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Military Technological College

Module: MTCA3003 – Engineering Materials and Hardware

Title of the write up, Author’s Identification (Name and Student #), Author’s
affiliation, Assignment tile, Module title and name, Department Name, Teacher’s

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Need to specify all main headings, sub headings by a proper numbering system.

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- Briefly describe the aim/ purpose of the report.

- Briefly describe the outline of the report.
- A proper transition toward the main body of the document. (Note: It should take an
uninformed reader from a level of zero-knowledge to a level in which the reader is able to
understand the main body of the document.)


The students are required to write a research based report on any Five (05) of the following
commonly used hardware in aeronautical engineering discipline and pathway.
NOTE: Hardware allocation is uploaded to the Moodle page.

a. Bolts, Studs, Screws

b. Pipes, Unions and Hoses
c. Locking Devices
d. Bearings
e. Rivets
f. Springs
g. Transmission devices
h. Control Cables

The main body must include the followings.

1. Discussion of Hardware #01 to #05

a. Hardware No: 01
b. Hardware No: 02
c. Hardware No: 03
d. Hardware No: 04
e. Hardware No: 05

Each discussion should be included with followings.

- Detailed description of each hardware on their types, sizes, classifications and

the materials they are made from.

- Discussion on limitations and constraints on the use of each hardware, and

corrective actions which you propose (with reasonable justifications) to lessen

- Brief discussion on the international standards associated with the use of the
NOTE: If any international standard is not available; the same needs to be
properly justified.

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- Information gathered during workshop practical sessions.
NOTE: Students need to write down a brief discussion on the followings.
a. Online practical demonstration.
b. Photographs of hardware items uploaded in the Moodle page.

- Examples, neat pictures, figures, tables of hardware with proper referencing.

2. Discussion of the applications of each Hardware

Discussion on various Aviation related applications (at-least 05) for each hardware
with real life examples, elaborated labelled photos/ diagrams.

a. Hardware No: 01
b. Hardware No: 02
c. Hardware No: 03
d. Hardware No: 04
e. Hardware No: 05


A summary of the discussed contents, work or findings you have arrived to in the previous
sections. Also highlight if there are any errors in the collection of data.

NOTE: “Conclusion” is not an analysis section.


A listing of books and articles you have used, or consulted, for methodological and non-
methodological issues. You must cite these references in the main text body and are encouraged to
cite published material (Books, Peer Review Journal articles, etc.) rather than relying only on
information on websites. Use either Harvard or IEEE reference standard, as per MTC Reference

If you have not properly cited your reference documents in the main body of the report,
these references are not considered for the assessments.


and analysis, that though important, may not be directly

Intended to present data, drafts, tables
relevant to the main body. It is intended for interested readers only. Appendices are not dump
places and they must be classified and organized.

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1. This coursework report should have at-least 2000 word count.

2. Thus, at-least 350 word count shall be allocated for each hardware discussion.

3. A reasonable percentage of word count (approximately 100-150) is recommended for

each introduction and conclusion parts.

4. Maximum word count limit is 3000 and for every excess of words over 3000, there
will be a scheme assigning negative (minus) marks.

5. Bibliography/ Referencing, Title page, Table of content, labels, contents in the

Appendices and page numbers are not included to the word count.


Apparent similarities with other students will be subjected to penalty.

Non-paraphrased contents, which are just copy/paste from internet sources, will be

subjected to penalty.

Paraphrased contents from Internet or other sources, using various Internet or Google

paraphrasing tools, which are not properly referenced, corrected, polished and modified, will be

subjected to penalty.

All the apparent similarity cases will be dealt as per the MTC Academic Integrity and

Misconduct Policy and forwarded to Academic Disciplinary Committee (ADC).

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Covering information
My title/cover page clearly shows:
¨ Student number
¨ Student name
¨ Group number
¨ Assignment title
¨ Module title and Name
¨ Department Name
¨ Teacher’s Name
Results and Discussion
¨ I present the task requirement including workshop/hangar findings clearly with the support of
the means, such as but not limited to suitable tables, charts, photographs and diagrams. (Note:
In case of virtual implementation; your teacher will provide online support to demonstrate
sessions by MS Teams and Moodle with the support of videos, photographs, and additional
¨ I have done a reasonable research on the task by referring recommended literature/ acceptable
internet sources (other than the MTC study materials).
¨ I have provided reasonable justification to the statements as and when required.
¨ I ensure the smooth flow of the discussion, by combining both parts.
¨ I have discuss the limitations and suitable remedial action of each hardware.
¨ I clearly presented applications with real experience as directed by “Task” section of the
coursework. Note: Provide maximum applications and related examples for each point whenever
¨ I have provided a conclusion based on the body of report and recommendations.
¨ I have properly paraphrased/ rephrased the other sources’ contents with proper citations which
are aligned with bibliography/ references.
Other sections of the report
¨ I state the aim of the work under introduction.
¨ I link the conclusion back to the aim of the work.
Overall presentation
¨ The structure of my report conforms to the “Reports content” section of this coursework, and
further conforms the body of the report as per the sequence provided by the “Task” section of

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this coursework, by means of proper numbering.
¨ Where I use a reference I list it using the Harvard format or IEEE format as per MTC Reference
¨ My report is clear and concise.
¨ I comply with the word count of the report.
¨ I specify units for all values quoted (S.I. units)
¨ My tables and graphs are correctly numbered and labelled
¨ I write in impersonal, past tense
¨ I make correct use of grammar, spelling, technical English and punctuation
¨ I use the font- Times New in Roman, colour- Black, font size-12 for normal text of entire
coursework, and use appropriate larger sizes for main/ sub headings.

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Military Technological College
Assessment Sheet
Module: MTCA3003 – Engineering Materials & Hardware Date of submission:
Individual Lab Report Student Number:
(50% of Unit Total) Assessor / Second Marker: Marks: /50
Assessment Poor Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent
LO # Marks
Component 0-1 2 3 4 5
Does not include illustrations and Includes illustrations and labels. Includes illustrations and labels. Includes illustrations and labels. Excellent formatting with
labels and/or has ignored the given All sections in “Task” and Two or less sections “Task” and Contents have been covered in the illustrations and labels. Contents
format in “Task” and “Report’s “Report’s content” are present; “Report’s content” are not given format, covering all the main have been covered in the given
content”. During preparation of the but Three or more sections are placed in a correct format. Some sections in “Task” and “Report’s format, covering all the main
Report Quality report in Figures are not cited or not in the given format. Issues figures, and references have not content”. Some figures, have not sections in “Task” and “Report’s
(Formatting, captioned well. Completely ignored also observed with figures, citing been captioned or cited. been captioned or cited. Complied content”. All figures have been
3, 4 Spelling, Grammar, the font, size, and colour criteria as or captioning in the text. Complied with font, size, and with font, size, and colour criteria captioned and cited well. Complied /5
command of per the “Submission checklist” Complied with font, size, and colour criteria as per the as per the “Submission checklist” with font, size, colour as per the
technical English) section. Many spelling mistakes, colour criteria as per the “Submission checklist” section. section. But very few mistakes. “Submission checklist” section. No
report doesn’t make coherent “Submission checklist” section; But few mistakes. Few spelling Very Few spelling mistakes, good spelling mistakes, exceptional use of
sense, extreme poor use in basic but more mistakes. Many mistakes, good use of grammar use of grammar and technical grammar and technical English in all
grammar and poor/ no use of spelling mistakes, poor use of and technical English. English. respects
technical English. grammar and technical English.
There is no clear introduction or It states the main topic as per It states the main topic as per It states the main topic as per It is engaging, covers literature /5
main topic as per “Report’s “Report’s content”, does not “Report’s content” and “Report’s content”, covers some review, states the main topic as per
3, 4 Introduction content”, no evidence of literature preview report’s structure no adequately previews report’s literature review and previews the “Report’s content”, and previews
review and the structure of the literature review is present. structure but does not cover any structure of the report. report’s structure.
report is missing. literature review.
Incomplete and/or unfocused as The conclusion is complete but The conclusion is complete and The conclusion is good and The conclusion is comprehensive and
per “Report’s content”. lacks basic understanding of the indicates basic understanding of indicates clear understanding of the indicates thorough understanding of
3, 4 Conclusion exercise as per “Report’s the exercise as per “Report’s exercise as per “Report’s content”. the exercise as per “Report’s /5
content”. content”. content”.

Many errors are in the format and Done in the correct format with Done in the correct format with Done in the correct format with no Done in the correct format with no
the references are only the internet few errors. Includes 04 major a few errors. . Includes 05 major errors. Includes more than 05 errors. Includes more than 05 major
sites. references and they are correctly references and they are major references and they are references and they are correctly
Note: Periodicals available on-line cited within the report content. correctly cited within the report correctly cited within the report cited within the report content.
are not considered internet sites. (e.g. science journal articles, content. (e.g. science journal content. (e.g. science journal (e.g. science journal articles, books,
3, 4 books, but no more than two articles, books, but no more than articles, books and no more than but no internet sites.) /5
internet sites.) two internet sites) two internet sites.) Note: Periodicals available on-line
Note: Periodicals available on- Note: Periodicals available on- Note: Periodicals available on-line are not considered internet sites.
line are not considered internet. line are not considered internet. are not considered internet sites.

LO # Assessment Poor Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent Mark

Component 0-1 2 3 4 5

Page 8 of 9
Covers contents of the “Task” in an Covers all contents of the “Task” Covers all contents of the “Task” Covers all contents of the “Task” in Covers all contents of the “Task” in a
Discussion on order, which are not sequential, not in an order with an acceptable with an acceptable sequence, a sequential order. Provides detailed, sequential order that are
3, 4 /5
Hardware # 01 easily followed, or incomplete. sequence, but not easily and provides diagrams/ figures labelled diagrams/ figures where easily followed. Provides elaborate
Provides some diagrams/ figures followed. Provides some where required with their required with their references to labelled diagrams/ figures where
with no references. Discussion in diagrams/ figures with their references to explain the “Task”. explain the “Task”. Very good required with their references to
Discussion on report is irrelevant to the subject as references to explain “Task”. Good discussion, which is discussion, which is relevant to the explain the “Task”. Excellent
3, 4 /5
Hardware # 02 per “Task” and “Report’s content”. Discussion is inadequate but relevant to the subject as per the subject as per the “Task” and discussion, which is relevant to the
points discussed are relevant to “Task” and “Report’s content”. “Report’s content”. Main points are subject as per the “Task” and
Or the subject as per “Task” and However, only few points are outlined in the report. “Report’s content”. Main points are
Discussion on Discussion is acceptable more than “Report’s content”. summarized in the report. described and elaborated well in
3, 4 “Poor” level; but 03 or more detail. /5
Hardware # 03
elements of the report content as Or Or
specified in “Part 2 of the Task” are Discussion is acceptable more Discussion is acceptable more
Discussion on completely missing. than “Satisfactory” level; but 02 than “Good” level; but 01
3, 4 elements of the report content element of the report content as /5
Hardware # 04
Note: “Application of Hardware” as specified in “Part 2 of the specified in “Part 2 of the Task”
element needs to be assessed as Task” are completely missing. is completely missing.
Discussion on per the next section listed below.
3, 4 Further, this note is applicable to all /5
Hardware # 05
the grades under this section.
Missing of complete discussion or Discussion on only 02 Discussion on only 03 Discussion on only 04 applications Discussion on 05 applications for
only 01 detail application is applications for each hardware applications for each hardware for each hardware with elaborated each hardware with elaborated
Discussion on
available for each hardware with with elaborated labelled photos/ with elaborated labelled photos/ labelled photos/ diagrams is labelled photos/ diagrams is /5
3.4 application of
elaborated labelled photos/ diagrams is available diagrams is available available available.
Hardware # 01-05

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