Research Log 6

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Research Log #6 - Solutionary Project 2021

Date: March 9th, 2021

Name: Tai lee
Essential Question: Physical vs emotional loneliness

Three Points to Prove: #1: what is physical loneliness

#2: what is emotional loneliness

#3: what’s the difference between physical and emotional loneliness

Point that this Source Proves: # 3


Early in the video DR. K states that “ Physical loneliness is more a definition of not having your sexual desires met,
I’ve been told I’m quite good looking but as much as a small part of me wants those areas to be fulfilled I just
hate sex. That’s physical loneliness. Emotional loneliness is when you don’t have someone to wake up too and
bring hot coffee and “accidentally” spill it on her to wake “it” up, whops, I am such a clutz”.


This video that Dr.K supports my point about what are the differences of emotional and physical loneliness
because Dr. K brings in many of his viewers that deal with these types of loneliness to come onto his podcast like
video to help explain to the world that loneliness is a huge mental hurdle we might all have to face later in our lives.
This loneliness can come from not having a person that lives with you or not having anyone to talk to. This physical
loneliness is very common in elderly people. While on the other hand we have emotional loneliness, emotional
loneliness takes it form as feeling like we don’t have any serious connections with anyone and this can make you feel
like no one truly loves you because you haven’t formed a hard bond with that person.

Later in the video Dr. K has 2 people come on. 1 of them suffers from physical loneliness while the other
suffers from emotional loneliness. What DR.K said was that yes while people might think loneliness is a single thing
they would be wrong loneliness has around 4 branches and they all affect a person differently rather that be socially or
personally. I believe that Dr.K has a good point loneliness is such a huge thing in society and so much people don’t
realize how much it affects us.
Work Cited:

N/A, Dr.k, director. LONELINESS: The Danger of Social Isolation | Dr. K Interviews. 22 Sept. 2020, Accessed 10 May 2021.

This is a reputable and reliable article because

I believe that this is a very reputable source because Dr.k is a real doctor that studied in phycology and has been
helping hundreds of people throughout his whole career. I also believe that we can rely on this video because Dr.k has
brought on real people dealing with these types of mental illnesses and has helped them understand what it is and how
the person can work on his mental illness to help control and conquer it.

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