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Garbage is a problem that is quite difficult to solve. It takes cooperation from various parties so that it
can be resolved quickly. The accumulation of garbage is due to the increasing population, especially in
the capital city of Jakarta. With the increase in the population with a fixed space, the waste problem is
getting bigger day by day. This is clear from the changes in the modernization of life and technological
developments where human activity is increasing. The more diverse the activities, the different types of
waste that are produced, especially the waste that comes from housing.

Garbage that is not properly managed and is not in a place that guarantees environmental safety can
have an impact on public health, the environment becomes slum, and attracts various animals, such as
flies and dogs, which can carry diseases. Also rubbish that is exposed directly can cause unpleasant
odors. Potential health hazards such as diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, asthma and mold can spread quickly.

Good waste management can certainly reduce its negative impact on health, the environment and
beauty. The government can take the right policies to deal with the existing waste problem. The
involvement and support of all communities is of course important for the realization of government
programs. Government policy can be in the form of allocating waste to an appropriate place. A suitable
place should be away from human settlements. The distance between the trash can and a clean spring
should also be a concern, because discarded rubbish can pollute clean water sources. Various diseases
can be caused by contaminated water sources, such as stomach aches. And, last but not least, trash
cans should be far from agricultural and plantation areas.

In addition, burying garbage is one way of managing waste. Burial of garbage can be done in
abandoned land, mining pits, or natural pits. A burial site that is well managed provides a hygienic and
inexpensive dumpsite. Burial of garbage avoids contact with the atmosphere. Especially for organic
waste, it can be used as an environmentally friendly organic fertilizer (biological processing). Non-
organic waste such as bottles and used cans can be used as useful things with a touch of art. With his
creativity, humans can create artificial flowers with plastic and used pipettes and use used cans for pots.
There are also many toys that can be made from non-organic waste such as cans and bottles, for
example, to make toy cars. In short, we can turn existing trash into goods that have artistic value and
even selling value.

The process of taking items that still have value from waste for reuse is known as recycling. The
recycling system is a system that can be used in handling waste. There are several ways of recycling
there, first, by taking the waste material to be processed again, or taking calories from materials that
can be burned to generate electricity. We can also use existing waste for reuse. Commonly collected
garbage is aluminum drinking cans, steel food / beverage cans, bottles, glass bottles, cardboard,
newspapers, magazines, and cardboard. Other types of plastic can also be recycled.
We can also get used to using stainless straws, carrying our own shopping cloth bags, using beverage
bottles (tupperware), make it a habit to cook at home, reduce plastic purchases, etc.

The various waste treatments mentioned above must be realized until later, and even later, so that
they do not only last a few months or years. Public awareness must also be increased so that this waste
problem can be resolved immediately because the easiest solution to controlling waste problems is to
instill awareness of each individual on the importance of protecting the environment. It also needs
socio-cultural control so that people respect the environment more. In this case, the role of the
government and the apparatus is also needed through existing regulations and sanctions.

So, let's cultivate self-awareness and get used to protecting the environment. Starting from yourself,
family, relatives and the environment. Clean individuals will make the environment clean. A clean
environment will make a clean city. A clean city will make a clean country. A clean country will make a
clean nation.

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