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Architectural design of a research space station in the venusian clouds

Conference Paper · September 2013


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2 authors:

Despina Linaraki Konstantinos-Alketas Oungrinis

Griffith University Technical University of Crete


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Architectural design of a research space station in the Venusian clouds View project

Living Islands View project

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Author: Ms. Despoina Linaraki,

Technical University of Crete, Greece,

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Konstantinos-Alketas Oungrinis

Technical University of Crete, Greece,

The proposed paper presents a research project of a space station architectural design on the Venusian atmosphere.
The research project is based on human psychology and physiology, on the sociology of enclosed spaces, on the
technology required to exploit the chemical elements available, and the environmental conditions in the clouds of
The research follows a multidisciplinary approach in order to examine how architectural space can affect humans’
living in extreme environment in a positive way. The main purpose of this research was to elevate the participation
of architectural design methodology in order to address complex humanistic issues in the creation of new space
communities. Specifically, the main research questions were: How architectural design is going to be if it regards
people in isolation in outer space? How the extreme environment of Venus will affect the design?
The choice of study area is based on the research of Geoffrey A. Landis, Colonization of Venus, Feb. 6.2 2003, in
which he describes the possibility of a floating city in the Venusian atmosphere.
The design aims to create a beneficial biosphere, it is trying to transfer an earth-like environment in the clouds of
Venus, with new approaches of architectural design. The community is designed for 40 people, (about 17.000sqm)
but it can accommodate another 20 and it has the capability of future expansion. The design began with diagrams
about new life experiences into the clouds. The operating plan includes private rooms for rest and research, public
sites, cultivation areas, industrial areas and places of emergency.
The space station will incorporate the outcome of research and investigations that were deemed as suitable to
support a friendly and homey environment for the astronauts by creating an interplay habitant. The quality of the
place that has been designed is based on theories deriving from human psychology and sociology. The color, sound
and light change whenever it is necessary to make them feel more intimate. New experiences are formatted
according to environmental parameters and human feelings.

Fig. 1, Venus Space Station, image of the Venus Space Station while floating in the atmosphere of Venus.

I. INTRODUCTION long-term travel duration thereby increasing the
The expansion of human activity in space have feasibility of longer expeditions.
provided a plethora of advances, either technological, The choice of Venus is based on the abstract of
such as satellites, or biological, such as bacteria Geoffrey A. Landis:’ Colonization of Venus’2 (2003)
related research that provided solution or facilitated in which he describes the possibility of a floating city
the understanding and management of complex in the Venusian atmosphere. He believes that at 50km
problems. So far the progress of science, related to altitude from the ground level Venus is a paradise
space exploration, has supported efficiently and planet. Gravity is 94% of the one at the surface of
improved the quality of human life. But while this is earth so people will not be affected from
true at technological level, it has not progressed weightlessness, temperature ranges between 0C-50C
enough for the living conditions of astronauts, a field and the atmosphere contains carbon, hydrogen,
where architectural research can develop the oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur all the vital substances
necessary tools to improve it greatly. for a human being.
According to research evidence (e.g. Stephen The community is designed as an interior
William Hawking1) the need for further processing landscape for 40 people and not only as a place to
and development of space science is apparent in accommodate them. The space station is about
order to continue research missions in space and to 17.000sqm and has a possibility to support another 20
accomplish more ambitious goals. This will be people, as well as the capability of future expansions.
accomplished by the development of a stable base in Studying the paradigms of previous colonization
outer space resident by humans. One of the efforts it is evident that 40 people seems the
requirements for the successful development of such minimum appropriate number for colonization.
a project is to address the issue that living and spatial In this scenario three successive missions could
conditions provided so far are restricted by vital achieve the colonization in Venus. In order to achieve
factors and consequently they are not sufficient for this, a basic module will be built into earth's orbit,
conducting long-term expeditions. Weightlessness, and then it will be transferred into the orbit of Venus,
disorientation, confinement, lack of personal space from where it will be deployed in the atmosphere at
and a hectic working schedule, all have significant the desired altitude. The module is consisted by
impact on their psychobiological function and as a living quarters, basic labs and essential equipment
consequence the emotional balance of researchers, that can convert carbon molecules to useful materials,
the communication with their colleagues and, finally process Venus’ gases to produce oxygen and water,
their overall performance. These facts, that prohibit and some hydroponic installations to grow crops of
or hinder long-term missions, are the reasons behind food are also necessary. The rest of the structure will
the slow development of outer space expeditions and be built on site.
the excessive cost required for each.
The project: Living in Extreme Environments: II. PROCESS OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN
Architectural Design Of A Research Space Station In Space architecture is the multidisciplinary
The Venusian Clouds involves human physiology, research in the fields of physiology, psychology,
psychology, sociology, neurology and biotechnology, sociology, technology and environmental conditions
both fundamental and applied. The research follows a in order to create architectural synthesis.
multidisciplinary approach in order to examine how
architectural space can affect human psychology and
achieve a positive and stable psychological state for
people living it. Specifically it aims to minimize the
effects of isolation feelings through the principles of
transformable design. The construction is Fig. 2, Process of architectural design, Section of the
transforming according to the parameters of time, construction in which appears all the basic elements
activity, environmental conditions and psychology of such us the electro/mechanical system, the living
the residents. A multi-functional space has been modular and the shelter.
created, which aims first to give the impression of a
non-ending shape, second to avoid boredom through Isolation in outer space
different experiences, third to design an earth-like ‘Living on a space station means being in a
environment in the cloud of Venus and finally to confined, limited-volume place, in close proximity to
protect the residents from the extreme environmental fellow crewmembers, with no chance to ‘get away’.’
conditions. The particular design of the space station Scott Howe & Brent Sherwood (2009)3
could result in reducing the human factor risks of As Susmita Mohanty, Jesper Jørgensen, and
Maria Nyström (2006) argued, architectural design

should be created based on psychological issues through a non-ending shape, which cultivates the
associated with long-term isolation and confinement, illusion of freedom. A non-ending shape, inspired
such us: monotony, boredom, low morale, reduced from biomimetic principles, could be achieved
productivity, micro society, cultural issues, through variations of the shame basic modular. Also
relationships, sleep disorder, mental health, or the use of curved forms provides a richer visual
daydreaming.4 environment that maintains interest for longer periods
The most important emphasis in this research is to and generates a feeling of expansion through the
overcome the feeling of isolation and its role as a repeated flow. Moreover, water and greenhouse are
way of thinking about the architectural design. necessary elements for an earth-like environment.
Particularly, the study investigates feelings of Research studies from Mars500 (2012)10 showed that
isolation and how architectural design can be growing plants is very important for human emotions
beneficial for individuals to avoid boredom, and for fighting depression and anxiety. Research
abstraction, over-familiarization etc. Up to now the evidence has also shown the importance of water for
only scientific information available comes from the suppressing emotional discomfort. So this vital
International Space Station5, where trained astronauts resource can be employed not only as to satisfy thirst
stay for 6 months, or from the simulations of outer but also additionally act as emotional regulator.
space such as Mars 5006. Apart from these, the Additionally, another significant factor in order to
knowledge of how humans react in outer space and survive in extreme environments is the ability to
under the lack of sense of freedom and the effects of cooperate. This is necessary so as everything will
these in the architectural design is sparse. work in tandem. The particular architectural design
The theoretical models adopted to try to answer aims to discourage competition among the residents
these questions, in an architectural point of view, and to clearly differentiate between private and
were the situationist movement, the biomimetic public areas. Moreover, the internal design should
principles on architecture, the sociology on isolated allow people to work alone or in groups.
spaces and the Neuroplace System7 research. These Linaraki and Voradaki (2011) (ibid) carried out a
theoretical models have been proven useful in order research project, which provides answers to the
to address in some extend the feeling of isolation that question of controlling feelings of isolation in outer
the astronauts living in Venus will experience. space. The study investigates spatial elements and
The theory of the situationist movement in their interaction with human feelings. The research
architecture could be used in order to create a game follows a multidisciplinary approach through the
between the artificial environment and the humans, fields of architecture, psychology, neurochemistry
which is going to reduce the feelings of isolation and advanced technology. Linaraki and Voradaki
through the development of new experiences from (ibid) created a Neurospatial Matrix, which describes
the same place. These experiences are going to be how architectural space can stimulate the human
born from the transformability and the final design of senses, cause hormonal changes and finally affect the
the station. The user discovers the space through human emotions. The research aims to minimize the
interplay between him and the environment. The goal human psychological disorders and the use of
is to avoid monotony and boredom and increase medicines, based on the principles of transformable
performance of the mind. Through transformability architecture. In the space station there could be
different experiences of the place could be gained. sensors able to measure hormonal levels and
Guy Debord, in his book ‘The Society of the “respond” to them by transforming the spatial
Spectacle’ (1967)8, describes the possibility to elements of the station in order to make people feel
envisage society via different perspectives, according better. The responsive spaces could be equipped with
to the way that a person interacts with the smart materials and sensor-actuator systems with
surroundings. Specifically Guy Debord provides a programmed actions (haptic, olfactory, chromatic and
way to travel inside the city discovering a new so on).
personal experience of freedom, in which a person Moreover, experiments have shown that drugs can
can find different ways of being part of the society. lose their effectiveness and expire prior to the due
The right to the city is not merely a right of access to date. That may prevent someone from using
what already exists, but a right to change it after our anxiolytics or antidepressants. Human beings could
hearts desire. (Robert Park, 1967)9 feel weak sometimes and architecture can help them
The current research aims to suggest a different improve their psychological health and prevent them
architectural design from the one currently used in from irrational use of medicines, at least in cases of
the space stations. The proposed design emphasizes everyday life.
on analogues referring to an earth-like environment.
The negative feelings of isolation could be minimized

Environmental conditions and Technology on Venus atmosphere) could help the space station’s ability to
change altitude. This happens by increasing or
decreasing its weight, acting like ballast used by the
submarines. Another material suggested is the
amorphous carbonia. It is a crystalline solid that is
Fig. 3, Aero-hydrodynamic shape, first approach for formed when carbon dioxide (CO2) comes under
a dynamic shape of a space station that could float on extreme pressure conditions. The material that is
Venus clouds and resist the strong wind. created is transparent, hard as diamond, and has an
atomic structure resembling that of the glass window.
The space station is floating between 50-55klm
altitudes from the surface. The atmospheric pressure III. ARCHITECTURAL SYNTHESIS
is 0.94 atm. This is like being on earth at 2 km above As it is mentioned above the space station is
the sea level. The effect of atmospheric pressure on designed for a small group of 40 people. The areas
earthlings begins above 2,1km, as there the oxygen that included in the program are: private units, toilets,
begins to decline. Today, Tibetans live in 4km kitchen, dining room, multipurpose areas, gym,
altitude and the highest city in the world is located in swimming pool, medical examination rooms, general
Bolivia 4km above the sea level. The speed of the storage, research laboratories, green house, compost
wind is 62 m / s. With 100 m / s wind speed the space facilities, structure growth modules, manufacturing
station could make the circle of Venus in 1 day. With area, waste processing area, automation area,
62 m / s at the altitude of 55km from the ground it electromechanical infrastructure, docking area, water
will require approximately 35 hours, so its shape with system, cooling tower, solar power panels, pre-
the help of some propulsion systems will help it to fabrication area, tool storage.
reach the 24hour circle. According to those
parameters and because the atmosphere is thick, the
design should be both aerodynamic, for the
horizontal movement, like airplanes and
hydrodynamic, for the vertical movement, like
submarines in order to sink and emerge on the
appropriate altitude and air pressure. The spacecraft
could use air instead of water in order to emerge or
submerge in Venus’ atmosphere. In order the
construction to float and resist the strong wind the
materials should be light, flexible and durable. The Fig. 3, Activity based design, diagram that shows the
structure must also be protected from the elements, connections between the places.
such as acid rain. The materials proposed present
these abilities. Structure
The atmosphere of Venus is full of CO2, so the For the final architectural design decisions it was
most common material that could be used is carbon used a combination of the results from the research
nanotubes and sheets (graphene), which are flexible, on how the architectural design could be beneficial in
lightweight and strong enough to carry the stresses order to overcome in some way the isolation feelings,
and loads presented. Another material is the basaltic the impact of the environment in the construction and
silicate, which can be found in the surface of Venus. the materials that could be used on site. The result
Using graphene, a form of carbon that is promised to was an aero-hydrodynamic biomimetic shape filled
be the strongest material in the world in the coming with air that could float in the clouds of Venus. The
years, researchers at Cornell University11 created a construction consists of three basic external layers in
film that has a thickness of only one atom, but is order to protect the residents from the environmental
strong enough to resist internal pressures of several conditions such us atmospheric pressure, sulfuric acid
atmospheres. These surfaces could create enclosures and strong wind.
that form living spaces by inflating them with air. The most important layer that keeps everything
Landis (ibid) argued, elaborating in favor of a structurally sound and maintains the general form of
balloon-like space, that if one could just take a room the structure is the ‘skeleton’, which comprises the
where he/she in sitting in and replace the walls with third layer. It is made from carbon nanotubes,
something thinner, the room would float in Venus. weaved to create a dense web consistency, and it has
They could also help keep the balance of the floating the macroscopic view resembling living tissue. The
structure. Finally, special compartments filled with form is not elaborated but it is produced as the most
lighter gases (preferably ones found in the particular efficient possible as the special construction modules

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energy generators with the combination of
piezoelectric materials or exploit electrostatic
phenomena. The role of the ‘fur’ is to assist in
maintaining balances environmental conditions in the
interior with he minimum energy cost.
The middle layer of the outer shell is the cladding
that covers all the openings of the construction. It is a
combination of three different materials. The first one
is a thin sheet from graphene. At strategically
Fig. 5, Carbon nanotubes connection, Detail of the
important points graphene balloons are located to
carbon nanotubes connection, in which appears the
facilitate balance, through regulation of lighter air
rhizomatic space that they create.
consistency, and act as possible embarkation areas.
The second is a strong glass made from amorphous
produce it. The dense web creates a flexible carbonia with the use of CO2, that protect the inside
construction that can resist the impact of the structure, while it allows the residents to watch
environmental conditions and procure a stable and
outside from the settlement. Some parts carry
safe space for the residents. The result is a
photovoltaic panels or the most efficient technology
rhizomatic12 transformable environment similar to a
that will exist in the future, for producing energy
tree house. The skeleton is designed also to support
while others have the ability acts as hatches to allow
the intricate system that supports the living modules.
Venunauts to go outside of the shelter. From the
In order the inner spaces be adequately protected they
internal side this layer features expanding structures
are designed to ‘float’ in space, avoiding any real
from graphene. This layer has multiple uses, as it can
damage in the case of deformation of the external
create spaces if the need occurs or act as additional
structure. All activity modules are suspended by the
protection from possible hull breaches.
‘skeleton’ with a variety of cables that can re-adjust
position when required. The suspension cables vary
in consistency and dimensions that some of them
even act as paths of the entire living transportation
The exterior layer is comprised by vertical
nanotubes, forming a thick layer, that are not
connected with each other in order to succeed a more
freely movement but can change their elasticity by
employing electro restrictive actuation. Inspired from
mammal and bird anatomy and specifically the skin,
these nanotubes act as fur. This is the first layer of
protection from the environment. The ‘fur’ plays a
role in the movement of the structure, act as
insulation from extreme temperatures and winds, and
provides protection from the direct contact with
acidic rain. The ‘hair’ of the ‘fur’ can also act as

Fig. 6, Section of the Space station, this image shows

the structure of the station.

Living zone
The skeleton from the internal side of the space
ship as it was mentioned above has multiple uses,
such us carrying the loads of the living and working
modules, while its design protects the people from
the outside violent atmospheric conditions.
The interior living space consists of spherical
domes that are made from graphene and held in place
Fig. 4, Diagram of the carbon nanotubes connection by the suspension system. Their flexibility depends
with the living modular. on the needs of residents. They can be inflated with

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the maintaining the living support systems of the
residents. Through the network of electrical
mechanical systems all the areas are provided with
energy, air and water. It is also responsible for the
creation of water and oxygen from the environment
of Venus through the decomposition of H2SO2. In
specific areas there is a system, which decomposes
sulfide acid and produces oxygen and water. This
system is also made of transparent material, which
Fig. 6, Zoom on the living zone. In the 3d image allows the residents to watch the water while walking
above appears the connection of the skeleton with the in the station. Secondly, it sustains the greenhouse
living modular. that is responsible for the production of oxygen and
food. Last, but not least it provides the appropriate
energy for electricity. Electricity can be produced by
three different sources: the movement of the ‘fur’
elements, the movement of air generators and by
photovoltaic panels.

Ground floors
The design of the final space station consists of
four basic horizontal levels, and three vertical zones,
which are connected by the transportation system-
road. Vertically, from top to bottom, there is the
living zone, the entertainment/social zone and the
working zone. According to research evidence the
feeling of going somewhere is very important in such
situations. For people in isolation the feeling that
there are pathways is very important. This is just like
a road system on earth. On a colony’s road a person
could have the opportunity to breathe fresh air, to see
other people and interact with nature, to play or just
sit and observe.
Fig. 7, Rest room, diagram section of a rest room

air to create space or they can be deflated to avoid

being a visual obstacle and allow the eye to gaze.
These systems are controlled and coordinated by the
control system so that all work together as an
integrated whole. This interplay between the
residents and the environment helps humans to
overcome the feelings of isolation. This can happen
through the different experiences generated from the
same place. The crewmembers have the ability to get
familiar with their living space via pictures, color,
and sound and a number of ambient stimuli that
comprise a visual syntax.

Electrical/mechanical system
The electrical/mechanical system is designed as Fig. 8, Exploded image of the Venus Space Station,
heavily dependent from carbon-based micro by order seen from top of the lower: balloons from
fabrication, as they promise high structural and grafene, fur from carbon nanotubes, skeleton,
conductive attributes, and it is the basic resource electro/mechanical system, internal skeleton from
extracted from the atmosphere of Venus. It is a very carbon nanotubes, living modular from grafene,
important part of the station, as it is responsible for greenhouse and water.

Fig. 9, four levels of Venus Space Station. There are four horizontal sections of the station. In the first one appears
the greenhouse (green shapes) and the water (blue shape), in the second and the third appears the greenhouse and the
living modular and in the forth appears the control zone.

Greenhouses and water would cover the lowest
level of the station in order to give the impression of
a ground on earth. This helps to avoid disorientation
in the clouds. Moreover, due to the aerodynamic
stability principles it carries all the heavy equipment
in order tilting motion of the station to be reduced.
Specifically, there are a big park with hydroponic
plants, floating moving water and the biology
research module. The greenhouse provides the
residents with oxygen and food. Swimming pools are
used for gym or relax. Except from the park there are
the construction area with the robotics, a big storage,
the repair room and the energy management systems.
The second and the third level are similar. There is
the living zone. In the first part there are the sleeping Fig. 11, Section of the Venus Space station that
module. In every group of six modules there are a appears the internal construction.
living room with a toilet and oxygen gardens like
small neighborhoods. Every level has approximately
four neighborhoods. Every crewmember has its own
room. The rooms are open and close according to the
timetable. The rooms are big enough in order to
sleep, read a book, listen to music, accompany with
two-three friends, or be alone. The lower level of the
sleeping unit has a memory foam substrate.
The second part consists of three eating rooms, a
multipurpose room, two laboratories, a kitchen, a
storage, two toilets, a medical examination room, an
earth room, a movie room, a coffee room, a music
room and some oxygen gardens. In the third part are
the research labs and the construction area. The labs
are similar to International Space Station. There are
the Human Physiology Research, Physical Science Fig. 12, Image of the Venus Space station that
and Material Research and Venus and Space science. appears the outside shelter of the station.
Also there are the compost facilities, storages, the
recycling module and the waste processing room.
Finally the fourth level consists mainly from the
control rooms and the navigation rooms. Each part of
the space station contains navigation and a control
room. In case of emergency the station can be
separated with airlocks in these three parts, each one
has an emergency spacecraft, so people can be safe.

Fig. 13, Image of the construction area.

Fig. 10, Detail image of a neighborhood that shows

five rooms, a dining/toilet room and a garden.

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Fig.14, Image of the swimming pools.

The building reacts like a living organism, it has
an extended sensor system and it responds according
to the human needs, or to the environmental issues.
The outside transformability (OT) is formed by
the ‘fur’ and the inflatables and it depends on a
diagram with two parameters, the parameter E
(environmental condition) which is the environmental
conditions existing on the cloud top levels on Venus
such us temperature, atmospheric pressure, sulfuric
acid and wind and the parameter T (time) which is
based on the program management and the prediction
that has been done. According to that, the
construction is changing in order to protect the
human life and engage the conditions most
The inside transformability (IT) has to do with the
living space conditions according to activity and is
also based on a diagram with two parameters, the
first is the AR (activity requirements) parameter
which is the defined functional requirements for each
activity and the second is the F (feelings) parameter
which is based on the human feelings such as Fig. 16, The first image illustrates (blue color) the
aggressive behavior, anger, stress, depression and variation of the places used for activities in a 24hour
fear. The parameters of time, activity, feeling and circle. In the second image appears the
environmental conditions create a non-predictable transformability of the outside shelter, according to
system. This dynamical system is able to provide the the environmental conditions. In case of acid rain the
residents with a variety of different experiences in outside carbon nanotubes protect the construction, in
order to avoid boredom and over familiarization. Last order to resist the strong wind carbon nanotubes take
but not least it, a tube map has been created, in order a more freely shape, in case of low or high
to provide residents with the knowledge of all the temperature the balloons filled with hellion change
possible ways they could experience in this complex the temperature of the station. The third image shows
system. the variations of the rest rooms, according to the
residents feeling. For example when an astronaut
suffer from depression, the lights in the modular turns
blue in order to help him feel calm. In addition when
he feels stressed the lights turn green. The last picture
illustrates this non-predictable system.
Fig. 15, VSS Tube Map.

! )!
The example
A video has been uploaded in you tube that
describes a day in the space station
( A
male crewmember woke up and asks from the control
center to suggest him a ‘mountain experience’ as he
is to head for the labs. His experience consists of
slow walking full of fresher air (air richer in oxygen
concentration), and a lot of high vegetation. Roads
narrow and challenging to pass, lead him at the
highest point of the space station where he could feel
like he is up in the mountain. He could sit on the
clouds and observe the whole colony. The
temperature there is 13 Co in order to give the
impression of an earthly mountain. New experiences
for people are born in the Venus space station, such
us the above or such us running in the clouds.

Scenario: Living on the VSS a day of a Venunaut

‘I woke up this morning, I was really nervous
because we had to conduct a really important
experiment. The screen in my modular showed a
landscape with beautiful mountains. Maybe it was a
dream I had… I ask from the control center to
suggest me a ‘mountain experience’ as he is to head
for the labs. Slow walking full of oxygen and clean
air, a lot of trees and bird eye sight. I lift my modular
in order to get dressed. After ten minutes I was ready
to start my journey. I went out. It was a little bit
freeze I needed a jacket. I grabbed my jacket and I
closed the modular. There were still many rooms
open. It was really early in the morning. I went to the
toilet I drank some water and I asked my GPS to
indicate the way. I passed through the green house
and some living rooms. I was going up and up. My
ears had blocked. The way that my GPS showed was
really narrow and impassable. I finally was at the
navigation room. I looked on the right and noticed
that the path that connects SS3 with SS2 was open. I
went there. My god the view was breathtaking. I
couldn’t stop gazing. I sat down and started gazing. I
had half an hour left before breakfast. The clouds
had a yellow-white color and I could see some
volcanoes on the surface of Venus. I was feeling so
relaxed and free, I was happy.
Time passed, I had to return back at my room to
change cloths, as I was horribly swept. I turned on
my favorite music in my earrings and I left. A lot of
us had woken up, there were a lot of close modular
and I could see far away. I finally reached my room. I
opened it again and took some cloths. I was ready.
On my way to the living room I meet my friends Fig. 17, Captures from the video in which appear
John and Merry. We walked together, so I had time different places of the VSS.
to tell them my experience this morning. We took the
shorter way because we were really hungry. My GPS breakfast because I was late. So, we went there, we
told me to go to the kitchen and take away my fixed some bread and coffee and we carry on

walking. We passed through a beautiful greenhouse,                                                                                                                                                                      
our plants were growing fast. We arrived in the International Astronautical Federation. Proceedings,
construction area and from there we took different 63th International Astronautical Congress, Naples,
ways. I had to go to our lab. The time for the Italy, October 1–5, 2012.
experiment was there.’ A Venunaut. 7
Linaraki, D., Voradaki, G., Supervisors: Liapi, M.,
Oungrinis, K. A. (2011), Thesis Research Project:
IV. CONCLUSION NeuroPlace System: Responsive architecture as a tool
This research resulted in an architectural design for to suppress the psychological disorders of an
a Venus colony based on a multidisciplinary individual and replace medicines, Technical
approach combining psychology of space, predicted University of Crete, Department of Architecture
near-future technology and the identified 8
Guy Depord, The Society of the Spectacle, 1967,
environmental conditions on Venus. The station Zone Books, France
aimed to create an earthly environment in an 9
Robert Park, On Social Control and Collective
unearthly planet. Behavior, Chicago 1967, p. 3
The important note is the metaphor of the essential 10
Urbina, D., Charles, R. (2012). Enduring the
elements that consist an Earthly experience in the isolation of interplanetary travel: A personal account
Venusian clouds. The possibility of choosing of the Mars 500 mission. Paper # IAC-12-A1.1.1.
different roads due to the design and the overall International Astronautical Federation. Proceedings,
transformability of the station provides residents with 63th International Astronautical Congress, Naples,
different experiences of space that address diverse Italy, October 1–5, 2012.
situations. The goal is to help people living in 11
extreme environments to overcome feelings of physicists-create-worlds-thinnest-balloon), viewed
isolation and specifically boredom and monotony. February 21-02-2012
Architecture as a science is a dynamic field, 12
Rhizome is a philosophical concept developed by
rapidly developing, as the importance of the Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in their Capitalism
environment in almost every aspect of human and Schizophrenia (1972–1980) project.
existence is uncovered. One should consider that the Deleuze and Guattari introduce A Thousand Plateaus
complexity of astronauts’ life and the results showing by outlining the concept of the rhizome (quoted from
the stresses deriving from the indifference presented A Thousand Plateaus):
at their surroundings, render the reformulation of 1 and 2: Principles of connection and heterogeneity:
architectural design regarding all possible space any point of a rhizome can be connected to any other,
habitats evident, even critical for a successful next and must be
step in humanities space faring dream. 3. Principle of multiplicity: only when the multiple is
effectively treated as a substantive, "multiplicity" that
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