Reference Letter For Loralee Reda

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Charles Durso

202 E. Church Ave.

Masontown, PA 15401

To Whom It may Concern:

I wish to take this opportunity to recommend Mrs. Loralee Reda for a position in your school district. I
am an English and Journalism teacher at Uniontown High School, and Mrs. Reda did her student
teaching in my classroom.

Mrs. Reda did an outstanding job during her semester with me. Her professionalism and ability to
instruct the students using multiple forms of technology and media was exemplary. I have no doubt she
will come to your district fully prepared to be a successful teacher.

Mrs. Reda had the disadvantage of coming into her assignment during the middle of an unprecedented
pandemic. As I am sure you are aware, Covid-19 presented unique challenges for all of us in the
profession, and the 2020-21 school year forced us to re-examine the way we do our job. But at least the
rest of us had experience upon which to draw; Mrs. Reda had to deal with the difficulties of lack of
student attendance, school-wide Wi-Fi failures, stop-and-start scheduling procedures that first allowed
students to come to school and then forced them to stay home and then back again, and several other
struggles that would have been asking a lot of any teacher. She faced it all with aplomb and an upbeat
attitude that proved infectious to students and faculty alike.

Unlike most student teachers, Mrs. Reda came into this assignment with previous experience, having
taught acting classes. Therefore, she knew techniques on delivering instruction that she was able to
utilize. She consistently demonstrated an interest in the students and their lives and was able to make
string connections, all the while maintaining the proper professional teacher-student relationship. Mrs.
Reda came to the classroom with a desire to learn, and when given constructive critique, she always
took the advice to heart and made an immediate attempt to implement the instructions given during
subsequent lessons.

In conclusion, I have no doubt that Mrs. Reda comes to you with a full arsenal of tools that will result in
a successful career in the teaching profession, and adding her to your faculty will prove to be a benefit
to your district. If you have any question or require more specific feedback, feel free to contact me.


Charles Durso

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