Field 3 Journal

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Learning and Reflection Journal

Field Practice and Seminar 3

Journal Expectations:
During your final placement, you will document your experiences in this journal and use
the questions included to help you reflect on those experiences and grow as a future
early childhood educator. Weekly reflections are to be shared with your mentor and
your professor. Completion of the journal is mandatory in order to pass your field

Confidentiality and Liability (must be signed prior to attending placement)

I,____________________________, a Sheridan College student currently enrolled in

the ECE diploma program, will keep information gathered on placement about the
RECEs, the children and their families confidential and use it only for the purposes of
FLPL 29207, Field Practice and Seminar 3.

I,____________________________, understand that violation of this agreement will

lead to academic and professional penalties.


Field 3 Placement Document Checklist

Dear Student/Placement Mentor,

On the first day of placement, you should be providing your mentor with the following
documents. Students who arrive without these documents may be sent home and asked
to return with them. You will be required to make up any time missed.

Your placement mentor will need to sign off that they have reviewed or received each of the
following documents:

Placement Document Date Reviewed/ Placement Mentor

Received by signature
placement site
1. Criminal Reference Check- copy or
original as requested by site
2. Sheridan Health Clearance- for
review only
3. Professional Profile- colour copy to be
provided to mentor for posting at centre
4. Field 3 evaluation form- one copies
provided to mentor (hard copy or
5. Memo to Mentor Letter-copy to be
provided to mentor with bottom portion
6. Orientation Questionnaire- to be
completed by end of Day 1
7. Liability and Confidentiality Form-
give one copy to placement site and
upload one copy to SLATE
8. Health and Safety Workplace
Certificate- for review only if
requested by site
9. Other (as noted by placement site)

In addition, by the end of Week 1 (day 5) students will be submitting a copy of their
placement calendar which will outline all of their placement dates, and when they will be
completing their placement requirements along with midterm and final evaluation.

10. Placement Calendar- copy provided

by end of Week 1 (day 5)

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Expectations for Field 3

_____ Ongoing, daily interactions with children and families

_____ Function as an independent, professional team member in all areas of the program

_____ 10 “invitations” to spark children’s curiosity

_____*10 Learning Experiences, each generated from a curriculum web (see below)

_____ 3 pieces of pedagogical documentation (any format, not Learning Stories)

_____ 4 responsibility days (1 before midterm)

_____ 14 journal reflections (10 related to Learning Experiences and 4 related to

Responsibility Days)

_____ Participation in all seminar classes

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
*Curriculum Planning Expectations

For the weeks you are attending field placement, you will be expected to contribute to
curriculum planning by completing the following:

Day 1
 Anecdotal observations to identify children’s interests
 Curriculum web based on children’s interest(s)
 Identify in collaboration with your placement mentor which learning experience
you will implement the next day

Day 2
 Implement your learning experience as agreed to from your web (planning form
is not required)
 Complete a reflection about your Learning Experience

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________

While early childhood educators base much of their planning on children’s interests,
they also introduce “invitations” (sometimes called “provocations”) in an attempt to spark
children’s interest in something new or different. Invitations are unexpected by the
children and can take many forms.

Here are a few examples:

 Bring in a guitar and allow children to experiment with making sounds
 Line some chairs up in a row
 Read an unfamiliar story
 Bring in a non-fiction picture book about different types of rocks and put it out
with assorted rocks and a magnifying glass.
 Create a beautiful centrepiece on the art table using natural materials
 Add a new prop or costume to the dramatic area
 For older children, place a sign with a thought provoking question somewhere in
the classroom
 Play some new music or sing a new song

During this field placement, you are expected to bring in or create 10 invitations. As you
get to know children, you will start to get ideas about things that might interest them.

Sometimes an idea for an invitation comes from the discovery of unusual recycled
materials or an object or experience that catches your interest such as a wind chime or
a prism. Other times it comes from thoughtful observation and reflection of not only what
children are interested in, but also what materials seem to be overlooked. A rarely used
book area may suddenly become interesting if you add several doll “babies” for children
to read to. Other times, invitations are seasonal, such as a vase of fresh cut wild flowers
or some tadpoles.

Remember to get your Placement Mentor’s approval before introducing a new invitation.
Complete the table on the next page to keep track. If children respond particularly well
to an invitation, you may want to use what you observed as the basis for curriculum

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________

Date Briefly describe the invitation How did the children respond? Mentors

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Pedagogical Documentation

Pedagogical documentation is about more than recording events – it is a means to

learning about how children think and learn. It offers a process to explore all of our
questions about children. (Ministry of Education, 2014)

You have been developing your ability to observe and create pedagogical
documentation, in the form of learning stories, throughout your previous field
placements. Learning stories are just one way to create pedagogical documentation.
During this field placement you will be expected to create documentation that is
consistent with the format your field placement uses. Please speak with your mentor
about how they create documentation in their classroom.

You will be expected to create 3 pieces of documentation and share with your
placement mentor, who will provide you with feedback for each one. In addition, you
will be submitting a copy of each pedagogical documentation in SLATE for your
professor to review. It is important that you respect and adhere to confidentiality when
sharing your documentation so please ensure you are protecting the children’s privacy
by removing any identifiable information before submitting in SLATE.

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Pedagogical Documentation

Date Focus of Pedagogical Mentor Feedback Mentors

Documentation initials

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Curriculum Planning-Learning Experience 1

Anecdotal Observations:

Curriculum Web:

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Learning Experience Reflection 1
(to be discussed/submitted during field seminar classes)
What did children do with the
materials you provided?
What did they talk about? What
questions did they have?
What problems did they encounter?
What interested them the most?
What questions or ideas did they
communicate through their play?

What skills did you observe children

using? (Make specific references to
the Continuum of Development from
The E.L.E.C.T.)

How would you describe your role in
this experience?

How did you modify/adjust the

experience or your interactions to
support all children’s abilities?

What would you do differently if you

were to implement this experience

Based on what children said and did

in this experience, what could you
plan for a different area of the

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Curriculum Planning-Learning Experience 2

Anecdotal Observations:

Curriculum Web:

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Learning Experience Reflection 2
(to be discussed/submitted during field seminar classes)
What did children do with the
materials you provided?
What did they talk about? What
questions did they have?
What problems did they encounter?
What interested them the most?
What questions or ideas did they
communicate through their play?

What skills did you observe children

using? (Make specific references to
the Continuum of Development from
The E.L.E.C.T.)

How would you describe your role in
this experience?

How did you modify/adjust the

experience or your interactions to
support all children’s abilities?

What would you do differently if you

were to implement this experience

Based on what children said and did

in this experience, what could you
plan for a different area of the

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Curriculum Planning-Learning Experience 3

Anecdotal Observations:

Curriculum Web:

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Learning Experience Reflection 3
(to be discussed/submitted during field seminar classes)
What did children do with the
materials you provided?
What did they talk about? What
questions did they have?
What problems did they encounter?
What interested them the most?
What questions or ideas did they
communicate through their play?

What skills did you observe children

using? (Make specific references to
the Continuum of Development from
The E.L.E.C.T.)

How would you describe your role in
this experience?

How did you modify/adjust the

experience or your interactions to
support all children’s abilities?

What would you do differently if you

were to implement this experience

Based on what children said and did

in this experience, what could you
plan for a different area of the

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Curriculum Planning-Learning Experience 4

Anecdotal Observations:

Curriculum Web:

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Learning Experience Reflection 4
(to be discussed/submitted during field seminar classes)
What did children do with the
materials you provided?
What did they talk about? What
questions did they have?
What problems did they encounter?
What interested them the most?
What questions or ideas did they
communicate through their play?

What skills did you observe children

using? (Make specific references to
the Continuum of Development from
The E.L.E.C.T.)

How would you describe your role in
this experience?

How did you modify/adjust the

experience or your interactions to
support all children’s abilities?

What would you do differently if you

were to implement this experience

Based on what children said and did

in this experience, what could you
plan for a different area of the

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Curriculum Planning-Learning Experience 5

Anecdotal Observations:

Curriculum Web:

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Learning Experience Reflection 5
(to be discussed/submitted during field seminar classes)
What did children do with the
materials you provided?
What did they talk about? What
questions did they have?
What problems did they encounter?
What interested them the most?
What questions or ideas did they
communicate through their play?

What skills did you observe children

using? (Make specific references to
the Continuum of Development from
The E.L.E.C.T.)

How would you describe your role in
this experience?

How did you modify/adjust the

experience or your interactions to
support all children’s abilities?

What would you do differently if you

were to implement this experience

Based on what children said and did

in this experience, what could you
plan for a different area of the

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Curriculum Planning-Learning Experience 6

Anecdotal Observations:

Curriculum Web:

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Learning Experience Reflection 6
(to be discussed/submitted during field seminar classes)
What did children do with the
materials you provided?
What did they talk about? What
questions did they have?
What problems did they encounter?
What interested them the most?
What questions or ideas did they
communicate through their play?

What skills did you observe children

using? (Make specific references to
the Continuum of Development from
The E.L.E.C.T.)

How would you describe your role in
this experience?

How did you modify/adjust the

experience or your interactions to
support all children’s abilities?

What would you do differently if you

were to implement this experience

Based on what children said and did

in this experience, what could you
plan for a different area of the

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Curriculum Planning-Learning Experience 7

Anecdotal Observations:

Curriculum Web:

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Learning Experience Reflection 7
(to be discussed/submitted during field seminar classes)
What did children do with the
materials you provided?
What did they talk about? What
questions did they have?
What problems did they encounter?
What interested them the most?
What questions or ideas did they
communicate through their play?

What skills did you observe children

using? (Make specific references to
the Continuum of Development from
The E.L.E.C.T.)

How would you describe your role in
this experience?

How did you modify/adjust the

experience or your interactions to
support all children’s abilities?

What would you do differently if you

were to implement this experience

Based on what children said and did

in this experience, what could you
plan for a different area of the

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Curriculum Planning-Learning Experience 8

Anecdotal Observations:

Curriculum Web:

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Learning Experience Reflection 8
(to be discussed/submitted during field seminar classes)
What did children do with the
materials you provided?
What did they talk about? What
questions did they have?
What problems did they encounter?
What interested them the most?
What questions or ideas did they
communicate through their play?

What skills did you observe children

using? (Make specific references to
the Continuum of Development from
The E.L.E.C.T.)

How would you describe your role in
this experience?

How did you modify/adjust the

experience or your interactions to
support all children’s abilities?

What would you do differently if you

were to implement this experience

Based on what children said and did

in this experience, what could you
plan for a different area of the

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Curriculum Planning-Learning Experience 9

Anecdotal Observations:

Curriculum Web:

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Learning Experience Reflection 9
(to be discussed/submitted during field seminar classes)
What did children do with the
materials you provided?
What did they talk about? What
questions did they have?
What problems did they encounter?
What interested them the most?
What questions or ideas did they
communicate through their play?

What skills did you observe children

using? (Make specific references to
the Continuum of Development from
The E.L.E.C.T.)

How would you describe your role in
this experience?

How did you modify/adjust the

experience or your interactions to
support all children’s abilities?

What would you do differently if you

were to implement this experience

Based on what children said and did

in this experience, what could you
plan for a different area of the

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Curriculum Planning-Learning Experience 10

Anecdotal Observations:

Curriculum Web:

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Learning Experience Reflection 10
(to be discussed/submitted during field seminar classes)
What did children do with the
materials you provided?
What did they talk about? What
questions did they have?
What problems did they encounter?
What interested them the most?
What questions or ideas did they
communicate through their play?

What skills did you observe children

using? (Make specific references to
the Continuum of Development from
The E.L.E.C.T.)

How would you describe your role in
this experience?

How did you modify/adjust the

experience or your interactions to
support all children’s abilities?

What would you do differently if you

were to implement this experience

Based on what children said and did

in this experience, what could you
plan for a different area of the

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Responsibility Days
By the time you graduate, you need to be ready to take on the full responsibilities of an
RECE. During this final placement, you are required to complete 4 responsibility days (1
before midterm). You will take on a leadership role in the classroom, as if you were the
RECE, planning and implementing curriculum, including large and small group activities
and managing daily routines and transitions.

While you take the lead, your mentor will shadow you (because legally and ethically
they are still responsible for what happens in the classroom), but you will take the
leadership role. Under no circumstance should you be left alone with the children.

Recognize that this is a learning process and that you might find your first responsibility
day to be a challenge. Complete your reflections and ask your mentor for feedback and
then apply what you learn to your next responsibility day.

Meet with your Field mentor to plan these days ahead of time.

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________

How did you prepare yourself for this day?

What did you find most rewarding?

What did you find most challenging and what would you do differently the next time?

What did you learn about yourself as an early childhood educator?

What do you want to learn more about? How can you learn about it?

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Responsibility Day 1 - Mentor Feedback:

Did the Student Self Evaluation Supervising Teacher

student Yes Somewhat No Yes Somewhat No

Plan for the full


Take the lead

in carrying out
Take the lead
in transitions

Know and
follow the daily
healthy and
safe practices
Take an overall
leadership role

Mentor’s comments:

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________

How did you prepare yourself for this day?

What did you find most rewarding?

What did you find most challenging and what would you do differently the next time?

What did you learn about yourself as an early childhood educator?

What do you want to learn more about? How can you learn about it?

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Responsibility Day 2 - Mentor Feedback:

Did the Student Self Evaluation Supervising Teacher

student Yes Somewhat No Yes Somewhat No

Plan for the full


Take the lead

in carrying out
Take the lead
in transitions

Know and
follow the daily
healthy and
safe practices
Take an overall
leadership role

Mentor’s comments:

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________

How did you prepare yourself for this day?

What did you find most rewarding?

What did you find most challenging and what would you do differently the next time?

What did you learn about yourself as an early childhood educator?

What do you want to learn more about? How can you learn about it?

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Responsibility Day 3 - Mentor Feedback:

Did the Student Self Evaluation Supervising Teacher

student Yes Somewhat No Yes Somewhat No

Plan for the full


Take the lead

in carrying out
Take the lead
in transitions

Know and
follow the daily
healthy and
safe practices
Take an overall
leadership role

Mentor’s comments:

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________

How did you prepare yourself for this day?

What did you find most rewarding?

What did you find most challenging and what would you do differently the next time?

What did you learn about yourself as an early childhood educator?

What do you want to learn more about? How can you learn about it?

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________
Responsibility Day 4 - Mentor Feedback:

Did the Student Self Evaluation Supervising Teacher

student Yes Somewhat No Yes Somewhat No

Plan for the full


Take the lead

in carrying out
Take the lead
in transitions

Know and
follow the daily
healthy and
safe practices
Take an overall
leadership role

Mentor’s comments:

Mentor’s initials:____________ Date:__________________________

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