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Ann Arbor, MI, 48105 • (805)-452-6571 •

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor, MI August 2020 - Present
Bachelor of Science: Mechanical Engineering
GPA 3.88/4.00

University of California, Santa Barbara - Santa Barbara, CA September 2018 - August 2020
Bachelor of Science: Physics
GPA 3.80/4.00 | College of Letter and Science

Programming Languages: Proficiency in basic Python Software & Tools: 3D model building experience
R, C++, ROS, and MATLAB with Siemens NX, SolidWorks, and SketchUp
Machine Shop Experienced

Research Experiences
Experimental Cosmology Group December 2018 - August 2020
Undergraduate Researcher - Santa Barbara, CA

● Improved the performance of SDI pipeline, which is used to detect unnatural transient sources and possible
alien signals, by updating its DIA (Differential Image Analysis) method and adding more functional features
to it. (Coded in Python)
● Evaluated the pipeline by comparing its result with public transient categories, such as PTF Catalog from
● Built a database that can store images and transient sources along with other data for later analysis. (Coded
in Python)

Undergraduate Research And Creative Activities September 2018 - September 2019

Independent Researcher - Santa Barbara, CA

● Built the structure of a future type moon rover from the 3D printing lab and machine shop.
● Final design uses nitinol springs and bimetallic strips so that it can be solely powered by the daily
temperature difference in the environment to move.

Extracurricular Experiences
ARV(Autonomous Robotic Vehicle Team) August 2020 - April 2021
● Tested the idea of ground vehicle parallel parking based on sensors from infrastrures. The final project is
implemented through multi-robot communications based on ROS for information flow between the ground
vehicle and the infrastructure.
MAAV(Michigan Autonomous Aerial Vehicle) August 2020 - Present
● Designed the main structure of a VTOL plane for competition in Solidworks. and use it for
aerodynamic analysis and stress tests of the structure.

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