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Pilkington 1

Katya Pilkington

Dr. Bernice Olivas

ENGL 2040

09 May 2021


This semester in ENGL 2040: Introduction to Writing Studies, I have studied the field of

Writing and Rhetoric, also known as Writing Studies, or Composition. Writing studies is a

multifaceted field of study and practice - a relatively new field with a wide reach. It looks at how

and why we write as a society and as individuals, through academia and the studying of different

rhetorics. The field also looks at how we teach writing, such as the focus on pedagogy and

freshman composition. Writing studies also covers composition in general, with professional,

technical, and business writing falling under the field of writing and rhetoric. As such, a course

such as ENGL 2040 that seeks to provide an overview of writing studies as a whole must look at

a wide variety of writing and studies, only touching briefly on each section.

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