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Rosalva Besson

Learning Experiences
Age(s): _3- and 4-year-olds______
Number of children: ___Whole group___
Title of experience: __All by myself_

RCII-6: Self-concept_

Intended Goals:
Students will identify things thy are able to do by themselves and contribute to a class book.

 Drawing paper
 Crayons
 Chart paper
 Markers

Processes: (Procedures)
I will make a book cover with the title “Things I Can Do Myself.”, write the title on a piece of
chart paper, create a model page for the book with something I can do (e.g., cook a favorite
meal). I will show the children the book cover and show them my drawing for the book and talk
about my drawing and explain how I learned how to do it.
Teaching Strategies:
We will talk and think about the things we are able to do by ourselves and who helped us and
taught us. I will use the chart paper and have the students brainstorm things they are able to do
on their own and include illustration for each thing that they mention. I’ll ask questions to help
student’s elaborate on their responses. They will create their drawings of the things they know
how to do on their own (they can select something from the chart list if needed) I will monitor
the students by waking around and support them in completing the sentence stem and have
them include their name at the bottom of their illustration. Once they are done with the book, I
will place it in the library center.
This activity is developmentally appropriate because the students recognize self as a unique
individual having own abilities, characteristics, emotion, and interest. Writes for a variety of
purposes using increasingly sophisticated marks.

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