Diesel International 2016-04

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N.4 April 2016

Vado e Torno Edizioni srl,
Via Cassano d’Adda 20, 20139 Milan.
Phone: +39 02 55230950
Authorized by the tribunal of Milan
n. 786 of 17 december 1990
Managing director:
Maurizio Cervetto.
Print: Industrie Grafiche Rgm srl,
Rozzano (Mi), Italy.

not only
for trucks
Man d3876 doty 2016: and...
now available for offroad applications, Comparisons, Bauma previews, components
the 15.2-liters engine is the Diesel of the for agriculture and construction machinery,
year 2016. In the Diesel homeland power generation, interviews, market report

international CONTENTS

6 FPT Industrial: 2015 figures,

Mee Dubai and biomethane

8 Yuchai Europe
22 14
8 Webasto Cold storage

NO WORK IS TOO HEAVY 8 Perkins Diesel engine oil

10 Pramac and Generac


10 Kohler and Service 2.0
Haulotte and Dieci

12 JCB backhoe loaders

12 HVO for Mercedes

6 Diesel @ bauma
. introduction
4. In a nutshell: VeT publisher,
Mobility Revolution and Man D38
6. Fpt Industrial, news,
components, HVO, PG, machines
14. Volvo Penta: Peter Karlsson. The
industrial side of the Swedish moon

diesel of the year

Man D3876
34 26
28. 13 liters: Fpt curves are the best,
Cummins is the main competitor
32. 30 liters: Liebherr is looking at other
It’s finally back to its engines face to face. Man rules
roots, where it was
created by Rudolf Diesel. powergen
Doty 2016 awards the 34. Visa: the Italian player of
15.2 liter, 2-stages turbo power generation likes Perkins
and Egr on truck, Vtg report components
and Egr and Scr on 16. Construction machinery: 36. Dellorto: from bikes to industrial.
offroad applications Europe and North America are well Egr and throttle bodies
bauma 38. Bondioli&Pavesi: history, outlook,
22. Deutz, Hatz, Yanmar: the cardans and gearboxes
revolution among small engines 40. Agri applications: previews from
25. Diesel of the year: Man D3876. the end of 2015
Flexible and techno - sophisticated 44. Interpump: two goals for the
offroad market: PTO and Easyfit
26. 1,5 to 2 liters: 3H50TIC and 46. Bonfiglioli: O&K is part of the
MARINE ON ROAD OFF ROAD POWER GENERATION Kohler for the leadership family. At Bauma the drive F650
Vado e Torno publishing group at a glance. Our passions: trucks, buses, tractors, engines
Mobility revolution: truck, bus, tractors MARZO
N° 3 - 2016
ANNO 29°
EURO 5,00
N. 3 - 2016
ANNO 25°
euro 5,00
N.3 - 2016
ANNO 21°
EURO 3,50

MARZO N. 3 - 2016
MENSILE - € 3,00

Green index

VADO E TORNO EDIZIONI - www.vadoetorno.com - ISSN 1720-3503 - Poste Italiane s.p.a. - Sped. in a. p. - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n° 46) art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI
VADO E TORNO EDIZIONI www.vadoetorno.com ISSN 0042 2096 Poste Italiane s.p.a. - SPED. IN A. P. - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n° 46) art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI
VADO E TORNO EDIZIONI - www.vadoetorno.com - ISSN 0042 - Poste Italiane s.p.a. - Sped. in a. p. - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n° 46) art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI
DIVERTO alla riscossa i

VADO E TORNO EDIZIONI - www.vadoetorno.com - ISSN 0042 - Poste Italiane s.p.a. - Sped. in a. p. - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n° 46) art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI
della cava

The collaboration between Trattori, Autobus, Vado e Torno Publishing and

LifeGate has spawned Mobility Revolution Truck, Bus and Tractor, the only

rating that measures the impact and sustainability of all vehicles for transporting l’utility
goods, people or for farm work. And the revolution has only just begun ... batte il

n one side, the magazines Vado e Torno, Autobus fuel consumption and factors such as savings on opera-
and Trattori, and on the other, LifeGate, a refe- ting costs stemming from the incentives various Italian

rence point for sustainable development for peo- cities offer more environmentally-friendly vehicles.
BOOT SHOW: Lombardini Marine, Mercury, Steyr e Seven marine 2016, SI SCALDANO I MOTORI

ple and businesses, a community (LifeGate.it has about 5 A Green index that, for the first time, rates the entire

million users) and a channel for disseminating awareness vehicle and its design, including evaluation criteria that evelopment, manufac- hen Alfa Romeo intro- orn in 1975, in the middle hen Trattori came to
and new ways of living, even in the take their cue from the accumulated turing, use and appli- duced the ‘Mille’ model of the fuel crisis, Autobus light, more than 100
world of transportation. technical and technological experien- cations of the diesel and the ‘millepiedi’ truck was at first a special issue magazines where al-
In 1993, Vado e Torno introduced the ce of Vado e Torno Publishing and the engines are the main themes and trailer, Vado e Torno was al- dealing with the Italian big buses ready published in the Italian
Diesel Index, flanked by a huge data- sensibility for sustainability and envi- of Diesel. Published for the ready a well established maga- plan. Immediately afterwards it market: some were and are very
base amassed since 1989 with Diesel ronmental impact that has always been first time in 1986, Diesel zine. When in 1962 the first tru- became bi-monthly and by 1991 authoritative, but none of them
magazine, that has accompanied the part of LifeGate’s DNA. A compendium stems from the experience of cker’s union was founded, Vado monthly. For the bus world it was centered on the tech side
release of every new engine, whether of knowledge which, in fact, has led to the Vado e Torno magazine. A e Torno was in print. A long was an exceptional period: in of the machines. Trattori was
automotive or industrial, marine or constructing a indispensable standard mass-media style for a very time has passed, since trucks the whole of Europe buses were the first, then other followed
stationary, to highlight their techno- for the future. «The environmental im- specific group of readers: en- were naphtha run, the steering thought to be the only way to in Europe. But Trattori remains
logical capabilities. pact of road transport, agriculture and gine designers and specialists, wheel was on the right side and resolve the problems of the big with a strong leadership, due
Over the years, LifeGate’s Mobility passenger transport is remarkable,» said engine application experts there where two drivers in the cities urban traffic and pollution. to a very important factor: the
Revolution and its MR rating tools Stefano Corti, general manager of Life- and retailers. A balance of cab. Since then, in the past 50 But it only lasted a short time: technical know-how in all kind
(available online at lifegate.it) have increasingly become Gate. «We like to think that the birth of this new varia- text and photos, Diesel puts years, Vado e Torno punctually in 1994 the biggest crisis in the of machines. Tractors and all
one of the criteria Italians use in choosing a car, asses- tion on Mobility Revolution will contribute beneficial the emphasis on the aesthetic recorded the technical evolution history of buses sales began. But agricultural machines, used on
sing its true ecological impact, CO2 and NOx emissions, effects to these specific areas of transport». side of the engine and at the of trucks and trailers: a field in Autobus keeps growing steadily: a daily basis by land owners,
same time on the high-tech which Italy is still today one of each year more complete, with are introduced in articles featu-
side. Pictures of engines and the most important European more pages, news, road tests. ring images, graphs, tables and
Diesel of the year 2016: Man D3876 applications are enhanced by countries. Vado e Torno is on Autobus remains nowadays the operative costs. Comparisons
graphs, tables and Diesel own the top of editorial sector media only monthly magazine in Italy. between similar models of dif-
tech indexes. Diesel’s docu- with news about technical, eco- Readers are private and public ferent brands, market analysis
mentations on many segments nomical and legislative evolution bus operators. Autobus is a total- and the most complete price

of the market, both Italian and of goods transport by road. The ly independent magazine and it lists of every model on sale in
foreign, are essential for the main topics are the review of the covers all international show. Italy give to Trattori a sure lea-
professional readers. technical improvements of trucks dership in the editorial agricul-
and trailers. tural field.

come home
It’s a circular path the one that brought
diesel home. The engine that bears the
name of its creator was in fact born
precisely here in 1897

an evolved species has found his consecra-
tion. The D3876 is the Diesel of the year
2016. Since 2014 the 15.2 liters replaced on
Man trucks the two-liter cylinder designed in 2007
with Liebherr. Two supercharging stages, two Egr
and two heat exchangers, which on offroad version
become simpler to follow atmospheric conditions
and working cycles in industrial applications. The
D38 is the most valuable piece of Man multitasking
mosaic that also includes the D28 and D26, intro-
duced in the agricultural market in 2013.

4 5
FPT Industrial. 2015 balance sheet and projects


For the first time the engines supply to the parent company CNH Industrial
drops below 50 percent threshold. The units sold were 507,700,
biomethane is a priority, power generation embraces the Cursor 16.
Sevel is the first partner in automotive, bus & coach share is growing

Revenues are increasing lable stocks of Tier 4 Interim 55 per cent for the free market. the Fiat galaxy, as evidenced
at constant exchange ra- engines that contributed to the Among the reasons are to be by the upcoming launch of the

tes, turnover faces a si- brilliant 2014 performance. Fi- included the troubles with agri- Cursor 10 Euro 5 in Argentina.
gnificant drop, and it’s time for nishing with financial data, as culture and the performance of In the agricultural market the
the consecration as protagonist mentioned above, the operating Sevel, a joint venture between most valued brands are those of
in the engine. 3,560 million income was in line with the pre- Fca and Peugeot Citroen, then Landini and Claas, the offroad
dollars (3212.1 at the first de- vious year, net of exchange rate. outside CNH Industrial, which includes Tiger and Vermeer in
cade of March Euro exchange 2015 operating profit was 186 absorbs 31 percent of the do- North America, Bobcat and the
rate) were registered in the bo- million dollars, 37 less than in mestic market, 10 percent is the telehandlers powered by Nef. In
oks of Viale Puglia, one-fifth 2014, with a 5.2 percent opera- share of agricultural machines the marine market the strategy
less than in 2014, which had tive margin, above the 5 percent and 4 of earthmoving. In the is clear, with 8.7 and 12.9 liter
left a legacy of 4.464 million 2014 threshold. The prospect is galaxy of the remaining 55 per- Cursor provided to Caterpillar

dollars (4.03 million Euros), an increase from 4.2 to 6.3 per- cent supplied to oem, apart from and N6,7 provided to Mercury
cause of the diminution of CNH cent operative profit in 2018. Sevel, automotive has always Marine. Coming to power ge-
Industrial applications and the Speaking of units, 507 700 engi- the main share with Vdl, Tata neration, the Cursor 16 in G-
‘stockpiling’, that is the avai- nes were sold, 13 per cent less, Daewoo, Daewoo Bus, Karsan, Drive format and the renewed
Hyundai for South America S8000, which replaces the F32,
and Ford in Turkey and Latin were introduced in Dubai. In
America, historically a fertile this segment FPT offers engi-
ground for the companies of nes, G-Drive, generators and
framed gene-
In 2015, FPT * Based on European Commission’s
Industrial proposal COM(2014) 581
also delive-

red 67,800 Stage V emissions standards for
and 182,000
axles, gaining
6 and 16 per-
NOW RUN WITH IT. Non-Road Mobile Machinery
Proposed September 25, 2014
cent. F.B.

The way of biomethane Cursor 16 and S8000 in Dubai Take your business where you want to go
FPT Industrial offers for cng investing, that could reconcile FPT Industrial introduced at Mee mensions near those of 13 liters,
engines a range now under ex- the sustainability of renewable the Cursor 16 and the S8000. with only 6 millimeters more in with John Deere engines and drivetrains.
pansion which currently inclu- energy and the paradigm of zero The Diesel of the Year 2014 ke- stroke. Among its strongpoints,
des the F1C 3 liter, delivering kilometer. Methane has several eps proselytizing as evidenced the attention to structural streng-
100 kW and 350 Nm, the 150 advantages, including a mini- by the consensus gathered in th and vibration reduction, with Your equipment is your reputation. Keep them both running strong by
kW, 750 Nm Nef 6-liter and mum amount of fine dusts and Dubai, relying on the same to- 22 thousand hours of stress tests powering your machines with John Deere PowerTech™ engines and drivetrain
the 243 kW, 1,300 Nm Cursor just 22 g/kWh of CO2. The pro- pic that won him the prize: po- on the test bank, steel pistons components. Get engineering support backed by more than 65 years of
8-liter. The new chapter of this spects are favorable: cogenera- wer density. In its category the and a compact graphite iron experience integrating powertrains and machines. And give your customers
story is called biomethane, on tion clashes with its dependence G-Drive version is distinguished cylinder head. The S8000 is
which both Fiat Chrysler Auto- on public incentives and the li- by 600 kVA, that approach it to the naturally aspirated 2.9-liter easy access to more than 4,000 John Deere service locations around the world.
mobile and CNH Industrial are mited use of thermal power. Me- a higher displacement, and di- three-cylinder (AxC 104x115 Whether your equipment harvests crops, pumps water, or builds roads —
anwhile, other difficult mm) with ro-
topics are production tary pump, John Deere gives you performance, uptime reliability, and service support to
and supply infrastruc- which featu- keep your business growing.
tures, layout, with sub- res the same
floor or above uprights maintenance
mounting depending intervals of the Nothing Runs Like A Deere™
on the application, con- Cursor 16 (600
trol and after-treatment h) and delivers John Deere Power Systems
strategies. But the road up to 36 kW. jdengine@JohnDeere.com
is drawn anyway. ET
364,567 engines were sold. Sin- 9LVLWXV
Yuchai Europe perkins deo
ce 2011 they are ready for Euro
Feeling with
6, but the automotive fits among Using a good quality oil is de-
the 22 series which power ou- finitely good for the engine life +DOO$
tput is between 24 and 1,650 ki- span, and it also helps control-
lowatts of power supplies, both ling emissions and reducing
with diesel and methane gas maintenance costs. That’s be-
fuels. On the European market, cause Perkins introduced a
new diesel engine oil (DEO),
besides the engines for applica- specifically formulated to match
tions such as sweepers, special the conditions in Perkins engi-
Yuchai Europe starts from Frankfurt to conquer machines, quarry and transport, nes.
Europe. The main applications in this first phase Chinese can find space among
are stationary and Euro 6 ace in the hole. A joint motor pumps and generators,
construction machines and ser-
venture with MTU will manufacture 4000 Series vice boats. Coming to stationary
applications, the 4FA 3 liters, 60

uchai has landed in Frank- potential of 700 thousand engi- kVA prime power, 6 K 12.1 liter,
furt, laying the foundations nes per year and the technical 350 and 400 kVA and 19.6 liter,
of its European headquar- partnership with Bosch and AVL. 600 and 650 kVA in 50 Hz ver-
ters. The Chinese giant is among Yuchai is not among the rising sions were displayed at Middle
the best equipped manufacturers stars of Chinese market economy East Electricity in Dubai.
to meet the challenges of the sa- but is a strengthened institution: Also from Germany comes the
turated and demanding continen- the foundation in Yulin, in the news of the agreement with
tal market thanks to a production Guangxi region, dates back to MTU for the creation of a joint
1951. Since then the company’s venture, which from 2017 will
development manufacture the 4000 series,
has brought to China Tier 3 compliant in the
a 5.5 billion power range between 1,400 and Sophisticated engine design
euro turno- 3,490 kilowatts. Applications and demands for reduced emis-
ver in 2014. will be power generation and oil sions means smaller working
Last year, & gas. Joshua Grant tolerances inside the engine,
so the quality and performance
of the oil becomes more impor-
tant. With lower-quality engine
oils, the levels and quality of

additives can be significantly
lower, dispersant levels may
mean ash and deposits may not
be kept in suspension, allowing
them to stick to piston and rings
causing cylinder wear, resulting
in reduced performance, incre-

ased fuel consumption and po-
tentially increased emissions.
That’s why Perkins chose for its
DEO a formula based on three

base oils that deliver the right
viscosity across the working
Webasto and the benefits of cloud storage temperature ranges, and inclu-

he ways to energy saving and are often built with large glass power consumption is the top des a combination of 12 addi-
endothermic stress reduction surfaces, so they heat up quickly priority, Webasto uses the cold tives, such as viscosity stabili-
does not pass through com- when the outside temperature is storage technology. This techno- sers to ensure a long and stable 7UXHJUHDWQHVVFRPHVIURPZLWKLQ7KDW·VZK\WKHKHDUWRI
bustion chamber only. This is the high. Therefore, operators keep logy brings a coolant on graphite operating life, dispersants and HYHU\RQHRIRXUHQJLQHVEHDWVZLWKDKXQGUHG\HDUVRI
contribution of Webasto. the engine idling during brea- plates in the system storage core. detergents to prevent the build-
During breaks or rest periods, ks to cool the cabin. Given this These plates are filled with water agents and friction modifiers GLHVHODFHQWXU\DJRZH·YHIHOWWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\WRFRQVWDQWO\
operators often keep the engi- situation, customers required a and vacuum sealed. Cold is then to ensure good lubrication and GHYHORSLWWRSXVKLWWRQHZKHLJKWV1RZWKHUHVXOWLVFOHDU
ne idling to power the cabin air solution to be used in a flexible taken away from graphite plates prevent wear.
conditioner. However, keeping and efficient way for cooling using a coolant and brought to the WRVHHKLJKSRZHUGHQVLW\FRPSDFWGHVLJQKLJKWRUTXHDW
the engine idling has a cost: even their construction machines du- cockpit via a heat exchanger. This ORZVSHHGVDQGG\QDPLFSRZHUGHOLYHU\ZLWKORZIXHOFRQ
if the machine is not in working ring downtime. If filling prolon- cold plate technology requires VXPSWLRQ2UDVZHOLNHWRVD\PD[LPXPHFRQRP\ZLWKOHJ
mode it burns fuel. The resulting ged downtime with low electric very little electricity, and batteries HQGDU\0$1HIÀFLHQF\7KLVVHQVHRIUHVSRQVLELOLW\FDQDOVR
which requires a more frequent lar Cab Weba- WLRQVDQGWUDLQLQJPDQHQJLQHVFRP
maintenance. As for the cabin he- sto introduced
ating of construction equipment at Bauma pro-
with the engine off, Webasto has vides all of these
already successfully consolidated benefits. To fill
on the market its Engine-Off he- little idle times,
ating technology. In cold regions, Webasto offers electric only
this system keeps the motor at the solutions, which are tailored to
correct operating temperature, so
as to ensure pleasantly warm tem-
specific machines according with
the customer. J.D. 0$1(QJLQHV
peratures in the cockpit. Cabins
Ha E
ll US
Pramac and Generac ,S
The hands on nd

the wordlmap

The acquisition of Pramac creates the third player

of powergen. The two companies are highly
complementary: Americans are leaders in North
America, the Italian company is strong in EMEA

imilar names, almost the L’Europea and subsequently
same age and complemen- widened its focus on energy
tarity both in amperage and material handling. In 2015,
and markets: this is the premi- revenue was $ 170 million, 85
se that stimulated the American percent coming from export,
company Generac to acquire 600 employees 200 of which
Pramac. Its technical-commer- in the parent company, in the
cial area is that of power gene- idyllic Val D’Elsa panorama,
ration, where Generac waves in Tuscany: other factories are
the Stars and Stripes flag, with located in Spain, China and
2015 revenues of $ 1.3 billion, Brazil. The integration of the
mostly in the NAFTA area, product range will expand the provider. Generac focuses on cooled, Deutz for oil-cooled,
where the company is present portfolio from diesel genset to a duopoly: one is Japanese, Lombardini/Kohler for water-
since 1959, and 3,500 employe- light towers (in Italy Generac with Kubota, Mitsubishi and cooled. The gasoline mono are
es. The other protagonist of the owns Tower light), gas gensets, Isuzu. The other is John De- Honda. We’ll see if the syner-
transaction is Pramac, which welders, hand trolleys, electric ere, which monopolizes the gy which gave birth to the
was sold by the German com- pallet trucks and forklifts. gensets above 55 kVA. Pra- world’s third largest group in
pany Prettl and the Campinoti The engines also are comple- mac relies on a number of power generation will change
family, who in 1966 establi- mentary, since the two com- suppliers: Weichai, Yanmar, the balance.
shed the construction company panies don’t rely on a shared Perkins, MTU for diesel air- Fabio Butturi

Kohler and 2.0 service

The importance
of aftermarket
Kohler reorganizes the service and assigns the ‘KDI
Qualified’ brand only to technicians who followed
its training program. Updates are available both live
and through iService multimedia platform
of the ‘Distance Learning’ on-

n the beginning were 1.9 Reggio Emilia, which provides tions: introduction, security,
line training tool. The training cleaning, maintenance, sy-
and 2.5 liters. Then came technical documentation, ini- makes use of 3D animations
the 3.4-liter. And twice the tial training and technical sup- stems, functional groups and
and is divided into seven sec- controls. Ugo Righi
Diesel of the Year prize. Once port to technicians all around
reorganized the sales network the world. Transforming Your Business.
and won the appreciation of Entering the ‘KDI Qualified’
oems, it’s time for Kohler to service network requires a
reorganize the worldwide ser- training course, which is di- Cummins Tier 4/Stage IV engines are built on a legacy of exceptional reliability and durability.
vice network, which relies on spensed both through traditio- Available for a range of industrial applications from 49 to 675 hp (37 to 503 kW), they use
the headquarters of Reggio nal courses including techni- leading engine technologies which deliver the optimum balance of performance and efficiency.
Emilia, in Italy, the European cal and practice training that This provides faster cycle times in a cleaner, quieter package.
subsidiaries in France, Spain, require assembly/disassembly
Germany and England, and and dynamic test, and through Cummins has the power to transform your equipment – and business. To learn more about
the service departments in Distance Learning, included in current products and future Stage V technologies see us at Bauma, Hall A4, Stand 325, visit
North America (where Kohler iService multimedia platform.
us at cumminsengines.com or follow us @cumminseurope.
is based, Wisconsin), China This area of the corporate
and Asian Pacific, based in website contains operating and +44 1325 554829
Shanghai, Latin America, in maintenance manuals, wor-
Mexico City. Training and in- kshop manuals, parts catalogs,
formation come from the heart guarantees, and above all the
of Kohler diesel division, in opportunity to take advantage ©2016 Cummins Ltd., Yarm Road, Darlington, DL1 4PW, UK


Haulotte and Dieci Hall A4, Booth 548


The new Haulotte heavy duty range features
two models manufactured by Dieci. The two
machines are powered by FPT Industrial 4.5
cylinders engines, both Tier 4 Interim and Tier 3

he flag of the Cispada- the Htl 6508 and Htl 7210
na Republic that became are made by Dieci. The loa-
Italy’s flag was flown ding capacities are respecti-
for the first time In Reggio vely from 6.5 to 7.7 and from
Emilia. That symbol came 7.2 to 9.5 tons, the engines
from the Italian-French pact, are provided by FPT Indu-
JCB and backhoe loaders just as the one signed betwe- strial, both in 93 kW Tier 4
en Haulotte and Dieci, a com- Interim version for European

Sometimes they pany based in the province

of Reggio Emilia. In the ex-
and North American markets
and 93 kW Tier 3 version for

come back ...

pansion program of Haulotte South America, Asia-Pacific,
telehandlers range designed Middle East and Russsia.
for heavy duty applications ET

Backhoe loaders are living a second life. JCB has

won a 43 4CX supply for Sardinia Region. Platinum
is the name of the series of 70 backhoe loaders
which celebrate the company’s 70th anniversary

n football slang we should and additional hydraulic line.
call a “twice” the one that These machines are equipped
JCB made with its backhoe with the 4.4-liter, 61 and 81
loaders, one of the most pe- kilowatts Ecomax.
nalized applications in those The second goal has a vin-
times of crisis, of which JCB tage taste and is called Pla-
is the global leader. The com- tinum, the name of the limi-
pany scored its first goal in ted series made for the 70th
Cagliari, the capital of Sardi- anniversary of JCB. This 70
nia, where last December 63 units series replicates the
backhoe loaders landed for four decades old 3C III mo-
maintenance services, envi- del. The adjustments include
ronmental protection and ci- the cabin, complete with air
vil protection throughout the conditioning, heated seat and
region. The supply regards coffee maker, and the engine,
the 4CX model, equipped in this case the 4.4-liter, 81
with brushcutter arm, lift kits kW Ecomax. World premiere at the
with heavy counterweight Ugo Righi bauma: H-Series
Three-cylinder Hatz 3H50
Mercedes and HVo
Last February Mercedes-Benz getable Oil”. This ‘green’ its engines after a long series • Turbo diesel engine with Bosch
officially introduced the six- diesel, produced on indu- of tests. As HVO technical common rail technology
cylinder in-line variants strial scale since 2007, and performance characteri- • 42 kW power, 1,5 litres displacement
OM 470, OM 471 and is completely sulfur stics are comparable to those
• Lightweight with only 134 kg
OM 936 and the four- free and no ashes are of conventional diesel, no fun-
cylinder Euro VI OM produced during the ctional changes were needed • Extremely compact installation dimensions

934 using HVO al- combustion process. for the engines. The injection • Highest fuel efficiency in its class
ternative fuel. The This fuel can be used process, the pipings and seals • Premium components, made in Germany
innovative upgrade both pure as an alter- remain the same. The same
features all power native to conventional also applies to oil change in-
settings available for diesel fuel or as an ad- tervals and DPF cleaning. In ED
those engines. HVO ditive to improve the addition, Mercedes-Benz sta- EER F


is a second-genera- global environmental ted that there will be no re- E

tion biodiesel fuel, performance. Mercedes-Benz striction in terms of guarantee STAG Hatz
whose acronym stands has established the acceptabi- confirming the proven reliabi- 94099 Ruhstorf a.d. Rott · Germany
for “Hydrogenated Ve- lity of the alternative fuel for lity of the upgrade. Phone +49 8531 319-0
marketing@hatz-diesel.de CREATING POWER SOLUTIONS.
In our projections, industrial on the offroad front.
will overtake marine. Apparen-
tly, an inexorable trend. Just a What are the best selling en-
few years back, marine was at gines?
70 percent.
Redesigned in every respect,
The hot topic is Stage V for consumption, torque, noise
produced, the 5- and 8-liters
Currently we do not feel obli- are the most popular. For the
ged to say more about Stage price/quality ratio, the volume
V. We are collaborating clo- is in bigger sizes, like the 13.
sely with oems interested in
a constructive dialogue. The Relations with Higher?
status of the agreements is
confidential. We certainly We are continuing the collabo-
have internal technological ration, but the 5- and 8-liters
resources, for example with are assembled in Lyon, in the
Euro 6. Existing technologies former Renault factory. The
are not the same as will be engine blocks for these unit are
seen in 2019 and our engine- made in India, but the final as-
ers are methodically working sembly takes place in France.
on Stage V. Even the 11-liters are assem-
bled in France and the 13 and
Volvo Bus has erased the 16 in Sweden, at the plant in
word ‘diesel’ from urban Skovde.
buses. Will that happen in
industrial? What are your thoughts on
a hypothetical engine under
Volvo Penta is working on hy- 5 liters, possibly in coopera-
brids together with colleagues tion with a compact manu-
in the Volvo Group. The focus facturer?
is applications that have op-
portunities and infrastructure It would be strategic to propo-
for growth, ones where you se engines in a competitive ni-
can recover energy during the che, offering a broad portfolio
work cycle or recharge batteri- to our customers, but this op-
es while running. tion is not just around the cor-
ner. Everything is possible. For
Can you transfer supercaps example, Volvo has started the
from buses and trains to production of a 13-liter genset
wheel loaders, for example? in the Brazilian factory where
Volvo Penta from 2015 to 2016. Interview with Peter Karlsson moil sweeping the sector, there they make truck engines; that
was a slight increase compared I can not comment on the in- allows us to be competitive on
to the previous year, particular- tentions of Volvo CE, Volvo the local market.
ly among the 13- and 16-liters. Buses and Volvo Trucks, I

am referring to the prospects Plans for gas-driven mo-
What are the numbers for for Volvo Penta, which are dels?
PowerGen and other appli- designed outside the Group.

cations? Certainly vibration and noi- Currently we only list diesel
se reduction and inflating the engines. However, we are re-
The offroad sector took in a lit- torque curve are qualities we searching different alternatives
tle over 3 thousand units, the appreciate. to diesel. In certain areas, we
rest is the reserve of powergen. are selling a retrofit for dual-
Earthmoving is an important What will Volvo’s technology fuel power, a compression igni-
business area for Volvo, in cru- strategies be? tion and then conversion to
shers and other applications gas. We are talking true diesel
such as backhoes. In this case, I should let our cycles: injectors starting cold,
In agriculture, we have gai- engineers speak. Working on the electronics reads the fuel
Aiming for the heart of offroad for added growth. Among industrial engines, ned market share in the last combustion chamber tempe- in the tank and manages the
there’s more than powergen. Historically strong in construction, especially two or three years, despite that ratures is important, as is transition to gas. The average
not being our primary sector. post-treatment, we cannot dosage is 70 percent gas and
in mining and material handling applications, Volvo has agriculture in its At agricultural trade shows, focus on only one aspect or 30 percent diesel, depending
crosshairs. In 2014, they sent 8,500 engines into the European free market where we are now a permanent another. on the work cycle.
presence, we have received en-

t home at Agritechnica and the Gothenburg company. wer generators and regarding couraging feedback. Our ‘SCR- Your major European mar- At which fairs will we see the
Eima, as well as Intermat, offroad. only’ technology is particularly ket? Volvo stand?
Volvo Penta will soon Are you satisfied with your welcome because without the
paint one corner of the Bauma 2015 performance? What sectors performed dpf the casing is more adapta- Concerning powergen, the In 2016, in addition to Bau-
motorsport pavilion green. best? ble and reduces temperatures. most important markets are ma we will be at Ifat, always
Volvo Penta is changing direc- With only the European mar- located in Southern Europe in Monaco, at Cemat in Han-
tion, heading full sail towards ket numbers in my possession, Power generation, certainly. What will the ratio indu- (Spain, Italy and France). nover, and we will repeat the
new industrial beachheads. We we’re talking about 8.500 Volvo is also well-equipped strial/marine be at the end I want to emphasize that, as experience at Eima. We are de-
spoke with Peter Karlsson, Di- motors for industrial applica- in material handling, such as of the decade? far as we are concerned, the termined to carve out our role
rector of Industrial power sy- tions. That’s an improvement forklifts and reach-stackers. entire European continent is in agriculture.
stems Sales and Marketing of on 2014, both in installed po- Even in mining, despite the tur- Currently the ratio is 50 - 50. experiencing a positive trend Fabio Butturi

14 15
Construction machinery

of the mature markets
By year’s end, sales worldwide will reach 760,500 units. The overall market is in reasonably
good health and recovering compared to 2015 with prospects for further development in
the next three years. Positive Europe and North America, especially concerning the long-
term, not bad in India. China remains in an abyss moving at one third the speed of 2010

tatistics, you know, are a Particularly, when making many other parts of the planet.
nightmare. Numbers are comparisons on an internatio- Or there are statistical surveys
difficult beasts to rein in, nal scale - for example betwe- that count four-wheeled vehi-
and even more often to col- en the US market and the Eu- cles as products. Since they
lect, process, and compare... ropean one - this is a critical physically enter construction
Speaking of construction ma- step, because you risk judging sites or work on the building
chinery, the problem ratchets two entirely different shopping infrastructures, they are ‘by
up another tenfold. We are, in carts and then arriving at misle- definition’ construction machi-
fact, delving into the merits of ading conclusions. Some mar- nery. The same criterion is not
an indistinct universe, inhabi- kets, for example, snub certain however adopted in other are-
ted by a huge range of products product categories considered as. And so on...
whose only common ground is minor (e.g. a vibrating plate), Armed with these precautions,
their motors (no matter if they even while being counted in we will try going deeper into
are a few kilowatts or close to
megawatts of power) and the
fact that we find them on con-
struction sites. Full stop.
A kind of Babel
Otherwise, in any catalogue,
we are confronted with as-
phalt pavers, graders, shove-
lers (wheeled or crawlers, that
is), rollers, vibrating plates,
excavators (mini, midi, maxi),
compressors, backhoes, drills,
aerial platforms, pneumatic
hammers ... but also dump the numbers that, officially,
trucks, crawler dozers, cranes describe the features of the
or telescopic lifts. market worldwide. The bench-
This list - from which some mark that we have chosen is
things are certainly missing - is the Off-Highway Research,
not an end in itself; it is indeed a consultancy specializing in
essential for the reflections that market analysis and, in parti-
follow. What are we talking cular, in their forecasting study
about, then, when we speak released in late January (other
of construction machinery? Or upgrades are planned around
rather, what are we counting Bauma). First the numbers and
when we begin to count con- then some observations.
struction machinery?
731,000 units worldwide
Last year, the world absorbed
Global market 731,000 units (this is an esti-
mated value and therefore still
The global market for construction machinery
(number units) subject to correction), while
2010 2012 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 var. ‘16/’15 var. ‘16/’10 2016 is expected to close on
Europe 100.993 118.899 124.783 125.705 130.503 132.668 131.247 133.353 3,8 29,2 the threshold of 761,000 units.
North America 90.600 146.830 171.310 177.935 186.025 175.610 160.610 167.900 4,5 105,3 We are far from the peak of
Japan 37.060 64.860 84.225 79.998 73.825 71.620 71.650 74.305 -7,7 99,2 2012 (919 thousand machines
China 401.480 290.205 209.757 131.345 137.820 147.430 156.985 169.375 4,9 -65,7 worldwide) but still, the mo-
India 42.811 50.795 36.808 38.554 46.414 54.175 59.280 63.060 20,4 8,4 derate growth detected should
Rest of the world 99.175 247.745 191.034 177.973 185.921 189.365 190.497 200.948 4,5 87,5 lead nearer to 810 thousand
Total 772.119 919.334 817.917 731.510 760.508 770.868 770.269 808.941 4 -1,5 units by 2019. The recovery
underway (between 2016 and
16 17
area by area
Construction Machinery: the specific weight of the various areas of the planet
(% Values)
2010 2012 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 differenza differenza
2016-2015 2016-2010
Europe 13 13 15 17 17 17 17 16 0,0 4,1
North America 12 16 21 24 24 23 21 21 -1,5 12,7
Japan 5 7 10 11 10 9 9 9 -1,6 4,9
China 52 32 26 18 18 19 20 21 1,2 -33,9
India 6 6 5 5 6 7 8 8 1,8 0,6
Rest of the world 13 27 23 24 24 25 25 25 0,2 11,6
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0,0 0

2015) is none too fancy - 4 unbelieveable. pause. of 63,000 machines / year pre- planet has changed over the percent), mobile cranes and
percentage points and 30,000 Take, for example, the Chinese Positive results also in Eu- dicted for 2019. years. In terms of sales (num- compacting machines. The rest
units in absolute terms - but market. From sales of 400,000 rope. The considerations for A different story in Japan. ber of pieces) China was worth are crumbs. In India the major
it is nevertheless significant units in 2010, things sank to the US are also valid for the The barometer indicates ‘bad 52 percent of the global pie in attractions for customers seem
enough to be considered a re- 131,000 in 2015. Basically, the Old Continent - and perhaps weather’ as it detects a fall in 2010 compared with 13 per- to shift in the direction of loa-
covery. volume sold in an entire year somewhat lighter. The last six orders of 8 percentage points cent in Europe and 12 percent ders (48 percent of sales) and
was the same volume of pro- years have been accompanied between 2015 and 2016 and a of the US. Today the figures excavators (25 percent). With
From dumper to cranes duction as one 4-month period by a strong increase in sales stabilization of sales at an alti- are, respectively, 18 percent, significant roles for cranes and
The authors of the same study in its heyday! China is now (from 101 thousand to 131 tude of around 74,000 units in 17 percent and 24 percent. mobile air compressors. The
indicate the types of machines trying to get back on top, but thousand units, an increase of the medium term (2019). Consequently, the States have European market seems to be
considered in this scenario: ar- the trend is moving at a snail’s 29 per cent). There still seems overtaken China in sensational fertile ground for excavators
ticulated dump trucks, asphalt pace, at least by the standards to be a bit of fuel in the tank The earthquake effects fashion and Europe is nearly (altogether they took 60 per-
pavers, backhoe loaders, craw- of the Great Wall. For the cur- and, for the period 2016-2019, Remember, however, that in tied with China. Hail the re- cent of sales), with a balanced
ler tractors, crawler excava- rent year, the market is ex- experts still forecast a rise in 2011 the country of the Rising venge of the mature markets distribution between minis and
tors, crawler loaders, excava- pecting sales of 138,000 units the numbers. But hopes for Sun was shaken by a massive over the new economies! regulars unlike in other areas.
tors, motor graders, rigid dump which, only in 2019, should substantial spurts upward seem earthquake and the resulting At this point, let’s go into gre- Loaders were at 20 percent and
trucks, fork lift trucks (SUVs climb to 170,000 units. unfounded. tsunami. The sales data of ater detail, dividing sales based telehandlers at 17.
and telescopic handlers), skid A definitively more dynamic the following years was then on three of the main macro-
steer loaders, excavators and North America has been able India’s enthusiasm is back! reshaped, so to speak, by the areas on the planet. Always Doubts about data
wheel loaders, compacting to double its sales in the 2010- India’s vitality is no surprise reconstruction policies and by according to the projections In a closer read, some doubts
machines with men on board 2016 period and even the short since it returned to producing economic stimulus programs of Off-Highway Research, in (many actually...) concerning
and mobile cranes (but only term (2016 vs 2015) shows so- important results starting in launched by local governments; China the reference product the data inevitably emerge,
for certain markets). lid development. The inevita- 2014. Take particular note of by definition a one-off. seems to be excavators, which taking us back to the initial
Going into more detail in the ble contraction in the coming the expected increase in sales Based on this data, it is also as a whole - also including considerations of this article.
various geographical macro- years should not be interpre- between 2015 and 2016 (from interesting to see how drasti- mini versions - cover 44 per- Indeed, it is highly unlikely
areas, the positive surges and ted as the beginning of a ma- 38,500 to 46,400 units, plus 20 cally the specific weight of the cent of the market in terms of that the market for mini exca-
abrupt drops sometimes seem jor recession, but as a natural percent) and the average sales different macro-areas of the numbers. Next, loaders (38 vators is limited to less than
18 19
Construction Machinery: Market share
by product type (% values)
China India Europe
Road pavers 1,0 1,2 0,7
Loaders 38,1 48,3 19,6
Compacting machinery 6,0 4,6 0
Crawler dozers 2,4 0,9 0,7
Excavators 29,7 23,8 23,3
Mini excavators 14,0 1,1 36,4
Mobile air compressors - 7,3 -
Mobile cranes 6,4 9,3 -
700 units in India and instead how certain direct comparisons Telehandlers - - 17,1
rises to about 22,000 units in should always be interpreted as Others 2,4 3,5 2,2
China and 48,000 in Europe. a general indication and not as Total 100 100 100
Probably in the three regions an absolute truth.
they used different detection
parameters; otherwise, the Prometeia-Samoter
imbalance is inexplicable. Si- Meanwhile Prometeia Samo-
milarly it is not possible that ter published some data from
telehandlers are only sold in their research; under the um-
Europe, where they have a re- brella term ‘construction ma-
markable market penetration of chinery’ they include earthmo-
about 22,000 units per year. ving equipment and vehicles,
road vehicles and equipment
Compacting machinery for concrete, the preparation
On the other hand, compacting of aggregates, drilling, as
machines appear to have a mar- well as, cranes. Well, just for
ket of zero (0) in Europe. Also one item ‘earthmoving equip-
weighing on Europe are the ment’ this survey evaluates the

BAUMA 2016 Hall A3 Stand 349

missing mobile cranes, which worldwide market for 2015 at
can not really be considered 665,000 units and for the year
a niche product (8,000 pieces 2017 at 885,000. Compared to
/ year in China and 3,500 in Off-Highway Research’s num-
India). bers, this suggests a conside- www.bondioli-pavesi.com
No complaints or censuring of rably more dynamic growth
the valuable work by Off-High- rate (+33 per cent in just three
way Research, heaven forbid. years) and floats an additio-
Only a further confirmation of nal 100,000 pieces both in the
how difficult it is to work with 2015 figures and regarding the No one wins alone.
the numbers in this sector, and estimates for next year (a de- To win, you need an efficient, effective team.
That’s why, every day around the world,
cline in one case, growth in the our team works with original
other). Remember the cherries equipment manufacturers,
and melons?
The trend of industry
providing advanced technical solutions Professionals in motion
and professional know-how.
At the end of the day, the im-
portant thing is to understand Transmitting power is our passion.
that the industry is enjoying
reasonably good health and Helping you win is our mission.
still wants, and has room,
to grow without the need to
depend on China as the only
global economic locomotive.
Indeed, the strength of Euro-
pe should be emphasized once
again. It is not happening in
many industries, so let’s hold
on tightly to the few excep-
David Pierce

Bauma 2016 news: under 56 kW and Stage V

LOW entry
There are two guidelines for engine manufacturers: Stage V and the bottom of the
catalogue. Deutz has the 2.2-liter, a 3-cylinder version of the Tcd 2.9: both available
for LPG. Hatz brings the 3-cylinder H-series which won the performance spec
challenge. And with its 4TNV94Fht, even Yanmar debuts in Tier 4 Final above 56kW

arly releases penned by sprint (insights in the box at the 3Tnv86Cht (comparisons on ge V, in legislative terms imma-
the press offices suggest bottom of the page). these pages show the 3Tnv- ture, but with clearly-outlined
that the focus is on power Hatz has finally given birth to 86Ct), the 4Tnv86Cht and guidelines, now metabolized in
under 56 kW, as well as on the the 1.5-liter 3-cylinder, known 4Tnv94Fht, in three settings, manufacturer’s playbooks.
Stage V boom triggered at In- as 3H50TIC. With the same all over 56 kW. Man is not just celebrating its
termat this time last year. For a capacity as a 4-cylinder, ditto Given the 3-cylinder at Hano- Diesel of the Year (story below),
week, the beating heart of Ba- the common rail and, looking ver, the Perkins 400 series, but is customizing its motor di-
varia becomes the capital of in- ahead to 2019, external EGR fully-converted to common rail, visions based on usages. The
dustrial engines. No other event and DOC. is also present on Bauma’s sta- Bavarians are not just showca- cluding one waste gate per bank 20-foot container, correspon- overall dimensions, integrate tural gas, an ongoing reciprocal
indicates as precisely just which Remaining in Germany, shifting ge, keeping in theme with low sing the D38, but are doubling and relying on the Tier 4 Final ding to 6.1 meters, delivering the DPF and SCR with the same collaboration both on the road,
solutions manufacturers are from the Austrian border closer power. Until now, the English down on the D28 seen at Agri- scr with an eye on Stage V. A 1,250 kVA of prime power in coating and use passive rege- for example, with Iveco, the Nef
gravitating around. If the 2013 too Belgium, Deutz unveils two have glided around Stage V, technica, positioning themsel- challenge considering the do- the 2000 series. In terms of neration. As Turin claims, this 6-cylinder for Eurocargo and
edition was held on the eve of novelties: the first, the 2.2-liter, which they will re-launch in- ves for the entire market of minant ‘ideology’ sees the dpf vehicles, MTU exhibits two was accomplished during the the imminent evolution of the
the Tier 4 Final/Stage IV, the that ‘extracts’ a cylinder from vesting under the hoods of ve- earth-moving, construction and as inevitable, but do not forget 6-cylinder units, for ranges transition from Tier 4 Interim to Cursor 8, as well as for off road
current one is the springboard the TCD 2.9 and compares well hicles below 100 kW capacity. road work vehicles. The entire the same was said at the time currently covered in the EU, Tier 4 Final, concentrating the applications. Here an example
of the heralded Stage V (Eu- with the three-cylinders in the Currently, collaboration with gamma presented in Hanover, for recirculation, after Yanmar i.e. up to 560 kW: the 7.7-liter functions of the two units into is the T6.175, New Holland’s
ropean legislation will go into 2 to 2.5-liter range. The second FPT Industrial continues on the from 588 to 816 kilowatts, has grafted egr on the IIIA and dpf 1000 series and 15.6 1500 se- one central electronic control. CNG (methane) tractor, which
effect during Bauma 2019) and, concerns LPG fueling in the 750 854 series as does the sterling been confirmed. In the middle, for the IIIB. ries. Covering power ranges The software benefits from the is only the beginning.
as anticipated, the excitement is cc cylinder capacity grouped in moment of power generation in 650 and 750 kW variations are MTU is not focusing solely on above the current threshold, synergy between Bosch and the Kohler is persisting with the
concentrated in the aggressive both 3 or 4 cylinders. the 400, 1100 and 4000 series. available for 12-cylinder engi- mobile applications, directing there are a pair of 12-cylinders, FPT Research Center. work undertaken at Intermat:
strategy, which will not escape Yanmar completes its transi- What else can we expect from nes covering 1600-bar common operators’ attention to major the 1600 and 2000 series. Egr? No thanks. In the future, in this case, the magic formula
the law’s powerful scissors. A tion to Tier 4 Final in the TNV the festival in Munich? rail pressure (for other applica- power generators for con- The FPT Industrial strategies just the F34 will continue. Al- is that of the all-in-one, which
triad of builders are leading the series. Three ‘new’ tickets: the Everything revolves around Sta- tions, reaching 2500-bar), in- struction sites, as shown in the are clear: Do not change the ways vivid on the horizon is na- marked a high road that many

Deutz Tcd2.2 and Lpg Series Hatz 3H50

The catalogue from the banks of the Rhi- spotlight the updates in the range above last two years, follow profiles that corre- Since the launch of the 4-cylinder H-se- filter designed to meet Swiss standards nerators on display: the HEA-27TDCW5,
ne continues the complete overhaul that 4-liters, where in a short time however we spond with those of early diesels, an enor- ries, Ruhstorf has set itself the objective and the other stripped of all devices for equipped with 4H50TI, the stripped ver-
started with the full line for Tier 4 Final an- will see some surprises, focusing instead mous challenge for alternative fuels: up to of completing its low entry level. After non-compliant markets, a 3-cylinder na- sion of DOC and EGR to meet IIIA stan-
nounced in Intermat and Agritechni- on areas where it is already dominant, 45 kW for the 2.2 and 55 kW for the 2.9. the 4H50Tic update in two diametrically- med 3H50Tic has arrived. The engine dards, with 27 kVA at 50 Hz, and the
ca in 2009 and exhibited at Bauma especially in some applications, such as opposed versions, one with a particulate capacity of 1.5 liters is the modular of- Haa-25Hdcw, 25 kW hydraulics genera-
2010. Contrary to what we telescopics. The 2.9-liter is still the center fspring of the 500 cc (AxC 84x88 mm) ted from 4H50 Tic, IIIB compliant.
expected, Deutz did of attention, in a dual capacity: in the th- installed with a 1,800-bar common rail
not choose Mo- ree-cylinder 2.2-liter model and with com- delivering three injections per cycle, On the left side, the 3H50TICD. Below,
naco to pressed LPG, already available for 3 and similar to that of the 4-cylinder. The the genset HAA-25HDCW
4-cylinders, called Tcd2. 2 and Tcd2.9. performances are commendable and
In a teeming markeplace, the 2.2, with allow Hatz to snag Kohler atop the
its similar cubic capacity will go head grid of this comparison, even if it con-
to head with the Doosan Infracore cedes something in terms of absolute
2.3, the 2.2 produced in the Cen- torque (there is, however, a difference
to (Italy) plant both in versions for of 24 percent in cubic volume betwe-
FPT Industrial and VM Motori, for en the two).
the 2.2-liter Perkins, and a bit lar- Conceived primarily for North America
ger for the 2.5-liter Kohler and Ku- and some Asian markets, the 3H50Tic
bota’s 2.6-liter. With 55 kW of ma- adopts the same formula which laun-
ximum power it joins a coordinated ched the 4-cylinder: an HJS catalyst
attack on the 2.9, with a surge in with external recirculation supplied by
power density. The curves of the Wahler equipped with a mixer that re-
LPG versions, a solution that gulates the temperature and allows a
Kubota has relaunched over the greater flow of gas to be ‘deviated’ to
the combustion chamber.
On the left side, the 2.9-liter LPG. The Hatz stand will also put two ge-
On the right side, the Tcd2.2.

22 23
Brand MAN
Model D3876 LE12
I. D.
B x S mm - S/B 138 x 170 - 1,23
N. cil. - dm3 6 - 15,25
Maximum power kW - rpm 485 - 1.800
Mep at max power bar 21,6
Piston speed m/s 10,2
Maximum torque Nm - rpm 3.000 - 1.050
Mep at max torque bar 25,2
% power at max torque (kW) 51,8
Torque at max power Nm 2.577
% power at max torque (kW) 68,1 (330)
Work range rpm 750
Specific power kW/dm3 31,8
Specific torque Nm/dm3 196,6
Areal spec. power kW/dm2 54,07
Dry weight kg 1.337
L x W x H mm 1.462x940x1.170
Volume m3 1,61
Weight/power kg/kW 2,8
Weight/displacement kg/dm3 87,6
Power density kW/m3 301,2
Total density t/m3 0,83
Displacement/volume dm3/m3 9,48
VOLVO are following. For the com- Scrfilter module, capable of vo Penta is bringing industrial Diesel of the year for
pany of Reggio Emilia this is chemically acting on both NOx users competencies previously the first time, Man is
the cradle of diesel Emission level Tier 4 Final/Stage IV
a moment to take stock: it was and Pm. Bauma is an occasion consolidated in heavy automoti- engine. The 15.2 liter Injection system common rail 2,500
towards the end of the 2007 to arouse interest even in Lidu- ves and marine applications. is the apotheosis of Air intake - Techno Vtg Scr Egr
edition that Kohler officially ro, the energy storage system Little is known about what the Man full line.
opened to the world, the KDI for hybrid vehicles. To syn- is happening to the Far East.
platform has been completed thesize: based on double-layer There are no Chinese in sight,
(as of now) and the results are capacitors, it furnishes and ac- despite Yuchai’s recent landing Man D3876: Diesel of the year 2016 Let’s have a look at the indu-
coming in (to cite two names, quires energy in 15 seconds. in Frankfurt. Kubota reaps strialist’s details. A fully in-hou-
Arbos in agricultural and JCB John Deere changes gears on consensus with its 07 and V3 se platform, unveiled in a ver-
in construction). all construction fronts. Tier 4 series and will be present with sion for the farming community

Cummins will pull aces from Final in place for some time, its German dealer. No sound at Agritechnica, that sets itself
its sleeve thanks to Cummins Bauma may offer buyers fixed from Isuzu, active in recent apart from its trucking origins
emission solutions. Spotlights gensets from 31 to 563 kilo- European shows, same goes with the adoption of VTG inste-
ad of a two-stage and by using

shine on the Stage V that, ac- watts. Among the applications for Doosan Infracore. Isuzu
cording to Columbus, will bring for installed motors, John Deere could present some applica- a single EGR recirculation. The
an increase of 10 per cent to the is massively present in several tions (e.g., 4LE2X Tier 4 Fi- variable turbine geometry is an
torque, in the range between 55 niches including drill rigs, flo- nal on the Case midi excavator advanced solution for the machi-
and 300 kW. ating pumps, crushers and dust Cx80C). Doosan will certainly ne operators sector and, as with
Speaking of ‘all in one’, collectors. be present with the Portable recirculation, to repropose the
Liebherr has developed the Representing Scandinavia, Vol- Power division. two-stage adopted on trucking
thrusters would make the work
of the air filtration system more
Designed for the TGX, the German manufacturer’s trucks, difficult. In the work environ-
YANMAR TIER 4 Final ment, the air is dusty and torque
Subdued in Tier 4 Final, nearly invisible very high. The restoration, which comple- too many players between 2 and 2.5 liters, the 15.2-liter won the most coveted prize among industrial rise is not an issue, especial-
in the range above 56 kW, the Japanese
place their bets on two fronts: on the one
tes the design for Tier 4 Final (approved a range that usually extends up to 3 liters.
for use in Europe and Switzerland, Stage Also important is the segment between 3
engines. The reasons are mainly in Man’s ability to adapt ly when the maximum torque
sophisticated technological solutions to specific applications is more than enough at 3,000
hand, in the very low entry category which IIIB and Foen), raised the stakes, and en- and 4 liters, where the Japanese 3.1 di-
Nm, as in the case of the D38

is completely at home at Bau- gine volume, on three high-end members rectly challenges competitors without exa-
ma and where of the TNV family. The newly-released sperating the curves and torque rise, as rom trucks to industrials: range, in the range of 15 to 16 point concerns the double-egr. A offroad. For emissions, which
the Tier III-cer- engines are the 1.6, 2.2 and 3.1-li- taught in the Eastern school, in favor of Man’s internal supply chain liters, and that approach should delicate matter, that of recircu- are candidates for Stage V wi-
tified TNV se- ters, equipped with Bosch and resistance to stress and wear and tear. meant the D3876 LE12 took not be underestimated. Two lation, which poses problems in thout any further elaborations,
ries has met Denso common rail and bap- away the Diesel of the Year. main technological solutions the area of thermal management the egr accompanies the SCR: a
triumphant tized 3Tnv86Cht (so far in this Man displayed its entire inno- distinguish the D38: the first is (and consumption) and wear and hot solution, then, that favors the
approval; on range Yanmar has been repre- vation abilities on this project, the third-generation common tear on rings and other piston preventive containment of soot
the other, with sented by 3Tnv86Ct, which ap- which is distinguished through rail that leaves the Cummins and components. The double cooling within legal limits and delegates
engine capacity pears among the comparisons its flexible release and turbo- Scania Xpi be- level, as intended by the the reduction of NOx exhaust to
in three new on these pages), capable of 33.3
products, get- kW at 2,600 rpm, and two 4-cylin- charging strategies and the en- hind, with 2,500 designers, should upstream and downstream devi-
ting a foot into ders, the 4Tnv86Cht from 48.5 gineering approach to injections. bar pressure to return up to ces.
the compact kW to 2,600 and 4Tnv94Fht, The 6-cylinder 15.2-liter should optimize fuel 40 percent With 485 kW at 1,800 rpm and
sector, where in three settings: 69.8 kW at be seen in the context of endo- mixture in of the 3,000 Nm between 1,050 and
the scene is 2,000 rpm, 77.2 kW at 2,200 On the left, thermic customization based on the cham- exhaust 1,450 rpm, the choice is clear:
crowded and, , 88.4 kW at 2,500. For the 4TNV94- specific applications. 2014 was ber. The gas to keep stress low without pena-
in terms of volu- 2.2-liter, the same reasoning FHT. Here, the turning point under the hood second the com- lizing torque and calibrate the
me, the stakes as the Deutz Tcd2.2 applies: 3TNV86CT. for the TGX, with Man planning strategic bustion right electronics recipe to the
a six-cylinder at the top of the turning chamber. specific application.
24 25
COmparison 3 cilynder - 1,5 - 2 liter
Industrial 3-cylinders between 1.5 and 2 liters From left to right:
the 4-cylinder by
Hatz, 4H50Tic,
Perkins 403F-E17,

Kohler Kdi 1903TCr,
Yanmar 3Tnv86Ct,
Doosan Infracore
D18, Kubota

Common rail is taking over even under the two-liter threshold and is chosen hatz3h50tic perkins 403F kohler kdi 1903Tcr
by all the players in the comparison. The Hatz 3-cylinders, who have won the
challenge for specific performances, has come after the Perkins 3-cylinders making the usable range elastic.
introduced at Agritechnica in november. Kohler has the best torque peak Doosan Infracore pushes on spe-
cific curves, which put it behind

he time of Hatz 3H50TIC der strictly for displacement invaded the low power range, the winner of this challenge, the
has come, changing the reasons in the ever changing although a consideration is ne- Kdi, in terms of absolute per-
balance in this range and ground of under 2 liters displa- cessary. The near future will put formances. The specific curves
matching Kohler power at 42 cement. Industrial applications under the spotlight the 19-56 and Diesel Index are matter for
kilowatt. Ultra-compact and in this range vary significantly kW range , restricted by Stage Hatz. Kohler flexed its muscles
technologically advanced, the in a no man’s land haunted by V regulations. There are dual and placed its smaller engine­
half liter cylinder by Hatz have extremely variable units, ran- positions in several catalogues excluding mono - on specialized
found its natural expression in ging from large single-cylinder meant as cohabitation of elec- and multifunction mini. While
3-cylinders engines, that wins (for example, on vibrating pla- tronic and mechanical units, its power is the same of Hatz
the Diesel Index. The more tes and minidumpers) to ultra- which will still require the in- and pretty close to Doosan and
rewarding aspect for Ruhstorf compact 4-cylinders (on rollers stallation of after-treatment sy- Kubota, torque wins by far with
engineering is that of specific or small aerial platforms). And stems though elementary, as the
yanmar 3tnv86ct doosan d18 kubota d1803cr 24 - 50 percent gap.
curves: 28.6 kW and 126.4 Nm then there are the odds, being Doc, and will reduce the price All in 12 kilowatts
place this engine on top. The rediscovered also in important gap compared to higher powers.
best for absolute performan- displacements, which have ne- To get things clear, the whole Brand DOOSAN INFRACORE HATZ KOHLER KUBOTA PERKINS YANMAR
ces is still the smallest Diesel ver depreciated in these lati- 400 Series is segmented into a Model D18 3H50TIC KDI 1903T CR D1803CR-T-E4 403F-E17T (4) 3TNV86CT
of the Year 2012, the vanguard tudes (see riding mowers, low cross-over between chips and
of Kdi series, with the same 42 entry isodiametric and groups) residues of in-line pumps; Yan- I. D.
kW of Hatz but 40 Nm more. and then became great. Perkins mar already took a step towards B x S mm - S/B 90 x 94 - 1,04 84 x 88 - 1,05 88 x 102 - 1,16 87 x 102 - 1,18 84 x 90 - 1,07 86 x 90 - 1,05
However we need to clarify extended the use of common Stage V, while using both aspi- N. cil. - dm3 3 - 1,79 3 - 1,46 3 - 1,86 3 - 1,82 3 - 1,49 3 - 1,56
the power range choice, mea- rail to the whole 400 series, so rated and turbo for Tier4 F, and Maximum power kW - rpm 37 - 2.800 42 - 2.800 42 - 2.600 37 - 2.700 30 - 2.800 32,4 - 3.000
sured with a gauge that takes even on the 3-cylinders seen at the trend is not leaving room for Mep at max power bar 9 12,5 10,6 9,2 8,8 8,4
into account only the 3-cylin- Agritechnica. Electronics thus mechanicals; Reggio hosts both Piston speed m/s 8,8 8,2 8,8 9,2 8,4 9
the above cited cylinder and its Maximum torque Nm - rpm 165 - 1.600 185 - 1.600 225 - 1.500 150 - 1.600 125 - 1.800 125 - 1.900
‘rotary’ twin, which stops at 31 Mep at max torque bar 11,8 16,2 15,5 10,5 10,7 10,2
kW; Kubota also has one of its
Psa&vw 4-cylinder
% power at max torque (kW) 34,9 34,1 43,8 30,8 31,7 28,5
strong points in ‘basic’ 1803, Torque at max power Nm 127 147 157 127 98 108
that is worth 28 kW but will % power at max torque (kW) 74,8 (28) 73,90 (31) 84,40 (35) 68 (25) 78,60 (24) 76,80 (25)
Although perfor- PEUGEOT. and VW, but fea-
mances are out Compared to the turing ultra-slim
however have to deal in 2019 Work range rpm 1.200 1.200 1.100 1.100 1.000 1.100
of reach for the German twins, dimensions. with a very reduced price gap
compared to ‘our’ D1803Ct. DETAILS
units of this com- displacement VWPS. Specific power kW/dm3 20,4 28,6 22,5 20,1 20 20,6
parison, there are changes. The Feels the pinch All the protagonists Specific torque Nm/dm3 91,9 126,4 121,1 82,1 83,5 79,7
however a couple French shows a of Dieselgate in
of powerful en- specific power terms of image, Let’s go back to the comparison Areal spec. power kW/dm2 19,37 25,30 23,08 20,79 18,07 18,62
gines that show that has nothing but no one can protagonists. Perkins updated the Dry weight kg 163 133 233 196 149 175
dimensions and to envy to others: complain about 400 series equipment, covering L x W x H mm 573x536x673 576x541x603 598x521x716 744x573x735 514x422x643 781x536x762
volumes suitable the 1.5-liter, performance, the common rail also in 3-cylin- Volume m3 0,21 0,19 0,22 0,31 0,14 0,32
for compact ma- 4-cylinders deli- equal to Hatz. der conjugation (see p. 31). Weight/power kg/kW 4,4 3,2 5,5 5,3 5 5,4
chines needing vers 23.9 kW/dm3, Sweepers are its Substantially aligned with the Weight/displacement kg/dm3 90,9 90,9 125,2 107,3 99,6 111,6
kilowatts and which is in line killing applica- Yanmar unit, having the lower Power density kW/m3 176,2 221,1 190,9 119,4 214,3 101,3
torque. with Hatz 4H50Tic tion. displacement of the lot, it shows Total density t/m3 0,78 0,70 1,06 0,63 1,06 0,55
lower weight and size. Yanmar, Displacement/volume dm3/m3 8,54 7,70 8,46 5,89 10,69 4,90
On the left Psa Dv6Nr.- On the right side VWPs Tdi 2.0. for its part, features in this ran- SPECIFICATION
ge two almost symmetrical units
Emission level
with rail and Egr, a solution
Injection system common rail common rail common rail common rail pompa in linea common rail
mastered by the Japanese much
Techno waste gate Egr Doc wg Egr Doc wg Egr Doc wg Doc Dpf wg Egr Doc wg Doc Dpf
earlier than their competitors:
this unit shows two millimeters INDEX
in bore and a blower pushing the Torque 13,7 14,1 13,1 12,5 11,7 12,6
power. Should the market requi- Performance 4 4,9 4,8 3,9 3,8 3,8
re it, mep may allow Yanmar to Stress 6,9 8,1 8,1 6,6 6,4 6,4
extract more kilowatts. Kubo- Lightness 10,4 10 13,5 11,8 11,7 12,9
ta does not show any peak but Density 24,8 37 30,7 15,2 33,4 14,1
stays in the reliability perimeter, DIESEL INDEX 6,5 7,5 6,6 6,1 6,2 6,1
taking down engine speed and
26 27
comparison 13 liter-industrial engines
Six-cylinder engines with two liters cylinder swept volume

roots on
the road
13 liters engines for industrial applications often derive
from original truck engines, the winner is Cursor 13 that
shows over the top performances followed by Cummins,
thanks to its outstanding compactness and lightness

fter the fireworks that ac- shorter stroke and larger bore adapted to industrial applica-
companied the Stage IIIB/ than the predecessor, renamed tions, is confirmed by the con-
Tier 4 Interim regulations, Qsg for agriculture. For the struction character given to D28
the 12 to 13 liters range has not sake of accuracy we should not and D38 by Man. The complian-
experienced major changes, fir- forget Man, that introduced at ce strategy of the Bavarian units
mly standing on 400 kilowatt Agritechnica 2013 an agricul- pursues a compromise between
threshold apart from the Cursor tural adaptation of its D26, te- electronic control unit settings,
13, leading the segment with its stifying the conversion of the crank drive and power supply,
500 kilowatt. Coming to Tier 6-cylinder towards versatility. and the need for simplification
4 Final, Cummins sent a clear The taste for flexibility showed and sturdiness expressed by off-
message retiring the QSX 11.9 by Man units, usually designed road applications such as far-
replaced by the Qsm, that has for heavy duty machines then ming and construction. The need

is it a lucky 13?
for versatility was interpreted
in Nuremberg by adapting the
Brand - Model Caterpillar C13 QSG12 TCD 12.0 V6 C13 2ST T PSS13.5L (7) D946 A7-04 D2676 LE131 6R 1300 DC13 070A TAD1375VE
electronic system, which works
I. D. at 12 or 24 Volt and a 24 Volt al-
B x S mm - S/B 130 x 157 - 1,21 134 x 142 - 1.06 132 x 145 - 1.10 135 x 150 - 1.11 132 x 165 - 1.25 130 x 150 - 1.15 126 x 166 - 1.32 132 x 156 - 1.18 130 x 160 - 1.23 131 x 158 - 1.21 ternator, using aluminum-forged
N. cil. - dm3 6 - 12.5. 6 - 12.01 6 - 11.90 6 - 12.88 6 - 13.54 6 - 11,94 6 - 12,41 6 - 12,80 6 - 12,74 6 - 12.77 cylinder cover, inserting a third
Maximum power kW - rpm 388 - 2,100 382 - 2,100 390 - 2,100 500 - 2,100 448 - 2,100 380 - 1,900 382 - 1,950 390 - 1,700 405 - 2,100 405 - 1,900
Pto on the flywheel and using a
Mep at max power bar 18.1 18.5 19.1 22.6 19.3 20.5 19.3 21.9 18.5 20.4 control unit to monitor all para-
Piston speed m/s 11 9.9 10.2 10.5 11.6 9.5 10.8 8.8 11.2 10 meters.
Maximum torque Nm - rpm 2,381 - 1,400 2,300 - 1,400 2,127 - 1,400 2,901 - 1,400 2,754 - 1,550 2,600 - 1,250 2,401 - 1,150 2,450 - 1,300 2,430 - 1,500 2,587 - 1,150
Mep at max torque bar 24.4 24.6 22.9 28.9 26.1 27.9 24.8 24.5 24.5 26
Cursor 13 the ‘powerful’
% power at max torque (kW) 51.3 50.2 44.6 48 51.5 58.4 52.8 52.9 50 53.9 As anticipated, the leading force
Torque at max power Nm 1,764 1,735 1,774 2,274 2,038 1,911 1,872 2,185 1,842 2,038 is the Cursor 13, the flagship of
% power at max torque (kW) 90 (349) 88.30 (337) 80 (312) 85.10 (426) 99.80 (447) 89.60 (341) 75.70 (289) 85.60 (334) 94.3 (382) 77 (312) the Cursor range and Fpt Indu-
Work range rpm 700 700 700 700 550 650 800 400 600 750 strial top of the range before the
DETAILS introduction of the Cursor 16.
Specific power kW/dm3 31 31,8 32,7 38,8 33 31,8 30,7 30,4 31,7 31,7 We’re talking about the double
Specific torque Nm/dm3 190.4 191.4 178.6 225.2 203.2 217.6 193.3 191.2 190.7 202.4 turbine version, which was firstly
Areal spec. power kW/dm2 48.74 45.15 47.50 58.21 54.57 47.74 51.07 47.50 50.88 50.06 used on Stralis trucks confirming
its ‘truck footprint’: under the
RULES AND BALANCE hood of the Stralis Hi-Way the
Dry weight kg 1,143 862 995 1,430 1,542 1,341 1,070 1,140 1,075 1,322
L x W x H mm 1,272x996x1,132 1,294x931x1,002 899x925x1,116 1,365x912x1,213 1,547x961x1,542 1,428x903x1,151 1,376x925x1,288 1,375x980x1,260 1,406x889x1,108 1,148x868x1,237
Cursor 12, 9 liters is the choice
Volume m3 1.43 1.21 0.93 1.51 2.29 1.48 1.64 1.70 1.38 1.23 for long-distance missions, wai-
Weight/power kg/kW 2.9 2.3 2.6 2.9 3.4 3.5 2.8 2.9 2.7 3.3 ting for Fpt Industrial to introdu-
Weight/displacement kg/dm3 91.4 71.7 83.6 111 113.8 112.3 86.2 89 84.4 103.5 ce the automotive version of the
Power density kW/m3 271.3 315.7 419.4 331.1 195.6 256.8 232.9 229.4 293.5 329.3 above cited Cursor 16 which at
Total density t/m3 0.80 0.71 1.07 0.95 0.67 0.91 0.65 0.67 0.78 1.07 the moment is shrouded in the
Displacement/volume dm3/m3 8.74 9.93 12.80 8.53 5.92 8.07 7.57 7.53 9.23 10.39 mist. While John Deere only is
SPECIFICATION in pole position inside this lot
Emission level epa tier 4 epa tier 4 epa tier 4 epa tier 4 epa tier 4 epa tier 4 epa tier 4 epa tier 4 epa tier 4 epa tier 4 for displacement, focusing the
Injection system meui iniettori xpi common rail common rail common rail common rail common rail common rail common rail xpi common rail magnifying glass on specific
Air intake - Techno Acert scr dpf Eat (scr doc dpf) double stage Hi-eScr scr egr doc dpf scr vgt scr egr t.compound egr scr vgt egr scr waste gate scr egr values leaves no doubt: you do
not even need to scroll through
INDEX the table, since the characters in
Torque 10.4 10.4 10.2 10.8 9.2 10.1 11.2 7.3 9.4 10.9 bold highlight its primacy, testi-
Performance 7.1 7 6.7 8 7.6 7.6 7.2 7 7.2 7.3
Stress 11.8 11.5 11 13.1 12.6 12.5 11.9 11.1 11.9 12
fied by a gap between 15 and 22
Lightness 12.1 9.4 11.6 15.4 15.4 14.8 11.7 12.2 112 13.5 percent for available kilowatts at
Density 8.9 10.5 13.1 10.2 6.1 9.5 7.8 7.5 9.4 11 maximum power and 10 and 21
DIESEL INDEX 7.6 7.9 7.7 8 7.3 7.5 7.7 7.1 7.6 7.6 percent for Nm, both referred to
28 29
Cummins deliberately turned ted for emission: coming from
over direct on road derivation to the muffler with catalytic conver-
give priority to offroad tones of ter and dpf, gases pass into the
the ‘son’ of Columbus, though mixer through an elbow fitting
the Sino-American project (the then are processed by a selec-
godmother of the project is Fo- tor with technical urea. Overall
ton, China is the forge of com- dimensions are a disadvantage,
pact red units). Despite lacking while being on the other hand
exuberance, as soon as you take a strongpoint for Deutz: 13,54
a look at power and torque spe- liters for the heavyweight of the
cifications things fall into place lot, 11.9 for the slim one made
and the 12 liters lines up to the in Cologne, the only one under
rest of the lot, except for the afo- a cubic meter. There are rumors
rementioned Fpt Industrial and about future upheaval in over 4
John Deere. Pss champions the liters range. We do not know if
deer front. John Deere performs - besides the highly popular one
quite well in the comparison, not liter cylinder in 4 and 6 configu-
only in terms of peak values, with rations - the Rhine designers are
only a 10 percent less power than also going to change the charac-
Cursor: only Deutz stands close ter of the 2 liters cylinder used on
with 33 kilowatts per liter. The 6 and 8 cylinders. This engine for
twin ‘s’ in the Pss acronym stan- sure looks good, even if it does
ds in the American taxonomy for not have the same commercial
double turbocharging stage and appeal of its little brothers Tcd2.9
the all-inclusive formula adop- and Tcd3.6; its 19.1 bar mep may

Caterpillar cummins

be improved. Maybe a few milli- pressure during the main injec- working, the 12 cylinders from FPT, while density brings the lowing the Big Yellow to beco- shows a better stress control and
meters longer stroke could give a tion. The cylinder head is cooled Bulle begins to take hold in co- Liebherr almost at the top. me an option even outside Peo- pushes on mep. The results?
CAT C13 Nm kW

few more kilowatts… by the transverse flow within the generation with its gas version, Using Acert on crawler exca- ria borders. Acert means scr, doc Slightly higher torque values (6
515 3.981 515 3.981

Mtu pushes on mean effective head in vermicular graphite. De- while being at ease in mobi- vators, articulated dump trucks and passive Dpf regeneration. percent), which are reflected in
480 3.631 480 3.631
445 3.281 445 3.281
410 2.931 410 2.931 pressure with its 12.8, which de- spite its origins, stresses are un- le applications. Premises are and a couple of special machi- In conclusion (not only alpha- the index performance.
375 2.581 375 2.581 rives from Om471 coming from der control: a 8.8 m/s piston spe- good: an extreme flexibility in nes, Caterpillar keeps mep betic), here come the Swedish Weight is a different story: Vol-
340 2.231 340 2.231 Detroit Diesel shore. Among the ed is a paradigm of moderation, integration and customization very low, even if increasing the cousins. Scania engages a fier- vo declares 187 kilos, making
305 1.881 305 1.881
refinements of the truck version and the same is for the engine of specific components and cur- rotation speed could improve ce fight, with a gap of just 0.03 Södertälje 18 percent lighter
270 1.531 270 1.531
we find the dual overhead cam speed at maximum power. ves, which comes almost entire- performances. All in all, dimen- dm3, while Volvo slows down to than Gothenburg. In Tier 4 F/
head and the X-Pulse pressu- Liebherr is another German ly from Swiss valleys. Torque is sions and weight/power ratio are 1,900 rpm instead of the cano- Stage IIIB Volvo turbocharger
235 1.181 235 1.181
200 831 200 831
900 1.300
1.700 2.100 900 1.300
1.700 2.100 re amplifier, which acts on the competitor. Robust and hard- second only to John Deere and in line with the middle class, al- nical 2,100 of the DC13. Volvo marries wastegate, Scania Vtg.

deutz Fpt industrial John deere liebherr man mtu scania volvo penta

FPT C13 Nm kW
JD PSS13.5 Nm kW
MAN D26 Nm kW
MTU 6R1300 Nm kW
515 3.981 515 3.981 515 3.981 515 3.981 515 3.981 515 4.434 515 4.434 515 4.434
480 3.631 480 3.631 480 3.631 480 3.631 480 3.631 480 4.084 480 4.084 480 4.084
445 3.281 445 3.281 445 3.281 445 3.281 445 3.281 445 3.734 445 3.734 445 3.734
410 2.931 410 2.931 410 2.931 410 2.931 410 2.931 410 3.384 410 3.384 410 3.384
375 2.581 375 2.581 375 2.581 375 2.581 375 2.581 375 3.034 375 3.034 375 3.034
340 2.231 340 2.231 340 2.231 340 2.231 340 2.231 340 2.684 340 2.684 340 2.684
305 1.881 305 1.881 305 1.881 305 1.881 305 1.881 305 2.334 305 2.334 305 2.334
270 1.531 270 1.531 270 1.531 270 1.531 270 1.531 270 1.984 270 1.984 270 1.984
235 1.181 235 1.181 235 1.181 235 1.181 235 1.181 235 1.634 235 1.634 235 1.634
200 831 200 831 200 831 200 831 200 831 200 1.284 200 1.284 200 1.284
900 1.300 1.700 2.100 900 1.300 1.700 2.100 900 1.300 1.700 2.100 900 1.300 1.700 2.100 900 1.300 1.700 2.100 900 1.300 1.700 2.100 900 1.300 1.700 2.100 900 1.300 1.700 2.100
giri/min rpm
giri/min rpm
giri/min rpm
giri/min rpm
giri/min rpm
giri/min rpm
giri/min rpm

30 31
COMPARISON between 750 and 900 kilowats
800-900 kilowatts comparison
Liebherr d916
A struggle
Not just the sively on our wheels and the
identical twin assumptions). flywheel, whose
of the two-liters The adjustments size has been
cylinder, but a involve the increased to en-
true protagonist pistons, that sure a 65 percent

for four
thanks to a 16 have to withstand more torque to
and a 20-cylinder. higher loads, the be transferred
The D96 series cylinder heads to transmis-
from the German that feature a bet- sion. Emissions
manufacturer in- ter cooling, the management rely
tegrates Liebherr reinforced cran- exclusively on
The presence of Swiss engines in large displacements range is at the top range. The kshaft, the gear Scr.
16-cylinder, 2.25-
moment entrusted to the Man twin, that proves again to be unbeatable for liter per cylinder
specific curves. The other two players are Caterpillar and MTU. Above this born from a bore
increased to 135
threshold, Liebherr is investing with its 16 and 20-cylinders (see box) millimeters might

almost be part
nits for stationary appli- facturer which consolidates the the Man medal, because even if of this challen-
cations, or designed for German hegemony. His name is this is a four hands project, the ge, tackling the
pleasure craft, engines for Liebherr, that while using for its two-liter cylinder was identified equal-cylinder
large offroad mobile applications: engines a Swiss passport - since up to now with the brand from MTU thanks to
when it comes to the megawatt Bulle is located in a French-spe- Nuremberg and in recent years a 36-liter displa-
threshold, the number of competi- aking canton of the Swiss Confe- has been freed from the autarkic cement placed
tors for Diesel Index is reduced to deration – is owned on the other choice which saw it used only in 900 - 1,200
the usual elite, the German duet hand by a multinational company on Liebherr machines, gaining kilowatts range
consisting of Man and MTU, and that has its roots firmly planted in a share of the free market. Ini- and 6,000 Nm ra-
the Caterpillar variable. Now this the tradition of German industria- tially, this expansion takes place ted torque, which
oligopoly gained another manu- lists. Its V12 is the other side of in gas cogeneration, at least as suggests a tor-
que peak betwe-
en 7,500 and
in the range 24 - 32 liters 8,000 Nm (these A rendering of
data rely exclu- 16-cylinder.
Model C32 ACERT D9512 A7 D2862LE13 12V 2000

I. D.
B x S mm - S/B 145 x 162 - 1.12 128 x 157 - 1.23 128 x 157 - 1.23 135 x 156 - 1.16
N. cil. - dm3 12 - 32.10 12 - 24.24 12 - 24.24 12 - 26.79
Maximum power kW - rpm 895 - 2.100 750 - 2,000 816 - 1,800 783 - 2,100
Mep at max power bar 16.3 18.9 22.9 17
Piston speed m/s 11.3 10.5 9.4 10.9
Maximum torque Nm - rpm 5,488 - 1,400 4,675 - 1,450 5,000 - 1,400 4,635 - 1,100
Mep at max torque bar 21.9 24.7 26.5 22.2
% power at max torque (kW) 51.3 52.3 51.3 49.2
Torque at max power Nm 4,067 3,577 4,332 3,557
% power at max torque (kW) 90 (805) 94.70 (710) 89.90 (733) 68.20 (534)
Work range rpm 700 550 400 1,000
Specific power kW/dm3 27.8 30.9 33.6 29.2
Specific torque Nm/dm3 170.9 192.8 206.2 172.9
Areal spec. power kW/dm2 45.16 48.58 52.85 45.58
Dry weight kg 3,004 2,050 1,950 2,950
L x W x H mm 1,874x1,600x1,370 1,856x1,236x1,314 1,660x1,333x1,391 2,028x1,278x1,461 liebherr d9512 mtu 12V 2000 cat c32 acert
Volume m3 4.11 3.01 3.08 3.79
Weight/power kg/kW 3.4 2.7 2.4 3.8
Weight/displacement kg/dm3 93.6 84.6 80.4 110.1
regards the 24 liters, more diffi- to defeat the inertia and move is instead very low: to understand Liebherr keeps everything in hou-
Power density kW/m3 217.8 249.2 264,.9 206.6
cult to place than smaller displa- an about ten tons and over total why, just put your finger on kW/ se as usual. The goal of Bulle is
Total density t/m3 0.73 0.68 0.63 0.78 cements. The 12 cylinder is the mass, as in the case of combines liter and Nm/liter entries in the to manufacture 60 thousand com-
Displacement/volume dm3/m3 7.81 8.05 7.87 7.07 top range and stands close to its and dumpers. Cummins is exclu- table. These items enhance the mon rail systems a year in 2020.
Man twin, which shows a more ded from this comparison since performances of the two cousins MTU stops at 783 kW, showing
SPECIFICATION exuberant character, shown by 9 the QSX stops at 15 liters, which Liebherr and Man, with the D28 an effective torque profile over
Emission level Tier 4 final Tier 4 final Tier 4 final Tier 4 final percent power and 7 per cent tor- bring in Columbus 503 kilowatts leading the race just followed the entire range. In over 900 kW
Injection system meui common rail 2,000 bar common rail common rail que. Overall, the D9512 specific and 2,800 Nm. Caterpillar firmly by the D9512. Nuremberg holds range we find the 16-cylinder of
Techno Acert Scr Scr Egr Scr curves are softer and shorten the stays on top for performances, down the rotation speed, which 2000 Series. The royal road of
INDEX gap with the D28, leaving behind confirming the 2.6 liters cylin- consequently moderates piston the post-treatment is SCR, and
Torque 10.3 8.9 7.6 13 the Cat - MTU pair by a 10 per- der and inevitably swelling po- speed and vibration, also than- recirculation appears on MTU
Performance 6.6 7.1 7.5 6.6 cent. Nevertheless Man came out wer and torque. Cat tactics on ks to the effect of the bedplate. (external cooled EGR) and Cat,
Stress 11.1 11.7 12 11 from the deep post-Agritechnica this displacement range rewards The cylinder features four crown coupled with DOC and DPF.
Lightness 13.6 11.1 10.5 14.9 restyling with modified characte- stresses, with top speeds going valves, as for all others, common Despite different performance
Density 3 4,2 4.5 3.1 ristics, a few kilowatts less than hand in hand with MTU, and is rail is made by Bosch, while profiles, the Diesel index rewar-
DIESEL INDEX 7.2 7.5 7.5 7.3 the previous calibration and much reflected by a piston stressed like Cat relies on the proven chip – ded the Made in Switzerland
man d2862le13 more torque. That’s what it takes no other here and a mep which controlled MEUI system, while pair.
32 33
Visa. The Italian GenSets. From northeastern Italy to the world
Perkins 4000 Series

step by
Powered with both gas and diesel, the 4000 series embodies the top
of the Perkins range of power generation motor platforms. Product
segmentation is divided in 6, 8, 12 and 16 cylinders with 4 valves per
cylinder head, turbo-chargers with fixed rotors, intercoolers, a cast-
iron block, oil cooling circuits and electronic controls. Top values
for 50 Hz diesel are as follows: 720 kWe and 900 kVA for the 4006
Tag, 725 kWe and 906 kVA for the 4008 Tag, passing up to 1,504 kWe

and 1,880 kVA in the 4012. One step further, the 4016, offers 2,000
kWe and 2,500 kVA.
Starting in January, the 4008-30 has entered into production in three
sizes (Tag 1, Tag 2 and Tag 3), including renovated manifolds, with
electronic controls, new filter configurations and cooling circuits.
All designed to augment power: the Tag 3 delivers the power of the
previous 12-cylinder.
As the leading genset manufacturer in Italy, Visa follows
a modular logic, furnishing over 36,000 configurations.
Production is organized in three branches and, thanks
to twenty years of close collaboration with Perkins, has
guaranteed a near monopoly among the 9 to 2,200 kVAs

fter half a century, the for the past twenty years, Visa sales network organizes distri- Engines and technology in particular the air-cooled open, boxed, soundproofed or in collaboration with Perkins, of 45, 60 or 120 minutes, for
9 to 3,000 kVA gam- has adopted a multi-brand stra- butors on a regional scale, offe- Divided from 9 to 3,000 kVA, models, are very popular. The super-soundproofed. For mo- through synergistic performan- load tests at 10, 25, 50, 75,
ma has now placed an tegy, working with key partners ring both serial standardization the Perkins 400, 1100 and 4000 200 and 250 kVAs represent bile applications, which require ce compliance tests. 100 and 110 percent and for
estimate of more than 4,000 like Peterborough among 9 to and customization. Importers series reliably cover everything 70 percent of production, whi- large tanks, precise specifica- With the acquisition of a com- simulating reliable alarms and
machines (closer to 4,300 2,200 kVA and Mitsubishi and are trained directly by Visa and under 2,200 kVA. The 404 tur- le product ranges between 251 tions and noise exhaust emis- pany specializing in sheet me- protection protocols.
units) in 2015 and 36 thou- MTU for their 2,500 to 3,000 handle both sales and support. bo and the entire 1100 Series, and 650 kVA cover 20 percent, sions, the electrical equipment tal working, Visa is capable of
sand product configurations. kVA needs. ending with tho- and accessories come with in- producing metal parts, such as Conclusions
Four focus areas define the se between 651 tegrated monitoring via plc or bonnets, bases and tanks. To According to Lorenzo Barro, to-
Visa phenomena: markets, Applications and 3,000 kVA. remotely. circumvent delays in delivery, gether with his brother Marco,
applications, engines and Visa generators are designed for Among alterna- Visa holds over one thousand owner of Visa, variable speed
technology, design and pro- raw performance power, even in tors, the choice Design and production engines and as many alternators generators are «an application
duction. so-called developing countries, may fall on Ve- The 36,000 product variants are in stock. which we will surely develop.
like Northern and sub-Saharan netian companies made possible by SAP, the in- The work flow, as mentioned, It involves energy storage for
Markets Africa, where poor network sta- Marelli and Mec- formation management system. is spread over three islands, those utilities that need constant
The Visa sales network spans bility makes daily emergencies cAlte, even if the Critical issues relate to installa- each dedicated to a specific si- power across variable work
sixty diverse markets and is par- the norm. strongest brand tions that would be penalized by ze (small, medium and large), cycles and electrical coverage:
ticularly entrenched where the Diverse applications extend remains Stamford. an interruption in the electrical within which each operator in those contexts, hybrid gene-
electric grid is underdeveloped, from hotels and hospitals to The main varia- supply and those in industrial observes SAP requirements: rators are very valuable. It is an
such as in Africa, Russia and the data processing centers, border bles in customized cycles where thermal shocks sequences, phases, component emerging application that we
Arabian Peninsula. In emerging posts and government offices. solutions are the are an issue. Design capabili- serial numbers and procedu- are working on. We are aware
markets like Bangladesh, the For example, an Algerian dealer electric power, the ties skillfully reconcile factors ral transparency. Each worker that right now the key is con-
Philippines and Australia, Visa signed a contract with the Mi- alternator and the like temperature and noise with follows one single machine venience. We’re trying to figure
works mainly in 50 Hz. Despite nistry of Education to provide mechanical va- actual working conditions while through assembly according to out which savings and business
the long-term relationship with all universities with 250 kVA riables: the same meeting the designated worklo- the Lean system. Generators are plans we can offer our custo-
Perkins, their primary supplier groups. Of particular note, the machine comes ad. Product vetting takes place mechanically tested for periods mers».
34 35
Dellorto and industrial engines. EGR and throttle bodies Headquartered in
Lombardy, Italy,
Dellorto has a
plant also in india.

from bikes to
Specialized on
radiators for bykes
Itaian company
broadened its

focus on Egr and
throttle bodies
for industrial

Guide to a chat with Paolo Colombo, R & D Innovation Manager,

reviewing Dellorto industrial breakthrough which started from
motorcycles and cars then shifted to off-road, focusing on EGR
and throttle bodies for industrial applications

he evolution of Dellorto, body came on diesel engines at luted by exhaust gas. We also
a manufacturer of radia- the beginning of the new mil- believe that the EGR will soon
tors for motorcycles since lennium with the “air valve shut also be used on supercharged
1933, led the company based off” function: when the valve is turbo gasoline engines with di-
in Lombardy to focus on in- off and closed the engine stops rect injection. Position sensor
dustrial applications with EGR the compression work that ge- contacts in the throttle have
and throttle bodies. How it all nerates the shaking. been removed in favor of elec-
happened? We asked Paolo tromagnetic Hall effect. The
Colombo, R & D Innovation Managing regeneration sensor includes a magnet built
Manager. After that it was necessary to in the throttle shaft, and a spe-
split the aspiration on diesel cific integrated circuit (Ascic)
How did you come to recircu- engines in order to manage that senses the magnet. In the
lation? the temperature control in the KDI case we’ve been working
chamber during DPF regenera- on brushless motors and used a
«We started from electric EGR tion so to help the engine ther- ‘smart’ valve, so that the con-
valves and left out the pneuma- mal management in the initial trol unit no longer drives the
tic drive step. Our valves are operating stages. In summary, DC motor receiving the position
driven by a DC motor featuring its functions are shutdown, feedback; the control unit refers which is made of aluminum, have most severe acceleration engine, because the exhaust gas We now buy them, and after all peculiar molding and welding
a position sensor for feedback thermal management during to the electronics that controls the other components are made submitting the egr to higher is relatively cold. So far there there are no electric actuators, technologies, because it must
control. The first industrialized the warm-up, even where the- the DC motor, which checks the of stainless steel». loads is expected. Then there has been talk of heat recovery position sensors, die-cast or de- be lossless, extremely reliable
application was with Fiat, later re’s no DPF but only SCR, correct position. This system is could be a significant impact with coolant, but it can work rived by mechanical machining and have just slight pressure
joined by GM. Other customers pressure differential through also used by Vm for industrial Isn’t the EGR too complica- on the radiators. also as heat storage, for exam- components on heat exchangers. losses».
are Kohler/Lombardini and Vm, the EGR valve and DPF rege- applications, when ten thousand ted? ple on start&stop». By contrast, heat exchanger has Dante Ferrari
the latter both for automotive, neration process. Unlike throt- hours of operation are requi- Looking for new solutions
with the V6 used by Maserati, tle bodies for gasoline engines, red. «The EGR is a mandatory and In terms of innovation, expe- Are industrial synergies in
Chrysler and Dodge Ram 1500, diesel throttle bodies have a Temperatures is also a factor technically mature device that riences such as the research sight?
and industrial with the R754,
while the 3-cylinder R753, re-
wide open default position to
ensure engine operation even
in case of power failure of our
which will increase together
with emission test cycles car-
does not require additives as
the SCR. Indeed the test cycle
program ‘No waste’ with Ran-
kine cycle are currently hardly «We consider some market pla- no waste project
named R22 by FPT Industrial, ried at increasingly high lo- for industrial engines requires applicable to smaller size mo- yers as possible interlocutors «We are participating in ‘No waste’ European research project for
features our throttle body. Our electrical component». ads, up to 800 °C in the gases operating points at higher lo- tors. In road vehicles it is pos- with which to establish ‘win to exhaust gases heat recovery on long-haul trucks via a Rankine
egr solution completes the passing through the valve. We ads than automotive approval. sible to recover heat from the win’ relationships on niche pro- cycle, which resembles a steam cycle even if the operating fluid
whole KDI range by Kohler. Any indiscretion about the fu- developed solutions to avoid In trucks sector the so-called exhaust gas as a source to acce- ducts or markets, such as those is water. The fluid exchanges heat with the exhaust, that hosts a
Iveco uses the egr on Sofim ture? the deposit of dirt or the valve PEMS – Portable emission me- lerate the engine inlet, heat the started with Bosch and Magneti heat exchanger, and with the EGR cooler; the mixture is heated and
2.3-liter (F1A) for Daily and sticking in its seat by means of asurement tests are also taking gear or the cockpit more quic- Marelli, with whom we have a made into the expander, a turbine, producing mechanical ener-
Ducato commercial vehicles, «There is much talk of HCCI profiles which limit the contact over because of Real drive kly. If temperature is very low, license to produce throttle bo- gy which can be converted into electricity for on-board services.
together with Psa. Staying in with constant use of the elec- of linear surfaces, or with de- emission. This is a trend that vehicles in normal use cannot dies in India. We are looking It is a closed loop cycle: the fluid returns into the compensator,
the industrial world we provide tronic throttle body and egr to vices that eliminate the incru- is also coming in the automo- reach the working temperature at EGR for gasoline engines condenses and goes back again into the circuit. The project cluster
the throttle body for the F5C, achieve cold combustion with stations on the valve stem. We tive sector, where a test cycle and systems of this type may in automotive applications. includes Fiat Research Center and Renault Trucks. The project has
the 3.4-liter known as 854 in premixed charges as much as used acid condensate resistant called Wltc ‘Worldwide light help, although it is obviously It must be said that full EGR already been used by CRF on Iveco engines and by Renault Trucks
the Perkins range. The throttle possible, homogeneous and di- materials: apart from the body, duty test cycle’ which will easier recovering heat from the also includes heat exchangers. on its engi-
nes. Cum-
mins is also
working on
this project.
The suc-
cess of this
solution will
depend on
a number of
factors, in the
first instance
diesel price,
as a matter
of total cost

36 37
Bondioli & Pavesi between past and future a completely different depth,
involving a thousand applica-
tions in the industrial world.
After the gearboxes, available

both in standard and parallel
shaft version (made by Bima
from Reggio Emilia, officially
acquired by the Group in 1997)
and on OEM specifications,

the Eighties were the age of
hydraulics. Even in this area the
strategy remains the same: bu-
ilding up expertise. Expanding
the viewpoint from drive shafts
to hydraulic products, this po-
Radiators with integrated bypass and automotive system are licy applies also to directional
the current reality of a company that now boasts an institutional control valves and piston pum-
ps of axial motors.
presence among transmission shafts and gearboxes. The next The strategy is always radial:
challenge involves hydraulic components where the expansion does not
start straight from the heart of

rom 1950 to Munich today, sion shafts are the milestone ‘Safety, function, technology’, the company, it is undertaken
the creature of Edi Bondioli and the land to be conquered both with simple and constant- through acquisition. In the de-
and Guido Pavesi followed by the company. Based on an velocity joint. After the tran- cade between 80’s and 90’s the
the high road of specialization, approximate annual volume smission shafts revolution that grouping of some hydraulics
consistently differentiating the of 2.5 million drive shafts, the went beyond belts, the natural Italian companies boosted up A look on the
technical-manufacturing range share of Bondioli & Pavesi is expansion involved gearboxes, and made extensive the firepo- Bondioli &
and renewing its original voca- about 400 thousand units. In the component that gathers the wer in this area: HP Hydraulic Pavesi history
tion towards an environmental- the nomenclature of Suzza- ‘sprocket chains’ (for instan- manufactures pumps and axial at the hall
ly sustainable development in ra, in northern Italy between ce, chains, belts, pinion and piston motors, pumps and gear of the Italian
the anthropological meaning of Lombardy and Emilia where crowns) and represents a fur- motors and actuators; SM Oleo- headquarter.
the phrase. the company is headquartered, ther area of development. It is dinamica manufactures compo-
The culture medium is power transmission shafts are identi- a synergistic element, which nents for pumps and hydraulic
transmission, while transmis- fied by SFT, which stands for brings the product evolution to motors, mechanical joints, and axial piston pumps; DINOIL use of any external support and The implemented new edition hydraulics of the automotive
and its subsidiary Tecnomek welding inside the radiators. of the automotive system is system records pressure chan-
deal with directional control, The advantages affect dimen- used to manage the pump used ges according to rpm, automa-
Historical legacy monoblock, modular and load- sions and functionality, elimi- by mobile equipment such as tically adjusting the pump flow
sensing valves. nating liquid loss, reducing se- backhoe loaders and telescopic rate. This results in a more
We are in Suzzara, on the left bank of Po river, the echo The last frontiers are by-wire als from eight to two and heat handlers, adjusting the pump prompt response of the transla-
of the war is fading away and in the early Fifties Edi distributors and heat exchan- dispersion, thereby facilitating flow to the engine speed ac- tion pump that’s useful for short
Bondioli and Guido Pavesi convert old car engines to
power generation, and civil and industrial machines in
gers. The latter are made by thermal management. cording to work cycles. The and quick trips.
hybrid machinery suitable both for transport and agricul- Fira, another subsidiary focu-
tural processing in their workshop. The next steps were sed on large machines. The
the construction of three tractors and the final leap to company originally used exter-
transmission shafts as first pioneers on the Italian then
international scene, creating in 1952 a plastic shield for
nal suppliers for radiators, then
bought ovens suitable for high-
Bondioli & Pavesi in the world
the universal joint. What is the scenario in which Bondio- vacuum brazing. The operational autonomy promotion could be imprinted in the Bondioli & Pavesi
li & Pavesi blossomed? Let’s think to a still image, that It is very rare finding in to- brand, as evidenced in the branches’ nomenclature, ‘commercial and logistics’. The
of Iveco, which faces the company headquarters. The day machines a system where founders guessed that the sales network should be made of dealers to personally
factory that today manufactures Daily industrial vehicles hydraulics do not work together promote the products. The company’s policy was driven since 1967 by the creation
previously housed OM and originally Officine Casali, with mechanics and electronics. of branches that not only manage sales but are also able to provide expertise and
that assembled agricultural machinery from 1885 to the This is the real meaning of pro- technical advice. Subsidiaries are sensitive organizations that collect technical issues
postwar era, including the corn duct differentiation in Bon- from customers, work together with the head office and diversify re-
sheller named Invincible. dioli & Pavesi. sponse depending on application and cultural context.
This ferment justifies the fame And what is be- Let’s recall some examples. In Brazil, where there
that once Suzzara - also called hind the scenes are customs duties, drive shafts and control valves
the ‘little Manchester’ - had in of R&D? Two are produced on site. In Spain, a market that needs
agricultural mechanization, due emerging solu- flexibility, the subsidiary import the components of
to its strategic position in the Po the transmission shafts and manages the assembly.
Valley, an area that later became
tions: the inte-
grated bypass in Almost all subsidiaries are equipped with hydrau-
the world leader in luxury cars lics assistance banks, but some branches do not
manufacturing, industrial motors radiators and au-
feel this need that much. Each company
and mechatronic components. tomotive system operates as a local structure, while being
The driving force of mechanical for machines fe- fully owned and controlled by Bondio-
skills was the ‘School of Arts aturing hydrosta- li & Pavesi, and refers to the parent
and Crafts’, that was attended tic transmission. company for commercial, financial
also by Edi Bondioli. Established Speaking and administrative management,
October 9, 1877, this evening of ra- logistics support and other ser-
night school was intended dia- vices (advertising, communi-
to ‘raise the underprivileged tors, cation, etc). The production
people’, and in the words of Edi t h e facilities located outside
Bondioli «was a total university patent Italy are based in Czech Re-
because we did so much, whe is the ful- l y public, Brazil and China. The
learned everything, and usually integrated bypass export sales is 84 percent of
the owner was an artist». management, the total turnover.
which makes no
38 39
Axles, transmissions and off road components

optimization is the
key word

This was the theme of the latest edition of the most important agricultural fair. Whether
it’s consumption, flexibility or engineering, the leitmotif of many new products
shown in Hannover was the improvement of machine performances through a better
reliability, energy efficiency and ease of installation of its components

hat do OEMs expect Poclain High Performance Program range, representing an effecti-
from transmissions, The High Performance Program, a are able to bring down the usual ve alternative solution to cvt
axles, hydraulics flagship of Poclain Hydraulics, was load losses of any hydraulic transmissions thanks to its mi-
and electronics components? enriched by the new generation unit: this way it is possible to nimal power and torque loss.
We’ve seen a couple of re- of hydraulic motors Mhp20 and achieve an efficiency rate of more TC4 transmission is addressed
plies to the offroad world in MhpP27, developed with the than 90 percent, even when to telescopic handlers: 4 or 6
2016 at Agritechnica, and the ambitious goal of combining operating at full speed thanks speed in power shift mode, a
answers are to be found in the performance, reliability and to the limited displacement. power range from 62.5 to 81
optimization of fuel consum- optimized fuel consumption. When it comes to comfort, in kW (85-110 HP), and a layout
ption, versatility and ease of The configuration of the rotation addition to the solutions used specially developed for these
integration and use in machine machines, characterized by
unit, specifically designed to on each component to reduce
construction. the side mounting of the ki-
Let’s start with transmissions. allow high rotational speeds (up noise, the Mhp20/27 technology nematic chain.
to 370 rpm) and power levels takes advantage of the direct
Bpw transmission without reduction Fad Assali
The Agro Turn steering axle ratios, which results in a reduction Sidra One Evolution 2.0 is a
by Bpw features a particular of noise and frequency level hydraulic modular indepen-
architecture in which the tra- even at maximum rotation speed. dent suspension from Fad
ditional steering bar is repla- This new range is available in Assali. Using the same self-
ced by a steering fork with several displacements from 1,430 supporting module a self- Gkn Land Systems is reversed: the electricity is Series is a line of hydrostatic are particularly relevant in an
integrated hub, and a brake to 3,500 cc, distribution valve steering mode or controlled The Gyrodrive GKN Hybrid generated from the slowing drives, specifically designed application segment in which
assembly with a holder that configurations which allow to steering is obtained without Power by GKN Land Systems down of the flywheel and is for the operational needs of larger tanks mean increased
can be mounted in different calibrate the engine characteristics cylinders change. Another is based on a flywheel system used to operate the electric self-propelled sprayer. The th- productivity and optimized
positions, allowing the use of to suit the required performances, recently introduced product of braking energy recovery. motor, which contributes to ree models in range - CO13, fuel consumption. Among the
different tire sizes and grea- (up to 280 kW) -key features and built-in braking systems. is a ‘powered’ fixed and ste- An electric generator, integra- the acceleration of the vehicle. CO17 and CO26 - feature the prominent features of the new
ter ground clearance. Its con- for improving productivity and Maximum reliability is assured ering axle, approved for 9 ted in the transmission line, The system is being tested on same design and the ability series, the adoption of tapered
structive peculiarities do not performance of the machine) by solutions such as sealed and tonnes per axle, therefore for converts the kinetic energy prototypes of wheel loaders to adapt to different machine bearings across a wide spread
end here: the position of the - is its hallmark, together with protected caps, which allow the a load capacity of 18 tons. into electricity, which feeds and telehandlers. weights, speed, tires and bra- to allow for higher radial lo-
brake camshaft, for example, an optimized engineering of engine to operate in chemically The hydraulic motor is de- a flywheel that stores energy king performance, and may be ads and a patented internal
has been rotated by 10° back- veloped in collaboration with until the vehicle needs to acce- Oerlikon Fairfield used on sprayer from 2,200 to service brake. Thanks to its
all components. Thanks to its aggressive environments, dust and
wards in order to create the Poclain. lerate. At that point the cycle Oerlikon Fairfield’s Champion 6,000 liters. These aspects common design, Champion
innovative design, the Mhp20/27 dirt, withstand shock and stress.
needed space to obtain a su-
perior steering angle, equal to
28 degrees, and facilitate the
suspensions mounting.
Carraro DriveTech
Carraro focused on Twin Shift
dual clutch transmissions, in-
spired by automotive versions,
that was represented in Hanno-
ver by the T100 model, suita-
ble for 73.5 to 132.3 kilowatts
power range, completing the
low end of the product ran-
ge. Eight dual clutch speed in
power shift mode and three or
four ranges for a total of 24 or
32 speed, range changing with
hydraulic actuator and Master
Clutch (starting friction) are
the prominent features of this
40 41
hydrostatic units may be also with a maximum total weight stage turbocharger which valves, a modular system for pumps series is addressed to stand ranges within engine, cluding data analysis, remo- efficiency in order to make
mounted on different machi- of 12.5 tons and a maximum implements the recirculation auxiliary valves and hitch the 37 to 66 kW power ran- steering systems, valves, pum- te diagnostics, system para- better use of engine power.
nes such as aerial platforms. speed of 50 km/h; other spe- of exhaust gases even in full control valves; regardless of ge. Last but not least, the new ps, electronic and telematic meters transmission, remote Thanks to Bpc software the
cial variations of the Tpt 20 load conditions via an EGR the type of drive (mechanical axial piston, variable displa- controls catalogs. Among the software updates, machine operator just controls forward
Zf are available for driving speed system that integrates radia- or electro-hydraulic) and flow cement engine A10Ver, desig- latter, the platform ‘plug-and- localization and tracking, geo- and backward movements of
Zf completed the power tran- ranges up to 40 km/h, which tor, recirculation valve and rate (up to 120 or 170 l/min), ned for mobile equipment fan perform’ solutions for off- fencing, automated reporting, the machine through the acce-
saxle Terra range - which now are thus manageable without bypass valve, high efficiency all sections can be freely com- drive and featuring speed re- road machines and equipment monitoring and analysis of lerator and directional control;
includes eight models in po- compromising towing power vtg and cooling solutions such bined. The electrohydraulic verse function; the motor does that combines the technology machine efficiency, frequency the software instantly adjusts
wer ranges from 47.8 to 235.3 or gears scaling. as electronically driven Visc- hitch control is driven by the not need an additional speed built into the machine, satel- and duration of use reports. the engine and the hydrostatic
kW (65-320 hp) - with Tpt tronic units. EhR12 valve with open cen- reverse valve, simplifying in- lite technology and cellular Best point control stands out transmission to provide maxi-
20 axles. The latest, in parti- Borg Warner ter technology, optimized to tegration and improving the network connectivity, and a in software solutions area, an mum efficiency in any opera-
cular, is addressed to the me- Performance, operational effi- Bosch Rexroth be integrated into the SM12 overall efficiency of the fan user interface that allows to intelligent system focused on ting situation, providing fuel
dium power segment between ciency and fuel consumption Bosch Rexroth has shown in Rexroth modular distributor drive. remotely control how, when the management of hydrosta- savings up to 25 percent de-
132.3 and 154.4 kW (180-210 are the criteria that inspired Hannover four new products which is capable to manage and where machines are used; tic transmission components pending on the type of appli-
hp), and fits easily thanks BorgWarner; the company calibrated on machine power. up to ten feeds. The new size Danfoss the system includes multiple (pump and motor) in the way cation, the working cycle and
to its design on applications focused on the R2S two- The SB24 and SB34 sandwich 28 of the A1Vo axial piston What we’ve seen at Danfoss complete functionalities, in- as close as possible to optimal the system configuration.

42 43
A powerful
N° 4 - 2016 AP
ANNO 29°
EURO 5,00

VADO E TORNO EDIZIONI - www.vadoetorno.com - ISSN 0042 - Poste Italiane s.p.a. - Sped. in a. p. - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n° 46) art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI

Hall C4 Stand 327



GRANDANGOLO: Hitachi e l’ibrido alla giapponese. Con Isuzu

CONTSHIP ITALIA: ai reach stacker di Cvs Ferrari serve la tempra di Scania
BAUMA: il Man D3876 è il Doty 2016. Hatz toglie un cilindro, Deutz pure e va a gpl

Mee Dubai: Fpt launches

Cursor16 and S8000 Interpump Hydraulics

I Middle East Elactricity Dubai 2016


Fpt Industrial dà fuoco alle polveri e lancia un segnale forte con la
presentazione del Cursor 16. A Torino rispolverano l’S8000 per l’attacco.
Perkins fa il 2,2 con il gpl, Scania gassifica il 16, Cummins gli alternatori S0
e S1, i John Deere sia nudi che vestiti, Mtu con 2000 e 4000

Contship Italia: at La Spezia

harbour Scania works hardly

“Design For SAE 2 medium power engines”. It should

La Spezia Container Terminal

be the real title of this article. Among the features

A Si declina in tutte le applicazioni la vocazione alla movimentazione
di Contship Italia, che gestisce la logistica al Porto di La Spezia e in
altri quattro porti italiani: reach stacker, ralle, camion e locomotori
400,000 cycles with max power on the PTO clutch of
63 kW at 600 Nm and 1000 rpm PTO output speed
sono i principali attori della filiera

Originally developed for Ive- atures three different Clutch. Other features include
co Tector engines, the new mounting positions, a pre-arrangement for external
Fish-Eye: Hitachi and Isuzu sandwich PTO suitable for located between oil cooler, temperature control
for the hybrid excavator engine SAE 2 size by In- truck diesel engi- option, oil level inspection,
ISUZU SPOSA L’IBRIDO terpump Hydraulics is ne and gearbox, in PTO output sensor speed, oil
addressed to heavy duty order to get power
Hitachi ripropone la sua

cooler (water/oil & air/oil) and

declinazione ibrida in una macchina
da produzione come l’escavatore
cingolato. Lo ZH210-5, un classico
fra i taglia media, non perde nulla

applications (100% directly from the

della brillantezza e rapidità del suo

an auxiliary PTO window ope-

omologo tradizionale, ma dà un
taglio netto a consumi e emissioni

of engine available engine indepen- ning located at 4 and 8 O’clock

torque) such as fire- dently from the

to avoid chassis collision.

fighting (Including use of the ve- The new sandwich PTO by
Isuzu 4HK1X e Hitachi ZH210-5

pump & roll fun- hicle clutch; the Interpump is compatible both
ction), concrete mi- PTO output - up with SAE 2 and several SAE
xer, sewer cleaner, to 1000 Nm - may 1 engines and all transmission
price list snowplough and be either Constant (mechanical, automatic and au-
refrigerator(cooler) Drive or detachable tomated).
The update prices of the vehicle. The PTO fe- by using a Multi Disk Roberto Negri
new engines ranges


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now the MEDIUM gets BIGGER !
MENSILE - ` 3,00
Sonia Bonfiglioli and Enrico
Carraro and the booth
at Agritechnica. Below, Inertia brake Hot shift/clutch
VADO E TORNO EDIZIONI www.vadoetorno.com ISSN 0042 2096 Poste Italiane s.p.a. - SPED. IN A. P. - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n° 46) art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI

the TravelDrive F1800.

l’avanzata del Below Travel Drive Crawler



Oil cooler pre-arrangement

Scania G 320 Hybrid: it’s ok for
Mobility revolution truck Bonfiglioli and O&K
Trasporto 2.0

Con il G 320 Hybrid da 24 ton inizia una fase nuova della sostenibilità

An expanding
Punta di diamante del
programma Scania ‘Take C SCANIA G 320 HYBRID

CO control’ per limitare
le emissioni di anidride
carbonica nell’atmosfera
l’ibrido svedese enterà in
produzione a partire dalla
seconda metà dell’anno.
E sarà il primo della serie

Iveco Stralis: LNG is the real

alternative to the ‘alternatives’

With a turnover of 730 million



An agreement between Bonfiglioli and Carraro

euros in 2015, the specialist
ratified the acquisition of the majority stake of for drive systems, Bonfiglio- Oil temperature sensor
O&K. Now the planetary gear product portfolio li, registered a record year.
Drives for mobile machinery
is strengthened made up around one third of
Iveco Stralis Lng per la Smet

LA Iveco spinge forte
sulla sostenibilità:

turnover, and drives for wind
il 25 per cento
dei 330 esemplari

ast december, the agree- range of up to 3 million New-

stradale a basso

impatto ambientale
previsti in consegna
all’azienda, ovvero

turbines made up around one

oltre 80 unità, saranno
infatti alimentati a Lng

ment between Sonia Bon- tonmeters. Hence, the family-

On road test: good
consumption for VW Caddy
figlioli and Enrico Carraro
ratified the acquisition of the
majority stake of O&K Antrieb-
run business Bonfiglioli can be
relied on as a single source to
meet the performance require-
fifth. The other half was ge-
nerated by industrial applica-
tions, mining and steel works,
power generation and process
stechnik by the company based ments of its customers in the


in Bologna. Carraro kept a 45 construction machine industry. technology. At the end of


percent share of the German Moreover, the two companies 2015, Bonfiglioli had 3,375
a b e e e 41,1
a b e e e 49,3

employees of which 2,100

a e e e e 31,5


company, specialized in plane- complement each other perfect-

a b e e e


tary gear units for tracked ma- ly in terms of previous sector were located in Europe, around
1,100 in Asia/Pacific and 170

chines and cranes, machinery focus and regional strengths.

in the Americas. These figures
La furgonetta all’esame più duro

for mining and port. The acqui- O&K Antriebstechnik provides

In versione Euro 6 la furgonetta
Volkswagen mostra sorprendenti doti
di sobrietà nei consumi sfiorando
PRATICAMENTE addirittura i 18 km/litro. Un valore da

primo della classe, che in questo

especially reflect the locations

caso fa il paio con un’altrettanto
piacevole agilità nel tratto urbano e
18.497 €

sition of O&K Antriebstechnik Bonfiglioli with a strong quality

più in generale con la convincente
consistenza delle prestazioni

GmbH in Hattingen serves as brand as well as access to the of the production sites in Italy, PTO output speed sensor
price list an ideal addition to the Bon- mining industry, while O&K Germany, Slovakia, India and Auxiliary
The update prices of the figlioli planetary gear product benefits from Bonfiglioli’s glo- Vietnam.
Roberto Negri PTO option
new engines ranges portfolio in the performance bal distribution network.

at bauma and MINExpo



This year Bonfiglioli will introduce two new pro- lar traction. In Las Vegas will make its debut the
ducts at Bauma in april and MINExpo 2016 in heavy-duty drive F1800 by Bonfiglioli - O&K An- Hall A5 - Booth 439
november. The first one is the drive F650 by triebstechnik, a component capable of a peak

Bonfiglioli - O&K Antriebstechnik, a solution torque up to 1,800,000 Newtonmeters desig-


designed for mining and crane industry machi- ned for vehicles weighing up to 800 tons. The
nes weighing up to 350 tons. construction is geared towards
SUBSCRIPTIONS With its peak torque of up to the most challenging excavator
650,000 Newtonmeters and conditions in the mining indu-
AND SAMPLE ISSUES: its robust construction, it is a stry. Special models tailored to www.interpumphydraulics.com
via Cassano d’Adda 20, 20139 Milano suitable drive for cranes and specific vehicle requirements
tel. 02/55230950 - fax 02/55230592 drills on chassis with caterpil- are also available.
E-mail: abbonamenti@vadoetorno.com


N.3 - 2016
ANNO 21°
EURO 3,50


quotes KARSAN - 6 Engines and components for OEM

Culture, technology, purposes
VADO E TORNO EDIZIONI - www.vadoetorno.com - ISSN 1720-3503 - Poste Italiane s.p.a. - Sped. in a. p. - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n° 46) art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI

KOHLER - 10, 23, 24, 26, 27

And market of Diesel engines
KUBOTA - 10, 22, 27 Established in 1986

A Editor in chief
AGRITECHNICA - 26, 40, 46 L Maurizio Cervetto

Managing editor

KDI 3404
Fabio Butturi
B LIEBHERR - 24, 30, 32, 33
Editorial staff
BAUMA - 14, 17, 22, 46 Stefano Agnellini, Ornella Cavalli,
BONDIOLI & PAVESI - 38, 39 M Cristina Scuteri, Roberto Sommariva


l’utility BONFIGLIOLI - 46 Contributors
batte il MAN - 22, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31, Davide Canevari,
cinque BORG WARNER - 42
BOSCH - 8, 23, 42
32, 33 Roberto Negri, Carlo Pifferi
Layout & graphics
BPW - 40 MECC ALTE - 35 Marco Zanusso (manager)
C MTU - 8, 10, 23, 24, 29, 31, 32,
Industrie Grafiche RGM srl,
Rozzano (Mi)
CARRARO - 40, 46
Tests on the fields: Deutz-Fahr CATERPILLAR - 28, 30, 31, 32,
33 Offset
Master Print, Rozzano (Mi)
5115.4G and Merlo Turbofarmer 33
CLAAS - 6 O Milano City Court Authorization

DT HD GS n. 860 – December 18th 1987 National
È il modello più potente e
accessoriato della nuova
gamma 5G di Deutz-Fahr.
Una serie che incarna CUMMINS - 24, 28, 30, 33 O&K - 46 Press Register n. 4596 – April 20th 1994
Poste Italiane Inc. – Mail subscription
l’essenza dell’utility
moderno, prestandosi
agevolmente a qualsiasi

utilizzo aziendale, dalla
movimentazione con

D.L. 353/2003 (mod. in L. 27/02/2004 n°

caricatore frontale al
trasporto e alle lavorazioni
in campo aperto.
Grande possibilità di

46) Art. 1, subsection 1, LO/MI


73.360 euro

Professione ‘Utility’

PERKINS - 8, 10, 22, 24, 26, 27,
DELLORTO - 36, 37 34, 35
DEUTZ - 22, 24, 28, 30 POCLAIN - 40 EDIZIONI
It comes the HillSide MANAGEMENT
DIECI - 12 PRAMAC - 10
New Holland TC HillSide
DOOSAN - 27 PSA - 26 via Cassano D’Adda 20 - 20139 Milano.
New Holland rinnova la gamma d’attacco
TC proponendo al top la possibilità di
un’autolivellante vera e propria da 258 cavalli
su misura per il mercato italiano
Tel. 02/55230950 - Fax 02/55230592

F R Website
FAD - 40 RENAULT - 37 Editorial coordination
FCA - 6 Paolo Scarpat
FIAT - 6, 37
FPT - 6, 12, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, S ADVERTISING
Special Vehicle: Diverto QS 100. 30 SAMOTER - 20 Management
via Cassano D’Adda 20
For thousands applications SCANIA - 29, 31 20139 Milano
tel. 02 55230950 - fax 02 55230592
G e-mail: pubblicita@vadoetornoedizioni.it
Diverto QS 100

Ecco il vincitore del
‘Red Dot: best of the
best’ del 2015, uno
dei maggiori premi
del design mondiali.

GENERAC - 10 T Editorial management
TATA - 6 Fabio Zammaretti
Ad aggiudicarselo

GKN - 41
sono stati gli
olandesi della
Diverto col super
versatile QS 100 4.5

Sales agents
Roberto Menchinelli (Roma),

Luca Pizzocri,
Michele Schiattone,
HATZ - 22, 23, 26, 27 VDL - 6 Emanuele Tramaglino
HAULOTTE - 12 VISA - 34, 35
Annual subscription
price list HYUNDAI - 6 VM - 22 Italy 35 euro, International 55 euro
Air Mail Annual subscription
The update prices of the VOLKSWAGEN - 26
65 euro
VOLVO - 14, 15, 24, 29, 31 Back issues
new engines ranges
I 7 euro
44 W Payments
Current account 50292200
ISUZU - 10 WEBASTO - 8 Vado e Torno Edizioni srl,
via Cassano D’Adda 20, 20139 Milano.
IVECO - 23 WEICHAI - 10 e-mail: abbonamenti@vadoetorno.com


J Y diesel@vadoetorno.com
Copyright 2015 Vado e Torno Edizioni
JCB - 12 YANMAR - 10, 22, 23, 24, 27 It must be due to the fuel consumption - over 10% lower than the competition - or the performance, equivalent to
SUBSCRIPTIONS JOHN DEERE - 24, 28, 29, 30 YUCHAI - 8 Notice to subscribers that of larger size engines. It must be that it offers the highest torque and power in its category - increasing the
According to D.Lgs. 196/03 – Art. 13, digital productivity of the machine by 15% - or because it is a compact engine that never stops, given that it does not use
AND SAMPLE ISSUES: archive data (name, surname, business, address)
are used by Vado e Torno Edizioni exclusively to DPF and the work cycle never needs to be interrupted to regenerate the filter. It must be that it responds exceptionally
via Cassano d’Adda 20, 20139 Milano
tel. 02/55230950 - fax 02/55230592
send commercial and promotional mailing referring
to publishing house – subscriber relationship.
According to D.Lgs. 196/03 – Art. 7 the subscriber
to load variations, thanks to the electronic management of its performance and the perfect integration of the turbo
with the engine - or due to the incredible reduction in noise, vibrations and exhaust fumes.
E-mail: abbonamenti@vadoetorno.com KARLSSON, Peter - 14 ZF - 42 may ask to cancel or modify its personal data at
any time

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Hall A4
Stand 137

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