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Blaez Burback

Mrs. Aguilar

Careers in Education

10 September 2020

Career Research Essay

I have chosen to research and pursue being a physical education teacher because I enjoy

staying active, working with kids, and helping others stay physically active.

A physical education teacher helps to inform students on how to develop and maintain

healthy personal fitness as well as help students with personal or social problems. Someone in

this career would be expected to “...educate their students about good sportsmanship and

teamwork. They also teach about personal fitness and active lifestyles”("Physical Education").

Physical education teachers would also “ students resolve social problems”("Physical

Education"). This is one of the best parts of the day because the teacher gets to truly connect with

his or her students to help resolve tough situations that they are faced with. Also, there are many

skills needed when it comes to being a physical education teacher. They must be able to work

with students, teach students how to play team and individual, understand students’ social,

behavioral, or other problems, and even possibly coach sports teams and take them to

tournaments/games ("Physical Education"). Lastly, the earnings for a physical education teacher

may vary. The average entry-level salary in California is $49,570, the average median level

salary in California is $77,429, and the average experienced level salary in California is

$104,045 ("Physical Education").

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When studying to become a physical education teacher, having a bachelor’s in physical

education and a license to teach is a minimum requirement: however, the additional education

received could help get a better job and salary. When becoming a physical education teacher they

recommend that individuals major in physical education and physiology since they are related.

This study involves 4 years in order to receive your bachelor’s but some people may get a

master’s degree which takes about 2-3 years longer. A degree in physical education focuses on

the study physiology, kinesiology, various fitness activities and also helps “...prepare you to

work with students at all levels”("Physical Education"). Two of the many colleges that I have

chosen for receiving a major in physical education, Fresno State University, and Cal Baptist

University. Both of these colleges are located in California and both offer great courses in

physical education. Cal Baptist’s campus is 160,000 acres and is home to about 10,000 students

per year("California Baptist"). The average tuition cost to go to Cal Baptist University is about

$37,898 for instate students and about $38,474 for out of state students("California Baptist").

The admittance rate is about 77% with about 8,241 students applying each year and only 6,351

being accepted("California Baptist").

Over the last few years, I have learned that I really enjoy working with kids and helping

others, but after doing research I’m now skeptical of becoming a physical education teacher. I

feel that my interests have changed slightly over the last few months and I’ve given thought into

choosing a new career path. I’m not too sure what I would change but I’ll give it more thought in

the upcoming months. At first, I wanted to become a physical education teacher because I love to

exercise and stay physically active, but I also like to help others stay physically active as well so

I thought becoming a physical education teacher would suit me. Also, I wanted to become a
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physical education teacher because I love working with kids, and getting to see them progress

over the year is one of the most rewarding things for a teacher. Becoming a physical education

teacher would still be an awesome experience, but I’m not too sure if it’s for me anymore.

Hopefully, sometime in the near future, I will find just the right career to pursue but for now, I

am undetermined.
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Works Cited

"California Baptist University." Xello,

-f217-11ea-8064-67d1769b3351. Accessed 8 Sept. 2020.

"Physical Education Teacher." Xello,

-f20e-11ea-838f-0d02a91e90c0. Accessed 8 Sept. 2020.

"Physical Education Teaching and Coaching." Xello,

31/?uuid=1ffc27d0-f217-11ea-8064-67d1769b3351. Accessed 8 Sept. 2020.

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