Blaez Burback - Madeline Hunter Lesson Plan Template 1

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Teacher (Student Name): Jacqui DeKlerk Unit Title: Science

Grade Level: 5th Lesson Title: Solar System

Standard(s): Could not find a standard for this lesson.

Materials/Resources Needed:
● student notebooks

● projector

● computer with internet

Anticipatory Set (List specific statements or activities you will use to focus students on
the lesson for the day.): Words to focus on would be: Solar System, orbit, asteroid.
Activities to have the students focus 0on would be looking at the solar system model and
memorizing it.

Objective/Purpose (For the student's benefit, explain what students will be able to do
by the end of the lesson and why these objectives are important to accomplish.):
The students will know the 8 planets- their order, different sizes, and their names. They will
be familiar with new words, such as solar system, orbit, asteroid.

Input (What information is essential for the student to know before

beginning and how will this skill be communicated to students?): They will need to know
what a world is and that a world is part of the solar system.

Model (If you will be demonstrating the skill or competence, how will this be done?):
Begin by drawing a big sun on the board and “Solar System”. Ask the students if they know

what this is, and ask for volunteers to come up to the board and draw anything they can think

of that is related to the solar system. Discuss what makes up the solar system- stars, planets,

asteroids: find out their background knowledge. If there are any words they don’t know,

explain using diagrams.

● Students will watch a video (song )about the Solar System and the different


● (play it a few times)

● Ask students: What are the 8 planets? Can they remember them all, and in the right


● How long is a year? (the time it takes for the Earth to go around the sun).

● Talk about what the word “orbit” means. Pause the video to explain what orbit

means— the lines going around the sun are the “path” that the planets take. Does

anyone know what an asteroid is?

Check for Understanding (Identify strategies to be used to determine if students have

learned the objectives.): The students will provide evidence in their notebooks what they
learned— by looking at their definitions of the words and how they drew, positioned, and
labeled their planets, the teacher will be able to assess the students’ understanding.
Guided Practice (List activities which will be used to guide student practice and provide a
time frame for completing this practice.): There will be no guided practice but this whole
lesson overall should take about 45 min.

Closure (What method of review and evaluation will be used to complete the lesson?):
● Students will watch another video (song) which gives more information about the

sun, and the 8 planets:

Independent Practice (List homework/seatwork assignment to be given to students to

ensure they have mastered the skill without teacher guidance.):

● For homework, students can research information about their favorite planet.

● Create a small poster with some pictures and some interesting facts.

● They could present it to the class, or just display them around the classroom.

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