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Mata Ujian : Phonetics and Phonology

Nama : ____________________
Waktu : 180 Menit NIM : ____________________
Dosen : Dr. Refnaldi, M.Litt Kelas : ____________________

Instruction: Fill in the blank spaces or choose the most appropriate answer for the following
questions by crossing A, B, C, or D

1. Articulatory Phonetics is defined as _______________________________________________

2. The active articulator of alveolar sounds is ________________________________________

3. Minimal pair is ___________________________________________________________________

4. The nasalized vowel can be found in the following words, EXCEPT _____
A. nap B. and C. kind D. done

5. /χ/ is a velar, ________________________ and ____________________ consonant.

6. /y/ is a ______________, ___________________, and ________________ vowel

7. Rounded vowels are found in the following words, EXCEPT ______

A. cut B. bush C. law D. foot

8. The number of phonemes in the word ‘knight’ is _____________

9. The verb that ends in a voiced alveolar stop sound occurs in the sentence _______
A. He helped the boy B. He talked to John
C. He learned Spanish D. He worked hard last week

10. Two examples of anterior consonants are _______________ and ______________

11. The minimal unit of sound that can differentiate the meaning is called ________

A. allophones B. phoneme C. homophone D. allomorphs

12. When two sounds are variants of the same phoneme, their distribution is called _____
A. contrastive distribution C. free variation
B. overlapping distribution D. complementary distribution

13. The following sounds are categorized into non-continuant [- cont], EXCEPT______
A. [s] B. [k] C. [m] D. [d]

14. The basic features of the initial sound of the word 'photo' are……
A. bilabial stop voiceless C. labio-dental fricative voiceless
B. glottal fricative voiceless D. labio-dental fricative voiced

15. The two main constituents within a syllable are _____________________ and __________________
16. A closed syllable is _________________________________________________________________
17. Morphemes like ‘bile’, ‘buy’ and ‘stay’, which contain only one syllable, are said to be

Part II

1. Give at least two examples of the minimal pairs of the following sounds!
Example: /f/ vs. /v/ = fast vast, fine vine
a. /k/ Vs. /g/ d. /t/ Vs /d/ c. /m/ Vs /n/
b. /s/ Vs. /z/ e. /r/ Vs /l/

2. Transcribe the following sentence phonetically!

a. Below is a phonetic transcription of one of the verses in the poem the walrus and the
carpenter by Lewis Carroll.
b. Why do phonologists assume that there are two levels of representation, an underlying
one and a surface one?

3. Find at least 2 examples of English sounds which are:

a. [+ cont, - son, + voiced]
b. [+ Ant, - son, - cont, +voiced]
c. [+ cor, + son, + ant,]
d. [+ son, + cont, - voiced]

4. Examine the following data (Greek):

kano ‘do’ kori ‘daughter’
xano ‘lose’ xori ‘dances’
çino ‘pour’ cino ‘move’
krima ‘shame’ xrima ‘money’
xufta ‘handful’ kufeta ‘bonbons’
kali ‘charms’ xali ‘plight’
çeli ‘eel’ ceri ‘candle’
çeri ‘hand’ oçi ‘no’
[x] voiceless velar fricative [k] voiceless velar stop
[ç] voiceless palatal fricative [c] voiceless palatal stop

Which of the above sounds are contrastive (different phonemes) and which are in
complementary distribution (allophones of the same phoneme)? State the environment in
which each of the sounds occurs! Formulate the rules!

5. In English, [r] and [r̥] are allophones of the same phoneme, and [l] and [l̥ ] are also allophones
of the same phoneme. By studying the following data, state the environment in which each of
sounds occurs! Formulate the rules.
Pray [pr̥eɪ] lie [laɪ] dry [draɪ]
Play [pl̥ eɪ] cry [kr̥aɪ] clay [kl̥ eɪ]
Try [tr̥aɪ] rip [rɪp] lip [lɪp]
Sleep [sl̥ iːp] fry [fr̥aɪ] free [fr̥iː]
Flow [fl̥ ͻʊ] blow [bl̥ ͻʊ] through [θr̥uː]

6. In the following data from Kenyang (Cameroon), observe sounds [k] and [q] very carefully. They are
allophones of the same phoneme. State their environment and formulate the rule accounting for the
enɔq ‘tree’ enoq ‘drum’
eket ‘house’ nčiku ‘I am buying’
nek ‘rope’ ejwɑrek ‘sweet potato’
ŋgɑq ‘knife’ ekɑq ‘leg’
mǝk ‘dirt’ nɑq ‘brother in law’
ndek ‘Europen’ pɔbrik ‘work project’
betǝk ‘job’ bepǝk ‘to capsize’
ŋkɑp ‘money’ ŋgkɔq ‘chicken’

7. Describe the syllable structure of the following words:




x x x

b ɪ t

a. export b. photography c. addict d. scribe e. watch


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