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A. Introduction

Dalam pelajaran ini anda diharapkan mampu meminta dan memberi saran atau nasehat

atau saran (asking for and giving suggestion). Topik ini sangat lazim digunakan dalam

berbagai situasi dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris.

Untuk mampu melakukan hal diatas, maka pada pembahasan ini anda akan belajar dan

berlatih untuk menggunakan kosa kata dan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan cara

memberikan saran atau nasehat. Ungkapan dan kosa kata yang dimaksud adalah seperti

bagaimana memberikan nasehat berupa opini atau nasehat yang merupakan keharusan.

Selain itu akan dibahasa mengenai pemakaian beberapa ungkapan seperti should, had

better, have to, dan ought to.

B. Presentation

Read and practice the following dialogues

Dialogue 1. Asking suggestion or advice

John : Hi. How are you?

Chuck : Oh, not so good

John : Gee! What’s the matter?

Chuck : I have a terrible cold

John : Really? That’s too bad! Have you taken anything for it?

Chuck : No, not yet

John : Oh, you can try this. Chop up some garlic and cook it in chicken stock (kaldu ayam)
and drink a cup every half an hour. It really works.

Chuck : Ugh...!!
Dialogue 2. Asking for advise and suggestion

Clara  : Could I have something for a sore throat?

Clerk  : Try these vitamin C tablets. They are very effective

Clara  : and can I have something for a stomachache?

Clerk  : Sure, here you are. That will be 14.000 rupiahs

Clara  : Thanks

Language focus

To ask for suggestion, you say:

What should I do for my sore throat?

What do you suggest for increasing my product selling?

To give some suggestions, you may say:

You had better to...............

You should ...............

You ought to ...............

You must ...............

C. Exercises

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions

1.  What should the people do if they have cold?

2.  What should you do if you have a headache?

3.  What do you do with your shampoo?

4.  When do you need a hot milk?

5.  Where should I get some vitamin E tablets?

6.  What should people do if they have sore eyes?

7.  When do you need to go to the dentist?

8.  What should I do with this sunburn?

Exercise 2. You are at the drugstore. Write the requests for the following topics

1.  You need something for headache

2.  You have a toothache

3.  Just now, you twisted your uncle

4.  You have a cough

5.  Your skin is very dry

6.  Tomorrow you will go swimming

7.  Your mother is having a fever now

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