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Adriana Lucía Vega Rodríguez

1ºA Inglés

Analyze the following verbs taken from the last paragraph of the 21st century
skills text: fit, encourage, help, require, learn.

Are they transitive or intransitive? Point out the subject of the sentence where
the verb is and the direct object if present. 

1) Fit
 It is an intransitive verb because it does not take an object.
 Present simple tense, third person.
 It does not have a direct object.
 The subject is The 21st Century Skills model.

2) Encourage
 Transitive verb because it requires an object to receive the action.
 Present simple, third person.
 The direct object: students.
 The subject is The 21st Century Skills model.

3) Help
 Transitive verb.
 Present simple tense, first person.
 The direct object are the students.
 The subject is we (The teachers).

4) Require
 Transitive verb.
 Present simple, first person.
 The direct object is“make videos”
 The subject is “students”

5) Learn
 Transitive verb.
 Present simple, third person.
 The direct object is “skills”
 The subject “Activities”.

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