The End The Cloud To 1 Lithium 13 PM: Picometers

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between Particles

Colomb'sLaw AttractionAttraction
closer it is the more


Half thediameterfrom one end of the electron cloud

to the other

In group 1 Hygrogen137pm goes to Lithium 152p

It increases
fffqyzpdm.glelll2pn goes Mg
160pm In Group13 13183pm go
electrons move furtheraway
As the orbitals get filledthe between nucleusand
from the nucleus and there islessattraction
electrons is less so the distance betweenthemincreases

decreases across a period In Period 1

The atomicradius in atomsPeriod
to He
131pm In 2 Li 152pm goestoBe112pm
H07pm goes

The increase ofprotons decreases atomicradius

becausethere is energy between
Removing an electron takesenergy electron theproton
between the electronandproton
The closerthe
is greater
the harder it is takebetweentheenergy

harder totake an electron because

A tightholdmakes it dose tothe proton
there is moreenergy pullingtheelectron

Ionizationenergy decreases as yougo

down a group In Group I
Hygrogent1312KImd movesto Lithium
1520KImd In Group 2
1m01 In Group13
Beryllium1900Kilmol movestoMagnesium 738Kj
Boron 1801Kilmol goesdowntoAluminum1578Kj mot

There are more orbitalswhen movingdown a group so theelectron

isfurtherawayfromthenucleus Thefurtheraway an electronis fromthe
nucleusthe lessertheattraction
theeasieristo takeawaytheelectron

Ionizationincreases as yougo across a period H 1312Kjmot moves

across to Hec2372Kilmol Sodium 496KjImo1 moves across to
Argon 1521k lmol

Ionizationenergyincreases as yougoacross a period

because an increase ofprotons makesattractiveforcesgreater
whichmakes it harder to pull of an electron from an atom

I wouldexpectmetals tohave low ionizationenergies because

in order to be conductivetheymustgain andreceive electrons

Electronegativity decreases goingdown a group

As you go downgroups atom increase in orbitals Thismakes

it so the protons are further awayfromatoms and attractother
atoms electrons less

Electronegativity increases goingacross a period

The more protonsthegreater the the

attraction between
nucleusandotheratoms electrons andprotonsincreasegoing
across a period so electronegativity increases

Ionization energy AtomicRadius


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