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Stewart 1

Trejon Stewart

April 20, 2021

Personal Statement

Period: 7th

Ms. Spurlock

1. Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced

others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.

An example of leadership that I personally did was working at a fast food restaurant

because I usually will have to run the store and tell others what to do even though I’m not a

manager or anything, but I’m usually relied on to get things done and to lead the store

where we aren’t slacking with orders and taking them and taking/making the food when

need be. Another example is also when working at the fast food restaurant was that I had

to give different orders to people like at the Mcdonald’s I’m working at I will have to tell

people to work the kitchen where they have to cook the burgers that we have to make, I

have someone take orders for the customers whether it be walk-ins or in the drive thru,

having someone presenting the food and drinks to the people at the front counter or thru

the window that the people drive up to, have someone bag the food after the kitchen has

finished making and wrapping up the food, I also would need someone to cash out which

means they would tell the customers the price of their food and have to count the change

and hand it out to the customers.

3. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and

demonstrated that talent over time?


A skill that I have is being able to stay on task without getting distracted. Examples of that

included not checking on my phone during classes, not getting distracted by a friend telling

me to get on the game with him and skip class, being able to complete any work before it’s

due without any last minute turn ins. I'd say when I first started high school I would do

those things but I can confidently tell anyone that I don’t get distracted by that stuff and I

stay on task so I am able to graduate without any problems. Another skill that I have is

that I am able to help out others when needed like if someone at my job needs me to do

something for them because they are too busy to do it, then I do it without giving them a

problem and I am glad I have the ability to help. I also have helped at a retirement home

where I would help pass out the food on plates and help them around and get them

whatever they needed at the time. I think that having the skill to help people will get me

further along in life.

5. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to

overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

I think the most significant challenge I’ve faced is having the motivation to get up every

day and go to school and then go to work right after on most days because I usually don’t

have the energy to do school work in the morning, so it makes it a bit hard to concentrate it

and than knowing I have to go to work right after just puts a lot of stress on myself. I know

this at first affected my ability to learn because of how tired I would be having to do it over

and over again, but a way that helped me with that was changing up my sleep schedule so

that I would get an 8 hour sleep time every night and giving time to be able to have my

work done before I went to work and eating before I went to work so I would have the

energy for the shifts that I had. I think the reason why this affected me at the start because

it is my actual first fast food job and that I actually have to do eight hour shifts and that

after a little while I got used to it and found a way to enjoy going to work and having that

motivation to go 5 days a week.

8. Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you

stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?

I feel that I as a person never stops trying to accomplish a goal or goals that I have and that

even when I have bad days where I don’t think I can do it I think about how this will help

me moving forward and that alone gives me the motivation to keep trying and never give

up. I also think that since I have some experience helping out with group projects a lot that

I can be a helpful student in any class if any questions are necessary or if any help is

needed. I just know that I have that motivation that drive to get up every day and go to

school knowing that the end will be great and that I will feel like I actually did something

that I even have the chance to be able to go to a university or a college because I motivated

myself every single day of the week to get up and get my work done in and out of class and

that since I was able to do that I was able to accomplish all of my goals and make it through

high school with the feeling that I finally did something and ended with a good result of

hard work.

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