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Tailored Life Challenge:

Mobility Sequences
5 Minute Mobility Sequence
to do BEFORE your training (activating)
1. Cat and Cow Flow
• Inhale deeply on Cow pose, push through your shoulder blades
• Exhale deeply into Cat pose, look up
• Repeat for a total of 10 times
• Focus on incorporating all vertebrae, shoulder blades, neck and tailbone

2. Child’s Pose to Cobra

• Exhale deeply into Child’s Pose
• Inhale deeply into Cobra, look up
• Repeat for a total of 10 times
• Focus on lengthening your back, opening and closing your hip fully

3. Downward Facing Dog to Upward Facing Dog

• Exhale deeply into Downward Facing Dog
• Inhale deeply when “diving forward”, moving through a push up into Upward Facing, look up
• Repeat for a total of 10 times
• Focus on lengthening your posterior chain, including hamstrings and ankles as well as starting to
activate your shoulders, wrists and core

4. Lunge with Spinal Twist

• Step your right foot forwa rd into a High Lunge Position keeping your
rear knee off the ground if possible
• Twist your upper body towards the ceiling and then return to the initial
• Inhale as you twist, exhale as you return to “start”
• Repeat for a total of 10 times, then repeat on the other side
• Focus on initiating the movement from the lower spine

5. Bottom Squat – Forward Fold – Reach

• Step your other foot forward too, so that you are in your Bottom Squat
• Raise your hips as you exhale, while folding your torso forward, finishing
in a standing forward fold (bend your knees if you need to)
• Inhale raise up and reach up to the sky
• Exhald forward fold again, inhale back down to Bottom Squat
• Repeat for a total of 5 times
• Focus: Hip and ankle mobility, length in spine


5 Minute Mobility Sequence 5 Minute Mobility Sequence -
to do AFTER your training (relaxing) Anytime, Anywhere

1. Pigeon Pose 1. 90/90 Switch

• Hold for 30 s each side, every 10 seconds see if you can move deeper into • 10 very slow repetitions (at least 5s from side to side)
the stretch, focus on your breath • Try yourself not to support yourself with your hands, it would be better to do less
• The front shin would be at 90 degrees to your torso in an IDEAL scenario. unsupported reps (sitting upright) than all the reps slouching (as demonstrated
The more of a beginner you are the more you may want to bend that knee later in the video)
and bring the foot towards your groin

2. Side to Side Lunge

2. Frog Pose
• 10 very slow repetition (3 seconds from side to side, 3 second hold at each side)
• Hold for 60 seconds, reset after 30 seconds and then see if you can go
deeper the seconds time around • This is about getting LOW, no rushing through the movement
• Focus on your breath, this will be uncomfortable, work on your mental
3. Thread the needle
3. Happy Baby Pose • 10 reps each side hold for 1-2 seconds at the top and bottom of the twist

• Hold for 60 seconds, focus on your hips and see how you let go of tension
over the course of the minute 4. Seated Side Stretch
• Work on your breathing, on going inwards, on “meditating” at the same time • 10 slow and controlled repetitions
• Hold for 3-5 seconds per side
4. Supine Spinal Twist
• Lay down flat on your back 5. Forward Fold to Reach
• Bring your right knee to your chest and then guide the knee over to the
left side of your body while keeping your right shoulder on the ground • 10 repetitions
• Look over to your right shoulder • 3 seconds down, 3 seconds hold at the bottom, 3 seconds up, 3 seconds reach
• Let gravity do the work and relax in the position for 30s, then switch sides

5. Child’s pose with wide knees

• Get into tabletop position, open your knees slightly wider than hip width,
then sit your hips back as far as possible, ideally with butt touching your
heels (feet flat on the floor)
• Reach arms out in front of your let your forehead relax on the ground
• Stay in this position for 1 minute, breathing deeply, getting your torso to melt to the floor, hips
to let go of tension and back to lengthen


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