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ELM Solutions

Make Change

Make change happen ELM Solutions 1

We’re dedicated to
helping our clients make
change happen within
their organizations.

Make Change
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Wolters Kluwer’s ELM Solutions has been the leading
enterprise legal management provider that corporate
legal and insurance claims departments turn to for
innovation and better outcomes.
Make Change
For decades, our work has been focused on providing market-leading
enterprise legal spend and matter management and legal analytics
solutions, giving clients the tools to streamline efficiencies, control costs,
improve collaboration, and use data and analytics for better decisions.
This remains at the heart of what we do, but the market has evolved and
the demands on our clients have increased. Even before the pandemic,
running an effective legal operation was an imperative, and digital
transformation efforts to solve big problems were already taking a front
seat with GCs and the C-Suite.
To keep up with client needs, we have accelerated our pace of innovation
over the past several years. We’ve been investing heavily in our platforms
with advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine
learning, and predictive analytics, to bring innovation to mission-critical
spend, matter, and contract management workflows.
Our diverse teams made up of operations and data experts bring years of
experience helping numerous corporations and insurance organizations
manage technological change. We partner with our clients, their law
firms, and end users to streamline and improve how work gets done and
help their teams learn and adopt new ways of operating and prepare for
sustained change. I hope the pages that follow provide a picture of how
we work together with our clients to make change happen.


Barry Ader
VP, Marketing and Product Marketing
ELM Solutions

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The pace of change will continue to Choosing the right partner makes all the difference.

Digital transformation is driving unprecedented We are committed to helping you manage technological change
change in organizations, with the legal industry effectively and focus on what matters most through:
transforming at a faster rate today than ever
before. Our clients and suppliers of legal services
are finding new ways to work together, using
innovative and creative approaches to operate
more strategically, and leveraging data and
innovative technologies to transform and drive
Advanced Domain Success
We know that to make technology truly valuable
technology expertise management
and drive meaningful, long lasting impact, people
are key to the successful operational and cultural
readiness to make change happen.

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Wolters Kluwer's ELM Solutions
by the numbers:

Advanced Domain Success

technology expertise management

of Wolters Kluwer revenue is consistently
years on average and a combined total
of ELM Solutions clients have direct
invested in new and enhanced products experience of 155 years - expert legal bill account management coverage
review operations leadership

• Patents for LegalVIEW® BillAnalyzer and • 20 total industry awards in 2020 • 8 industry awards focused on customer
Office Companion experience in 2018 - 2020
• Wolters Kluwer AI expertise – 100+ data
• 20x growth in three years in spend under scientists, 400 compliance experts, and 50 • 100% of Am Law 200 firms use our leading
review with LegalVIEW BillAnalyzer process experts solutions

• LegalVIEW data - $140+ billion in legal • Expert legal bill review team – Average 13 • 120+ clients are Fortune® / Fortune
performance data years of paralegal and attorney experience Global 500
and 200 hours of specialized training • 50+ partners in global network

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Whether you’re trying
to move from good to
great or reimagining
workflows and areas of
your legal operations, we
help you use advanced
technologies to drive
better outcomes for your

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Using advanced technology and data
to drive the case for meaningful
change and better business outcomes
The need for change is commonly understood
amongst legal leaders. Law department leaders have
increasingly been championing an innovation agenda
to manage legal processes more strategically and
more efficiently – supported by data and technology.
Given increasingly complex and growing legal
demands, making sweeping changes in the law
department has its challenges – some leaders make
incremental changes, opting to get some quick
wins, while some are going about solving problems
in bigger, bolder ways and using AI and advanced
technologies to reimagine their legal operations on
multiple fronts. From legal bill review to legal service
delivery and vendor management, we are at the cusp
of using AI for a growing number of critical workflows
in the legal profession.
Our extensive experience working with contacts at
hundreds of corporate legal, insurance organizations,
and law firms has informed our proven approach to
helping clients successfully plan for and effectively
manage technological change. We focus on helping
you apply the combination of advanced technology
and expertise to unleash the most value for your

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Customer story

How a leading global chemical

company is improving billing
compliance and cost savings with
advanced technologies
When leading global chemical organization The
Chemours Company discovered that noncompliance
with legal billing guidelines was leading to rising
costs, they sought the help of Wolters Kluwer’s ELM
Solutions' advanced technology and expert services
to improve their legal bill review program.
We worked with them to deliver a transformation
that focused on using our patented AI-powered
LegalVIEW BillAnalyzer service to improve compliance
with legal billing guidelines and effectively manage,
communicate, and train their attorneys and law
firms with new, AI-enabled processes. The Chemours
Company can now accurately track invoice accuracy
and compliance and over a time period, identify
consistently noncompliant billing practices and law
firms. The organization now has another tool to use
in conversations with firms to improve compliance,
performance, and relationships.

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The power of people and
communication in driving technology
transformation with
Alyza Tarmohamed, Senior Director,
LegalVIEW BillAnalyzer

What are some of the big problems you are How receptive are legal leaders to taking
helping customers solve with advanced advantage of these new innovations?
Alyza: Determining the best way to
Alyza: Corporate legal and claims perform legal services in alignment with
departments, faced with pressures to the strategic goals of the company and
operate more strategically and deliver the business units they serve is a key area
increased value, have turned to technology of focus for legal leaders. Cost control,
more aggressively. The application of AI efficiency and productivity, outside counsel
technology in the legal profession has management, risk mitigation, and data-
become an increasingly important tool for driven decisions continue to be areas where
improved efficiency, productivity, and cost legal departments can deliver value. We’ve
management. For example, AI is changing seen incredible interest and demand for
the time-consuming legal bill review AI-powered solutions to help in these areas.
process by analyzing millions of invoice In less than two years, we have close to 20x
line items across tens of thousands of growth in legal spend being analyzed using
invoices, comparing them against outside our patented AI-powered legal bill review
counsel billing guidelines, and making managed service.
recommendations for adjustments. Selecting
the right law firm has often been left to ad What kind of mindset do leaders need to
hoc, subjective judgment and relationships. have when introducing new technology?
Now with AI and data, the use of predictive Alyza: In any kind of successful
analytics that informs legal service provider transformation, you’ve got to bring people
selection and predicts budgets and cycle along, so they are bought into the idea and
times has been an innovation. It’s an exciting the vision to make things better. This starts
area to be in because we can help clients with communication and really ensuring
realize the potential and value that advanced that the people inside your organization
technologies can bring to their legal understand the rationale for change early
operation. on, which is critical, but also throughout the

Alyza Tarmohamed

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What are the biggest hurdles you see with
companies trying to manage technological
change? Why is it so hard for organizations?
Alyza: Customers often underestimate
the huge endeavor change management
entails. Any change management in a big
organization can be an overwhelming task,
it’s like turning a pretty big ship.
The people who are making the decisions
"Rule number one:
are not the only constituents affected by
the change – whether that is a new piece of
software or a managed service. So effective
Partner with people who
communication with stakeholders is key.
Nobody likes change, people have been are experts in leading
change management."
doing things a certain way for a long time.
They are afraid to give up control - especially
Alyza Tarmohamed in the legal industry where clients are often
concerned about a third party reviewing
bills and potentially getting in the way or
causing disruption to their relationship with Alyza Tarmohamed
their law firms, who may be accustomed
to well ingrained processes. It can be a
delicate balance, so our job is to be the
trusted advisor and consultative partner to
help clients best manage and communicate
change with external providers and show the
mutual value of that change.

What advice do you give to companies when

implementing new technologies and making
a transformation?
Alyza: Get straight on your goals early on
with key stakeholders. A big part of managing
the change effort doesn’t come after the
decision is made; it comes way before, so
enrolling everyone in the goals early on
helps minimize friction and helps things run
smoother. Companies should partner with
the experts, don’t try to go it alone. There
are a lot of best practices and strategic
recommendations that clients can leverage
from their technology providers.

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Make Change
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Through the combination
of our deep domain
expertise and operational
best practices, we work
with you on tailoring an
approach that helps you
make change happen in
your organization.

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Change is hard but essential. We help
you make change happen through
best practice experience that is
tailored and aligned with your goals
and objectives.
Any way you slice it, mobilizing and enacting change
is hard. It’s no wonder that research finds that most
in-house functions are at the beginning or middle
of the maturity curve when it comes to change
Our deep domain expertise allows us to assess
your organization’s full transformation potential
and help you develop a roadmap to maximize and
sustain value creation. We work with you to develop a
tailored approach that is aligned with your objectives
and goals and bring best practices to help you propel
your law department forward.

*Source: 2020 ACC Legal Operations Maturity Benchmarking Report

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Driving operational agility
and flexibility at scale with
Michele Pratt, Legal Bill Review
Operations Manager
Tell us a little about the importance of being What are the common types of interactions
adaptable in your operation. your team executes on a client’s behalf?
Michele: We know that client priorities can Michele: Our AI-enabled expert bill
shift. That is why it is so important to have reviewer attorneys are the front line of
a flexible operating model that can adapt communication with law firms, collaborating
to help meet evolving client goals and and helping them to understand both the
objectives. As much as we standardize and process and the client’s billing guidelines
scale processes to support our AI-powered in order to resolve invoice adjustments in
solutions, we continue to learn and grow as a timely and efficient manner. Our expert
we work with more and more clients, and this review team includes attorneys who have an
has allowed us to think differently and be average of 13 years of experience in private
more innovative with communications and practice, corporate legal, and insurance
other approaches, scale back on non-value- claims. These professionals with in-depth
added activities, and drive more efficiencies review experience act as appeals mediators,
with our expert bill review operations team. manage escalations about potential
adjustments, and work to reach a mutually
What does it mean to be an extension of a acceptable result, reducing time and friction
client’s team? for both our clients and their outside
Michele: The goal with our legal bill review counsel. This experience helps our teams
managed service is to be seamless with provide clients with efficient, knowledgeable
a client’s in-house team. We ensure that service that helps improve their program
every part of the service is tailored to a results, driving cost savings and compliance.
client’s business objectives and unique
preferences. With our relationship-based
consultative team comprised of expert bill
reviewers and project managers, we are, in
effect, an extension of a client’s legal spend
management program. We help clients
transfer the administrative process and
responsibility on their desk to devote their
time, effort, and energy to other projects and
initiatives within their business.

Michele Pratt

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How important are tailored communications
when managing change?
Michele: Gaining buy-in for any new process
is critical. Effective communication with key
stakeholders early and often is extremely
important – this needs to be front and
center of any change effort. To ensure
strong results from day one, we collaborate
with clients to create a customized plan for "You need to make sure
communications and engagement across
their organization and with firms. You need
to really craft the communications for the
that you are aligned with
different stakeholder audiences – clients'
internal legal departments, buying teams,
executives, law firms, and the people and
the clients and help them
Michele Pratt
teams here at ELM. We always start with
articulating the “why, what, and how” – navigate through whatever
changes need to occur to
essentially the substance of the change and
the benefit or impact for the audience. We
leverage best practices and work with clients
to further tailor and develop the right mix of
communications, formats, and frequencies
for optimal stakeholder engagement.
best suit their needs."
Michele Pratt

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Customer story

How a leading paper and packaging

company is driving efficiencies
and cost savings with advanced
The world’s leading producer of fiber-based
packaging, pulp, and paper, International Paper
realized they needed to identify more potential
savings and automate existing bill review processes
with minimal interruption. Wolters Kluwer’s ELM
Solutions' expert bill reviewers conducted a detailed
analysis of the company’s current bill review
processes and legal spending and identified ways to
achieve greater efficiency.
With the advanced technology of our patented
AI-powered LegalVIEW BillAnalyzer and deep
domain expertise in legal billing, we mapped out
a change management process that was unique to
International Paper’s needs, which included the
implementation of new technology, revision of their
billing guidelines, detailed communications, and
training campaigns for both internal employees and
law firm partners.
Now, International Paper can focus on the high-
value task of continuing to build their law firm
relationships. The change has been a net positive
for both internal and external parties. International
Paper’s in-house counsel now has more time for
value-added activities. Meanwhile, law firms have
found that the new processes have strengthened
the bond they have with International Paper
because firms now have a clear understanding of
the company’s billing guidelines and can more easily
comply with those guidelines.

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We are focused on our
clients' success by helping
them fully leverage
the combined benefits
of technology, people,
process, and data to
deliver strategic value
and impact to their

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The future of work with
Vince Venturella, Director,
Product Management
How do you think about AI and the future of
work in the legal profession?
and the last decade or more. Corporate
legal departments and law firms have "AI is here and
adopted many innovations that have greatly
Vince: The promise of using AI and advanced
technology to perform rote tasks and
activities is here and will continue to grow
increased the effectiveness of internal and
external legal services. These innovations
will continue
in the future. There is always some concern
about “Will this new technology replace
include eDiscovery, electronic contracts, and
enterprise legal management, as just a few
examples. More recently, the application of
to grow in the
future – it’s about
me?" There is no AI that can replace a
artificial intelligence, machine learning, and
Vince Venturella human, especially for something as complex
predictive analytics to high-value use cases
as the business of law - human judgment

and mission-critical workflows have become
will always be paramount. AI isn’t “coming
more common.
for your job,” it’s coming to make your job
better. It is about empowering people to be
more productive and better informed. For
managers and attorneys, it alleviates the
How does advanced technology help with
decision support? people to be more
productive and
burden of having to manage invoice review Vince: We know that as humans, our
line by line and other decision-support decision-making is flawed; decisions are
activities and gives them hours back into made by gut instinct, tribal knowledge,
their days so they can use those hours to
focus on providing more strategic value to
relationships. In the legal industry, the
proliferation and accessibility of data and better informed."
their organizations. analytics have ushered in a more data-
driven culture in many organizations. In the
Why is the ability to manage change past, it could have taken days, weeks, and Vince Venturella
becoming so much more important? sometimes months of research just trying
to find information to support selection of
Vince: The rate of change happening today
the best firms or for a convergence effort.
is significantly greater than it was two
Users now can have that data for decisions
decades ago, making change management
embedded right within their workflow, so
an ever-present challenge in every industry.
they focus their time on what brings most
We are really at the front of the wave with
value to their company and what’s most
AI, and it’s just building. In some respects,
rewarding for their career, and this clears the
the legal profession is well equipped to
way for a focus on value-added activities to
deal with technological change, having
been through it so often in the recent past

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Customer success with
Jeff Solomon, Senior Director,
Product Management
How do you work with clients to ensure their
transformation efforts succeed?
What does customer success look like in
practice? "Helping
Jeff: A lot of our clients are interested in
understanding how to better control and
optimize costs, improve decision-making,
Jeff: That’s a big question and has so many
dimensions to it. At the core, we know we
are successful when our clients tell us that
customers realize
drive better compliance, and improve
efficiencies. We invest a lot of time in our
they are seeing, experiencing, and driving
outcomes that matter to their organization.
the full value of
their investment
research phases of development, listening I think it is essential to have the right metrics
Jeff Solomon to users to ensure the experience delivers in place to measure results, whether that is
on their needs. From there, we spend in hard numbers or in more softer measures.
time showing the outcomes and impact of
the technology, and we help clients with
Keeping laser-focused on customer
experience and helping customers realize is at the center of
ensuring their stakeholders are comfortable the full value of their investment is at the
with the change as their input is key to
successful adoption. We build in dynamism
center of how we deliver sustained value to
how we deliver
in our process, where the priorities today
may not be the priorities of tomorrow. For
example, some clients want to do a phased
sustained value
approach, some want to do more of a flip-a-
switch, and this can change mid-stream or to clients."
even later during a project, so being fluid is
important to customer success.
Jeff Solomon

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We create value for
customers by providing
expert solutions that
combine deep domain
knowledge with advanced
technology and services.
It’s this combination of
experience and technology
expertise that enables us to
deliver better outcomes and
help make change happen
for our clients.

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ELM Solutions

Find Out More

Click here to view our change management

Wolters Kluwer’s ELM Solutions is the market-leading global

provider of enterprise legal spend and matter management,
contract lifecycle management, and legal analytics solutions.
We provide a comprehensive suite of tools that address the
growing needs of corporate legal operations departments to
increase operational efficiency and reduce costs. Corporate
legal and insurance claims departments trust our innovative
technology and end-to-end customer experience to drive
world-class business outcomes. Our award-winning products
include Passport®, the highest rated ELM solution in the
latest Hyperion MarketView™ Legal Market Intelligence
Report; TyMetrix® 360°, the industry’s leading SaaS-based
e-billing and matter management solution; CLM Matrix,
named a “Strong Performer” in the 2021 Q1 CLM Forrester
Wave report; and the LegalVIEW® portfolio of legal analytics
solutions based upon the industry’s largest and most
comprehensive legal spend database with more than $140
billion in invoices.

Call: +1 800 780 3681


When you have to be right

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