Arab Israeli

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How Arab Ties With Israel Became the Middle East, Palestinians were once again the

Middle East’s New Normal big losers.

Though Israel remains opposed to Palestinian
independence, 2020 marked the year of its
acceptance in the region. It’s Not a Peace Deal. It’s
The decision by four Arab countries to forge a Powder Keg
Not all diplomatic deals are preludes to peace—and
ties with Israel in 2020 was not about peace,
the Israel-UAE agreement fits an inauspicious
love, or understanding. The United Arab
Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, and (to a lesser
extent) Bahrain were all motivated by narrow
interests—including the promise of either In August 1907, Russia and the United
advanced weapons or diplomatic favors from Kingdom signed the Anglo-Russian
the United States. Convention, which settled their geostrategic
And yet, the normalization deals stand as the differences and brought them into a rough
most significant breakthrough in the Arab- alliance after nearly a century as bitter and
Israeli conflict since the 1990s. Already, bloody adversaries.
Israel’s interactions with the UAE appear to
be warmer than its ties with Egypt and Jordan, There was one problem: the Anglo-Russian
Arab countries that forged peace with Israel Convention wasn’t the product of more
decades ago. Thousands of Israeli peaceful attitudes in London or St. Petersburg,
tourists have visited Abu Dhabi since direct but of a dramatic shift in the balance of power
flights were inaugurated in late August. And and the rise of a new threat.
earlier this month, an Emirati royal bought a
large stake in an Israeli soccer team (which, The lesson of the Anglo-Russian Convention
perversely, is known for its racist shunning of is that a diplomatic event that brings a close to
Arab and Muslim players)—in the kind of one longstanding geostrategic rivalry may not
high-profile investment that until recently be the great boon it appears. Instead, it might
seemed unimaginable. be a harbinger of worse to come. And there is
reason to be concerned that this is precisely
For Palestinians, of course, the deals amount how we might eventually look back on this
to more tragedy and betrayal. In peace talks week’s announcement that the UAE will
over the years, Arab normalization was held normalize relations with Israel, in return for
out as a prize Israel would get only once it Jerusalem’s agreement not to annex any of the
allowed independence for Palestinians in the West Bank.
West Bank and Gaza Strip. Instead, Israel has
gained acceptance in the region without Was this a positive development? From one
making significant concessions in return. vantage point, sure. It represents one more
(While it backtracked on imposing Arab government giving up on nearly a
sovereignty over parts of the West Bank, century of conflict with Israel. There are
many analysts believe Prime Minister rumblings that other Arab states may soon (or
Benjamin Netanyahu was never serious about eventually) follow. That seems entirely
annexation.) In the political scorecard of the plausible, given the covert warming of ties
between Israel and various Gulf and Maghreb
countries over the past two decades, although Yet of far greater geostrategic importance to
it’s hardly inevitable. If it were to happen, it the Middle East has been the disengagement
would put to rest one of the most vexing, of the United States. Both the Obama and
chronic conflicts of the 20th century. Trump Administrations have simultaneously
denied this and bragged about it, but the
But this is the 21st century. The Arab-Israeli reality on the ground is far more
conflict has not been a defining factor in the straightforward. Both Obama and Trump
geopolitics of the Middle East for decades. steadily distanced themselves from the
There has not been a conventional war problems of the region, despite the constant
between Israel and an Arab state since 1982. warnings of their diplomatic and military
The 2006 Second Lebanon War between advisors along the way.
Israel and Hezbollah, the closest we’ve come,
was notable because of how many of the Arab And just as the rise of a belligerent Germany
states condemned Hezbollah. Indeed, for at overturned all the dynamics of Europe, so the
least 30 years, the threat to Israeli security has disengagement of the United States has done
come overwhelmingly from the Iranian-led the same in the Middle East. Because the
“Axis of Resistance,” not from the Arab United States was the most powerful force in
states. favor of the status quo, so our withdrawal has
emboldened those actors seeking to overturn
Of course, like Europe in the early the regional order. Iran and its allies are the
20th century, the Middle East has seen its most obvious and successful of these
geostrategic problems multiply in the early beneficiaries, but so too are various radical
21st century rather than abate, despite the Sunni Islamist groups. Predictably, America’s
fading of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Just as detachment has terrified our allies, and that
Europe then still suffered from the epochal fear has pushed them to take actions they
aftereffects of the industrial revolution, so the never otherwise would have—some good,
Middle East is being turned inside out by the some dangerous, some both at the same time,
impact of the equally profound information like Israel-UAE normalization.
For all its economic and military strength,
The result has been massive economic, Israel remains a small, beleaguered country, at
cultural, and demographic shifts that least psychologically. Of course, Iran is trying
inevitably create political turmoil. Iran’s
to do everything it can to turn that perception
Green Revolution of 2009; the Arab Spring of
2011; the civil wars in Syria, Yemen, Libya, of menace into a strategic reality: bolstering
Sinai, Turkish Kurdistan, and—to some extent Hezbollah and Hamas; building a vast military
—Iraq—are all part of this upheaval. infrastructure in Syria; reaching out to radical
The unrest itself has created new opportunities Palestinian groups in the West Bank and
for Iran, which has used the chaos and civil Jordan; mounting cyberattacks against Israeli
war to help its allies across the region. Today, infrastructure, and so on. Because of its small
Hezbollah rules Lebanon. Iran has greater
size, extreme casualty It is no accident that
sway in Syria and Yemen than ever before. It
wields considerable influence in Iraq, albeit both the UAE and Saudi Arabia have begun
less so at this moment than six months ago for nuclear programs in the past dozen years.
reasons that might pass all too soon. These are both ostensibly for power
generation and to save their oil supplies for
export, not for producing weapons. Of course, should temper our enthusiasm for the latest
so too was/is Iran’s nuclear program, Tehran turn of events, no matter how positive it may
claimed, and Saddam’s, and North Korea’s, seem in the short term.
sensitivity, and historic ghosts, Israel’s
and the list goes on. In private, Gulf leaders
inclination—and its strategic doctrine—is to
will say that they fear that Iran will acquire strike hard and fast at potential threats before
nuclear weapons and without the United they can become existential.
States to protect them, they feel they may
have no choice but be able to match Iran to That is what it has been doing for years in
deter it. Syria, waging a war of attrition with Iran and
its allies to try to prevent Tehran from
It gets worse when you recognize that none of building a military base there to open a new
these countries—not even Israel—has the front against Israel.
same military or intelligence capabilities as The UAE has pursued a similar approach to
the United States. We are usually better able its security concerns over the past two
to gauge the level of threat in the Middle East decades, albeit without quite the capabilities
than our regional allies, the Iraq WMD fiasco or psychological scars of the Israelis.
notwithstanding. Other countries, starting with
Iran, won’t pick fights with the United States Along with Saudi Arabia, the UAE
the way that they will with one another. Iran is intervened with conventional land and air
wary of Israel, but it may be less so in future forces in Yemen, employed its air force and
as its own capabilities and those of its allies covert support in Libya and Syria, and led the
expand. Meanwhile, it has never shown any blockade of Qatar by the other Gulf states.
fear of the Arab states. Yemen is a particularly important case to
Thus, just as the 1907 Anglo-Russian understand. There, the UAE and Saudi Arabia
convention closed out one of the great decided to intervene in 2015 to prevent a
conflicts of the 19th century only to help military victory by what they saw as an
enflame the great conflict of the 20th century, Iranian-allied Shi’a militia, the Houthis.
so the Israel-UAE agreement must be seen as
part of the ending of a 20th-century conflict, However, they did so only after repeatedly
but also as potentially the beginning of a new asking the United States to do more to prevent
21st-century conflict that may dominate the the expansion of Iranian power in Yemen,
Middle East. In that Middle East, without an Syria, and Iraq to no avail. Their leaders
American hegemon to keep a lid on explicitly said that since the United States was
aggression, status quo powers as diverse in not going to act to limit the Iranian threat,
other ways as Israel and the UAE have no they felt they had no choice but to do so
choice but to find common cause. To band themselves. Thus, the fear of growing Iranian
together as best they can to fight their power in the face of a retreating America
common enemy, as the British and Russians pushed the Emiratis and Saudis to embark on
did in 1907. All of this is a recipe for greater a risky and bellicose course of action.
tensions, fear, conflict, and potentially
outright war.

We may be putting to bed one great regional

conflict, only to watch another arise. And that

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