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INSTRUCTIONS: In no more than 1,000 words (about 7 paragraphs) type

your teaching philosophy. Make it relevant to teaching social studies as

much as you can.

Rationale for a teaching philosophy: This uncovers the teacher’s role as an educator.

An educational philosophy is a clear, concise, and true statement of who you are as an
educator. Include a paragraph for each of the following: ( 7 PARAGRAPHS TOTAL)

● 1. Conceptualization of Learning
● 2. Conceptualization of Teaching
● 3. Goals for Students
● 4. Student-Teacher Relationship
● 5. Integration of Responsibilities
● 6. Implementation of the Philosophy
● 7. Professional Growth Plan

Kindly refer to this document for clarification of the areas listed above:

** N.B. Proofread your work for grammar and spelling.



“A master can tell you what he expects of you. A teacher, though, awakens your own

expectations.” -Patricia Neal

As a teacher, I believe students learn best when they are in a student centered classroom.

Students in a centered classroom are actively involved in their learning because they are included

in the decisions of what, why, and how of their learning. I also consider collaboration between

students to be effective for students to grasp any complex ideas. Students understand better when

another student explains the idea they are learning. In a learning environment like this, the

students are responsible for their own learning which then leads them to have high expectations

of themselves.Students setting their standards for themselves and their classmates makes them

accountable and more likely to achieve their learning goals.

I define teaching as guiding students down the right path and nurturing students’ growth

as individuals of a larger world that needs them to be the best they can be. I teach because I want

to untap students’ potential. I want students to be valuable citizens that contribute to our

country’s growth. I want to be the reason students learn healthy habits that benefit their life in the

long run. In teaching Social Studies, I am able to nurture students that are well aware of their role

in the world around them. I am a team player and I find this skill to be very necessary when

teaching Social Studies because I am able to model how we are supposed to interact with others

to my students.

The knowledge I expect my students to obtain from Social Studies would be their rights,

roles, and responsibilities. I expect my students to know the information of the history,

geography, resources and government of their country so they show civic responsibility. I expect

my students to learn leadership skills in order to have initiative to grow their nation. I expect

them to learn the leadership skills of integrity, authenticity, discipline, resilience ,and
selflessness. I expect my students to be tolerant of all cultures and individuals. I expect my

students to be proud of their culture and be willing to share their cultures to their easygoing

classmates who appreciate cultural diversity.

I strive to achieve a student teacher relationship built on trust, communication, and

respect. I find no need to have power or fight for discipline. I identify myself as a facilitator and

mediator for my students. I organize my classroom for it to transition smoothly and allow my

students to communicate what works best for them so they are all accommodated. I encourage

my students to connect with me by initiating conversations so I get to know them. I speak to my

students inside and outside of the classroom with love and respect. I speak to my students calmly

and keep an open mind. I am a role model to my students through my leadership qualities of

staying alert, calm, confident, and level headed. I am an active listener and observer which helps

me pay attention to my students’ individual needs. I strive to make my students trust me and feel


While planning my classroom management methods, I have learnt about student centred

classrooms. This has made me view myself as a learning guide instead of a knowledge provider.

I stopped feeling the pressure of being an expert in the discipline I am teaching and has made me

embrace the leadership qualities I possess in order to nurture students' learning. I want my

students to see the value of learning Social Studies and continue learning alongside them. I want

my students to be excited about learning the different aspects of their country in order for them

to know how to be honorable citizens. Teaching Social Studies excites me because it is a very

practical and integrative discipline. It is a discipline that allows students to grow as well rounded

individuals who are aware and involved in the world around them.
In my Social Studies class, I allow my students to be involved in the decisions of how

they learn and how I assess them. I allow them to be included in the ways they learn and what

they do to show their understanding. I ask my students why they think learning the different

topics are important so they are able to be interested and involved. My classroom activities are

practical which integrate writing, speaking, presentations, data analysis, music, arts and craft. I

create a safe and supportive learning environment by encouraging collaborative learning. My

students are supportive of each other's learning while they learn individually and as groups. In

my classroom, mistakes are not considered mistakes but learning experiences.

As a prospective teacher, I have learnt that I am very passionate about educating. I have

always been interested in the discipline of Social Studies because it allows for a lot of self

growth and discovery. I plan to grow my teaching skills by becoming a better presenter. I plan on

achieving this by learning presentations and speaking slower whenever I talk. I also plan on

furthering my education in order to do more research into education in order for me to grow as

an educator. As a teacher, my main priority is to always be the best person I can be so that my

students are inspired and moved to do the same.

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