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Beyond Design Basis Accident

Fukushima 1 Unit 1 & 3

ec ca Briefing
e g based o
on Facts
acts S

h 14
14, 2011

Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim

Kyung Hee University

Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim


Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim


Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim


Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim

Containment Electric Scheduled
Unit Type First criticality Constructors
Type power Shutdown
Fukushima I – 1 /
BWR/3 Mk-1 Oct. 1970 460 MW 26 Mar '11 GE
Fukushima I – 2 BWR/4 Mk-2 July 18, 1974 784 MW 18 Jul '14 GE
Fukushima I – 3 BWR/4 Mk-2 Mar. 27, 1976 784 MW 26 Mar '16 Toshiba
Fukushima I – 4 BWR/4 Mk-2 Oct. 12, 1978 784 MW 12 Oct '18 Hitachi
Fukushima I – 5 BWR/4 Mk-2 Apr. 18, 1978 784 MW 18 Apr '18 Toshiba
Fukushima I – 6 BWR/5 Mk-3 Oct. 24, 1979 1,100 MW 24 Oct '19 GE
Fukushima I – 7
ABWR ABWR Oct. 2016 1,380 MW
Fukushima I – 8
ABWR ABWR Oct. 2017 1,380 MW

Co e c a ope
at o oof Fukushima-1
u us a U Unitt 1 : March
a c 26,
6, 1971
It is ready to decommissioning at this month.
It is one of the oldest NPP in Japan.

Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim

E th k att 14:45
14 45 March
M h 11,
11 2011
with following Tsunami of 10m height wave

Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim


Richiter Magnitude: 9

Design Level of Nuclear Power Plants

Fukushima Unit-1 : 0.18 g (about 6.5)
Shin-Kori Unit 3&4 : 0.3 g (about 7.0)
Peak ground acceleration should be ~0.8 g in order to protect scale 9.

Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim

Event Records

March 11 Friday
14:45 Unit 1,2
1 2 &3 shutdown right after earthquake
Unit 4,5 &6 had already been shut down for maintenance.

P (t )  0.066 P0 t 0.2  t  TS 

Decay Heat Should be cooled with long-term cooling capability

After 2 days,
days P(t)=0
5% of P0

Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim


Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim

Normal Operation

Decay Heat Cooling

Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim

March 11 (Friday)
14:50 Failure of electrical power supply in Fukushima. (Offsite Blackout)
Emergency diesel generators were started for backup cooling.
? Generators for units 1–3 were damaged by the tsunami.
stopped abruptly about 1 hour operation

afternoon Steams buildup in containment

19:03 declaration of nuclear emergency (evacuation within 2 Km)

March 12 (Saturday)
2:00 pressure inside the containment reached to 600 kPa (6 bar)
(200 kPa (2 bar) higher than under normal conditions)
5:30 pressure was 2.1 times of the design capacity, 820 kPa (8.2 bar)
7:00 TEPCO announced increase of radiation level (I, etc.)
9:00 identification of core uncovered ((50cm ?))
10:30 identification of core uncovered (90cm ?) & Cesium-137
15:28 identification of core uncovered (1.7m ?) & Iodine-131
15:29 radiation level at site boundary: 1.015 mSv/Hr
15:36 explosion at Unit 1 reactor building
According to a Reuters report of 21:36 JST, Chief Cabinet Secretary
Yukio Edano indicated that the building housing the No. 1 reactor
containment vessel had collapsed as a result of a hydrogen explosion.
Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim

14.5 ft

Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim

Hydrogen Generation

Zr  H 2 O  ZrO 2  H 2  E

Happens in cladding,
not from fuel

Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim

Explosion smoke from concrete weather cover of reactor building
due to failure of hydrogen igniter

Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim


Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim

Refueling and Service Zone

Destroyed by
Hydrogen Explosion

Intact Yet
Partial Core-Melt
leaked Hydrogen

Partial Break of Coolant Circuit

due to Earthquake

Mark 1 type (light bulb torus) containment structure

Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim


Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim


Radioactive Material in Impact to Public

p Elements Characteristics
Noble Gases Xe, Kr Atmospheric Dispersion
Volatile I, Cs, CsI, CsOH, Te Soluble in Water
St Long
Stay L in
i Human
H Body
B d
Non-Volatile Sr, Tc, Ce, Mo,

In case of Chernobyl Accident,

Radioactive cesium and iodine in body can replace non-radioactive
potassium and iodine in the body.
Radioactive strontium can replace non-radioactive calcium.
Taking a vitamin can reduce risk of cancers and other organ damage.

Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim


March 12 (Saturday)
18:25 Evacuation area (distance of 20Km)
20:20 TEPCO cool the leaking reactor with sea water & boric acid
expected to take 5~10 hours to fill the reactor core

March 13 (Sunday)
1:17 JAEA announced that it was rating the Fukushima accident at 4
(accident with local consequences) on the 0–7 International
N l
Nuclear Event
E tSScale
l (INES)
(INES), b
l the
th TMI accident
id t (scale-5)
( l 5)

5:10 NISA announced the loss of cooling in Unit 3

5:58 declaration of Nuclear Emergency for Unit 3
12:33 Secretary Edano said "it was highly possible a partial meltdown
was underway" in Unit 3.

March 14 (Monday)
11:00 Explosion in Unit 3

Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim


Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim


Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim


Briefing on Fukushima-1 Accident March 14, 2011 Prof. Myung-Hyun Kim

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