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A. Introduction

Pada pokok bahasan ini anda diharapkan mampu memperkenalkan orang lain baik

dalam situasi formal maupun informal seperti lazimnya digunakan oleh penutur asli

bahasa inggris. Dalam kebiasaan mereka, terdapat tata krama yang harus diperhatikan

dalam memperkenalkan orang. Biasa

Untuk mampu menggunakan hal diatas maka anda akan belajar dan berlatih untuk

memahami dan menggunakan kosa-kata, ungkapan serta tata krama dalam

memperkenalkan seseorang kepada orang lain

B. Presentation

1.  Read and practice the following dialogue

James  : Janet, I want you to meet my colleague Brandy. And Brandy, this is Janet. She is

my neighbour and she is also my good friend

Brandy  : Hello Janet, how do you do?

Janet : How do you do, Brandy?

2.  Dialogue 2. Introducing wife

Mr. Roger Brown  : Mr.Richard, I’d like to introduce my wife, Emily. And Emily, this

is Mr. David Richard. He is my colleague.

Mr. David Richard : How do you do,Mrs.Brown?it’s nice to know you.

Mrs.Emily Brown : How do you do? Nice to meet you, too. But just call me Emily,

will  you?

Mr. David Richard : All right. And just call me Dave.


1. Who is Janet ?

2. Who introduces Janet?

3. To whom is Janet introduced?

4. Who is Emily?

5. Who is Dave?

6. Who introduces Emily to whom?

Dialogue 3.Introducing others

Rudi : Marry, this is Tony, and this is Bill.

Marry : Hello, glad to meet you.

Tony  : How do you do? I’m very please to meet you.

Bill : How do you do,Marry? Glad to meet you, too.

Marry : Are you Mark’s brother, Tony?

Tony  : Yes I am. Do you know Mark?

Marry : Yes, Mark and I are friends.

Tony  : Who is that over there?

Rudy : That’s my uncle. He is a teacher.

Bill : I know your uncle. He’s a very good teacher.

Dialogue 4 Iintroducing others

Maria Bintang knocks on Mr. Hakim’s door.

A : Come in

M  : Here is the letter sir

A : Thank you Maria

J : Who is she Mr.Hakim?

A : Oh, Maria,meet Mr. Freeman. He is our new English teacher. Mr.Freeman,This

is Maria, Miss Maria Bintang. She is our typist.

J : Hello Miss Bintang

M  : How do you do, Mr.Freeman.Excuse me, but I have a lot of work to do. Nice to

meet you, Mr. Freeman.

J : Nice to meet you too.

A : Well,Mr.Freeman. It is time to go home now. See you tomorrow.

J : See you tomorrow Mr. Hakim


a. How many people are in the dialogue?

b. Who is Mr. Freeman?

c. Who is Maria?

Language focus

1.  Introducing others

I’ll introduce you to..............

Mr.../Mrs.../Miss.... I would like you to meet

I want you to meet

Let me introduce

Pram, this is

2.  Response

Sure, my name is ........

How do you do, my name is.........

3.  To introduce somebody you know, you say:

This is my friend Emily

These are my friends Emily and Janet

I’d like you to meet my friend Emily

4.  Or you can also say

I’d like to introduce my sister and brother

I’d like to introduce Jenny

To respond to the introduction, you say:

Hello..How do you do? do you do?

Followed by:

I’m glad to meet you

C. Exercises

Exercise 1. Fill in the blank spaces with the following words

A pleasure friend  how these

This too delighted introduce

Meet colleague

1. He is know you

2. This is my ............... we work together at the same office

3. his neghbour

4. It’s meet your sister

5. ....................are Paul and Mary, my next door neighbours

6. Would you like to sister Anne?

7. Tony is my close..............

8. you do, Mona?

9. Nice to meet you.........Janet

10. I’d like to lecturers to my family

Exercise 2. Paraphrase the following sentences using the appropriate possessive


for example:

This is my pen

This is mine

1.  Tonny is our friend  He is a friend of .........................

2.  Jenny is my teacher  the teacher is ..........................

3.  That is your book  that book is ..........................

4.  This is Budu’s pen this pen is ..........................

5.  That is his bag that bag ..........................

6.  Anna is her teacher Anna is ..........................

7.  Mr. Andy Brown is our father  Mr. Andy Brown is the father of ....................

8.  This is Windy’s megazine this megazine is ..........................

9.  That is our dog that dog is ..........................

10.  Here is your folder  here is ..........................

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