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YAV Production

3561 Ground Avenue, Fort Worth, TX


To: Chief Executive Officer

Arthur Henry Luke

From: Vanesa Luciano, Project Manager

Alayjah Crawford, Project Materials Coordinator
Yovana Luciano, Research Analyst

Subject: Proposal for the Smartwatch features

Date: April 7, 2021

CC: Professor McDonald


The purpose of this proposal is to request authorization to research and test the features of
smartwatches as a method to see what greater features can be established to raise production and
give customers a healthier and motivated lifestyle. We will describe common issues on
smartwatches and explain how we used five different tasks to resolve them.


On March 22, 2021, Chief Executive Officer, Arthur Henry Luke, asked us to develop better and
more efficient features on smartwatches that could help sell better devices to their community
and bring better income to our company. This can be done by researching and testing YAV’s

Currently, YAV Production is spending lots of time producing greater features that could
increase income. Smartwatches “appeals to a broad range of user interests, as it incorporates a
wide variety of sensors for continuously measuring, recording and displaying different
information, [communication], fitness, health-monitoring, location tracking, voice recognition,
and recording” (Shadiev 2). Within the past few years, researchers have noticed that customers
enjoy most of the fitness and health features on smartwatches. Many people have used their
personal smartwatches at work, during workouts, and even at home, which has helped them
develop healthy habits. One of the biggest issues is that many people do not own smartwatches
due to the high price, they believe it’s too much for such a small device. It is commonly said that
smartwatches are like phones, causing many people to not see the true purpose of them. This
leads them to just preferring to have their own phones.
This common misconception has caused many people to criticize smartwatches, in effect causing
the company's low rate of income. Over the past few years, smartwatches have become very
popular “in many applications, such as medical, entertainment, education, and other fields”
(Shadiev 5). Now there are about 30 million people who began using smartwatches and more
than 100 million people utilizing smartwatches. Compared to the 10 million people who utilized
smartwatches in 2016 (Espósito 1). The reason for this tremendous number change is due to the
new features added in each series. To increase quality, YAV Production “is introducing [even
newer] features designed to help people with disabilities be more physically active” (Apple
Adding Accessibility Features 1). For example, tracking people's activity levels when running or
walking can be done by just a “click” of a button. We now plan to embed a new feature that will
“allow wheelchair users to track their activity levels throughout the day” as well (Apple Adding
Accessibility Features 1). Those who utilize wheelchairs will have the opportunity to track all-
day calories and particular workouts throughout the day. As we all know, people with
smartwatches tend to receive notifications that mention it’s “time to stand”, this encourages them
to get their body moving and blood circulating. With our new feature being introduced, people
who utilize wheelchairs will receive a reminder that will say “time to roll” as a way to encourage
them to get their heart pumping. This new feature embedded will notify and allow those who
utilize wheelchairs, as well as those who do not “to see data related to their steps taken, calories
burned, distance traveled, and so on, which were tracked and recorded by the fitness tracking
tool” (Shadiev 12).

Even though smartwatches give many great opportunities to customers, there are also many
people who are not satisfied with their smartwatches. Another reason for customer dissatisfaction
is because smartwatches have limited battery capacity and sometimes don’t even last for a full
day. If you forget to put your smartwatch to charge, you’ll most likely result having it dead by
the next day. “The limited battery capability of smartwatches is the biggest challenge restricting
its widespread adoption in the market” (Homayounfar 1). Like many other smartwatches, this
device's battery tends to die by the second day of use. This is mainly because smartwatches are
connected to your phone and all notifications are being sent to and being received to your wrist.
In the past, we have tried installing two batteries on smartwatch devices, but the batteries were
too big causing the device to be much bigger and heavier for the buyer’s wrist. So our “team of
engineers has created an electrode for lithium-ion batteries--rechargeable batteries such as those
found in cell phones and iPods--that allows the batteries to hold a charge up to 10 times greater
than current technology” (Better rechargeable batteries 1). This would give customers a great
opportunity to wear their smartwatches on their wrist for a longer period of time, tracking every
step and activity for a healthier lifestyle.

YAV Production has been working on all these problems to improve income and provide a
healthier lifestyle to the community. YAV Production plans to create new frequency bands
containing skin-capacitive sensors. These sensors will “detect Cortisol levels in your sweat”, and
notify you if your cortisol is too high, too low, or just right (McGARRY 1). Knowing this
information is very important because it will help you balance your hormones, providing you
with healthier, stable health. Too high or too low cortisol levels can lead to severe health issues
that may need to be attended by a nurse or a doctor. Most people have never really seen the
bands as a major part of smartwatches. Instead, they see the bands as a fashion accessory, but
with this new feature introduced, they will see them as a major essential on smartwatches
(McGARRY 1). Having this new feature embedded into the smartwatch band will allow
customers to have more access to their health records and at the same time, raise our income.
These brand-new features installed could decide the future of our company and expand both
mental and physical wellness.

Purposed Tasks
We will be performing the tasks listed below, as a way to see how smartwatches have influenced

Task 1: Contact smartwatch companies to obtain a basic understanding of the features and
structure of the watch.

By contacting smartwatch companies, we will gain a better understanding of the features and
structure of smartwatches. Based on the research we have done, we have noticed that
smartwatches are more often purchased when newer features of fitness and health are
incorporated. This is because wrist-worn “devices that collect information are creating new
opportunities to improve medical delivery and treatment while cutting down on costs” (Sheridan
1). Smartwatch companies such as Apple Company can give us information about the average
age of customers and the area where most customers live. Having a hold of this information can
help us understand why he/she might use a smartwatch. Smartwatches also “facilitate
lifelogging, recording activities throughout the day to help people understand how their habits
and routines relate to external variables such as environmental conditions” (Mazumdar 13).

Task 2: Examine how smartwatches have influenced the physical and mental health of
individuals. (Ex: apple watches)

YAV Productions' biggest priority is to make sure that all customers have a healthy life. In order
to achieve this, we will ask a few questions to people who use smartwatches daily. These
questions will include questions concerning how they have felt and what are the positive and
negative outcomes. Other questions will be asked such as, has the watch made a difference
physically or mentally? Are the notifications helping him/ her attend their health problems on
time? Has the fitness app helped him/her record their progress? Are the sensors working? These
questions will let YAV Production know what needs to be added or fixed on smartwatches.

Task 3: Compare and contrast those who do wear smartwatches to those who do not.

For YAV Productions to fully gain insight into the smartwatch production, we will be having a
team that will be intensively comparing those that wear a smartwatch on a daily basis to those
that do not own/wear a smartwatch daily. This information will help us provide precise and
inclusive results for our customers.

Task 4: Identify the difference within each series.

For the purpose of producing the best features that are both mentally and physically beneficial,
we will be going through each series to find the differences. Each series has a new feature(s) that
is released. YAV Productions will use this information to see which features are more useful
than others. Also, by identifying the differences within each series, we will be able to see which
features are more favored by customers.

Task 5: Evaluate the criteria that have been obtained.

YAV Productions will contact smartwatch companies to obtain a basic understanding of the
features and structure of an apple watch, examine how smartwatches have influenced the
physical and mental health of individuals, compare and contrast those who do wear smartwatches
to those who do not, and identify the difference within each series to assure satisfaction and life-
changing results.

Completion of tasks (by Days)

Tasks 3/31 4/1 4/2 4/3 4/4 4/5 4/6 4/7 4/8

Task 1: Basic understanding X X

of the apple watch features
and structure.

Task 2: Examine how an X X

apple watch has influenced the
mental health of individuals.

Task 3: Compare those who X X

do wear an apple watch to
those who do not.

Task 4: Identify the difference X X

within each series.

Task 5: Evaluate the criteria X X

that have been obtained.

Task 6: Prepare Report X X

Top 3 health and fitness smartwatch used:
1. Apple watch …………………………..$400
2. Fit bit....…………………………….....$230
3. Samsung Galaxy Active Watch....……..$250


Living a lifestyle that is both mentally and physically healthy is something most people try to
achieve, which is why it is YAV Productions’ main priority. YAV Productions is focused on
developing more features that will help solve problems, such as pricing and inconsiderateness of
many features. To add on, researchers have noticed that customers enjoy most of the fitness and
health features on smartwatches. These changes could decide the future of our company,
expanding throughout the nation. YAV Productions will be introducing our customers to a new
feature that is “designed to help people with disabilities be more physically active” (Apple
Adding Accessibility Features 1). Also, YAV Productions will be upgrading our battery life,
which would be a great opportunity for our customers to wear their smartwatches on their wrist
for a longer period of time, tracking every step and activity for a healthier lifestyle. Lastly, YAV
Productions plans to create new frequency bands containing skin-capacitive sensors. These
sensors will “detect Cortisol levels in your sweat”, and notify you if your cortisol is too high, too
low, or just right (McGARRY 1). YAV Productions’ biggest priority is to make sure that all
customers have a healthy life.
Works Cited:

“APPLE ADDING ACCESSIBILITY FEATURES.” Palaestra. vol. 30, 2016. Gale In Context,

Accessed 1 Apr. 2021. Accessed 1 April 2021

“Better rechargeable batteries.” Journal of College Science Teaching, vol. 41, no. 3, 2012, p. 14.

Gale In Context:college,

Accessed 3 April 2021.

Espósito, Filipe, and Filipe Espósito @filipeesposito Filipe Espósito is a Brazilian tech Journalist

who started covering Apple news on iHelp BR with some exclusive scoops — including

the reveal of the new Apple Watch. “There Are More than 100 Million People Wearing

an Apple Watch, Says Analyst.” 9to5Mac, 12 Feb. 2021,


Homayounfar, Morteza, et al. "Understanding Smartwatch Battery Utilization in the Wild."

Sensors, vol. 20, no. 13, 2020, pp. 3784. ProQuest,


2?accountid=7079, doi:

Mazumdar, Suvodeep, et al. “Citizen Science Technologies and New Opportunities for

Participation.” Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy, edited

by Anne Bowser et al., UCL Press, London, 2018, pp. 303–320. JSTOR, Accessed 7 Apr. 2021.

McGARRY, CALITLIN. “Apple Watch’s Second Year: Health Apps Will Make It a Must-

Have.” Macworld - Digital Edition, vol. 33, no. 5, June 2016, pp. 64–68. EBSCOhost,


Shadiev, Rustam, et al. “A Study of the Use of Wearable Devices for Healthy and Enjoyable

English as a Foreign Language Learning in Authentic Contexts.” Journal of Educational

Technology & Society, vol. 21, no. 4, 2018, pp. 217–231. JSTOR, Accessed 6 Apr. 2021.

Sheridan, Cormac. “Apple moves on health, drug developers shift into smart gear.” Nature

Biotechnology, vol. 32, no. 10, 2014, 956+. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints,

. Accessed 1 April 2021.

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