual, Character Sheet,
Magic Sheet, Monster Sheet and, of course, this Campaign Guide.
Level 1 Adventure 1: The Raid
(Board 9 and Tavern.jpg)

(I)(Fighter) and (II)(Mage) return from their escort-mission. They had to protect a trade caravan and
had to beat off two attacks by goblins. After completing this dreadful task, they both looked forward
to a visit to their favourite tavern in Capellos. But at a stone’s throw from the tavern, the
adventurers spot the corpse of the innkeeper. This can only mean one thing: trouble.
(III)(Priest) en (IV)(Thief), wake up from sounds of battle in the distance. Is there native village of
Capellos in danger? The two get their equipment in a hurry, and run towards the sounds. This could
be their very first real fight!

Room 1: The 4 adventurers meet. They see 2 monsters (DM: gremlin and goblin scout) bent over a dead
body…and eating from it!
Room 2: Your suspicions have been confirmed. The goblins have made their way into the tavern. (DM: 2 Goblins)
Room 3: The tavern is pure chaos. Battered tables and chairs are spread out on the floor and there are corpses
everywhere. The Goblins are being lead by an Orc, but is he really the biggest threat? (DM: 1 Orc, 1 Gremlin, 1
Goblin Archer. (Use a Heroquest table and chair in pieces to illustrate the chaos and put it in the room, Heroes
may run over them, but can not end their turn on top of broken furniture)

Amidst the corpses you can spot several royal soldiers. One of them seems to be alive and he tells you
that they were on a mission for the king. A group of Goblins, lead by a few Orcs, are contemplating
an assault on the king. The soldiers were sent to kill these interlopers. (Priest) sees that the soldier’s
wounds are mortal. The four Heroes realize that the task of the soldiers is now theirs. They have to
destroy this band of cutthroats before they succeed in murdering the king. The adventurers decide to
join forces to conquer this evil and journey towards the hideout of the Orcs.
Level 1 Adventure 2: King’s Fist
(Board 3 en 7)

Following the instructions of the deceased soldier, the adventurers arrive at something that can only
be called a hut. (Thief) finds a hatch in the floor upon closer inspection. A staircase leads to the
basement, where they find a wooden door. Sounds seem to emanate from behind it. (Thief) tries to
listen what is being said. ‘They’re gremlins’, he/she says, ‘and they appear to be discussing how they
are going to cook the king, when Gral has killed him. Gral...that must be their leader. But...they are
coming this way.’ Time for action.

Room 1: The Gremlins are prepared (DM receives initiative card 2) (DM: 2 Gremlins)
Room 2: (see room 6 for instructions to opening the door to room 6)
Room 3: This is the supply room (The first Hero, who searches here and throws an ‘eye’, will find 30 gold pieces)
Room 4: In the distance you can hear voices of Orcs (DM: 1 Gremlin, 1 Goblin, 1 Goblin Archer)
Room 5: Here you can find Gral and his companions (DM: 2 Orcs and 1 Orc Lieutenant)
Room 6: To open this door, you have to use your mind, this costs 2 SP. (The Hero who opened the door receives
initiative card 5 in the new room because he/she has to recover from the mental effort). (DM: 1 Skeleton)

Gral lies dead at your feet. His treasures are made your own. The Heroes decide to request an
audience with the king to tell him the good news of the quashed assault.
Interlude: Slap in the Face

King Vandros of Rallion leans back in his throne. ‘So you have foiled a possible assassination attempt
on my life, now my own soldiers have been killed. I believe I owe you a great deal. I could propose
that you, for as long as you want, are my guests in my palace. But isn’t that exactly what you are
trying to achieve? How foolish do you bastards think I am? To tell me that you have done a Hero’s
act, without any witnesses to confirm your story. Even more, all my soldiers entrusted with the
mission are dead, and that is in your advantage, isn’t it? Idiots! What keeps me from thinking you
are the cause of death of my soldiers and that you are in league with the Goblins? You are mercenaries
of Morcar, sent to gain my trust and kill me in my own palace. The only reason I’m not executing you
on the spot, is lack of evidence. All four of you are immediately banished from the kingdom of Rallion,
on penalty of death. I don’t want to see you anymore and if I ever do, it will be on the long end of a

The adventurers leave the palace defeated. Banished from their homeland, it’s incomprehensible, let
alone the injustice!

‘My masters would like to have a word with you’

In front of them, there is a messenger carrying a document with the seal of the kingdom. ‘The king has
just banished us, so I doubt it, messenger’, replies (Fighter).

‘I serve not the king; I am under command of the Council of Mages

‘The what now?’ asks (Fighter)

It is (Mage) who responds: ‘A secretive council of the four most powerful mages of the Kingdom, I
never thought they actually existed. The legendary Council of Mages, it seemed rumour and wild
imagination to me. ‘

(Priest) opens the document and read it:

No doubt Vandros has banished you by now, if he was not so foolish as to chop your heads right off.
Follow the messenger; he will lead you to Eagle’s Reach, the home of the Council. Destroy this
Tangrin, Master of Eagle’s Reach.

(Mage) whispers soundless words and the dry paper in (Priest’s) hands catches on fire. Hypnotised,
the adventurers look at the slowly disintegrating paper. A few nervous looks from palace guards
encourages a quick departure towards a council that does not exist, lead by mages of whom no man
has ever heard.

The journey takes three days and the adventurers get to know each other a little better. Soon enough
they learn that (Mage) can not cook, (Fighter) prefers sitting while peeing, (Thief) is near-sighted and
(Priest) has some female traits. Each one convinced that he is coolest of the group, they arrive at
Eagle’s Reach, an impressive stronghold, built in the rocks of a ravine. ‘No wonder no one knows the
secret, you can only see the castle when you lean into to ravine so far, you fall in it’, jokes (Thief). The
risen tension has reached such a level that jokes are no longer appreciated.

The adventurers are being led through small corridors, and at every thirty passes there is a torch, as a
beacon in the blackness between. Here and there a Minogon stands on guard: mechanical guards, who
look incredibly frightening. Nervous by the lack of view, they all have their weapons in their hands,
ready to beat off an imaginary ambush. At last, they arrive in a big room that is, without a doubt, a
study or library. The adventurers are able to relax a bit again. In the centre of the room there is a
table with a map of the kingdom. It’s the only point of order in a room full of chaos, or so it seems: on
the other tables are piles of documents and bookcases are filled with books that emanate power that
even (Fighter) can feel.

‘I will go get my master, you can wait here’, says the messenger.
After an hour the adventures hear voices approaching. Four mages enter the room, loudly bickering.
When they see their guests, the conversation ends abruptly. The two parties assess each other, until
one of the mages speaks.
‘Greetings, future Heroes, my name is Tangrin, I am glad our message reached you. These are my
colleagues: Fenya, specialized in tribal magic, Manus, specialized in necromancy and Bentor,
specialized in time magic. My own speciality are the elements, in case you were wondering’, he glazes
at (Mage). ‘Let our appearance not deceive you, we are four of the five most powerful people in the
Kingdom. The fifth is Morcar, grand master in necromancy and former mentor of Manus, until he
turned to evil.’

‘Aren’t you forgetting the king?’ says (Priest). Tangrin looks hurt. ‘The king can’t wipe his own arse
without our permission. We are the invisible hand behind the puppet show called a monarchy, all to
keep to simple people at ease. Most people think that mages only cause trouble, so we choose to reveal
our identity to very few people. You are probably wondering: why you? Well, the answer is very
simple, we intent to use you. Our position forces us to hide ourselves from prying eyes and that is why
we need men like you to stick their necks out. Those who are in it for glory, money or the kindness of
their hearts, I can assure you: you will be famous, rich and loved. To the people, you will be, if you’re
not killed by a Goblin, the Heroes that will have freed the land of Orcs and other vermin. To us, you
will just be a means to reaching our goal: the destruction of Morcar. You have already crossed him by
killing his band of murderers, but that was just the first, small step. His intentions are to create chaos
by killing the king, which gave him the possibility to seize the artefacts of power. He will not give up
after a first attempt, en that is why we, or actually you, will have to do something about it. You four
will have to find these artefacts before Morcar does. Fail and you will die, by Morcar’s hand or ours
doesn’t matter much to me. We cannot leave this stronghold without Morcar’s spies finding us, and
that would mean certain death for the Kingdom. Morcar must be stopped, and that is why you have
to leave immediately, towards Pallandium, where you will find the first artefact, the Eye of Mulak.
Level 1 Adventure 3: The Eye of Mulak
(Board 1,3 en 5, SwordRoom.jpg)

The Heroes find their destination easily thanks to the detailed instructions of the Mages. Quickly they
find the cave that houses the Eye. ‘It is strange we have not heard a sound in the last hour, like the
animals themselves avoid this place, we must be careful’, says (Thief). Without hesitating but
cautiously they enter the cave, darkness surrounds them and they have to light a torch so as not to get
lost in the impressive labyrinth of caves. After a while they discover a simple door in one the side
caverns. ‘This must be it, here we will find the Eye, says (Mage) to her companions, ‘now it is going
to get dangerous!’

Room 1: (DM: 2 Goblins)

Room 2: (*) There are markings on the door: Do not disturb the Dead, or join them (DM: 1 Goblin, 2 Gremlins)
Room 3: The dead have awoken by entering the sanctuary: (They receive initiative card 5 because of their slow
nature) (DM: 4 Zombies, 1 Skeleton)
Room 4: You have entered a hornet’s nest, or to be more specific, a spider’s web (DM: 8 Cave Spiders)
Room 5: One of the skeletons used to be a powerful warrior (he receives +1 Attack) (DM: 2 Skeletons)
Room 6: (DM: 1 Skeleton)
Room 7: How these monsters got here, is a mystery, but seemed busy inspecting the walls, before you entered the
room. (DM: 1 Gnoll, 1 Bugbear)
Room 8: This zombie will not step away from the statue behind him (The zombie never moves) (DM: 1 Zombie, 1
Skeleton Warrior).

Upon closer inspection of the statue, the adventurers find a blood red gem in the socket of the right
eye. Whose image it is, is unknown, but the Heroes have found the Eye of Mulak. Satisfied about
their mission, the Heroes return to the stronghold of the Mages.
Interlude: Silanters Legacy

At the entrance of the Mage’s Stronghold they find Bentor. ‘I thought you’d succeed, maybe this
mission is not doomed to fail after all. You have proven yourselves and I believe you’re entitled to
some more information regarding Morcar. I do not like to speak of this in Manus’ presence because he
still has trouble with the betrayal of his master, so long ago. No doubt you’ve heard the stories of the
war thirty years ago, between Morcar and the former king: Silanter. Morcar planned a coup, believing
to be a better ruler than Silanter, but he failed. Even more, during his attempt Morcar’s wife Emelia
was killed en since then he is no longer possessed by lust for power, but lust for murder. Even though
he casted a terrible spell causing Silanter’s, power stayed within the Andrach dynasty. Silanter’s son,
Vandros now resides the throne and his hatred for Morcar is equal to the hatred Morcar feels for
anything that is of the Andrach dynasty. Vandros’ inexperience could have meant dark times for the
Kingdom, because an attack of Morcar could have wiped the land of the face of the earth any moment.
It is in those times that our council was created: the four most powerful Mages gathered for the time
to ensure the future of the Kingdom. In normal circumstances, Morcar would have seated in the
council, but now his apprentice was obliged to. We have tested him and we found him free of
Morcar’s taint. When an immediate attack did not occur, we studied why this did not happen, and
only a few months ago we found a manuscript in which the location of three artefacts of power was
described. Possession of these artefacts means infinite power and that is what Morcar wants, the
power to destroy everything and everyone, just to avenge his wife. In his blind rage he has made a
fatal error: he tried to assassinate the king before finding the artefacts. But now his eye is focused on
the artefacts. He must not acquire all three of them, and that’s why we’ve decided it would be safer
to find as many as we can, so we can, if have all three of them, destroy them. I have wasted enough
time, here are the instructions to find the second artefact: the Helmet of Draconis. Hurry, because
Morcar has already sent his Gnolls to find the Helmet. We will guard the Eye of Mulak, do not
worry, the four of us have enough power to keep Morcar from entering our stronghold.
Level 1 Adventure 4: The Helmet of Draconis
(Board 2,4 en 6, dungeonentrance.jpg)

The Heroes start their search for the infamous helmet and find, without any trouble, the small temple
in which, according to the legends, the helmet is hidden. (Fighter) reminds his friends to what the
traveller, they had encountered the last day, had said. ‘He clearly saw a group of Gnolls led by a
lizard like creature. I think they are also looking for the temple, but they have a day head start. They
are not just going to give it to us. Speaking of which, that must be the entry’, he says, while pointing
to a gap in the rocky outer wall of the temple.

Room 1: In the middle of the square there is a druid altar. Dried blood at the base proves that it is still used
for sacrifices. Three Storm Vermin are busy worshipping the altar. (They receive initiative card 4) (DM: 3 Storm
Vermin) Note: The fimir is not present yet.
Room 2: Inside the temple there are three Kuo-Toas. These fishlike creatures are very rare and come from the
ocean. How they got here, is a mystery. (DM: 3 Kuo-Toas)
Room 3: The walls are painted with bright coloured letters who warn trespassers for the terrible fate they will
suffer. (DM: 1 Gnoll, 1 Bugbear)
Room 4: This is the main force of the Gnolls that are looking for the helmet. On the ground there is a fourth
Gnoll whose life seems sucked out of him. This place is, without a doubt, very dangerous. (DM: 2 Gnolls, 1
Gnoll Leader)
Room 5: Inside the room there is a Mummy. He looks almost completely decayed, but something seems to have
strengthened him. All of the sudden you remember the dead Gnoll in the corridor, and you realize the Gnolls
were not looking for the Helmet, they were fleeing this place. (DM: 1 Skeleton Warrior, 1 Mummy, this Mummy
has the special ability to gain 1 HP whenever he takes 2 HP from a Hero in one attack). When the Heroes have
defeated the monsters, they see writing on the side of the tomb: ‘The Helmet is where the Bloodthirsty Gods
Room 1 Revisited: (*) When the Heroes realize that the Helmet is within the altar, they encounter a new threat:
the lizard creature. He also knows the location. (DM: 1 Fimir).

Note: by exception, there is no shop available after this mission, tell the Heroes this when
the mission is finished. (This is the only mission without a shop)

After defeating the Fimir, the Heroes search the altar and find a secret compartment in the base of the
altar and in it, they find the Helmet of Draconis. The second artefact is in safety. Nevertheless,
that’s how it seemed. Shortly after finding the artefact, the Heroes are surprised by a battalion of
soldiers in full combat outfit. Thirty men against four is hopeless and the Heroes realize that this is a
lost battle. The captain of the battalion looks disapproving and shouts: ‘You have been suspected of
treason by the king himself. The theft of one of the symbols of the royal dynasties is penalized by
death. You have no right to a trial and will be brought to the king with no further delay. Pray he
will show you mercy.’
Interlude: Judge, Jury and Executioner

The throne room is filled with soldiers. The four Heroes are bonded and on their knees in front of an
angry king. ‘How dare you? You have not only ignored my banishment, but you have also had the
audacity to try to steal one of the most sacred objects of the Kingdom. The Helmet of Draconis is the
symbol of the Draconis dynasty: one of the three dynasties that ever existed in this land. I suspect you
are also responsible for the theft of the Eye of Mulak, of the Mulak dynasty. How you discovered the
existence of these artefacts, I’ll never know. The secret is only known to the royal family. I know
your sort well enough to know that you will not confess your plans and where you have hidden the
Eye. But believe me, we have ways of obtaining that information. And think about it, the faster you
confess, the faster the redemption of death will come…no man shall miss you. Enjoy the hospitality
of the torturer!’
Level 2 Adventure 1: Escape
(Board HQ)

‘Well, at least the first artefact is in safety’, says (Fighter) in a weak attempt to lighten the mood.
‘The king is going to regret this’, snaps (Thief). ‘Hnh, (Thief), I don’t think we can make him regret,
we are locked in a cell without any equipment’, remarks (Fighter). ‘You idiot, your brains are as slow
as your sword, do you not realize that if the king keeps one of the artefacts in his palace, he is inviting
Morcar to pay him a visit?’, yells (Thief). ‘What can we do about it?’ asks (Fighter). ‘A lot, mumbles
(Mage), like this for example.’ The door suddenly unlocks with a loud click. ‘Soldiers always
underestimate mages’, says (Mage). ‘That is because they are as stupid as (Fighter)’, remarks (Thief).
‘Our equipment is very close, I can feel my spell book. Let us find our equipment immediately and
escape from this place’, says (Mage).

(Note: The blue door on the far left is the exit to the next mission, but the Heroes must find the key first. The
black doors cannot be opened)
Start: The Heroes start with one short sword and one balanced throwing dagger (so two Heroes have no weapons,
they cannot attack). Spells are not allowed, except for the priest. If they find their own equipment, they can
keep these two weapons.
Room 1: A Gremlin is guarding the chest behind him with an unknown fury, which makes him vulnerable (he
receives +1 attack and -1 AC) When the Heroes open the chest, they find their equipment: all weapons, artefacts,
potions, spells and books. (DM: 1 Gremlin)
Corridors: In the corridors you can hear the sounds of squeaking hinges…Minogons: magical, metal guards. The
door on the far left cannot be opened without a key. (DM: 2 Minogons)
Room 2: The Interrogation Room. No one to see, except a dead, unfortunate Goblin on the torturing table.
Room 3: A mouldy cell filled with creatures waiting for imminent death. (DM: 1 Bugbear, 1 Gnoll, 1 Goblin, 1
Goblin Scout)
Room 4: The Execution Room. The Heroes barge in on an execution of an Ogre. The Ogre is still alive but has
only 3 HP left (but he is still worth 130 xp) and will fight on the side of the Heroes against the Minogon. When
the Minogon is killed and the Ogre is still alive, he will turn on the Heroes (only tell the Heroes this when the
Minogon is dead) (DM: 1 Ogre, 1 Minogon)
Room 5: This room is a hidden room to look at the executions. In the corner there is a little table with all sorts
of delicacies to make the waiting for the show bearable.
Room 6: This room is locked with a rusty and worn out padlock. There is a sign on the door: no entrance. If
the Heroes insist on opening this door, they will have to break in by throwing a D20. If they throw less than
their starting HP, the door breaks open, if not, the Hero loses 1 HP from bashing the door. (DM: 4 King Spiders,
1 Ooze, 1 Man Scorpion)
Room 7: A servant room (DM: 1 Minogon)
Room 8: In this chest the Heroes find the schematics of the palace and the key for the door to the basement. Give
them the map and the key.
Room 9: The Kitchen
Room 10: The supply room.
Schematic map of the Palace (print this and cut it out). This map can be found in Room 8:
The only way out of the palace seems to be to go deeper into it. This does not bode well, but there is
little choice. The Heroes end up in the basement of the palace.
Level 2: Adventure 2: Into the Depths of Hell
(Board HQ, Stairway-3-steps_1.jpg, Stairway-5-steps_1.jpg)

A dead end. The basement is damped. Completely empty. There has to be a reason why it was locked
so well. Closer inspection might bring answers.

Room 1: (DM: 2 Goblins, 1 Goblin Scout)

Room 2: These Ogres are on guard (they receive initiative card 2) (DM: 2 Ogres)
Room 3: (DM: 1 Orc Lieutenant)
Room 4: (DM: 1 Orc, 1 Orc Shaman, 1 Orc Corporal)
Room 5: (DM: 2 Carrion Crawlers)
Room 6: The door to room 7 is very old and sturdy. (The Heroes can only open it with attack of 4 or more)
Room 7: (DM: 3 Zombies, 1 Zombie of Stone)
Room 8: A chain of rooms are connected by a long staircase down. (DM: 2 Skeletons, 1 Zombies of Earth, 2
Oozes, 2 Zombies)
Room 9: As for as the eye can reach, you can only see steps and more steps, deeper underground. Where will
this end? (Note: the last step on the right top of the map is the exit in this mission, reach this square to
accomplish the mission) (DM: 1 Skeleton, 1 Skeleton Warrior)

The stairs are just the beginning. As far as the eye can see into the deep, the stairs go on, without end.
Level 2 Adventure 3: New doors, same faces
(Board HQ + 8, Inner Sanctum_1.gif)

After what seemed to be an endless set of stairs, the Heroes are half a mile underground. Suddenly the
staircase stops. A black door marks a new part of the ‘basement’. Words are written on it in blood,
almost illegible. The Heroes can discern a few words: ‘those four...revenge...will live again.’ Turning
back is no option, so whatever is behind the door, will have to stand aside or die.
Room 1: This Ogre is searching for a way to open the chest. (DM: because this monster is distracted, he must
trade initiative cards with the Hero who was supposed to be after the DM. So, basically, it’s your initiative
card +1) (DM: 1 Ogre)
Room 2: (DM: 1 Goblin, 1 Goblin Scout, 1 Goblin Archer)
Room 3: (DM: 8 Cave Spiders)
Room 4: These two monsters are caught up in a struggle between each other. (DM: The two monsters ignore the
Heroes and attack each other, until either one of them dies, and then the other will attack the Heroes. If a Hero
chooses to attack a monster and if both monsters are still alive, the attacked monster will attack the Heroes
now, the second will still attack the first until it dies. If the Heroes attack both monsters, they will cooperate
against the Heroes. (DM: 1 Carrion Crawler, 1 Gremlin)
Room 5: (DM: 2 Skeleton Warriors)
Room 6: When the Heroes set foot in this room, the Wraith on the other side of the room will scream a shrill
sound, which makes the Heroes hesitate. (DM: After the first Hero has crossed the first square of the room, they
will petrify en the 3 Skeletons can immediately move and attack. In other words, the Heroes must skip a turn,
but only the Skeletons may be used in that turn. The Hero who entered the room can start his new turn after the
Skeleton attack. The Wraith attacks normally from now on. (DM: 3 Skeletons, 1 Wraith)
Room 7: (DM: 1 Fimir)
Room 8: (DM: 3 Censer Plagues)
Room 9: (DM: 1 Man Scorpion)
Room 10: (DM: 2 Mummies, 1 Zombie of Stone)
Room 11: (DM: When the Heroes open the door to Room 12 and the text for this room has been read to the Heroes,
the Rock tiles on both sides of Room 11 disappear and free the monsters behind it) (DM: 8 King Spiders, 2
Skeletons, 2 Zombies). Do not put these monsters on the game board before the door to Room 12 has been opened.

Room 12: The Heroes see an enemy of legends old: Necrotis. Although he has been severely weakened by his last
encounter with the legendary Heroes of Rallion fifty years ago, he has survived. His eyes burn with anger and
hatred: ‘You’, he screams, ‘destroy them, my slaves, they are my assassins, come back to kill me once again!’
No time to explain he has got the wrong Heroes… (DM: 1 Lich Acolyte)

The Heroes have defeated Necrotis, again. After searching through the sanctuary, the Heroes find a
lever. Pulling it opens a door in the room. When the Heroes look through it they see a well lit
hallway with nothing else than stairs up. After climbing the stairs for a long time, the Heroes finally
see daylight. ‘Did we escape?’ asks (Fighter).
Level 2: Adventure 4: Long live the King
(Board HQ, 4 and 9, treasure2.jpg, Throne.jpg, fount.jpg, Carpet_1.jpg)
‘I do not think so’, answers (Thief), ‘I’m afraid we are stuck in the royal gardens. And the only way
out is through the palace. We are not there yet, not by a long shot.’

(The black doors are the closed door of the fifth mission, there is no way to open them, they just illustrate the
presence of the other part of the palace already completed)

Room 1: Sounds of battle emanate from the palace: the palace is under attack and the enemy has already
breached the defences. (DM: 1 Orc Corporal, 1 Orc, 1 Ogre, 1 Bugbear, 1 Goblin Archer)
Room 2: (DM: 1 Gnoll)
Corridor 3: (DM: 1 Orc, 1 Goblin Scout)
Corridor 4: (DM: 1 Orc)
Corridor 5: Big boulders have made the Front Gate unreachable: the Gate has collapsed. The Heroes will have to
find another way out. (DM: 1 Orc)
Corridor 6: The Orcs are fighting a Minogon. They turn around and focus on the Heroes, now cooperating with
the Minogon to face the new, greater threat. (The DM receives initiative card 5: exchange it with the player who
has this card) (DM: 2 Orcs, 1 Minogon)
Corridor 7: The double door to the exit is locked, you will have to find a key. (DM: 1 Ogre)
Room 8: (DM: 2 Goblins)
Room 9: (DM: 3 Gremlins)
Room 10: (DM: 1 Orc, 1 Orc Lieutenant)
Room 11: (DM: 1 Orc)
Room 12: (DM: 3 Gnolls, 1 Gnoll Leader)
Room 13: (DM: 2 Goblins)
Room 14: The secret treasure room of the palace (DM: 1 Fimir)

Room 15: (The three doors to the throne room open simultaneously). Inside there is a Troll with bodyguards
bent over the body of the King. The Troll turns around and sees the Heroes. His fangs appear by a terrible sneer:
‘This is convenient, you are still alive, I will enjoy this!’ (When the Troll is defeated) The Heroes find the key
of the East Gate on the body of the Troll. The King lies in a pool of his own blood, his last words can barely be
heard: ‘Morcar…stolen…artefacts…’ (DM: 1 Troll, 2 Bugbears)

The chaos of the attack renders the Heroes the possibility to escape. The battle for the artefacts is long
from over, Morcar has at least one. Now the King is dead, the Heroes only have one possibility;
return to the Mages to obtain the location of the third artefact in hopes it is not too late to find it.
Interlude: Stalemate

Halfway between the palace and the Mage’s stronghold, the Heroes encounter the messenger of the
Council. ‘No time to lose’, he gasps, ‘read and go.’ The messenger turns around and runs back to
where he came from. (Priest) opens the parchment and reads it out loud.

The worst that was possibly imaginable has happened. Morcar has obtained one of the artefacts by a
direct assault on the palace. Who had thought his army was large enough for such an attack. We
have a stalemate on our hands. The one who finds the last artefact will have the advantage in the
coming struggle. You will have the cross the icy planes of the North and pass the Palace of Terror to
find the third artefact. Let us hope you will succeed…

Tangrin, Master of Eagle’s Reach

Level 3: Adventure 1: Living Ice
(Board 1,3,7 en 9, Scepter room_1.gif, Treasure room_1.gif, Ice crevasse_1.gif, Ice vault
2x3_1.gif, Ice vault 3x4_1.gif, Icy river_1.gif (2x), Living fog_1.gif, Ice crevasse 2_1.gif, Frozen
crypt_1.gif, Cage room_1.gif, Seat of power room_1.gif)

The Heroes are in front of a gigantic glacier. ‘Going around would surely take a week, we’ll have to
go through it. I have heard that the glacier is infested with caves. To reach the other side, we will
have to go through the Palace of Terror, where, according to legend, a terrible monster with a skin of
ice lives.’ The others look at the way ahead like they did not even hear what (Mage) said. (Priest)
breaks the silence with a cynical sneer: ‘Shall we?’

Room 1: The surface is covered with ice which hinders movement (-1 Movement in the room) (DM: 2 Bugbears)
Room 2: The surface is covered with ice which hinders movement (-1 Movement in the room) (DM: 1Troll)
Room 3: (DM: 1 Goblin Archer, 1 Orc Lieutenant)
Room 4: This is the treasury of the Ice Palace. The surface is covered with ice which hinders movement (-1
Movement in the room)
Room 5: (DM: 1 Carrion Crawler, 1 Ooze)
Room 6: (DM: 1 Ogre, 4 King Spiders)
Room 7: The monsters are trapped inside the cage. Despite their attempts to break free, the bars hold. The surface
is covered with ice which hinders movement (-1 Movement in the room) (DM: 1 Ogre, 1 Censer Plague, 1 Goblin,
1 Ooze)
Room 8: When opening the door (one of those to Room 8) you hear a rattling of chains. (The monsters in
Room 7 have been released by the mechanism in the doors and they will cooperate with the monsters in Room
8)(DM: 2 Gnolls, 1 Gnoll Leader)
Room 9: A strange, hideous mist covers a part of this room. (Every time a Hero ends his turn in this mist he
will lose 1 HP, the mist does not affect monsters) (DM: 1 Troll)
Room 10: (The doors to the next room (Room 11) open as soon as the Minotaur is defeated, there is no
possibility to rest. Cards of initiative are redistributed and the text of Room 11 is read out loud) (DM: 1
Gremlin, 1 Goblin, 1 Minotaur)
Room 11: The Throne Room. Whose throne this once was, is a mystery, but the room is now inhabited by a
fearful opponent. The surface is covered with ice which hinders movement (-1 Movement in the room) (DM: 1
Frozen Horror)

A small hallway in the back of the Throne Room takes the Heroes deeper into the glacier. After a
couple of hours walking, they are in an oasis of grass between jagged rock cliffs. ‘This place has
something magical, but still it gives me a feeling of unease’, says (Fighter). The small plane of grass
leads to a building that looks more like a villa instead of a temple. ‘The third artefact must be here.’
Although (Mage) speaks in a determined manner, the others notice a change, almost as if she knows or
suspect that there is something wrong.
Level 3: Adventure 2: Morcar’s Fate
(Board 2, 4, 7, 9, the_tomb.jpg, Stairway-5-steps_1.jpg, Stairway-3-steps_1.jpg)

The small plane of grass leads to a building, which looks more like a villa instead of a temple. ‘The
third artefact must be here.’ Although (Mage) speaks in a determined manner, the others notice a
change, almost as if she knows or suspect that there is something wrong.
Room 1: (DM: 3 Gnolls, 1 Gnoll Leader, 1 Goblin)
Room 2: On the door to the next room (Room 3) there are visible marks of violence. The Orcs tried, and failed,
to get in. (Note: If a Hero still tries to open this door, let him throw a star die. The door opens, no matter the
throw, but if the Hero throws a star, he loses his weapon because he bashed it broken on the door) (DM: 1 Orc, 1
Orc Lieutenant, 1 Orc Shaman)
Room 3: (DM: 3 Skeletons, 1 Skeleton Warrior)
Room 4: (DM: 2 Skeletons, 2 Skeleton Warriors)
Room 5: (DM: 2 Mummies)
Room 6: (DM: 2 Zombies, 2 Zombies of Stone, 1 Zombie of Earth)
Room 7: (DM: 1 Mummy, 1 Mummy Brute, 1 Skeleton)
Room 8: These Wraiths are guards who died of starvation. Their spirits endured and remain on guard to stop
intruders. (DM: 2 Wraiths)
Room 9: The Stairs lead to a tomb. (DM: 2 Wights)

Instructions for the stairs and Room 9. A staircase can be constructed with the stair tiles of Kellar’s
Dungeons (HQ) (or use the tiles of the downloadable package) and with two pillars (D&D). First you put a
normal stair tile, then a pillar on its back to support a higher stair tile and then a straight pillar to support
one end of the longer stair tile. The other end is supported by the tomb tile (Room 9). The tomb tile itself
is supported by four pillars in Room 7 (on the same spot that the map of the mission suggests. Try to build
this once before playing the mission. During the game, construct the staircase when the door to the stairs is
Two tombs fill the room. On top of the first tomb there is a name engraved: ‘Emelia’. ‘Strange,
wasn’t that the name of Morcar’s Wife?’ asks (Priest). ‘If this is the place where the third artefact is
supposed to be, then Morcar must have had it for a long time. The artefacts stayed put for centuries.
So it had to be here when Morcar build the tomb for his wife.’ ‘Maybe it’s under the temple?’
proposes (Fighter). ‘Unlikely’, (Priest) answers, ‘even if Morcar did not know it was here, he must
have felt it. I only see two possibilities: either Morcar has it, or the third artefact was never here.’
‘But we have found the place the Mages told us to go’, (Fighter) lifts his shoulders, ‘what does this
mean?’ ‘I think, the Mages were wrong, or lead us astray on purpose.’ But why would they do that’,
asks (Fighter), who clearly had trouble understanding the consequences of this finding.

‘I don’t know if this fits in the picture’, intervenes (Thief), ‘but I think you should take a look at the
second tomb.’ The three others joined (Thief) around the tomb. A silence fills the room. On the second
tomb there is a name, known to them all, the name of the one this was all about: Morcar. ‘He
is…dead? But why look for the artefacts then? And where did the attack on the king come from?
Who killed the King? (Fighter) was clearly shocked. ‘One thing is clear, someone is trying to use
Morcar’s name to infuse fear, but who? And it’s very strange that the Mages’ directions lead us to
this place. We have to go back and ask the Mages if they know what the meaning of all of this is. I
don’t think we can trust anyone outside the four of us, something is very wrong.’ (Thief’s) logic made
sense to the others. Carefulness and trust was more important than ever.
Level 3: Adventure 3: Ambush
(Board 4 and 9, DenseForest.jpg, PatchyForest2.jpg, longchasm.jpg, ForestTrail.jpg,
DruidAltar.jpg, Fenya.jpg)

The Heroes have left the valley and the Palace of Terror behind them. The warmer climate of the more
southern areas does not cheer up the Heroes, however. Questions race through their minds, there is no
logic in the recent events. But sounds in the forest shift their attention to the present. Orcs are in the
area and by the sounds of it, there are many. The Heroes sneak into an abandoned cottage and (Thief)
sneaks around to scout the area. If he/she returns, he/she reports: ‘This is the best spot for an ambush
I have ever seen. No escape route for us and plenty for them. If it goes wrong, odds are that they
escape before we know who are what sent them. There are also a couple of the in the forest nearby,
they are almost invisible. This is going to be difficult. There is also a shred of good news. I overheard
two Orcs talking about their master. I think he is nearby. If we can break through their lines we
might get to him. But they are expecting us. Those same two Orcs were also talking about the victims
for their ambush and, my friends, they are after us. This is the only way to reach the Council, so we
have to go through it, no choice here. But at least they lost the advantage of a surprise attack.’ ‘This
quest is getting better by the second’, sighs (Priest), ‘all right, to the butcher’s work then. We have to
know who is behind this.’
(This mission is divided into three parts (A, B, C). They have to be completed in the
right order en the Heroes go to the next part when they have completed the objective in
each part and they want to continue to then next part of the mission)

Part A: (all 3 boards are seen as separate rooms, by entering the forest for example, the monsters are visible for
that board and cards of initiative are redistributed
Goal: Beat off the ambush (you do this by killing half of the monsters in Part A)
Room 1: This is not a ragged band of Orcs, they were expecting the Heroes. (DM: 5 Orcs, 2 Orc Corporals, 1 Orc
Lieutenant, 1 Orc Shaman)
Room 2: (DM: 1 Ogre)
Forest: (DM: 1 Ogre, 3 Gnolls, 1 Gnoll Leader)
Room 3: (DM: 6 Gremlins, 1 Ogre, 1 Goblin)
Room 4: If the Heroes have opened both chests, tell them: The Heroes find a bottle with an explosive liquid in a
small compartment in the tomb. You can throw this bottle, and the target loses 3HP (and all creatures on the
adjoining squares lose 2 HP) caused by the explosion. (DM: 2 Skeletons, 1 Mummy)

Part B: This counts as one room, but the two Orcs next to the two Goblin Archers will never move from their
spot to protect the Goblin Archers. The Archers don’t move either, but shoot their ranged attack from their spot.
Goal: Kill the two Goblin Archers who guard the bridge.
Room 1: (DM: 3 Fimirs, 1 Minotaur, 2 Goblin Archers, 1 Goblin, 2 Orcs)

Part C: Counts as one room, but the Orcs wait (they don’t attack or move) until one of them is attacked or the
three Bugbears are dead.
Goal: Kill Fenya, the Orc-Medicine Man and member of the Council of Mages
Room 1: (DM: 1 Goblin Scout, 3 Bugbears, 2 Orcs (sides), 1 Orc Corporal (middle), 2 Orc Lieutenants, Fenya)
Fenya has these stats (see also Fenya.jpg):
-Fenya (400XP+Treasure)

Summon Orc (only once): Each skull: place 1 Orc in the room with amount
of HP thrown.
All Orcs in the same room receive +1 Attack as long as Fenya lives.
An Orc on an adjoining square can give 1HP to Fenya for one action, at the cost of
one HP of his own.

Fenya’s army has been battered, he is beaten, but despite his wounds, his eyes radiate with triumph.
Interlude: The Truth is Out There
‘Talk, you miserable piece of scum.’ Fenya seems unimpressed by the taunts of (Fighter) en shows a
sadistic sneer. ‘You probably think you have won, don’t you? We might have underestimated you,
but if my three colleagues attack you together, you will not survive.’ ‘But why, why all this if there
was no enemy, if Morcar had already been slain’, asks (Thief) while she holds a throwing knife, ready
to end Fenya’s life, should he try to escape.
‘You just don’t get it, do you? Power, of course, everything is about power. Those three artefacts will
give us unlimited power. Have you not yet figured out what they are? They are, literally, gifts from
the Gods to the three royal dynasties of the old Empire. Only to be used when evil threatens the land.
But that was so long ago that the artefacts had lost all their meaning. They only work when brought
together and the three dynasties never really lived at peace with each other. By the time the Andrach
dynasty had eradicated the Draconis and Mulak dynasty, the real power of the artefacts was
forgotten and they were only symbols. They had forgotten it all, and that’s why they were buried
with the last king of both dynasties. We needed puppets to get them for us, because the temples of the
Mulak and Draconis kings were protected by a field that would not allow strong magic. We could
not have used our strong magic and, unfortunately, that was our biggest asset. We had sent hordes of
Goblins and other creatures, but they were just too stupid to find them, or even to stay alive. We
needed amateurs with potential. Idiots who would let themselves be controlled, without asking
questions, but still promising enough to grow to warriors to fetch us the artefacts, but then again too
weak to become a threat to us.’
‘But where is the third artefact?’ asks (Fighter).
‘Slow fools, we already have it. I was supposed to clean up our mess by killing you, if you somehow
managed to survive the Palace of Terror. I had hoped to see defeat in your eyes when you realized you
were deceived. It was pure sadistic pleasure to send you to Morcar’s grave, to think you fought
against a man who has been dead for thirty years, ha!’
(Fighter) was starting to lose his patience: ‘then where was the third artefact?’
It is (Priest) who answers: ‘With the second artefact in the palace of the King. I think I understand.
It was the Council who had warned the King about someone robbing the grave of Draconis. That’s
why soldiers showed up at the temple. It was their goal to bring the last two artefacts together in the
palace and let us be executed by the King in the process, so no suspicion would fall on the Mages
before they would strike. The King thought that Morcar was responsible for his death. No one would
see through it. They could storm the palace and take the artefacts of the Draconis and Andrach
dynasty and eliminate their last opponent, King Vandros.’
‘Correct’, affirmed Fenya, ‘but something went wrong. You survived. Vandros had not hanged you
yet and the attack on the palace had not killed you either. So we needed a new plan to get rid of you.
Apparently we underestimated you a second time. Nevertheless, you are too late. My colleagues have
had the time by now, to find out how the power within the artefacts can be used. Each moment now,
the sun can disappear and never return, just because we choose to. Your benevolence has caused the
end of the world as you know it. The three dynasties have died out and their three objects of power
are now ours. We rule over the World!’
‘They might, but you are not going to be there to enjoy it’, shouts (Fighter) out in anger. He stabs his
sword in Fenya’s neck. Fenya falls, dead before he reaches the ground. ‘And now the other three...’
Level 3: Adventure 4: Hunting Mages
(Board HQ and 10, Portal.jpg)

The goal is clear: the Heroes must stop the Mages or die trying. From their visits to the stronghold,
the Heroes have learnt that the central room is locked by four magical locks. Fenya’s key is already in
their possession. Now they must find the other three. These are probably in the personal quarters of
the other Mages, and even more probably guarded by a horde of monsters.
Yellow Corridor: The Heroes discern a heavy, black door at the end of this corridor. It’s locked with four
magical locks. The first key is already in their possession since they have beaten Fenya. The other three should
be somewhere in the stronghold. (DM: Earth Elemental: This monster can only be put on the game board when
the Heroes have the four keys in their possession. Before this happens, you place a rock tile on the spot of the
monster. The Hero that stands in front of the door and has all keys, will be attacked immediately, only then
can you change the rock tile for the actual monster)
Corridors: (DM: 4 Goblin Archers)
Room 1: This Minogon is created to guard the room against intruders, he responds immediately when the door
is opened. (DM receives initiative card 1) (DM: 1 Minogon)
Room 2: (DM: 1 Bugbear, 1 Fimir, 1 Ogre)
Room 3: This Minogon is created to guard the room against intruders, he responds immediately when the door
is opened. (DM receives initiative card 1) (DM: 1 Minogon)
Room 4: Before you open the door, you can hear Trolls talk loudly about their greatest fear: to be turned into
stone. (DM: 3 Trolls)
Room 5: (DM: 2 Fimirs)
Room 6: (DM: 2 Carrion Crawlers)
Room 7: (DM: 1 Bugbear, 1 Ogre)
Room 8: (DM: 1Bugbear, 1 Minotaur)
Room 9: (DM: 4 Gnolls, 1 Gnoll Leader)
Room 10: This Minogon is created to guard the room against intruders, he responds immediately when the door
is opened. (DM receives initiative card 1) (DM: 1 Minogon)
Room 11: The magical locks disappear and the door opens. Inside lay the broken bodies of Bentor and Tangrin.
Although Bentor is completely charred, Tangrin seems to be in relative good shape.
He sees the Heroes and with a voice in which his suffering resonates, he addresses the Heroes: ‘How naive could we
be. Morcar is too vain to train an apprentice. He would never teach someone his secrets. How could we be so
wrong? We thought him dead, gone, dust, but know I realize that there is nothing that can stop him, that man
could compete with the Gods themselves.’ ‘What’s going on, where are Manus and Morcar’, asks (Thief). ‘Not
where are’, replies Tangrin, ‘the right question is: where is Morcar and Manus. They are one and the same. He
has tricked us all. When we submitted Manus to tests to see if there was any influence of Morcar, we did not
think of the possibility of him being Morcar himself, and, of course, he could protect himself to such tests. He
has all three of them, the gifts of the Gods, he will use them to open a portal to Hell, and you must stop him! I
damn the day we found the parchment with the location of the artefacts.’ ‘Do you think you can elude your
punishment with sudden remorse, Mage, you are weak’, screams (Mage). She releases all her power upon the
unfortunate master of Eagle’s Reach. ‘Enough, (Mage), he is dead’, shouts (Priest). The Mages’ study is now
filled with two charred corpses. (DM: 1 Tangrin, 1 Bentor)
Room 12: (Note: When the Heroes open the door to Room 12, a patrol appears behind them). Inside the room, the
Heroes see a bridge crossing a stream of lava. Across the bridge they see Manus, or better, Morcar and behind
him is a circle of blackness. Morcar steps into the void, before the Heroes can act, and he disappears. The circle
remains. Sounds of pursuers resonate in the Halls behind the Heroes. (Place the three pursuers in the back of
the corridor) (DM: 2 Chaos Warriors, 1 Chaos Wizard, 2 Oozes, 1 Manus, 1 Ogre, 1 Fimir, 1 Bugbear). (Note:
When the Heroes set foot on the darkness tile, they are immediately taken off the game board. They went through
the portal and cannot return. If all Heroes are through, the mission ends.

Morcar has disappeared through the black darkness to whatever is on the other side. There is no other
option then to follow him to the unknown, to Chaos.
Level 4: Adventure 1: Welcome to Hell
(Board: HQ, 2, 7, Portal.jpg, Forge.gif en DeadEnd.jpg)
The Heroes try to orientate themselves. After stepping through the portal, they lost consciousness.
How long they were out, they could not say. There are no signals to tell time anywhere. But the
Heroes do realize that they are in Rallion no longer. The walls are a fusion of rock and tormented
creatures, chained in the wall for eternity. Horrific screams of pain and suffering fill the silence.
(Priest) is the first to pull himself together: ‘Evil reigns here, too powerful for us to conquer. We must
find Morcar as fast as possible, before we cannot leave here alive.

Room 1: The Chaos Warriors are ready. The Wizard’s attention is consumed by the book on the altar. (DM
receives initiative card 1, but the Chaos Wizard has to skip his first turn) (DM: 2 Chaos Warriors, 1 Chaos
Room 2: (DM: 2 Wraiths)
Room 3, 4, 5, 6: (Note: when the first Hero attacks a monsters in one of these rooms, the four doors open at
once and the other monsters appear) The Monsters have been alarmed and storm into the room towards the
sounds of battle. (DM: 4 Ogres, 4 Gnolls)
Room 7: (DM: 2 Bugbears)
Room 8: This Chaos Warrior guards the door behind him (DM: 1 Chaos Warrior)
Room 9: (DM: 2 Bugbears)
Room 10: (DM: 2 Wights)
Room 11: (DM: 1 Mummy, 1 Mummy Brute)
Room 12: When the Heroes enter this room they hear sounds of falling rocks behind them, they are suddenly
surrounded! The Chaos Warrior guards the door behind him. (Note: the walls have been breached next to the two
carrion crawlers, us a door tile or a breached wall tile for this. The contents of the new corridor and room are
placed on the board and the open walls function as opened doors) (DM: 1 Chaos Warrior, 6 King Spiders, 2
Carrion Crawlers, 1 Minotaur)
Room 13: (DM: 1 Lich, 2 Chaos Elite Guardians) (Note: The mission is successful when the Heroes pass through
the door on the far left of the game board.

Epilogue: The Heroes have defended themselves well, but this was only the beginning.
Level 4: Adventure 2: Check
(Board: HQ, 1, 3, 7, Revolving room.gif, Grin's Crag.gif en Chaos pit.gif

There is a chess board attached to the next door. The white side is empty, the black side set up like in a
normal game, except for a symbol of a key scraped above the black king. Whatever it means, the
Heroes must go on if they hope to stop Morcar.

(Note: 1 Goblin Archer in the first corridor)

Room 1: (DM: 1 Skeleton Warrior, 1 Mummy Brute)
Room 2: (DM: 1 Ogre, 1 Bugbear)
Room 3: (DM: 2 Gnolls)
Room 4: (DM: 1 Ogre, 1 Bugbear)
Room 5: (DM: 1 Gargoyle)
Room 6: (DM: 1 Wraith)
Room 7: (DM: 2 Mummies, 1 Troll)
Room 8: (DM: 1 Wraith, 1 Wight)
Room 9: (DM: 2 Fimirs, 1 Wight)
Room 10: An immense heat emerges from the crater. The Heroes do not doubt the fact that it would be dangerous
to stand too close to it. (If your turn ends on one of the squares of the chaos pit-tile, then you have to throw a
star dice: a star means you lose 1HP, this is the same for monsters and Heroes. Naturally, you cannot cross
squares with lava) (Note: this entire board is one room) (DM: 2 Chaos Elite Guardians, 1 Centaur)
Room 11: This round room contains four square rocks with a mark. When a Hero steps on one of the marks, it
starts to shine brightly. (DM: When the four Heroes are placed on the four middle squares of the round room,
turn the room one quarter counter clockwise, so that the exit is now pointed downwards). When the four Heroes
are on their position, a mechanism is put in motion. The door closes and the room starts to turn slowly.
When it comes to a stop, a new door has appeared. (Note: The Heroes cannot go back anymore, this is now a
dead end: the mechanism works only in one way)
Room 12: When the Heroes enter the room, they can immediately see the door at the other end. It’s protected by
some sort of magical force field that will have to be disabled first. (DM: Creatures, Heroes as well as Monsters,
who stand on the ledge on the right of the room and who are attacked, must throw a star; otherwise they lose an
extra HP) (Note: The monsters do not act, before the Heroes are on the four tiles with a letter. They are
invulnerable right now. The Heroes are not in danger, so they can rest or find traps if they think about it)
On the ground there are four tiles in which a letter is graved. (Mage) has judged the situation soon enough and
says: ‘We are going to have to activate the game of chess to deactivate the field that is protecting the door. Look,
there are four letters on the ground: the ‘Q’ for Queen, the ‘K’ for Knight, the ‘B’ for Bishop and the ‘T’ for Tower.
I think we all have to stand on one letter to activate the game.’ (Before the players step on the letters, you
explain them the rules of the game.
Rules of the Chess Game
The Heroes as well as the monsters have to play the roll of the chess piece they represent.
They have to obey the rules of the movement of their chess piece. If, for example,
Mialee is the Bishop, she would always have to end on a straight diagonal position from
her starting point. How she gets to that point, does not matter, but every time she does
not end her turn on one of the ‘legal’ spots a bishop would normally reach, she loses 1
HP. The Knight has the big advantage that he/she can jump over other players. The
other chess pieces cannot do this, not even to jump over their allies. The monsters are
bound to the same rules (for example: a pawn can only move one square to its front,
excluded his first movement). These rules only apply to movement. When it comes to
attacking: there are no special rules. Pawns can use, for example, ranged weapons to
attack anyone in sight.

The Heroes must now each choose a role. Redistribute the cards of initiative and afterwards let every Hero choose
his role and put them on the right spot (the right letter). The game is activated and the player with card 1 can
(Note: say the following when the Chaos Wizard is killed) The ‘king’ falls to the floor and the forcefield
disappears immediately and the Heroes can now escape the other monsters, if they wish. (DM: 8 Orc Corporals
(Pawns), 2 Skeleton Warriors (Towers), 2 Chaos Warriors (Knights), 2 Goblin Archers (Bishops), 1 Chaos
Wizard (King), 1 Lich Acolyte (Queen))

Epilogue: Barely escaped from the deadly game of chess, the Heroes realize that they have passed
through so much Chaos that returning is impossible. Fleeing is no option anymore.
Level 4: Adventure 3: The Long Run
(Board: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, HQ, firebridge.JPG en Spherebright.jpg)

The Heroes progress through the world of Chaos. Arrived in a smaller room, the Heroes see a quickly
drawn pentagram in chalk on the floor. In the middle lies a simple parchment with words written in
dried up blood:
To those who are as foolish as to follow me,
Give up! Nothing can stop me…unfortunately for you, you can be stopped. My three Chaos
Favourites have been given the order to annihilate you. Should you have the luck to survive my
slaves, you will be witness to the birth of a new era, which, ironically, will start with your deaths.

With kind regards


The goal is clear. To get through to Morcar, you will have to defeat his champions.
Room 1: (DM: 4 Skeleton Warriors)
Room 2: (DM: 2 Bugbears, 1 Ogre)
Room 3: The Chaos Wizard laughs scornfully. ‘The Master will reward me with secret knowledge for your heads!’
(DM: 2 Chaos Warriors, 1 Chaos Wizard)
Room 4: (DM: 2 Carrion Crawlers, 2 Gnolls)
Room 5: This room is all what Chaos is not. Whose room this is or was, is unclear. The wardrobe is filled
with dresses. On the chair is a ball of twine and two needles, covered in the dust of years. On the rack there
are several rusted light throwing weapons, daggers, all unusable because of lack of maintenance. This room was
obvious a woman’s.
Room 6: (DM: 1 Wight)
Room 7: (DM: 1 Wight, 1 Ogre, 1 Ooze)
Room 8: This Chaos Wizard just smiles. He utters a shout and his two servants attack the Heroes. He is
obviously one of the three favourites of Morcar. (DM: 2 Chaos Elite Guardians, 1 Chaos Wizard)
Room 9: (DM: 1 Troll)
Room 10: A big surprise awaits the Heroes in this room. They encounter Necrotis once more. ‘No, not you
again, you bastards banished me to Hell. Die, Die at last!’ (DM: 2 Mummy Brutes, 1 Lich Acolyte)
Room 11: (DM: 2 Trolls)
Room 12: (DM: 2 Wraiths)
Room 13: The Heroes see a bridge across a ravine. Flames touch the bridge. On the other side they see the last of
the trio standing next to a portal. ‘Impressive, you must have killed Ezechial and Markon to get here. The
Master was right to warn us for you. I will not disappoint him.’ (Note: Only the bridge of the firebridge-tile is
accessible, the sphere room is completely accessible. The Heroes end the mission by stepping into the portal. This
will only work when the portal is activated: by killing all three favourites. (DM: 1 Fimir, 2 Chaos Champions,
1 Chaos Warlock)

Epilogue: The Heroes step through the portal and are being teleported to the centre of the Chaos
World. It strikes them: the confrontation with their nemesis is near.
Level 4: Adventure 4: Day of Reckoning
(Board 2, 3, 5, 8 and Skull throne room.gif)

‘He is close, I can feel it’, whispers (Mage). ‘Time to pay him a visit, I would say’, answers (Thief).
‘And jam a sword down his throat’, adds (Fighter). ‘This evil will be purged’, concludes (Priest).

Note: The coloured doors cannot be opened (these doors open by stepping on the blue

Room 1: (When the Heroes step on one of the blue squares, the doors to Room 2 & 3 open immediately: the green
doors) (DM: 2 Orc Lieutenants, 1 Orc Shaman)
Room 2 & 3: (DM: 2 Trolls, 2 Goblin Archers, 2 Fimirs)
Room 4: (When the Heroes step on one of the blue squares, the doors to Room 5 & 6 open immediately: the brown
doors) (DM: 1 Ogre, 1 Bugbear)
Room 5 & 6: (DM: 2 Bugbears, 2 Ogres)
Room 7: (When the Heroes step on one of the blue squares, the doors to Room 8, 9 & 10, open immediately: the
cyan doors)
Room 8, 9 & 10: (DM: 2 Wights, 2 Wraiths, 2 Mummies)
Room 11: (When the Heroes step on one of the blue squares, the doors to the eight smalls cells immediately open,
the dark grey doors) (DM: 2 Chaos Warriors, 1 Chaos Wizard, 7 King Spiders, 2 Chaos Elite Guardians, 2
Chaos Champions)
Room 12: (read the interlude out loud) (Note: Mialee is either controlled by the DM, or the player who played
Mialee will now side with the DM, Emelia receives her own initiative card and possesses all her capacities) (DM:
1 Balor, 1 Manus/Morcar, 1 Emelia/Mialee)

-Morcar (600XP+Treasure)
Spells: 1x Fire Storm
Bigby’s Clenched Fist
Ice Storm

Interlude: The Betrayal

A giant red creature stands on the skull in the middle of Morcar’s Sanctuary. ‘Greetings, friends’,
says Morcar mocking, ‘let me introduce you to Balor, my brother.’ The demon looks upon the Heroes
with despising eyes. ‘Morcar, are you going to tell me that these three idiots were powerful enough to
journey through Chaos and kill Fenya? Emelia probably did all the work. You let your wife do all the
dirty work, don’t you?’ ‘The least you could have done, Balor, is clean my old room every once in a
while, all my personal weapons are rusted’, answers Mialee, while she walks through the room
towards Morcar. ‘Mialee, what…?’ sputters (Fighter). ‘Haha’, laughs Balor, ‘you could have been a
bit more creative with your fake name, Emelia, any fool sees right through the anagram.’ ‘Not these
fools, Balor’, answers Emelia.

‘All right, before we get to the fighting, you probably want to hear the ‘why’, don’t you? Let me
explain it. Thirty years ago there was a war, between me and King Silanter. The plan was to only
disclose my identity and keep that one of Balor, my brother, a secret, so the King would think he only
had one enemy to fear. It did not work out as planned and Balor got himself killed, as well as the
king. The Mage at the Court, Tangrin, thought he had killed me, and he had vanquished his only
opponent. He created his pathetic Council of Mages and started his pathetic plans to take power in
Rallion. They caught my attention when they found the manuscript concerning the artefacts of
power. To them a means of power, to me, a means to get my brother back from Hell. So I decided to
pose as an apprentice of myself. The rest of the story, you know.’

(Priest) was not completely convinced: ‘That you used us through the mages to get the artefacts, I can
understand, but why would you infiltrate our group with your own wife?’ ‘Good question, (Priest),
and the answer is very simple. First, you had to succeed in your mission, and that meant staying alive,
something you would not have managed to do without Emelia. Unfortunately, in order for her to get
inside the temples of the artefacts without the magic barriers stopping her, I had to strip her from
some of her powers. Second, and much more important, the objects of power made it possible to get to
Hell, but unfortunately it is a bit more difficult to get back to Rallion. Hell was actually built to
keep people like my brother and me, inside. The only way to get out of Hell is by carrying a good heart,
literally. And since good people are on short supply here, it’s easier to just lure a couple of them into
Hell. So I am afraid, my somewhat stupid friends, that you have to die to serve our purpose and since
my servants were not capable of doing so, I will have to take matters in my own hands. Oh yes, do
not worry about your homeland, I will personally watch over the good people of Rallion, hahaha.’

The evil trio has been defeated: Morcar, Balor and Emelia lay dead on the floor. The three Heroes are
victorious. They return to the portal, unharassed by monsters, and, being people of good hearts, step
through it without trouble…how would Rallion have fared in the days of their absence?
This version of the campaign is purely based on statistical calculations and has not yet been play-tested.
Reactions of gaming experiences are always welcome, so that improvements in the balance in the game can be

Your Humble Servant,

Morcar Cadarn

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