Carta Mark Reuss GM A Jerry Dias Unifor

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May 7, 2021

Mr. Jerry Dias

National President, Unifor
115 Gordon Baker Road
Toronto, ON M2H 0A8

Dear Mr. Dias,

Thank you for your letter concerning the voting process in our Silao, Mexico facility. Like
you, GM condemns violations of labor rights and actions to restrict collective bargaining.
The company will continue to cooperate with the Labor Ministry in Mexico and other
stakeholders to protect the integrity of the process.
It is important to General Motors that all our sites globally act in accordance with the
law and recognize the rights of our employees to freely, directly and secretly vote on a
collective bargaining agreement within a harassment free environment.
As a company, we respect and support the rights of our employees to make a personal
choice about union representation and any collective bargaining on their behalf.
General Motors stands willing to cooperate and assist in the steps necessary to
accommodate fairness in the collective bargaining process.


Mark Reuss
President, General Motors

c: Scott Bell
John D’Agnolo
Gerald Johnson
Phil Kienle
Doneen McDowell
Tim McKinnon
James Stewart

313.667.3520 / 300 Renaissance Center, Mail Code: 482-C39-B20 / Detroit, MI 48265

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