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Love Reflection

In society, it is so rare yet common to find love when it's least expected. At the halfway point in
between eighth grade, Coach had assigned a quarter where all of our focus would be on the Holocaust,
and on the contrary of love, there is one film that portrays the ideal image of love that being said it is
the film "The Boy in Striped Pajamas". Straightaway, I had a concept that the film was going to focus
on a critical lesson, our love for each other is above everything in this world regardless, if one of us are
wealthy or poor we are all children of God. At the ending of the quarter, we were given a project for
any holocaust assignment to go with an art piece of your choice that relates to one of the topics. In my
art pieces, I created a symbol of friendship that complements a desire for faithfulness.

The book breaks the silence of a friendship being more superior than a genocide. A German boy on the
wealthy segment of the fence and the other side is a Jewish boy on the underprivileged segment yet
both sharing the exact ignorance of war, racism, and fear that brings them towards a tighter bond. This
fable teaches adults together with teens, that as we grow up our eyes & mind will be exposed to racism,
gender discrimination, and most importantly to avoid repeating history because it is in the past for a
reason. The moral of this story, clarify my perspective as a role model that it is up to each other to learn
from others' mistakes so that no one in this world would have to go through what the Jewish had to.

For my visual art pieces, I had chosen to draw a fence along with the two opposing sides the two boys
pulling the fences to separate the difference of each other. Personally, the art pieces were identical to my
point of view about Bruno & Shumel may have pictured being together. Now, reflecting I am
regretful of my choices on the art and feeling it was more basic which is not my type of style. If Coach
would have asked us to do this project again without a blink of an eye I would have changed the
illustration but not the idea.

The SLE reflection of this project was Love. The relation this assignment has to this SLE , is the power
of the friendship between the two young boys. To put in perspective, Love is one of the most
challenging feelings you will have in someone, in this case the two boys' friendship was contained with
it. We are all united with God & therefore we all should respect each other's differences because after all
the only one that can judge is God. As well as, Love will always beat hate.

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