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Aná lisis crı́tico


Inglé s
-Jacklyn Fariña
-Javier Lucena
-Carelis Madriz
Profesora: Yeslaine
Total: 15%

I. Select the letter that best completes

the statement. Valor (5%)

Read the text below 1. The word online means

A walking on a line.
B on the Internet.
C doing what you should do.
D real life.

Being online is the norm for many people today. 2. The word rich in paragraph
Many students have their own websites on which A To have a lot of friends
they can post photos and write messages. They B To have love
can make new friends online or even start an online C To have a lot of money
business. D To have a business
But now you can build a whole new life online as
3. According to the passage, which of the
another person! You can even choose to be a boy
or a girl, a man or a woman! You can choose a following is not true about Second Life?
different job if you want. You may be a student in A You can be who you want to be in the game.
"real" life, but you can own a big company in B You can make money. C Adults can't enter Second Life.
D You can't quit the game.
People build very different lives for themselves,
with different names, nationalities, jobs, and 4. The word norm in paragraph 1 means
lifestyles. And your life online can make you rich in A typical
"real" life. Anshe Chung is the first "person" to B the secret to a successful life.
become a millionaire in Second Life. That's a
C a healthy way to live
millionaire in real U.S. dollars. Anshe Chung is
D unusual
really Ailin Graef. She has shopping malls in
Second Life that are now worth over $1 million, and
she can change that money and spend it in the real 5. From the passage, we can infer that most
world!. students
A stay at home on the weekend.
B can use computers.
C do homework.
D do housework.
II. Read the The main idea of this text is to send us information
based on the identity that an individual can create
text again and on a website. Meaning that you can create a totally
extract the different identity than the one you have in real life
and with it be able to build a stable life
main idea. economically.
Valor (3%)

¡Pero ahora puedes construir una nueva vida en III. Translate

línea como otra persona! ¡Incluso puedes elegir
ser niño o niña, hombre o mujer! Puedes elegir
the second
un trabajo diferente si lo deseas. Puede que paragraph.
seas un estudiante en la vida "real", pero puedes
ser dueño de una gran empresa en Valor (2%)

IV. De acuerdo al texto ¿Usted considera que tener un yo virtual implica Creatividad?
Razone su respuesta y diga ¿por qué? (Mínimo 10 líneas en español).
Desarrollo y organización de las ideas (2%) Vocabulario (1%), uso de estructuras
gramaticales trabajadas en clase (2%) total (5%).
According to the text, having a virtual identity does not require too much creativity, it is as easy
as creating a name other than yours. Now, creating a web identity for profit if it requires
creativity and intelligence. Why? Because it is not as easy as creating a name and posting
photos. To get monetary income you must do market research using surveys, creating
advertisements and invest a lot of time in any business you want to start, whether using or any other virtual platform.
In the area of interior design, creating a web identity can be very useful and beneficial, since it
would facilitate the sale of articles designed by the artist, faster communication as a client and
a catalog view than anyone from their smartphone , laptop, tablet, etc.
In conclusion, a web identity can make people's lives much easier if they want to work through

Según el texto, tener una identidad virtual no requiere de demasiada creatividad, es tan facil como crear un
nombre distinto al tuyo. Ahora, crear una identidad web para tener fines lucrativos si requiere de creatividad e
inteligencia. ¿Por qué? Porque no es tan fácil como crear un nombre y publicar fotos. Para llegar a obtener
ingresos monetarios debes hacer estudios del mercado utilizando encuestas, creando publicidades e invertir
mucho tiempo a cualquier negocio que desees emprender, ya sea utilizando o cualquier otra
plataforma virtual.
En el área de diseño de interiores, puede llegar a tener mucha utilidad y beneficios crear una identidad web, ya
que facilitaría la venta de artículos diseñados por el artista una comunicación como cliente más rápida y una vista
del catálogo que cualquier persona desde su teléfono inteligente, portátil, tableta, etc.
En conclusión, una identidad web puede facilitar mucho la vida de las personas si esta desea trabajar a través de

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