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Burback 1

Blaez Burback

Dr. Bennett

EDUC 10, Spring 2021

25 April 2021

Philosophy of Education

I believe that school's purpose is to provide a safe and enjoyable learning environment

where students can receive the necessary help as well as tools to help them be successful in any

area of their lives. While it is important for students to learn the necessary things that society

deems important, I believe that it is just as important that schools also push students to their

limits and help them strive to be more than average but to be whatever they want to be, allow

them believe whatever they want to believe, and think whatever they want to think.

My 6th grade class would be based around the ideas of Romanticism. I believe that it is

important to put the students at the center of every lesson and allow them to base their

differences on how they want to approach a lesson or assignment. Instead of teaching a lesson

just one way then giving the students an assignment and telling them exactly how to do it, I

would allow the students to take a slightly different path to complete the assignment if they feel

the need. In my classroom, I will try my absolute best to base my lessons and assignments

around what my students are interested in. I believe this is very important because many students

do not retain the material that they learn if they are not interested in the lesson.

I believe that diversity is another very important aspect of the classroom but can be a very

sensitive topic for many students. Diversity is important because it teaches every student how to

live and work in a society where every person is equal and unique. I would implement diversity

into my classroom by teaching about different historical events from all different countries and
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ethnicities. Another activity that I would implement into my classroom is where a different

student each week can bring one valuable item or good that helps represent their culture, beliefs,

or where they originate from. The student would explain its importance and what it symbolizes.

The students that share will volunteer so not every student is forced to share if they feel

uncomfortable or don't want to share. With this activity, I hope to get other students to appreciate

different students' perspectives and beliefs.

I believe that technology is also a very important aspect to school and implementing it

into classrooms can benefit students in so many different ways. I will implement technology into

certain lessons and assignments so that students can use it as a tool for success. I will have

laptops available for all students as well as a set of earbuds to help adjust to different students'

learning styles. If a student would rather read an article then they can just use the laptop but if a

student would rather listen to the article then they can use a pair of earbuds to listen and follow

along with the article. With technology having many benefits, I think it is very important to limit

the use of technology and continue doing certain things with paper and pencil such as note


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